Search and Rescue by April Wilson

Chapter 30

Hannah McIntyreFive weeks later

“God, it’s good to have both boots on again,” I say as I lace up my left boot for the first time in ages. I stand on both feet and test my ankle as I walk across the living room.

Killian looks poised to jump to my rescue at any second, should my ankle give out on me and I land on my butt. “Don’t overdo it,” he warns as he hovers.

He’s sexy when he’s being overprotective.

“I’ve got a great idea. We should go on a hike. Really put my ankle to the test.”

He shakes his head adamantly. “No, we should not. Give it a few days, McIntyre. You don’t want to end up back in the ER. Besides, your doctor said no running, no hiking… nothing strenuous for at least two weeks.”

“How about grocery shopping then? That’s easy enough. We’re getting low on supplies, and we’re almost out of dog food.”

He looks far from thrilled, but he doesn’t argue. “Okay. I think we can manage a little shopping.”

When I hold my palm out to him, he pulls the keys to my Jeep out of his front pocket and tosses them to me. Not only am I tired of using those damn crutches, but I haven’t been able to drive in well over a month. I’m tired of being chauffeured around. I want my independence back.

“Come on, Scout,” I say, whistling for my dog. He comes running from the bedroom. “I’ll take him out for a potty break.”

For the first time in a long time, I walk out my own front door on my own two feet. Scout bounds along beside me as we take the steps down to the ground. I spot a tennis ball, scoop it up, and throw it across the yard and into the woods as hard as I can. Scout takes off after it like a rocket.

Ah, it’s good to be back.

Hopefully I’ll be able to do a little running in a couple more weeks.

Scout comes racing back to me in no time with the bright green tennis ball in his mouth. He drops it at my feet, and I throw it again for him, this time harder and past the woodshed. And off he goes.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Killian says from behind me.

I turn to see him standing in the open doorway. “It feels incredible. I hated having to use those crutches.”

He smiles. “Now I’ll get to see the real Hannah McIntyre, up close and personal, in her natural environment.”

I walk back up the steps to stand in front of him, wrap my arms around his waist, and go up on my toes to kiss him. “Oh, buddy, you have no idea what I can do now that I have that damn cast off. I’m going to rock your world.”

He nods back toward the cabin and grins. “Why don’t we do some of that world rocking right now?”

At that moment, Scout returns with an excited bark and drops the ball at my feet. He’s eager for another go. Killian snags the ball and throws it hard, sending Scout chasing madly after it.

I bite back a squeal when Killian picks me up and sits me on the porch railing. He insinuates himself between my thighs and pulls me close so that his hard-on presses against my sweet spot. The firm pressure against me is delicious, and I want more.

He takes hold of my ponytail with one hand while his other hand cups one of my breasts, holding me captive as he gazes down into my eyes. The hunger I see there steals my breath.

He kisses me, his lips hot and controlling, sending a shiver rippling through me. His tongue slides in to stroke mine, and his hand slides down to cup my ass and draw me even closer against him.

“You feel that?” he says. His voice is low and rough, edged with arousal.

“It’s kind of hard to miss, big guy.” And I mean big in every way imaginable.

His other hand releases my ponytail and grips the back of my neck, and damn! I’m surprised to find that as hot as I do. Normally, I don’t like being manhandled, but for some reason when he does it, it turns me on.

“My mind is racing as I think of all the positions we haven’t tried yet,” he confesses. “I was so afraid of hurting you before, but now—” His hand slips down inside the back of my jeans, and he grabs a bare butt cheek. “Now there’s nothing we can’t do.”

I slip my hands up beneath his shirt and drag my short nails slowly down his back. He groans loudly, and the sound makes my ache even worse.

Scout returns at that moment, dropping the ball at Killian’s feet and sitting at attention as he hopes for another throw.

“Out of dog food,” I remind Killian. “And beer. And steaks.”

Killian growls as he removes his hands from inside my jeans. “Okay, grocery shopping first, then we come back here and get naked. We can try out some of those positions we’ve had to neglect. Deal?”


We put Scout inside and lock up the cabin.

“Do you want me to drive?” Killian asks, holding his hand out for the keys.

I give him a look. “Surely you’re not serious.”

He laughs as he opens the front passenger door and climbs in. “Just offering.”

I settle behind the wheel and start the engine. It feels so good to be able to drive again. We take off down the lane and merge onto the road that heads to town. “How about we go to Chicago this weekend to get your stuff? I’m in the mood for a road trip.”

