Irresistible Billionaires by Summer Brooks



I am certifiable, I thought, as I pulled my pink shirt off, revealing my breasts, clad in the plain black bra I’d chosen that morning.

I’d chosen it without thinking anyone would see it. If I’d ever, in a million years, thought Rhett’s eyes would be on my breasts in a bra that must have been about four years old, I would have chosen a different one. I would have gone with the lacy purple number Bella had bought me for my birthday, giggling and wagging her eyebrows as she pretended to imagine just how many guys would be taking it off of me.

That bra had never even seen the light of day. I was really regretting not wearing it now.

Rhett gazed down at me, trailing his fingers lightly over the plane of my stomach, drinking in my figure with something that I could only describe as religious fervor.

What the hell was I doing?

“Uh, stop,” I muttered breathlessly, too quiet for anyone to hear, myself included. It was probably the product of my subconscious urges.

My body really didn’t want him to stop, if the tingling dampness between my legs was any indication.

But we couldn’t. He was my boss. That was… wrong. Right?

“Stop,” I repeated, my voice stronger this time. I wriggled back, pushing his hand away from my half-naked torso.

“What?” He asked, pulling back like I’d just tried to electrocute him. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No.” I shook my head quickly. “You didn’t do anything, exactly. Well, except for kissing me. But then I kissed you back, so— never mind. The point is, Mr. Thompson, you’re my boss.”

“Don’t call me that,” he snapped.

“My boss?” I demanded, raising an eyebrow. “But you are.”

“No, ‘Mr. Thompson,’” he sneered. “I hate that. It’s like I’m on a different level than you are.”

“Well, you are,” I replied. “You’re my boss. I already said that.”

“That doesn’t matter,” he whispered, turning back to look at me.

And I mean right at me. His eyes didn’t slip down to my bra clad torso or to my pants. He just stared right into my eyes, trying to convey a thousand different things with his expression.

I wanted to argue with him. I think it was just some innate instinct that told me this was wrong, and maybe if I argued enough, I’d wiggled my way out of it.

But that innate instinct was hardly enough to win over the rest of me, the part that wanted this.


In a way, I hadn’t wanted anything in far too long.

“Okay,” I managed to murmur.

Then I flung all of my hesitations from me like they were nothing more than pieces of fallen leaves on the breeze, sending them far, far away, where they could no longer bother anyone.

Least of all me.

The moment I finished saying that one single word, Rhett’s lips were back on top of me. They were now filled with a voracious hunger, a desperation that was almost enough to match mine. For all of our posturing and platitudes, we had both been attempting to hold in secret for far too long.

We wanted this. No- we needed this.

I let my head fall backward, enjoying the way his lips played over my skin like some sort of undiscovered musical instrument, eliciting sounds from my throat that were unfamiliar, even to me. He trailed his fingers up and down my sides, gripping the soft flesh at the same time, digging his nails in just hard enough to make me cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, a new sort of ecstasy that I’d never discovered before.

He reached a hand behind me, smoothing the pads of his fingers up my spine, letting them bounce along every single ridge, and then unclasped my bra with two practiced fingers.

“God, Mr.- Rhett,” I muttered as he sent his hand back around, palming my breasts, tweaking the nipples gently, and sending a shiver up and down the very spine that his fingers had just been dancing along moments ago.

“Good job,” he chuckled with his lips against my throat. I felt his deep voice reverberate through my very being, and that was the moment I decided to truly lose myself.

He flipped me over effortlessly, going for my pants now. I helped him yank them down around my ankles while my other hand desperately patted at the bulge in his own pants, attempting to find the zipper and being met with the outline of a meaty cock that literally made me salivate.

“Holy shit,” I breathed, almost to myself. I’d never been so turned on by someone else, so desperate to feel them inside of me.

“Hold still,” Rhett murmured.

I heard the zipper come down, and then the rustle of material as he pushed them off as much as he could. My sex was already clenching in anticipation, sending my head into such a tizzy I thought I was either going to pass out or explode.

“Fuck me,” I grunted, turning around to meet his light brown eyes and making sure he knew that he was taking way too damn long.

Rhett’s eyes popped open for just a moment. Then a sneakily mischievous grin spread across his features, and his eyes danced with aroused excitement.

“Yes, boss,” he laughed.

He gripped himself in one hand, and I allowed my eyes to enjoy the view of his member, big, bulging, veiny, and already dripping with a slight glisten of pre-cum.

Rhett leaned over to the side table, popping open a drawer and producing a condom from it. I wasn’t even the least bit surprised that he was the sort of man who would keep a condom in his office, though I supposed that maybe I should have been a little off-put.

I couldn’t be anything, though. I was too desperate for the pleasure that I knew was about to come.

As soon as the latex was firmly tucked around his base, Rhett positioned himself behind the chair, grinning as he placed a hand on my back and then slowly dipped himself inside of me, starting slowly at first, all the while gripping my skin with those deliciously tight fingers, reminding me that he was in charge, both in the office and out.

I would be a liar if I said that the roughness in his movements didn’t light up a fire in my belly.

Rhett knew how to pleasure a woman. He dipped a hand around my front, sliding it between my legs and finding the little bundle of nerves that had been begging for attention for at least ten minutes, carefully stroking it and teasing it, working me up into a breathless sweat.

I was so caught up in the moment I hardly even registered when Rhett grabbed my hair in his hand, tugging on it gently enough that I wasn’t afraid he was about to rip my blonde curls right out of my head, but hard enough to create a wonderful heat in my scalp, making my very cells dance and sing.

I knew I screamed, but the sound seemed almost separate from myself somehow, as if it had actually come from a random banshee who had parked herself in Rhett’s office.

“Cum for me,” Rhett grunted, slamming his hips against my ass.

The sounds of pleasure died down for a moment as my belly tightened, coiling up in arousal like a snake ready to pounce. The sound of our grunts and our skin slapping together filled the room, but I wasn’t even cognizant enough to wonder whether or not the people outside could hear us.

So what? Why should I care what some random employees thought of us? At least, that was what Horny Sarah was thinking at that moment since pleasure was all-consuming.

“Let go,” Rhett ordered again. This time, I heeded his words, allowing myself to unravel in ecstasy, crying out loud for a brief moment before I managed to reign in the sounds, reminding myself that we weren’t completely alone.

I heard Rhett grunt a moment later, pausing his movements for a brief second as he spilled his seed into the latest condom before he stroked me down from my absolute high, and then slowly pulled out.

I felt myself clenching, longing for the feeling of him inside of me. It wasn’t just hormones and pleasure talking, though. Me, Sarah, my brain wanted Rhett to bury himself to the hilt and stay there, causing me to orgasm over and over again until I passed out into a puddle of delight.

Slowly, the real world fell into place once more, and I was brutally reminded of where I was.

In my boss’s office. At his real estate company. With at least six brokers and two assistants right outside, so close it would have been a miracle if they hadn’t heard us.

“God, that was…” Rhett breathed, pulling back slowly and depositing the condom in his trash can.

“Good, I think is the word you’re searching for,” I quipped, attempting to use humor to quell the growing doubts. My head was abuzz as I came away from the lustful blur of sex and wonder.

What had I just done?

I could hardly look at Rhett as I stood, gathering my clothes from all over the floor. I felt his eyes on me, and I kept waiting for him to say or do something. To reassure me, to tell me that there was no need to be embarrassed, to wrap an arm around my waist and nuzzle my cheek so that I knew this wasn’t just a one-off thing.

But then again, maybe I didn’t want any of that. This should be a one-off thing. This was… wrong. Against the rules. Against my rules. I was not the woman who slept with her boss. I was the woman who snorted when others did it, shrugging my shoulders when they cried out that they’d thought he loved them, or that it was a serious thing when all it was was a fling, a moment to get away from their wife and kids and the dreary day to day of their actual lives.

Rhett didn’t have any of that, though. He didn’t have the wife and kids and a nice home. He didn’t strike me as the type of guy to want any of that.

As I pulled my clothes back on, I refused to make eye contact with him, forcing myself to stare at a single blank spot on the wall, taking in the creamy texture of the off white paint, and thinking about Bella’s delight at picking it out.

She loved off white. It was one of her strange little pleasures in life.

When I finally turned back around to Rhett, I saw that he was staring at his phone. Just standing there, one hand casually in his pocket with his head just a little bit tilted, staring at his phone like it was the most interesting damn thing on the entire earth when I’d just about bared my entire soul to him.

I’d screwed a guy I barely knew. My boss, no less. A guy I wasn’t even seeing. This was a big freaking deal to me, and all Rhett could do was stare at his phone.

I took note of the slightly awkward hunch of his shoulders, the way he was sort of facing away from me, and instantly knew what was going on.

He was embarrassed. For all his strange talk, and all of the signs that I had thought were there, namely, the fact that he’d offered me such a big freaking salary for a job I didn’t even want, clearly meant nothing.

“I bet you do this with all of your assistants, huh?” I huffed suddenly, saying the words louder than I should have in an effort to grab his attention. Luckily for me, my effort paid off, because Rhett turned to me, his brow furrowed, and shook his head. “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?” I demanded. “I mean that this was a mistake, that’s what I mean. I can’t believe I was so foolish.”

“Didn’t we have a good time?” The man looked so genuinely confused that I was almost inclined to believe him until I reminded myself that it was probably all an act. He likely did this with every girl he screwed. After all, wasn’t that the point of being a celebrity? Getting to screw women and get away with it?

“Sure,” I replied sarcastically. “A real good time. Not good enough to distract you from your phone, it seems. So, I’ll just be going now.”


But I didn’t even let him finish his sentence. I grabbed my laptop and the idiotically large book I’d brought just for today’s meeting and got the hell out of there. I pretended not to notice the wide-eyed stares that followed me as I rushed past the open desks, desperately needing to get out the door and into the elevator, where I knew I was only a moment’s ride away from beautiful fresh air.

I had been so stupid. How could I have slept with my boss? And more than that, how could I have tricked myself into thinking all of this meant something? I hadn’t even realized I was doing it, but sure enough, over the last few days, I’d come to think that he must have feelings for me. Why else would he have set me up with this job, one I didn’t ask for but probably needed. There was no other explanation for it, and yet, we’d screwed in his office, and the phone had been far more enthralling than I was.

A tiny part of me wondered if Rhett was just one of those guys- the awkward kind. The ones who don’t really know what to do with a woman so they end up coming off all aloof and a bit crazy.

But that concept seemed impossible to me. Rhett had a reputation for being a ladies man. There was nothing aloof or awkward about that.

No, this was just who he was. And I supposed I couldn’t totally blame him for it. After all, I’d just jumped into the figurative bed with him while knowing what sort of reputation he held.

Everyone knew what sort of reputation he held.

I jumped out of the elevator and practically ran into the closest bathroom, needing a moment to splash some water on my face and attempt to wipe off some of the sweat from the adult activities I had just partaken in.

“Adult activities,” I snorted aloud to myself.

I’d never been in the bathroom of my office building before, and I was not at all surprised to see that it was just as fancy as the rest of the building. There were paper towelettes sitting in a neat little stack along the side of the granite sinks, and the entire place smelled like roses, which was a rare thing for a bathroom in San Francisco. Most of them smelled like pee and sex.

Which, funnily enough, was pretty much the way I smelled right then, minus the pee.

I bent over the sink, taking in a deep breath while all sorts of emotion rolled through me, sending shockwaves through my body. There was still a part of me that was having trouble registering what I’d just done. It was like someone else had taken over my body entirely, and I couldn’t believe it.

I turned on the sink, playing in the cool water with my fingers for a moment before I ducked my head down and literally shoved it under the faucet. My entire head just fit right under the stainless steel spout- that was how large the sink was.

The cool water was, thankfully, a welcome comfort after the stress I’d just gone through.

