Wolf’s Fox by Juniper Hart


Heidi and Nicholas stared at one another in shock, time freezing in the aftermath of Ruthie’s disappearance.

“What the hell happened?” Nicholas yelled, regaining his composure before his sister-in-law. “Where did she go? Where did he come from?”

Heidi shrugged helplessly, shaking her head.

“I don’t know,” she breathed, glancing back up toward the sky as if she couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. “I didn’t sense him coming.”

“Was that Luthor?”

Heidi had no answer to that question either, but Nicholas moved toward his car, with her calling after him. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to find Ruthie!” He paused and glanced back at her. “Did it work?”

She gaped at him. “What?”

“Did you lift the spell?”

Heidi nodded quickly, but the answer gave Nicholas little relief. In her human form, Ruthie was in even more danger than she was before in Luthor’s hands. He had to find her.

“What are you going to do?” Heidi demanded, reading the determination in his face.

“I just told you—I’m going to find Ruthie.” Nicholas didn’t have time to sit and discuss the matter with his brother’s mate. He couldn’t bear to think of what would happen if he was too late and Ruthie was left alone with Luthor.

“How? How are you going to find her?”

He didn’t answer and instead turned back to his vehicle, his heart thudding loudly in his chest.

“Nicholas!” He again stopped to look at her, his face twisted in concentration. “I can’t come with you. There’s too much at stake for me.”

He swallowed his resentment but nodded curtly.

This isn’t her fight. She’s done enough.

“I know. Go home to your kids,” he said gruffly.

“Please, keep me posted. I’ll send your brother—”

“Don’t,” Nicholas interjected. He didn’t add that it would be too late by the time Lincoln came. This was his battle, and he would end it, no matter what it took.

“Nicholas, be safe, please,” Heidi begged. He didn’t respond, this time climbing into the driver’s seat. His body was shaking, and the desire to shift into his wolf body and chase after the dragon was overwhelming, but the beast was long gone, Ruthie in his clutches.

Nicholas forced himself to think rationally, difficult as it was.

Only one person could help him find Ruthie now, but getting her to do that was another story altogether.

* * *

Catherine’s Mercedeswas parked in front of her mansion, and Nicholas arrived just as the sun began to rise over the horizon.

Maybe Heidi was wrong. Maybe she didn’t lift the curse, and Ruthie shifted into her fox form.

It was a bittersweet thought, but one that was keeping him sane as he tore through Catherine’s mansion. He found his mother asleep in her suites as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

“GET UP!” he hissed, ripping the duvet away from her body. Catherine blinked, a look of alarm crossing over her face when she registered her incensed son standing beside her bed.

“Nicholas!” she choked, sitting up, her face paling. “What are you doing here?” She looked behind him, presumably for her servants, but Nicholas had been stealthy enough not to rouse the attention of anyone else despite his overwhelming fury.

“Where is he?” Nicholas growled, advancing on her to tower over her half-sitting form in the bed.

“I-I don’t know—”

“SAVE YOUR LIES, MOTHER!” His voice reverberated through the walls, all sense of sneakiness evaporating in his fury. “Where is Luthor? He took Ruthie!”

Catherine sighed and shrugged, pulling the blanket back around her body.

“She belongs to him,” she answered simply. “I merely gave him back what was his.”

Before he could stop himself, Nicholas grabbed his mother by the collar of her nightgown, fire sparking from his emerald eyes furiously.

“So, help me, gods. I am losing control,” he rasped.

“Sister Catherine?” someone called from the hallway. “Are you all right?”

“Get rid of him, Mother.”

Catherine’s mouth parted, and for a moment, Nicholas thought she was going to call for help, but she seemed to recognize the gravity of the situation.

“Yes, Arthur. I’m fine. Go back to your room.”

Nicholas nodded, keeping her in his grip.

“Now tell me where to find my mate,” he hissed.

“Nicholas, Luthor can be very dangerous when provoked,” she muttered. “I don’t think you should go bursting in there—”

“You have no right to tell me what to do,” he snarled, his fingers curling more forcefully around her bedclothes. “How could you do this? Ruthie deserves better!”

Catherine sighed. “I tried to offer her better, but you refused to perform as you should have,” she answered sullenly. Nicholas refused to take the bait. He would deal with Catherine afterward.

“TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!” he roared. “I won’t ask you again!”

Catherine exhaled. “I’ll tell you, but I won’t be held responsible for what happens to you when you go there,” she said, pouting.

Nicholas smiled coldly. “You don’t have to worry,” he said, pulling her out of bed. “You’re coming with me.”

Catherine gasped. “Nicholas, no!”

“You’re the reason we’re in this mess. You’re coming, and you’ll undo whatever deal you made with Luthor.”

“It’s not that simple!”

