Irresistible Billionaires by Summer Brooks



Even as I’d accepted the offer for a movie and popcorn night, I’d known it was a bad idea. But not in the way that going clubbing alone and driving home is a bad idea or the way that cookies and salad are a bad idea.

This was the kind of bad idea that little kids get when they finally find their parent's hidden candy stash. It was like that moment I’d pulled open my mom’s desk drawer when I was seven and found her bag full of Hershey’s kisses. I’d known that pulling that bag out, opening it, and enjoying the smooth, melty sensation of the chocolate deliciousness was a bad idea. I knew I’d be grounded for it, and I’d probably end up with that damn stomachache my mother was always warning me about.

But I’d done it, anyway, knowing full well that the only things awaiting me at the bottom of the bag were pain and trouble.

That was the kind of bad idea I’d had when I'd said yes to Logan’s movie night idea. I knew he was just trying to make up for the kiss earlier that morning, and I had to admit it was sweet of him.

But the problem, I realized as I opened that brown, crinkly bag of kisses, was that I didn’t think Logan had anything to make up for.

That kiss had been nothing short of magical. I know women have a penchant for describing kisses like that and acting as if they were the best thing in the entire world. Honestly, for the first few years of my pubescent life, I'd sworn that women in movies and T.V., and some of them in real life, had to be lying about how magical a kiss could be. All I’d found was that boys didn’t know how to control their own tongues, and their spit would sometimes slide over my lips and down my chin, disgusting me to no end.

But then I'd met the boy I would date for all of my senior year, and most of the first half of college, too. Juan Bonilla. He was a good kisser. He was the first guy I would actually describe as a “magical kisser.”

Of course, he’d broken my heart and cheated on me with the girl he’d sworn was only his best friend, so his kisses lost their magic after that. And I’d searched for years, desperate to come across another magical kisser like Juan, but I’d had no luck.

Until Logan.

And it was because of that kiss that I found myself so willing to dive into the candy drawer and pull out that sugary goodness, knowing full well there was a punishment waiting for me on the other end.

Five minutes after Logan had extended his invite, I’d changed out of my fluffy, soft robe and into a pair of dark gray leggings and a loose white tank top. One that I hoped help to conceal my curves. I didn’t want to tempt Logan any further than he already was. The poor guy deserved some sort of a break.

“Hey,” Logan grinned at me when he pulled open the door to his condo, looking me up and down as if it had been years, not hours since we’d last seen each other.

“Hi,” I replied, standing there a little awkwardly. Normally, Logan would pull me into a hug- one which I'd gladly accept- but this felt anything but normal. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea, or, even worse, give myself the wrong idea.

So instead, I maneuvered past him, awkward as all get out, and slipped inside the condo, raking it over with my eyes as I flipped into interior designer mode for a second.

“You know what you need?” I asked Logan as he crossed the bare hardwood floor and went into the kitchen, where I could smell freshly popped popcorn.

“If I don’t ask, will you still tell me?” He replied with a grin.

“Obviously.” I rolled my eyes to hide my laughter. “You need an accent piece. A big one. Something that draws the eye without feeling like it takes up too much of the room.”

Logan just stared at me blankly, not even bothering to guess at what I meant.

“How does that even work?” He finally asked.

“You are such a man sometimes,” I sighed, shaking my head. “I’m thinking a piece of artwork to hang over the fireplace. Or maybe a chandelier.”

“I was planning on putting my T.V. over the fireplace,” he pointed out.

Wait a minute.

I spun around, searching for the T.V. in question, only to find that it was nowhere.

“Hey, Logan, how were you planning on watching a movie if you don’t have T.V.?” I asked.

“Easy,” he shrugged, walking over, and handing me a bowl full of warm popcorn. “I’ve got a laptop.”

“Dear Lord, I feel like I’m in college again,” I complained.

But as soon as we sat down on the couch with his laptop on the coffee table in front of us, I wasn’t complaining anymore.

Thanks to the fact that we were attempting to watch the latest Avengers movie on a nine-inch screen, Logan and I had to sit close together.

Really close.

Intoxicatingly close.

For the first thirty minutes, I tried to ignore the way his thigh was pressing against mine. We’d sat like this a thousand times before while we watched a movie or a Giants’ game. It had never once bothered me. I'd never even been aware of our close proximity.

But this time was completely different. I could hardly focus on the movie, because every few seconds, I was reminded that Logan was right next to me, pressing his leg up against mine.

Was that on purpose? I couldn't even tell anymore. I used to be able to read guys like an open book, but Logan was a completely different story. Logan was like an ancient tome written in a dead language. He was an absolute enigma to me. I’d been clear this morning. We were friends, and that was it.

So why was his entire thigh pressing up against mine like some sort of sexual calling card?

Slowly, I glanced over at him, trying to keep my breath steady, and even so he didn’t even notice as I not-so-casually surveyed his face for clues.

