Old Fashioned Sweetie by Megan Wade


When Vaughn went to the bar for his shift, it was my cue to head for home since I have to go to work and put my resignation in tomorrow. I keep pinching myself when I think about that. In a couple of weeks’ time, I’ll be a resident of Whisper Valley, living with a man I met only yesterday. Have I lost my mind? Probably. But do I care? No. Not at all. I feel great, and all I want to do is keep moving forward on this journey of ours.

That said, I left my heart in the delightful small town when I embarked on the long drive back to the city with nothing but a promise I’d see Vaughn tomorrow and we’d have dinner. Honestly, though, I wish I’d just stayed with him. I think I would have preferred to spend another night in his bed, then get up early to drive into work, rather than lying in my bed and my apartment alone now.

Before this moment, I’ve never felt my loneliness quite so keenly. I mean, it was there. I had a longing inside me for love and a family to call my own. But when I was genuinely alone with no chance of that in my future, I could handle it. Now, though… Well, now I’ve met Vaughn, and suddenly my life feels complete. I don’t ever want to feel lonely again.

Tossing and turning, I glance at the clock on my nightstand and note that it’s almost 2AM. Ugh. I’m never going to sleep at this rate. I throw my blanket to the side and sigh, getting up and heading to the kitchen to see if a little warm milk and honey will help.

As happy as I am for Jade being off on her honeymoon, living her best newly wed life with Kellen, being in this apartment on my own kinda sucks. And knowing that I have to pack it all up soon feels incredibly overwhelming. I want someone to talk to. I want someone to laugh with. I want someone here with me. And failing that, I’d rather not be here at all. I wonder if Vaughn would object to me showing up at his place at four in the morning?

No sooner has the thought appeared in my head when there’s a soft tap on my door.

Setting the pot and milk aside, I tiptoe across the living area and press my eye against the peephole, my heart going from nervous to delighted when I find the object of my affection standing on the other side.

“I was literally just thinking about driving back to you,” I gasp, pulling the door open and practically launching myself at Vaughn, who doesn’t miss a beat and catches me up in his arms, kissing me as I wrap myself around him like a koala and he carries me back into my apartment, kicking the door closed behind him.

“Couldn’t stay away,” he rumbles against my mouth before he goes right back to kissing me.

“I couldn’t sleep from thinking about you.”

He pulls back slightly and quirks a brow. “Well then, how about I see if I can do something to help you relax?”

“That sounds way better than warm milk and honey.”

“Only honey I need is you,” he murmurs, carrying me toward my bedroom and lying me on the bed. “I’m gonna eat you real good.”

I giggle as he kisses his way down my body, hitching my nightgown up to my hips as I open my legs for him. When he hooks his fingers into the waist of my panties, he pauses and looks up at me. “We’re gonna have to do somethin’ about this distance problem.”

“I was thinking the same thing. Who says we can’t just commute for these next two weeks?”

“Commute? Sweetie, I ain’t leavin’ your side,” he says, peeling my panties down my legs as his hot mouth seers a path across my skin.

“But what about the bar?”

“My brothers can look after the bar. What I need right now, is you.”

“I need you too.”

“Fuck yeah, you do. You can’t pack this whole apartment up by yourself.”

A grin curves my mouth as my heart swells twice the size from his thoughtfulness. “I love you, Vaughn.”

“I love you too, Charity. So fuckin’ much. I want the rest of our lives to start right now.”

Resting my head back against my pillow, I release a happy sigh. “I couldn’t agree more.”