And the pleasure before that. Actually, all of the activities of the last half an hour or so had made my body so hot and bothered the only thing that was keeping me from passing out was the stream of cool water running down my head and over my face.

“Excuse me, can I help you?” The sweet feminine voice sounded genuinely worried for my sanity when it spoke, and honestly, I couldn’t blame her.

Especially since I smacked my head on the faucet as I was attempting to gracefully extract myself, and quite possibly got a concussion from the hard metal.

“Uh, no, no,” I said quickly, shaking my head and grimacing at her.

She was tiny, no more than five feet, with porcelain skin, save for the wrinkle between her brow that was caused by none other than yours truly.

The woman was looking up at me with soft brown eyes, probably trying to decipher which sort of crazy I was. The relatively sane and stable crazy, who just like to have a mental breakdown every once in a while, or the totally out of whack, chop your head off with a sawed-off pipe type of crazy.

Neither was a good type, it would seem.

“Are you… are you here for an audition?”

“An audition?” I asked, making a face that was probably as ugly to look at as it was uncomfortable to make. “Nope, not here for an audition. Are you?”

“Oh, yeah,” she giggled, gingerly placing a hand over her mouth in a way that was far too classic for the modern era. “I’m sorry, I just assumed it had gone badly, and you’d, well, you know. I’ve done that before.”

She gestured delicately to the sink, where I had just been running freezing cold water over the entirety of my head.

I glanced back, noticing one of my blonde hairs swirling around the pipe, desperately trying to stay strong and cling to the porcelain of the sink.

But it was too weak, and whatever water was beneath it quickly washed it away.

“Interesting,” I grimaced, wondering what sort of terrible audition experience would drive a grown woman to shove her head under a faucet.

But then again, I supposed I had no room to judge.

“Yes.” She chuckled again. “I just had the pre-audition jitters and thought I’d slip in here for a quick break.”

“Well, I’ll get out of your hair, then,” I replied, nodding quickly and moving to sidestep the strange little woman with the big scary eyes.

“Hey, you know, whoever he is, he’s not worth it.”

“Excuse me?” I wasn’t even offended. Just purely shocked.

“I’ve been there too,” she shrugged, pointing to the sink again. “And, also, you have a little bit of, well, you know… fluid, on your pants.”

She gestured to my thighs, and I glanced down in horror to find that she was absolutely right. There was an unmistakable smudge of sperm on my thigh, almost glowing against the black of my pants.

And I had no choice but to get home like that. I prayed to God I didn’t run into anyone I knew.

“Thanks,” I nodded, grabbing a paper towel and doing my best to scrub off what I could. There was still a white stain, though, and all a person had to do to figure out what it was look closely enough.

“No problem,” she replied sweetly. “Just remember that it doesn’t matter how good he seems. No man is worth sticking your head under a faucet for.”

“That’s great advice,” I replied. “I’ll try to remember to take it.”

I spun around, my cheeks still glowing red hot from the embarrassment of being caught with the remnants of sex on my pants, and high tailed it out of there so the poor girl could get to her audition.

I sent up a silent prayer that it wouldn’t be the kind that forced her to stick her head under a faucet in agony.

All the ride home, I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out what I was going to do. I’d given up so many opportunities for the job, and now here I was, about to ruin it accidentally.

My parents had told me this was a terrible idea. They’d warned me over and over again that night, and I had completely refused to listen to them.

It seemed now was when I paid the price. Rhett had hardly even glanced up at me when we were finished enjoying each other. Not to mention the fact that he was still my boss.

To be completely honest, I was starting to think that was the root of my issue. He was my boss, the one man on earth I was meant to try and stay completely platonic with. And not only that, but as of right now, my entire future was staked on him. If I lost this job just because he’d decided he didn’t want to employ someone with such shaky morals that she would sleep with her boss, then I’d have nowhere to go. I’d have to pound the pavement for months searching for a good opportunity, and it was highly unlikely I’d find any.

I should have just kept my ticket. I could have been on a plane to Thailand by now.