He was focused on the movie, watching every move with those bright, intelligent blue eyes of his. But then, ever so slowly, like a sloth in a tree, he slid them over to glance at me.

I couldn’t help it. I felt like I’d opened that candy bag and shoved my hand in, but now I’d gotten caught.

Which left me with only one question. Would Logan shove his hand in, too, or would he leave me alone to get in trouble all by myself?

“I thought we weren’t supposed to do that,” he finally whispered, smiling slyly at me.

The wicked grin on his lips and the way I could just barely see his white teeth did it for me. I reached forward and paused the movie abruptly when Captain America was mid-sentence. Usually, I absolutely loathed pausing movies at such awkward times, but I needed to make an exception tonight. Because there was a fire in my belly that just wouldn’t cease, and I knew only one thing would generate enough water to finally put it out.

“What are you—”

All of Logan’s protestations died in his throat as I leaned forward and pressed a soft, easy kiss to his lips. I kept my own closed, pressing up against him, working to communicate every little thing I felt with this one soft gesture.

Finally, I pulled back, looking up at him a little shyly.

Truthfully, I had no idea how he’d react. I was sending him a million mixed messages, and even I didn’t know what this one meant.

But there was one thing I did know. I needed him. Badly.


“Oh, Bella,” he groaned, closing his eyes for just a moment. The sound was long and low, sending a rumble through my belly and right between my legs. That familiar tingling started up, making my brain go haywire and lose all sense of right and wrong, normal, and unusual.

I didn't care, though. I was driven purely by need, at this point.

I needed Logan. I didn’t know for how long, but that didn’t seem to matter anymore.

Suddenly, Logan lunged forward, pressing his lips to my own and pinning me underneath him, back against the couch. A string of moans escaped me as he pressed his lips all over my neck and across my collarbone, leaving little patches of wet all over my skin. His nipped at the protruding bone with his teeth, causing me to screech in pleased surprise, and then quickly soothed the area with his warm, rough tongue.

“I knew you wanted this,” he growled in my ear.

“Just get my clothes off,” I panted, too turned on to do much else.

Logan hovered over me for a moment, pausing our heated make-out session abruptly, and something strange flickered across his eyes. It almost looked like… doubt.

But then it was gone, just as quickly as it had appeared, and his hands were underneath my shirt. The tips of his fingers crawled across my abs, making me moan in a mixture of pleasure and needy agony.

Logan was a pro at this. usually, I would have rolled my eyes when I noticed that about a guy, but somehow with Logan, I found myself all the more attracted to him. He knew exactly what to do as he pushed his fingertips up under my bra, circling both of my nipples at the same time, pinching them ever so slightly, and then retreating as he undid the clasp.

I was completely topless now, laying underneath, heaving and sweaty as I waited for him to take off his own clothes.

It briefly crossed my mind that I was here, half-naked, in front of my best friend in the entire world. It should have felt weird.

But instead, it just felt right.

Logan ripped his t-shirt over his head, allowing me to fully appreciate his well-toned abs and the line of brown, curly chest hair that crawled up his stomach and peppered over his chest. I ran a hand from the waist of his pants up to his chest, letting my fingers curl and pull his hair just slightly, and enjoying the way his eyes nearly rolled back in his head as I did so.

Slowly, I trailed my hands back down, deftly undoing the button on his jeans and yanking the zipper down.

At the exact same time, Logan pushed a hand into my leggings, letting his fingers dance across the space between my legs, playing with my swollen lips and wet center.

“My God,” I groaned. My head fell back, and I screwed my eyes shut, not wanting to let anything distract me from the wonderful sensations between my legs. Logan quickly tugged my leggings and panties off in one fell swoop, pushing them all the way down to my ankles, but not bothering to get them off my feet.

He crawled back up my body to where my legs splayed open, begging him for more.

“Touch me,” I pleaded with him, opening my eyes when I felt nothing but cold air on my center.

To my surprise, he’d already managed to pull his pants off, and I was now faced with the biggest cock I’d ever seen in my life.

He stood proud and resolute, so hard I could see his throbbing veins. Needy saliva collected in my mouth, and the arousal between my legs grew so intense I couldn't help but squirm.

Logan was on his knees above me, with one hand stroking himself so slowly I knew he was teasing me. He’d always enjoyed knowing when he held power over someone else, and this was absolutely no different.

“You’re so hot,” he finally murmured, gazing down at me with eyes that were, for once, completely filled with warmth.

“Logan,” I begged again, letting my hand crawl down my body to play in the line of perfectly manicured curls that just barely hid my mound from view.

Logan bit his lip, his eyes dancing with mirth at the knowledge that I was begging for him to fuck me. Normally, I would have reared up like a terrified horse at the thought of giving Logan any power over me, but right now, in this position, I wanted him to have it all.

“Well, since you asked me so nicely,” he murmured, sinking down to position himself at my entrance.

