Guard of Honor by Tracie Delaney


My heartfelt thanks, as always, go to my wonderful team who cheer me on, encourage me every step of the way, and challenge me to dig deep to make every novel I release the very best it can be.

I love you all - and in no particular order…

To my gorgeous, big-hearted, wonderful PA, Loulou. Thank you for always being there for whatever I need and for making me laugh when I need it the most. Love you x

To my critique partner, Incy… Damn woman, you make me work so hard, but the polish you encourage (force!) me to bring to my stories is worth all the tears when I see the amount of red pen bleeding all over the page. It’d be easier without you, but I have no doubt the stories would suffer. As long as you keep offering to critique, I’ll keep shamelessly taking advantage of your sage advice.

Bethany – thank you so much for your brilliant editing. I’m loving working on this series with you. Here’s to many more to come. Sorry about the commas and all the missing words!

Katie – I’ll never forget the conversation about the Mangina (haha). I still laugh whenever I think about it. Thank you so much for your work on this and all my books. I appreciate you so very much.

Jean - What’s this? Mack is yours but don’t tell Ryker??? Okay, I’ll do my best to keep it from him. Thank you as always for your friendship and your unwavering support. And sorry (not sorry) the ending made you cry.

Jacqueline - The continuity queen! Thank you for reading and for your specialist knowledge. You’re awesome.

To my ARC readers. You guys are amazing! You’re my final eyes and ears before my baby is released into the world and I appreciate each and every one of you for giving up your time to read—and point out the odd errors that slip through the net!

And last but most certainly not least, to you, the readers. Thank you for being on this journey with me. It still humbles me to think that my words are being read all over the world.

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