Teach Me by Alexa Riley

Chapter Seven


This is not happening.

The same blue eyes I’ve been thinking about since Saturday night are locked on mine. I was so sure I’d never see them again, not with how everything ended. They narrow in on me for a second before he mutters something under his breath.

He’s pissed, and I guess I can’t really blame him. It wasn't his fault the guy he came to the club with showed up in our private room and went nuts. Reese was trying to break it up, and I can still remember him shouting my name, trying to see if I was okay. For a brief moment I thought maybe he cared.

That was until I got a phone call a few hours ago from Sadie, and she filled me in on a few things. Such as the man who started the brawl is related to Reese and has some lawyer making a bunch of threats.

She thinks he’s making up crap in hopes the club won't press charges, and they can settle outside of court for damages. This Tino guy is saying someone stole money from him. I have to go down to the club straight after class to tell them everything that went on in the room with Reese and me.

Apparently the cameras weren't working, and honestly, thank god. Still, I don’t want to tell them anything about what I did or what I let be done to me. I might get fired, and I’m sure I’m on thin ice already. The giant brawl went down in the room I was in with a client. I cringe thinking about Reese as a client.

Sliding down a little in my chair, I wish a hole in the floor would open up and swallow me. My heart is pounding so loud I’m sure everyone around me can hear it. So many different emotions gnaw at me as I look at him in a new light.

Reese shakes his head, turning around and giving the classroom his back. He runs his fingers through his short hair, and I remember sliding my own fingers into it as he brought me to climax. Heat rushes to my face thinking about that moment, but I’m sure my face is already beyond red at this point.

“He’s hot,” the girl to my right says under her breath. I glance over to see her talking to her friend on the other side of her. I’d tried to introduce myself to them when I sat down, but they brushed me off. I thought I’d left high school behind and was really hoping this was a new start for me. So much for college being different.

“Nice ass too,” the other girl responds before they both burst into giggles.

I grip the side of my desk as a rush of unexpected jealousy fills me. I’m almost thankful for it, because I’ll take anything to get this blush to go away. There’s no need to be jealous; Reese was just a client. One that might be costing me my job since Sadie mentioned some of the accusations being made are about me.

“Let’s start with the syllabus,” Reese says, turning around to face the class again. I drop my head, letting my hair fall forward to help hide myself. I wonder if it’s too late to drop this class.

Everyone opens their laptops while I pull out the syllabus I printed out in the library this morning. I went there after the student center, where I tried to check out a laptop for the semester. They were out, and I was put on the waitlist. The guy working the front desk took my number down and said he'd call me when one comes in from repairs and move me to the top of the list. I don’t know why he took pity on me, but I’m thankful for it.

I suppose I could go buy one if I really needed to, but I’d rather keep a small nest egg for a deposit on a place. The hotel is slowly draining every dollar I have. I guess that is if I still have a job. I try to hold on to that anger because it seems better than the other emotions I’m fighting with right now.

I do my best to write down everything Reese says, but even his voice turns me on. I find myself wiggling in my seat, and on the few times I look up, he doesn't spare me another glance. I should be thankful, but strangely it hurts. Do I not affect him the same way he does me? Had I made things in my head bigger than they really were that night?

I try to stay focused on his words and nothing else, but it’s hard between the girls next to me whispering about him and the erotic places my mind keeps going. Whatever sexual switch Reese flipped inside of me Saturday is still on.

Since that night, whenever I’ve been able to find sleep, it’s Reese I dream about. I kept waking up with my hand inside my panties, on the verge of an orgasm. But as soon as I’d wake up and try to finish it myself, it never worked. No matter how hard I tried, I’d give up and feel angry. I was telling myself it was just because I was distracted and couldn’t do it, not that Reese might be the only one who could take me there.

“Heidi!” Reese snaps my name, and I jerk my head.

“Yes?” I squeak. Crap. From his tone I’m guessing he’d been calling my name a few times already.

“I need you to stay after class. The rest of you are free to go.” My stomach drops as everyone else starts to get up from their chairs. “Make sure you take note of my office hours. You’re free to swing by, but it’s better to make an appointment,” he says.

“I’ll be swinging by,” one of the girls says, sending them both into another fit of giggles. They bump my desk in the process, sending my pen rolling off it. They don’t bother to pick it up either. They just step over it, pretending like I’m not there.

“They’ve always been bitches. I went to North Moore High with them,” the guy in the seat in front of mine says as he bends down and snags the pen off the floor for me. “Hey, I’m Frank,” he says as he sets my pen back on my desk for me.

“Heidi,” I respond.

“Got that after Dr. Davis called it a few times,” he teases me.

I haven't even started trying to wrap my mind around Reese being a doctor. Isn’t he too young?

“I think I zoned out.” He’s kind of cute, and I wonder why I can't be attracted to him. Could it be because this guy is young and Reese is all man? Even in high school I wasn't attracted to anyone my age.

“You want to get a—”

“Heidi!” Reese snaps my name again, cutting Frank off. I’m thankful for the interruption because as much as I’m not looking forward to talking to Reese, I’m pretty sure Frank was about to ask me out. “You’re on my time now,” he says, and my mouth falls open. Did he really just say that to me?

Sorry, Frank mouths to me before he ducks out of the classroom, leaving Reese and me alone.

“Come here,” he orders, not moving from the front of the room.

Annoyed, I glare at him, but my body is having a different reaction. Instead of jumping to do as he tells me, I slowly pack the rest of my stuff into my bag.

“Were you going to charge him to take you out?”

I gasp because his words cut deep. With everything that’s happened in my life over the last few months, I’ve yet to cry. I’m scared that if I start I’ll never stop. So I’m surprised I have to fight back the rush of tears that burn at my eyes.

“You did not say that to me.” I shove the rest of my stuff into my bag, reminding myself about the call from Sadie and the fact Reese’s cousin is pulling me into his mess.

“Fuck, I’m sorry.” He runs his hand down his face, and I notice the dark circles under his eyes. When I’m tired I’m a hot mess, but he still manages to be as handsome as I remember. “Are you about to cry?” He starts toward me, his arm coming out to grab mine.

I put my hands up to stop him. If he touches me, I’ll throw myself at him. Not only because I know what he can do to my body, but because I know it will feel too good to be held. I’d enjoyed that as much as the orgasm he’d given me, and clearly I’m starved for his touch.

“If you’re sorry, you’ll stay away from me and tell that jerkface Tino to stop making up lies. I didn’t steal anything from you.” He actually stops coming toward me, and there’s a confused look on his face.


“Oh sorry. I thought your class was over,” a man says from the doorway.

“Alvin, could you—”

“Thank you for your time, Dr. Davis. I know it’s priceless.” I surprise myself with my own jab as I put my bag over my shoulder and rush for the door. The man in the doorway steps aside, letting me make my escape.

He let me go this time, but I don’t think it will be for long.