Slowly, he pushed his dick all the way inside of me, pausing every few centimeters to make sure I was still okay. I didn’t even need to say a word. The way my hips bucked and demanded more of him said everything I needed to know.

The feeling of him inside of me was indescribable. I didn’t even think the word “magical” would cover it. That feeling was… out of this world. Too good to be true.

Something I never thought would have existed.

He and I fit perfectly together, like two pieces of a puzzle. But we were the only two pieces, carefully crafted to meld together and make one giant, beautiful picture.

Logan carefully pulled out and pushed back inside of me gently, stroking up and down with the practiced maneuvers of a man well versed in the art of turning a woman on.

And turn me on he did. Solely from his long, delicious strokes, I could already feel that familiar fire growing in my belly, roiling, and expanding as it got ready to explode.

He brought his face down, kissing me once more. This one was sweaty, a mixture of soft and hard, chaste, and sexual. It was by far the most passionate kissed I’d had in my entire life.

As he did so, his hand wandered down my body until it found my clit, exposed the little nub, and began to rub hard and fast, creating an intense juxtaposition to the strokes he kept giving me.

That fire expanded as if it had been fueled by a thousand gallons of gasoline, and suddenly I was falling over the edge, launching myself into the black abyss of pleasure faster than I ever had before.

And that included the many times I’d pleasured my own damn self.

I could feel Logan holding out inside of me, working to push me through my orgasm before he allowed himself one of his own.

But he didn’t make it. My walls had clenched down around him, gripping him in an iron vice, and after a moment, I felt him yank out of me as his seed exploded everywhere.

“I forgot a condom!” He gasped out as white semen covered my hips.

“It’s… okay,” I assured him. “I’m on the pill.”

Even so, he’d pulled out in time, I was sure. This wasn’t either of our first rodeos, and we knew what to do. I hadn’t ended up pregnant yet, and I didn’t plan to any time soon.

The heat of the moment dissipated as the two of us came down from our high. Logan stood up and got a damp cloth from the kitchen, returning to wipe me down himself. The movement was kind and gentle, and it made my heart swell with gratitude.

“Thank you,” I murmured, shifting so he could sit down when he’d finished. To my surprise, he laid down next to me, wrapping an arm lovingly around my middle.

“That was amazing,” he whispered into the back of my neck. He left a soft kiss right where my hairline started. I was all sweaty back there, but I didn’t even mind.

I wanted to revel in this feeling of Logan against me, wrapping me in his warmth. The tingling had subsided between my legs, but I knew it would make another appearance with the speed of lightning if I wanted it to.

“I was always attracted to you,” I murmured suddenly.

I wasn’t sure if it was exhaustion, post-coital bliss, or something completely different, but the words were coming out of my mouth, and there was no stopping them now.

“Really?” Logan asked, shocked. “I thought… with the way you acted, well, that you weren’t.”

“I just figured we’d work better as friends,” I replied. “I didn’t think you’d go for someone like me.”

“Someone like you?” Disbelief layered his tone and made my stomach warm. The very fact that this had never crossed his mind before made me inexplicably happy. “Bella, I thought you were hot from the moment I met you. That sushi date was supposed to be a real date.”

“I just valued our friendship,” I shrugged. “I mean, I had an inkling, in the beginning, and I always wondered. But we were so good together as friends. You understand me like no one else does, and I was afraid of ruining it.”

The moment the words left my mouth, I came back down to earth and left whatever weird planet of delusion I’d been perched on.

What the hell was I saying? I did value our friendship. I couldn’t do this.

It would ruin us.

“I still value our friendship,” I snapped, springing to my feet and yanking my panties and leggings back up. I whipped around, searching for my bra and tank top.

“What are you doing?” Logan demanded. “Bella, stop!”

“No,” I replied. I found my tank top underneath his coffee table and snatched it up. It appeared the bra was a lost cause, but I couldn’t even bring myself to care. I needed to get out of there and fast.

“Bella, come on,” Logan insisted.

He stood upright as I was crouched under the coffee table to try and see if I could find my bra, realizing that my shirt was totally see-through. Suddenly, I was met with Logan’s massive schlong. It was right in my face, taunting me, daring me to get up and walk away.

God, it had felt so good inside of me.

But I couldn’t.

On the other hand, the thought of never feeling him inside of me again made me want to crouch in a corner and cry my heart out.

I needed some ground rules.

“Okay, look,” I said, standing up and pulling my shirt down over my head. “We need some ground rules. This is just sex. That’s it. No cuddling, no after sex talking, none of that, got it? This feels good, and the two of us are adults, and we’re going to do it. But we’re not going to let it devolve into anything else. Is that clear?”

Logan didn’t say a word, just stared at me with his wide, unblinking eyes. I couldn’t tell if he agreed or disagreed, but it didn’t matter. I chose to believe that he’d heard and understood.

“Good,” I nodded. “That’s settled, then. I will see you later.”

And with that, I marched out of his nice new condo, convinced I’d just set perfect, hard boundaries.