The Mistletoe Pact by Jo Lovett


Thank you so much to the wonderful team at Bookouture. I owe huge thanks to Lucy Dauman, who is unfailingly lovely and makes incredibly insightful comments. Thank you also to Celine Kelly, who is also extremely lovely and whose comments also always make perfect sense. And thank you so much as well to Jennifer Hunt, Rhianna Louise, Donna Hillyer, Becca Allen, Sarah Hardy, Kim Nash and all the in-house team for all your amazing input – it’s so much appreciated.

Bookouture is often described as a family, and it includes many hugely supportive authors, one of whom is Kristen Bailey, who I need to thank for a lot of fab advice, support and parenting chat!

Big thanks to many of my friends but in particular Dave MacLennan and Emma Kipps for answering a lot of (stupid) questions about doctors – any mistakes are very much mine.

And thank you as always to my family, including my sister Liz, who is an amazing friend. My husband, Charlie, is also an amazing support (and I think genuinely likes my rom coms!). And my children have been wonderful as I’ve written this book – in and out of lockdown and self-isolation, without too much fighting! Sometimes they argue all day, and other times they say truly gorgeous things – a couple of days ago my (usually boisterous) eleven-year-old gave me a big hug and told me that he was very proud of me for being an author – so cute. Thank you! (And sorry that you’re all still eating too much pasta when I’m busy writing.)