A Secret to Shatter by Katie O’Connor

Chapter Nineteen

Honey paced her apartment. She was supposed to see Ira tonight. They were going to a family dinner at the Flint house and she was going as his guest. He’d invited her the morning after they made love. That was a week ago and she hadn’t seen him since. They’d texted nearly every day, but she was still nervous and uncertain. He hadn’t been into Tammy’s even once.

Had she gone too far when she seduced him? Okay, when they seduced each other. She hoped he didn’t think she slept around, or made a habit of hopping into bed with a man that quickly. It was totally out of character for her, but something about Ira Castillo moved her beyond words. She felt a strong connection with him. In her heart. In her soul.

She’d found him attractive the first time he’d come into Tammy’s last fall. Wow. It had to have been eight or nine months. He was handsome and kind. Not even remotely her type though. She tended to be partial to computer nerds or techie guys. But as she got to know Ira, she’d become increasingly attracted to him. Enough to steal him from under Lacy’s nose. She still felt a twinge of guilt over her action.

Yes, she was more than attracted to him.

Their good-natured teasing and playfulness at the swimming hole had touched her heart. She was pretty sure she was half in love with him.

But what if she’d gone too far? Had her willingness to go to bed so early in their relationship put him off? Was sleeping with him so early why he’d texted rather than calling? Did he think she was sleazy? Why hadn’t she seen him since they made love? And, for her at least, it was making love, not just sex. Or was it just sex for Ira?


He’d invited her to a family dinner -- after they slept together. Hours after, while they were cuddled up on the couch. He wouldn’t have spent hours cuddling if she was just an easy lay, would he?

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, Honey. Get a grip.” She stared at herself in the small mirror beside her apartment door. “Stop overthinking.”

Was she overthinking because she was too invested in their friendship? No, relationship. They had gone beyond friendship.

She paced back and forth in her apartment. The cats watched her from the sofa, their eyes following her restless movements.

“What?” She paused to pet them. Tawny meowed loudly, but Buster just looked bored. “I’m overreacting, aren’t I?” Tawny meowed twice. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She stroked them again.

With a sudden flash of inspiration, she rushed for the bedroom. Only one way to find out. She shucked the pretty floral dress she was wearing and hung it in the closet. She pulled down a tie-dye T-shirt and a pair of snug black denim jeans and slipped them on. She was going comfortable and casual. It was a rainy blustery day and she’d already been thinking of jeans, but had dressed to impress. She was more a skirt girl than a jeans girl, but some days just called for pants. Even for a party.

If he cared for her as much as she cared for him, he’d be just as happy if she wore jeans.

The door buzzer chimed. She selected a thick cotton sweater from the shelf and slipped it on, pausing for a second to admire the bounty of sequined roses on its front. She snatched up some flats and socks and raced to the door to buzz Ira in.

She popped her apartment door open a crack and double checked her hair in the mirror. Yes. Still fine, even after an outfit change. Her spiral curls hung over her shoulders and down her back. Makeup free, as usual. Perfect. She did have a knack for picking clothing to perfectly match her looks and her spirit. Free loving, half hippy, and joyous.

“Wow, you look great,” Ira said from the doorway. “I’m a bit mesmerized myself.” He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “Come here.” He crooked his finger at her.

She raised one eyebrow and said, “You come here.”

Ira slipped out of his boots, took two small steps, and grasped her hands with his. He leaned in and brushed his lips across hers. “Oh yeah,” he sighed. “I missed you. Sorry I didn’t manage to see you this week. We’ve been roofing at the Bar 3. We wanted to finish before the weekend. So much work, so little time.” He chuckled.

“But you’re here now,” she said. Kissing him again. “I missed you too. You look nice.” His beard was neatly trimmed and he’d gotten a haircut. The short military style suited him. He wore jeans, cowboy boots, and a button front green plaid shirt. “Couldn’t go completely away from the fatigue colors, could you?” She teased, flicking the sleeve of his olive and black shirt.

“Once a grunt, always a grunt. I guess.”

“Why do you call yourself a grunt?”

“One of my platoon leaders always used the term.” He shrugged.

“It’s sounds very derogatory.”

“Maybe, but I was just boots on the ground. Nothing special. A grunt.”

“You were more than just a grunt. I know it. Some day, you’ll tell me all about it. Until then, let’s go to dinner. I’m sure your family is waiting for us.”

“Nope. I told you to be ready a bit earlier than we needed to leave so I had time to do this.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the couch and sat down with her in his lap. The cats scattered. “Now, kiss me woman. Kiss me like you mean it.”

She didn’t mind the display of strength, not one bit. It was done with gentle tenderness. She felt wanted, needed, and cared for. She pivoted to straddle his lap and leaned in to press her lips to his. “Hi,” she whispered in her best imitation of a sex siren. “Come here often, soldier boy?”

Ira groaned. “Don’t start anything we don’t have time to finish,” he warned. “Do not make me late for my first official family dinner.”

“Wouldn’t you rather stay here with me?” She mock pouted; running her finger along the swoop neck of her T-shirt.

The next thing she knew, she was on her back on the couch, Ira knelt on the floor and loomed over her with an evil grin. “You’re going to pay for teasing me with what I can’t have.” He pressed her into the couch with a passionate kiss which nearly blew her socks off. His hand stroked down her arm and somehow found the soft skin of her belly beneath her shirt. His heat burned like a brand, and she gasped.

The kiss morphed from teasing punishment to burning passion in a flash of heat. She surrendered herself to the kiss. Giving as much as she was taking. Hoping she stole his breath like he stole hers. The room faded away until there was nothing left but Ira. His mouth, his scent. The hard planes of his body against hers. Burning need rose in her core. Her heart thundered.

Until his phone beeped.

She eased away. “You should get that,” she gasped.

“No.” He took her mouth again, his hand crept higher until he cupped the underside of her breast. “No bra?” He stared at her wide eyed. “Woman, you’re going to kill me.” He pressed his lips to her belly button.

The phone chimed again.


He yanked the phone out of his pocket. Read the display and cursed mildly. “Jason needs a ride. We need to pick him up. The butcher shop van has a flat.”

“Doesn’t he have his own vehicle?”

“In the shop, and since he’s family, he has to wait until Carl has time to fix it.”

Ira kissed Honey again and she almost lost herself in the tender caress before her sensibilities came back to life. “We should go.” She wiggled under him. “First family dinner.”

“Don’t remind me. I have better things to do.”

She was just as torn as Ira. She’d have loved nothing more than to stay home and make love with him. But she also knew the value of good family relationships. “We can pick this up later, if you’re interested.” She eased around him and stood.

Ira dropped his head and chest to the sofa and grumbled under his breath before leaping to his feet. “Duty calls. Though, honestly, I’ve never been less interested in doing my duty.”

She pressed her finger to his lips. “Shh. Family is important. On the bright side, we’ll be together Not kissing close, but hand holding close.”

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to his feet and toward the door. “We can do this. Who knows, maybe if you’re a good boy, you’ll be rewarded later.”

“I’m counting on it.”