“I suppose we’ll see, won’t we? Get dressed. Now!”

Reluctantly, Catherine untangled herself from her son’s fingers, lowering her eyes as she did.

“You don’t know what you’re walking into,” she muttered, shaking her head. “You should just leave well enough alone.”

“If you think I’m going to just walk away from my mate, you don’t know me at all,” Nicholas countered. “Hurry up, or I’m dragging you out of here in your nightgown.”

Catherine retreated into her dressing room and emerged a few minutes later, looking wary and unkempt. Nicholas had never seen his mother look so disheveled, but her appearance was the least of his concerns. He seized her arm again, worried that she might run off, and marched her toward the door.

“Let go of me, Nicholas,” she growled. “I’m not going to run in heels.”

“I have no idea what you’re going to do,” he fired back, walking her down the stairs. “You never cease to disgust me, Mother.”

“I have always tried to do what is best,” Catherine whined. “Even if you can’t see that. When you have children of your own—”

“Save the sanctimonious BS, Catherine,” he snapped, eying her through his peripheral vision. “How did Luthor know where to find her, anyway?”

“I would have thought you would be up to snuff on technology by now,” Catherine said smugly. “Tracking cell phones is so last decade.”

Nicholas paled, but he made no comment, shoving her inside the Jeep before hurrying around to the driver’s side. “Tell me where to go.”

Sighing, Catherine folded her arms over her ample chest and scowled.

“This isn’t going to end the way you want it to,” she insisted. “Why don’t you—”

“Why don’t you stop talking unless it’s to give me directions,” he snapped. Catherine exhaled again.

“Fine,” she muttered. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

* * *

The wroughtiron gates appeared over the remote landscape, and Nicholas cast his mother a warning look.

“What is this place?” he demanded, taking in the castle-like structure in front of him.

“It’s Luthor’s lair,” she replied shortly. “Isn’t that where you wanted to go?”

Nicholas stopped the car and opened the door, staring at the fenced-in property in dismay.

“Who is this guy?” he demanded. “Why haven’t I been able to find him?”

Catherine smirked mirthlessly, remaining where she was.

“Some beings don’t like to be found,” she answered simply. “It used to be easier to stay hidden.”

He stared at her furiously.

“You will tell me the entire story of this beast—after Ruthie is found safe.”


“Get out,” he snapped. “We’re going in.”

“I don’t need to come with you, Nicholas.” There was alarm in Catherine’s voice, but he wasn’t having her protests.

“You’re the one who took the money for Ruthie’s whereabouts,” he reminded her. “And you’re the one who will pay it back. One way or another, you’re getting her back for me.”

“Nicholas, it’s not going to be that easy. He doesn’t care about the money.”

“You better make him care, Catherine, because I’m not leaving here without Ruthie.” He strode around to the passenger side and opened the door, half-dragging his mother out. “Announce yourself and get us inside.”

She started to shake her head, but he pushed her forward. The gates gave away then as if on a sensor.

“Dammit,” Catherine muttered. “Arianna.”

Nicholas glanced at her.

“Arianna? Who is that?”

“Luthor’s wife.”

Nicholas gaped at her but instead of asking for an explanation, he strode forward, Catherine in tow. He had a feeling that the punches would keep on coming but nothing mattered but getting his mate to safety.

The front door opened as the pair hauled forward and a pinched faced fairy appeared on the stoop, her eyes narrowed when she saw Catherine.

“I’m seeing too much of you, Catherine,” she growled. “Is Luthor expecting you?”

Nicholas felt a shiver of apprehension snake down his spine. He didn’t permit his mother to answer.

“Where is he?” he growled at her. “Where is Ruthie?”

Confusion and consternation crossed over Arianna’s face.

“Who is this?” she demanded of Catherine, but Nicholas didn’t wait around for introductions. He pushed his way inside, looking around the crumbling foyer for a sense of where his mate might be.

“Hey!” Arianna cried. “You can’t just barge in here! Luthor insists on privacy!”

“RUTHIE!” Nicholas yelled into the echo chamber that was Luthor’s house. “RUTHIE WHERE ARE YOU?!”

“Stop yelling!” Arianna hurried inside after him. “Who are you looking for? What is going on?”

“Arianna, where is Luthor?” Catherine asked nervously. “We need to speak with him at once.”

Nicholas strode further into the house, calling out. He didn’t care if Luthor was warned. If it meant getting him away from Ruthie, it was all that mattered. He didn’t want to think about what he might be doing with her as they wasted time squabbling in the foyer.

“Wait a minute…” Arianna muttered. “Ruthie?”

Nicholas whirled back around to look at her.

“You know her? Have you seen her?” he yelled, advancing on her.

“Ruthie…Edwards?” Arianna demanded falling back as Nicholas neared. “Is that who you’re talking about?”

“Yes. