Hollywood Rebel by Misti Murphy



To all my readers, thanks you so much for your constant encouragement and help. You make this a journey I am so blessed to be on! Every time I write one of these books I drop a little piece of my heart on the pages. I cry and scream and throw shoes probably just like you do. I laugh and I have break downs over these characters just like you do, so the fact that you love them means so freaking much to me. It really does. Without you I wouldn’t have the courage to keep writing and publishing. You are amazing!!

To Jennie Davis, thank you for letting me use your name.

To Margaret Burke, thank you so much for being a fan and inspiring a certain rancher who would not exist if it weren’t for you.

To Tami Lund, thank you for being an amazing editor and friend. And for putting up with me when I’m sure I’m losing my mind or my confidence. Or both. Thank you for helping me climb out of plot holes and for editing this book into something readable. You are a megastar. 

To Debra St James, thank you for helping me pick a cover model even though I totally went in another direction in the end.

To Chelle Pimblott, thank you for listening to me constantly go on and on and on about this story.

To Kate Farlow at Y’all That Graphic for the beautiful cover and graphics!!

To my readers group, thank you for all your input. You guys are the bomb! You help me so much. Even when you don’t know that you are.



P.S. sorry about that cliff-bump. I know you hate me right now, but I swore to myself when I started this series that I wouldn’t play it safe and I wouldn’t hold back from these books that need to be told.

I hope you enjoy the journey.

Misti Murphy xoxo


[TL1]This, or some cleaned up version, feels like great marketing fodder.