It Started with a Snap by Piper James

Chapter Twelve


Icame to the bar to have a beer and wind down after all the ups and downs with Ember today. I ordered two longnecks, found a small table in a dark, secluded corner, and secretly mad-dogged the bartender as I nursed first one, then the other.

I recognized him. He was the guy that started this whole shit show between Ember and me. Okay, to be fair, he didn’t start it. I did. But he was the root cause of my disgruntlement regarding the blonde vixen.

He was the one Ember rushed over and kissed the night I first tried to really talk to her.

I studied him over the rim of my beer, searching for any flaw I could use to make myself feel better. But it was a futile effort. I was secure enough in my sexuality to admit he was a true specimen. Thick, blond hair, styled in that way that looked artfully messy. Bright, wide eyes. Blinding white smile. And he had fucking dimples. Dimples.

It was apparent he worked out, with wide shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist. His biceps stretched the sleeves of his shirt as he mixed drinks for the two suits at the bar, and I couldn’t deny it—if I were into men, I’d be attracted to him.

Fuck. No wonder I didn’t stand a chance with her.

I finished off my first beer and started on the second, forcing my eyes away from him while trying not to dwell on that thought. I didn’t care if I had no chance with Ember. She didn’t have a chance with me, either.

Because. I. Did. Not. Like. Her.

She wasn’t my type. I liked quiet, introspective women. Women who like to read classic novels and have respectful, friendly debates over them. Tech geeks and stock traders. Professionals.

Not free-spirited, irresponsible, drop-dead gorgeous boutique owners who partied like it was nineteen ninety-nine several nights a week.

As if my thoughts conjured her, suddenly, she was there. I ducked my head as she passed, coughing as I choked on the beer I’d been in the process of swallowing. Peeking up, my eyes zeroed in on her lush ass, swaying as she walked in that short-as-fuck blue dress she was wearing. Against my will, my dick stirred to life in my pants.

“Down boy,” I murmured with a shake of my head.

I barely blinked as I watched her slide onto a barstool and greet the Adonis behind the bar. He grinned at her and said something, then laughed as he started pouring various spirits into a glass and topping it with a splash of soda.

Movement to her right caught my eye, and I turned my head to see the two suits staring at her. One of them made a discreet jerking-off motion near his crotch, and my entire body went tense. My eyes flicked back to Ember, who was looking in their direction with a frown. As if that were some kind of invitation, one of the assholes slid off his stool and approached her.

I slid to the edge of my seat, my back tense as he said something to her and tucked her hair behind her ear. She batted his hand away, and I was on my feet, my chest heaving as rage tore through me. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but the ugly leer on his face spoke volumes. I’d taken one step forward when Ember turned toward him and smiled, spreading her knees apart.

What the fuck?

I froze, wondering what in the hell she was up to. Was she really inviting that asshole to touch her?

When hell fucking freezes over.

I knew very fucking well that whether or not Ember let some stranger touch her was none of my business. My logical mind screamed at me to stay out of it. But my logical mind could rot in hell, for all I cared.

I started to round the table when Ember struck out with her fists. One to his junk and the other to his throat. The little bitch dropped to the floor with a garbled scream, and I stumbled back a step. That was…impressive. I watched as his friend helped him to his feet and practically dragged him out.

“You fucking cunt!” he wheezed as they neared me. “I’m going to fuck you up the next time I see you, whore!”

The rage that had drained out of me when Ember dropped the asshole to the floor roared back into my veins. Blood whooshed through my ears and my vision blurred as I clenched my fists.

I looked back at Ember, who was fist-bumping the golden god behind the bar as he smiled that deep-dimpled grin at her. Pulling my wallet from my pocket, I dropped a ten on the table for the busser who’d come to collect my beer bottles and headed for the exit, slipping out before Ember spotted me.

My eyes immediately found the two men in the parking lot, Fucker Number One shaking off Fucker Number Two as he continued to shout insults and threats in the direction of the bar. Gritting my teeth, I stalked toward them.

If anyone would’ve asked me before tonight if I was a violent man, the answer would’ve been a definitive no. I believed in resolving conflict with words and logic, not my fists. I’d been in a few fights when I was younger, mostly thanks to Noah, but as an adult, I’d never had a desire to raise my fists to anyone.

But right now?

Right now, I was out for blood.

The men must’ve heard the crunch of gravel under my boots, because they both swung around to face me as I approached them. Fucker Number Two’s eyes widened as he quickly assessed the situation. But Fucker Number One was still too riled up to notice the violence emanating from my body. Or the fact that I was three inches taller and about fifty pounds of pure muscle heavier than him.

“What the fuck do you want, asshole?” he asked, throwing his shoulders back to bow up to me.

Grabbing the lapel of his suit jacket, I jerked him forward and slammed my fist into his nose before he knew what was happening. A high-pitched scream ripped from his throat as his hands flew up to his nose. Blood gushed between his fingers as he shouted threats and insults at me.

I grabbed his lapel again, lifting my fist, and he curled into himself. His cocky demeanor evaporated as he begged me not to hit him again. I glanced at his friend, who just held up his palms in supplication and shook his head like he didn’t want any trouble. Pussy.

I looked back at the asshole in front of me. “You don’t touch her. You don’t look at her. And if I so much as see you breathing the same air as her, I will fuck you up. Do you understand me?”

He nodded vigorously, blood still dripping between his fingers as he cowered before me. I pushed him backward as I released his lapel, and the two of them ran, hopping into a nearby luxury sedan. I watched as they pulled out of the lot, spraying gravel as the car tires tried to find traction.

Once the taillights disappeared in the distance, I heaved a sigh and turned toward my truck. My knuckles were throbbing, and I shook my hand out to ease the ache. The pain was worth it.

Those two wouldn’t approach Ember again. I’d made sure of it.