It Started with a Snap by Piper James

Chapter Nineteen


“Well, other than that grand display of ralphing into an already disgusting trash can, I had a lot of fun today,” I said as I pulled my truck out onto the highway that led back to Red River.

I saw Ethan grin in my peripheral vision just before he said, “I did, too. Grand display included.”

“Shut up,” I said, reaching over the giant rabbit between us to swat his leg.

He caught my hand, weaving his fingers through mine and resting them on top of his thigh. The cab of my truck was narrow, being just a small pickup with a bench seat, and I suddenly wished I’d thrown that damn bunny in the bed so nothing was separating us.

I shook off the thought. Ethan and I had decided to be friends. Friends held hands, right?

But friends’ hearts didn’t pound in their chests every time their friend slid his palm against hers.

I hadn’t held a guy’s hand since high school, when showing such affection was expected from couples in the hallways. Personally, I’d never gotten anything out of having a guy’s palm sweat all over mine as he gripped it tightly—like he was afraid I’d run away screaming if he didn’t.

But holding Ethan’s hand? I was almost too embarrassed to even admit to myself how much I enjoyed it.

Every time he slid his fingers around mine, my stomach flip-flopped—and not in the bad, upchucking what was left of my lunch kind of way. His palm wasn’t sweaty, but its dry warmth spread up my arm to heat my chest, making my heart pound.

And the guy fucking held my hair while I barfed. He saved my locks from being splattered with puke, rubbed my back to comfort me, and brought me ice, soda, and a pack of gum to make me feel better afterward. And as if that weren’t enough, he spent a wad of cash to make sure we had a good time after I banned us from all future carnival rides.

For a minute there towards the end, I was sure he was going to kiss me. I sent up a silent prayer that the minty gum had done its job before the moment passed, Ethan obviously deciding against it. I refused to analyze my disappointment at the time, but as we drove home with our joined hands on his thigh, I couldn’t help but think about why I’d felt that twinge of rejection.

We were friends. And barely friends, at that. Up until this morning, I’d hated him. Hadn’t I? Maybe hate was a strong word, but I definitely disliked him. Definitely.

Yet here I was, moping over the fact that Ethan hadn’t taken the opportunity to kiss me when it had arisen. Wondering what he’d do if I tried to kiss him. I was no stranger to going after what I wanted, but in this situation, I wasn’t exactly sure what that was.

My body begged me to kiss him. To touch him and strip him bare and count every one of those ab muscles I’d seen the other day at the boutique. To taste his skin. To beg him to taste mine.

But my head was hitting the brakes, telling me it was a terrible idea to jump into something physical with Ethan so quickly. That I should take my time and make sure—

My thoughts ended abruptly as Ethan’s thumb brushed over my knuckles in a soft, sweeping caress. A whole-body shiver coursed through me, but he didn’t seem to notice as his thumb changed direction, his feather-light touch making goosebumps erupt on my skin.

We didn’t speak again as my truck flew down the highway, which was fine with me. I was sure I’d start stuttering or drooling and embarrass myself. My mouth refilled with saliva every time I swallowed, and there was a throbbing in my core I couldn’t ignore.

All from holding his hand.

What the hell is happening to me?

I wasn’t some inexperienced schoolgirl who got her kicks from innocent touches like this. Hell, most of the time, it took quite a bit of foreplay to get me to this level of excitement. But my panties were damp and my nipples were tingling as Ethan brushed that thumb over my knuckles again and again.

By the time we pulled into the ranch’s driveway, I was a hot mess of nerves and hormones. Ethan released my hand and grabbed the bunny, meeting me by the hood after we climbed out of the truck and closed the doors. Walking close beside me, he didn’t try to hold my hand again, but our shoulders brushing together had the same affect—I wanted to snatch that rabbit out of his arms and replace it with my body.

We clomped up the steps, stopping to face each other by the front door. The warm glow of the setting sun highlighted his features as he smiled and set the bunny on the rocking chair to his right. We stared at each other for a moment, and I silently begged him to kiss me.

Fuck being friends. I wanted him.

“Do you want to come in?” I asked when he didn’t make a move or speak.

He inhaled sharply, and I saw a muscle ticking in his jaw as he ground his teeth together. I could see the indecision in his eyes. I imagined he was having the same internal battle I’d had earlier—the urge to satisfy his desires versus the desire to take this slow and do it right…whatever this was.

“I probably shouldn’t,” he said finally, and my body deflated.

“Okay,” I said quietly, reaching into my small purse to find the key to the front door.

“I had a lot of fun today. Thank you,” he said quickly, taking a small step closer.

“I had fun, too,” I said, giving him a soft smile.

His body lurched forward, leaned back, then forward again as he opened his arms to go in for an unsure hug. My arms lifted, going around his shoulders as he pulled me into his chest. I gasped as my breasts rubbed against his hard muscles, then again as his lips pressed against my cheek in the softest of kisses.

He released me and stepped back quickly. Giving me a nod and a quiet goodbye, he turned and jogged down the steps before walking toward his truck. I watched as he climbed in and started the engine. He gave me a little wave as he backed up and turned around to head down the long drive toward the road.

Shaking my head, I turned to unlock the door, grabbed the bunny, and headed inside. After taking Kane out and feeding him, I jumped in the shower, put on some pajamas, and grabbed some crackers from the pantry before settling on the couch.

By the time I ripped into the package and took my first bite, I decided I’d spent today living in some sort of fantasy land. Sure, he’d held my hand, but that didn’t mean anything. Not really. If it did, he would’ve come inside.

No. This whole truce was just that—an agreement to bring peace between us. To stop the bickering and try to be friends. For our sake, since we would be spending so much time together at the boutique in the coming weeks. For our friends’ and his brothers’ sake, so we could all hang out together without the brewing tension.

Thatwas what I wanted. And I’d keep telling myself that until I stopped feeling so down and confused.