“Sure,” he says as he pulls out his phone. “I’ll give Jake and Shane a heads-up to let them know we’re coming.”

It’s a short trip down the mountain to town. I park in front of Maggie’s store and hop out of the Jeep. Killian meets me on the sidewalk, and we walk inside holding hands.

Maggie’s standing behind the sales counter, and she grins when she sees us holding hands. “You two are a sight for sore eyes,” she says as she walks around the counter to greet us. She wraps me in her arms and gives me a big bear hug. “I’m glad to see the last of that cast.”

“Me too,” I tell her. “I told them at the hospital to burn it.”

Killian grabs a shopping cart and heads straight for the beer cooler. “I’ll get to work while you ladies catch up.”

Maggie pulls me aside and says, “How are things going between you two?” She hands me a box of candy bars and points to an empty rack.

“Good.” I try not to grin like a besotted idiot, but I can’t help it. I start filling an empty rack with chocolate bars.

Maggie glances slyly at Killian, then back to me. “Is he as good in bed as I think he is?”

I can feel my cheeks burning. “Definitely.”

“I figured.” Maggie pretends to fan herself. “Some women have all the luck.”

Killian joins us at the counter. There are two cases of beer in the cart. He holds out his hand. “Give me the shopping list. I’ll grab what we need while you girls gossip.”

I laugh. “We’re not gossiping.”

He gives me a look. “Yes, you are. I heard you two giggling like schoolgirls.”

“Okay, fine.” I hand him the list. “You get the stuff while we talk about you.”

He wags a finger at me. “See, I told you.”

“Just got some nice steaks in this morning from Lonnie, the butcher in town,” Maggie calls after him. “Grab ’em while you can.”

“Do you see what I have to put up with?” I ask Maggie, who’s trying to keep a straight face.

“Oh, what a hardship,” she says. “So, what’s new?”

“We’re heading to Chicago this weekend to get his personal belongings out of his apartment, and then we’ll drive his Jeep back here. When we get back, he’ll start looking for a job. He’s considering law enforcement—can’t you just picture him in a uniform?”

We hear the bell over the front door tinkling, and when I turn, I see Sheriff Nelson walking inside.

“Speak of the devil,” Maggie says.

“Mornin’, Hannah,” the sheriff says to me. “I saw your Jeep out front.” He scans the store. “I’m looking for Killian.” Nelson spots him in the bread aisle. It’s not hard as Killian towers over the store shelves. “There he is.” He marches over to him.

Maggie hands me some packs of gum to shelve. “That’s odd. I wonder what’s going on.”

A moment later, Killian pushes the cart over to me, Sheriff Nelson right behind him. “Bob’s asked me to help out a local search team. One of the boys in a scouting troop got lost on Ridgeline trail this morning. There’s added concern because a mountain lion was spotted on the same trail yesterday and again today. Will you be okay on your own?” he asks me.

I roll my eyes at him. He did not just ask me that.

“You’ve got your keys, right?” he asks. “Bob said he’d give me a ride back to the cabin so I can grab my gear. I’m sure someone can bring me home later.”

“I can help search.”

Killian frowns. “Hannah, no. It’s too soon.” He nods down at my left foot. “Your doctor said two weeks before any strenuous exercise. Give it some time, love.”

I stomp my left boot on the floor. “See, it’s fine. I’m coming, and I dare you to give me a hard time about it.”

Killian practically glares at me. “You’re not gonna be talked out of this, are you?”


Despite looking far from happy, Killian reluctantly nods. “All right, fine. But you stay on the trail, okay? No wandering off into rough terrain.”

I shrug. “Fine.”

His eyes narrow skeptically. “I’m serious. You have to promise me.”

“I said fine.”

Maggie’s watching with amusement, her gaze bouncing back and forth between us. She shakes her head like an indulgent parent watching her two favorite kids arguing. “You two are adorable.”

Killian motions to the cart, which is partly filled.

“Just leave it,” Maggie says. “I’ll hold onto your stuff until you get back.”

Sheriff Nelson nods toward the door. “Why don’t you guys grab your packs and meet us at the trailhead. I have someone there from the park service coordinating the search. Bring your climbing gear, Killian, just in case. There are some steep rock walls in that area.”

“I’m a qualified climber,” I say. “I’ll get my—”

Killian points his finger in my face. “You are not climbing anything, love. That’s nonnegotiable.”

“Okay, fine.” I know when not to push my luck.