It Started with a Snap by Piper James

Chapter Twenty-Five


Iblinked my eyes a few times, feeling completely disoriented. I reached a hand out to pat the bed beside me, finding it empty. Where was Kane?

Shit, I need to let him out.

I sat up quickly, freezing as I looked around the room. Memories from last night crashed through me, and my heart picked up its pace, thumping rapidly in my chest. Even though I knew I had no reason to be—not any real one, anyway—I was nervous as hell.

Morning-after walks of shame were not my thing.

Not that I had anything to be ashamed of. Last night was…spectacular. Mind-blowing. The best fucking sex of my life. And I was fairly certain Ethan enjoyed it just as much as I did.

But despite all that, I was feeling twitchy. I had no idea how to act. If Ethan were some kind of casual one night stand, I’d just force myself to be cool. I’d give him a casual goodbye and head out like I didn’t have a care in the world.

But after last night…there was nothing casual about what I was feeling. I was feeling like I wanted to do all that again. And again. And again.

Which made me even more twitchy and nervous. Fuck.

I needed to get out of here. I really did need to get back to the ranch to let Kane out, but more than that, I needed to clear my head and think.

I slid off the bed and padded to the bathroom. After using the toilet, I washed my hands and face, combed my fingers through my hair, and brushed my teeth with a brand new toothbrush I found resting on the counter.

That was so thoughtful. Ethan is…

“Stop,” I mumbled, forcing the thought away.

I’d have plenty of time to dissect my thoughts and feelings later. Right now, I needed to find my fucking dress and get the hell out of here. I walked back out into the bedroom to search. It only took a second to find it neatly folded on top of Ethan’s dresser.

Slipping it over my head, I searched for my flip flops, but didn’t see them anywhere. Shit. I didn’t remember even taking them off last night. Hopefully they were near the exit so I could just slide my feet into them and flee.

As soon as I stepped foot into the living room, Ethan’s voice startled me, making me yelp and spin around to face him.

“Good morning,” he said, giving me a warm smile.

He was standing in the kitchen in nothing but a pair of sweats, his ass leaning back against the counter as he cradled a steaming mug in his hands. I slowly edged toward the front door, keeping my eyes on him like he was a wild animal, and I was his prey.

“Where are you going?” he asked, his smile faltering as he cocked his head.

“I, um, have to, um, get home to Kane. Yeah. He’s been locked in the house all night, and I need to make sure there are no accidents on the floor before I go to work. I also need to pack because Noah and Dakota are coming home today.”

“Okay,” he said slowly, giving me a skeptical look as my word vomit finally trailed off. “Want some coffee for the road?”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, forcing myself to relax a little. “Sure. That would be great.”

Setting his cup aside, Ethan grabbed a travel mug from the cabinet by the coffee pot. He filled it with steaming goodness before walking to the fridge and pulling out a small white carton.

“Half and half okay? That’s all I’ve got,” he asked, and I nodded.

After pouring some cream into the coffee, he slid a sugar bowl in my direction and set the mug down beside it. He motioned for me to come add the sweetener, and I slowly trudged closer. As soon as I grabbed the spoon to scoop up some sugar, Ethan stepped up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Nuzzling the side of my neck, he asked, “Why are you so nervous this morning?”

“I’m not,” I argued, but the words were weak and unbelievable, even to my own ears.

“Tell me the truth, Ember,” he said, releasing me and stepping back so I could turn to face him. “Are you regretting last night?”

“No!” I barked, spinning quickly. Then in a calmer voice, I said, “I mean no. Of course, not. I don’t regret anything.”

“Then what’s wrong?” he asked, moving forward to plant his hands on the counter on either side of me, caging me in. “Tell me the truth.”

“I don’t…do this,” I said, motioning between us. “I’ve never stayed the whole night with anyone, so I don’t know how to act.”

“You’ve never…” he murmured, his eyes widening with surprise.

“Yeah, you know us slutty girls are like that,” I said.

My stomach dropped as Ethan’s head jerked back, his face etched with pain as if I’d physically struck him.

“Fuck, Ethan, I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I’m an asshole. I don’t know why I said that. I told you I’m not good at this.”

“Ember,” he said, heaving a sigh, “I thought we were past this. I told you I didn’t mean it, and I didn’t. Is it really still bothering you?”

I searched my feelings for a moment before answering. I wanted to deny it, but there had to be a reason my first instinct was to throw it into his face like that.

“I don’t know,” I said finally. “I didn’t think so, but maybe it is.”

“Ember,” he said, pinning me with that bright blue gaze, “I told you I was drunk, and I didn’t mean it, and that was one hundred percent true. But…it wasn’t the whole truth.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

His lips lifted in a self-deprecating smile and he shook his head. “I was jealous.”

“What?” I asked, my voice finding its full strength. “Jealous of what?”

He licked his lips nervously before saying, “The last time we went out as a group—before that night when you overheard my drunk ass, I mean—I’d decided to finally try to talk to you. I was nervous as hell and said something totally lame, which you barely acknowledged before jumping up to run over and kiss some guy by the bar.”

“What guy?” I asked, choosing to focus on that instead of the fact that Ethan liked me way back then, and I didn’t even realize it.

So much time wasted…

“I don’t know his name, but he’s a bartender.”

My eyes widened as realization hit, and I had to fight like hell to suppress my laughter. What Ethan saw must have tortured him to make him seethe with jealousy so long after the fact. It explained a lot, though, and I was glad we could finally clear the air completely.

“You mean Mack?” I asked, raising a hand in the air. “Tall guy? Blond and muscly with movie star good looks?”

“That’s the guy,” Ethan said, his lips pinching together.

“Mack and I are just friends,” I said. “Besides, he’d rather date you than me.”


“Yep,” I said, popping the p. “If you saw me kiss him, it was a platonic smack on the lips between friends. That’s all.”

He shook his head. “That’s good to know. Glad I don’t have to compete with that guy. Even I’m strangely attracted to him.”

I laughed, and he moved forward, bringing his body close to mine. He ran his nose along my jawline, and then pressed his lips to my neck.

“At least you have a backup plan if things don’t work out between us,” I said.

Lifting his head to look at me, he ignored my joke and said, “My jealousy was no excuse. I should never have insulted you like that, drunk or no. I’m really sorry, Ember.”

Sliding my fingers up into his hair, I gripped it tightly, holding his face in front of mine so he would look right into my eyes. He gave me a hopeful smile, and I returned it with one of my own.

“And I really forgive you,” I said, then jerked him forward to press my lips against his.

He shuffled closer, his body pressing me against the counter as his tongue delved into my mouth. His hands left the countertop to squeeze my ass, kneading it for a moment before lifting me up and setting me on the counter. My legs fell open as he pushed forward, wedging his hips between them as his tongue continued to dance with mine.

After several moments of just kissing, he slowed things down with a few nibbles and pecks before pulling back to look into my eyes. The smile he gave me warmed my bones, and my heart fluttered in my chest.

“I know you have to go,” he said, gripping my hips and pulling me off the counter.

My body slid down his as he set me to his feet, and I felt his erection rub against my belly. I suddenly didn’t want to go. I wanted to see if his cock tasted as delicious this morning as it did last night. I was getting ready to make a move when my gaze snagged on the clock on the microwave.

“Shit. It’s late. I really do need to go,” I mumbled.

“Go,” he said, screwing the lid on my coffee mug for me. “I’ll see you at the boutique later. I might have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise? What is it? Is it your cock? Tell me it’s your cock,” I said, giving him a pleading look.

He threw his head back and laughed. Looking back at me, he smiled, and it nearly took my breath away just like it did the first time. Grabbing my shoulders, he turned me toward the door and gave me a swat on the ass.

“It’s even better. Now, go. Your shoes are by the door.”

I sighed dramatically and took a step forward, but Ethan’s hand grabbed mine, jerking me back and spinning me into his arms. He kissed me, hard, and my knees nearly gave out under the sheer force of it.

“Damn,” I murmured when we broke apart.

Damn is right,” he said, giving me an adorable smirk. “See you in a couple of hours.”

“See you,” I said, then spun around and got out of there before I dragged him straight back to bed.

Kane’s bladder be damned.