Search and Rescue by April Wilson

Chapter 35


When the red-alert goes off on my phone, my heart practically stops cold. There’s only one person who has that app installed right now, and it’s Hannah. She’s in trouble. I grab my phone off the coffee table and check her location. She’s still at the wildlife rehab center.

Immediately, I strap on my holster and gun, grab my keys and coat, and race out the door. I’m in my vehicle and heading her way within seconds.

I risk calling her, and she answers after the first ring.

“Killian?” She’s out of breath but otherwise sounds in control.

“What’s wrong?”

“You were right about Ray. He thinks—he attacked me, Killian.”

My blood turns to ice. “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?”

“No, not like that. I mean, I’m bruised, but I’m okay. Just a bit stunned.”

“I swear to god, I’ll kill him. Did you call 911?”

“Yeah. The police are on their way.”

“Where’s Calhoun? Are you safe?”

“He’s lying on the floor of his office, his wrists secured with a zip tie. He’s not going anywhere.”

That’s my wildcat.

For the first time in several minutes, I can finally take a breath. “Sit tight, love. I’ll be there soon.”

When I pull into the parking lot of the wildlife center, the building looks dark. Besides my Jeep, there are only two other vehicles in the parking lot—Hannah’s Jeep and Ray’s truck. Looks like I beat the police.

I park haphazardly, shut off my engine, and run up to the front door. Fortunately, it’s unlocked.

“Hannah?” I yell once I’m inside.

“In here! I’m in the office behind the front desk.”

I follow the sound of her voice and spot her immediately, standing in an open doorway, her arms wrapped loosely around her waist.

After performing a quick visual inspection, I pull her into my arms. “Are you okay?”

She nods. “You were right about him. I should have listened to you.”

I step back so I can look her in the eyes. “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you? Did he touch you?”

She pulls free. “He grabbed hold of me, and he kissed me.” She shudders visibly. “But I’m okay, honest.”

I glare at Calhoun, who’s lying on the floor, practically hogtied. Feelings of rage nearly choke me. This motherfucker put his hands on Hannah. He touched her. I step forward and haul him to his feet, ignoring his cries of pain. I don’t give a shit.

I shove him until his back hits a wall, then grab him by the throat.

His eyes are huge as he stares at me, wary of what I might do. It’s just us here, as the cops haven’t arrived yet. He’s not sure what I’m capable of, and he has good reason to be concerned.

Gritting my teeth, I lean in close. “I should fucking kill you,” I growl.

He flinches. “You can’t hurt me. I’m incapacitated. It would be assault.”

I pull him forward and then slam him back into the wall. “Like you just assaulted Hannah?”

“She deserved it! All this time, she’s been leading me on, making me think we had a future.”

“You lying piece of shit,” Hannah cries from behind me. “I did not!”

Ray looks to me. “And we would have had a future if you hadn’t shown up. You ruined everything.”

Disgusted, I shake my head. “You know, she stood up for you,” I tell him. “I told her you were up to no good, and she defended your sorry ass. And this is how you treat her?”

“You were trying to turn her against me so you could have her for yourself. Admit it.”

“Turn her against you?” I laugh. “You never had her in the first place.”

Police sirens get louder by the second.

I squeeze his throat just enough to make him wheeze. “Looks like it’s your lucky day. I’m outta time.” I nod toward the door. “Show them in,” I tell Hannah.

As soon as she steps out of the room and I hear her talking to the cops, I slam my fist into Ray’s abdomen. He keels over, bent in half. “Sorry, my fist slipped.” I watch impassively as he struggles to catch his breath. Hell, he got off lucky. He deserves far worse.

Sheriff Nelson leads the way into the office, two deputies right behind him. “Why am I not surprised to see you here?” he asks me with a hint of a grin on his face.

I nod toward Calhoun, who’s red in the face and still trying to catch his breath. “You can charge him with sexual harassment, assault and battery, false imprisonment—and I’m sure there are a few more charges that apply. Throw the damn book at him. He assaulted Hannah.”

Nelson glares at Ray. “You have the right to remain silent,” he begins.

I stand there, my arms crossed over my chest, and watch as the sheriff reads Calhoun his rights and then hauls him through the building and out to a waiting squad car to be transported to the station.

I stick close to Hannah as she locks up the center.

“Are you all right?” I ask her as we watch two police cruisers leave the site. She’s trying to hide the fact that she’s shaking.

She walks straight into my arms, and I pull her close and hold her tightly to me. When I kiss the top of her head, she lets out a heavy sigh.

“I’m all right.” She looks up, a frown marring her pretty face. “I’m just sad. I thought Ray was one of the good ones.”

“I’m sorry, love.”

“The good news is I don’t feel so guilty now for quitting. I could never work there now, knowing what kind of man he is.”

I laugh. “Honey, I don’t think Ray will be coming back here—ever. Besides, he just bought himself a trip to the county jail, where I imagine he’ll reside for the foreseeable future.” I lean down and kiss her. “Come on, McIntyre. Let’s go home.”

I walk Hannah to her Jeep and make sure she’s okay to drive. Then I follow her home in my vehicle. We park next to each other in the yard and walk hand in hand up to the porch together.

The first order of business is to let Scout outside for some much-needed exercise and playtime.

“Come here,” I say to Hannah, leading her to the porch swing. We sit together and I lay my arm across her shoulders and pull her close. “I’m sorry about Ray.” I lean over and kiss the top of her head.

She leans into me. “How could I have been so wrong about him? I feel like such an idiot.”

“It’s not your fault, love. Some people are good at hiding their real intentions.”

Scout runs up onto the porch with a tennis ball in his mouth. He drops the ball in Hannah’s lap and jumps back, ready to chase it.

“I think it’s time to get serious about Scout’s training,” Hannah says as she throws the ball for him to retrieve.

“I worked with search and rescue dogs in the military. I can train him.”

Hannah reaches up to run her fingers through my hair. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving, and I need comfort food. Let’s go into town and eat at the diner. I could really use a turkey bacon melt and some big fat steak fries, along with a gigantic chocolate shake with whipped cream and sprinkles. How about it?”

Laughing, I kiss her soundly. “Yes, ma’am. Are you driving or am I?”

“I am.” She grabs my hand and pulls me off the swing. “Come on, Devereaux. I’m buying.”