Wild by Sara Fields

Chapter 15


I held her against me for the rest of the night. I never wavered and I gave her all that she needed.

When the time came, I pulled free of her bottom hole, delighting in the sight of my seed drying on her pale skin, marking all of her as mine once and for all.

She shook with the exertion of the breaking of her heat, lost in the brutal aftershocks of the endless orgasms I’d forced her through. I had to be hard on her because that’s what her estrous required, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t care for her after it was all over. I turned her face to me and kissed the remains of her tears away. I kissed her forehead and the top of her head, giving her all the affection she deserved.

With the sunrise, there was a knock on the door. I unraveled myself from her arms and answered it, only to find Lucina at the door with a tray of food. She handed it to me, and I placed it down on one of the benches nearby.

“We sent out a scout to survey the surrounding mountains and ensure that there would be no more surprises out there before we left the city. On the way back, he found this near the Recruiter’s camp,” she said softly, lowering her voice once she looked over my shoulder at the sleeping form of Revna.

She slung a heavy-looking leather bag off her shoulder and handed it to me.

“He gathered everything he could find. We thought it best to give it all to you,” she added, and I smiled broadly. I unbuckled the bag and peered inside. Several of his belongings I’d already seen when I searched his room and I grinned with victory when I saw the little black magical journal that the Recruiter used to communicate with the Prophet.

That would be useful in the coming battles. Very useful.

The Ghost would be quite pleased to know that I’d procured such a powerful weapon to use against the Cult of the Blood Moon. I hoped it would be enough to counter whatever the Recruiter had already sent to Daneridge before his death.

I closed the bag and looked back at Lucina.

“You did the right thing. Thank you, Lucina,” I nodded. She moved to leave, and I cleared my throat. “Your bravery has been commendable. You should be proud of yourself.”

“Thank you, Ivar,” she smiled, glancing down at the ground as a pink blush caressed her cheeks. As if she remembered herself, she lifted her gaze back toward me and grinned so broadly that a pair of cute little dimples emerged on her cheeks. “I’m looking forward to what comes next though.”

“I am too,” I answered. She bowed her head.

“The people will march when the sun reaches its peak. We are prepared to fight for the fate of the world,” she added. Her eyes glittered with excitement.

“And we will be ready to fight by your side,” I answered boldly.

With a curt nod, she abruptly turned around and left. I carried the platter of food over to where Revna was still sleeping and gazed back at her perfect form for a long moment. Her eyes were framed by thick eyelashes that were just long enough to brush her cheeks. Her face was still pink and likely would be for some time. She curled up into a tight ball and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her endless curves.

She was perfect.

I’d been so lucky to find her. I hadn’t known it when I’d first set out to follow the Recruiter, but the Ghost had wanted me to find her. She’d been my true mission in the wilds, not him.

With her, the Brotherhood would be that much stronger.

Alone, we were each formidable, but together we were an unstoppable force of nature.

We would ride to Daneridge as the Sage of Animus and the Sage of Edia.

Together, we would lead an army.

Together, we were going to war.