Parting the Veil by Paulette Kennedy



When I first began working on Parting the Veil, I had no idea it would become my debut novel. Writing this book has introduced me to some wonderful people, and I am grateful to them all.

A huge, heartfelt thank-you to the team at SDLA and my agent, Jill Marr, who has been a phenomenal advocate for Eliza’s story and a dedicated career partner. An equally enthusiastic thank-you to my editor, Jodi Warshaw, whose expertise and encouragement during the editorial process has been limitless. Special thanks to the Lake Union production team: Nicole Burns-Ascue, Amanda Gibson, and Nicole Brugger-Dethmers, who helped me polish this book to a shine. Thank you especially to Gabe Dumpit, who answered my questions with patience and positivity. Everyone at Lake Union has been a joy to work with, and I am so thankful to be involved with such a supportive and innovative publisher.

A five-star, emphatic thank-you to Amanda Hudson at Faceout Studio for designing the most beautiful cover ever. I simply cannot stop staring at it. I only hope my words do it justice.

There are several people who helped with earlier versions of this novel, but none deserves my appreciation more than freelance developmental editor and fellow writer Maria Tureaud, who discovered my manuscript in the Revise and Resub (#RevPit) slush pile and convinced me not to shelve it. Without her guidance and belief in this story, it would not exist today. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

A multitude of thanks to Thuy Nguyen—my DM confidant and critique partner, who has been a fountain of positive energy tempered with honesty. She helped me tear down, rewrite, and hone this manuscript to near perfection before sending it out into the world. I cannot thank you enough for your help and kindness, my friend.

Several peers and mentors gave of their time during my writing process—from manuscript and query critiques to offers to write endorsements . . . or they simply gave an abundance of moral support while I was querying and on submission. Much appreciation to Elizabeth Blackwell, Jenna (JM) Jinks, Nicole Eigener, Justine Manzano, Olesya Salnikova Gilmore, Sam Thomas, Jo Kaplan, Elle Marr, Megan Chance, Barbara Davis, Kim Taylor Blakemore, Stacie Murphy, Shyla Shank, Jolie Christine, Harlequin and Astrid Grim, S. Kaeth, Laura McHugh, Jessica Lewis, HM Braverman, Romey Petite, Belinda Grant, Alex Gotay, Hester Fox, Lydia Kang, Sasa Hawk, Stephanie Whitaker, Megan Van Dyke, Sierra Pung, and Sheri MacIntyre.

A multitude of thanks to my bookish friends who volunteered to read the earliest draft of this work, including Amber, Dana, Courtney, Rosalinda, Janet, Paula, Caroline, and Brittany, who also helps me with my taxes. Although the novel has changed significantly since its first iteration, your thoughtful insights helped to shape my characters and this story into their current form.

The writing community on Twitter has been a continuous source of inspiration, especially the Writer in Motion group chat. Every writer needs to feel like they have people rooting for them, and I’m lucky to have found my people. Special thanks to Jeni Chappelle for everything you do to help writers.

Thank you to Brenda Drake and the #PitMad Pitch Wars team for creating a platform for new authors to pitch their work and get noticed. I never expected Parting the Veil to receive the response it did during my very first PitMad. I’m thankful to have had the experience.

I would be remiss not to mention the two standout teachers who always believed in my writing: my third-grade teacher, Mrs. Kathy Jolovich of Springfield Public Schools, and Dr. William J. Burling of (Southwest) Missouri State University, a great writer and professor of English who is sadly no longer with us. Teachers do make a difference. And I’m grateful to have had two of the best.

I’m thankful to my family, especially my mom, to whom this book is dedicated. She taught me to read and always made sure I had a steady supply of books, even if I preferred to read her romance novels on the sly. My dad was an amazing songwriter and storyteller, and I think he’d be super proud of me for chasing my dreams. Thanks to Lula, my sister and first friend, who still lovingly teases me about all the characters I created when we were children. I’m also grateful to the Hughes and Roberts families, who have been so enthusiastic about reading this book. I hope you enjoy it!

I also want to extend a thank-you to my Missouri friends, Sa’dia and Betsy, who listened patiently while I explained the ins and outs of publishing and who have always had my back. You’re the best. When I come home, you make me feel like I never left.

And finally, to Ryan and Avery—every bit of this was done for you. Thank you for your patience. I’m so sorry for all the takeout. I love you.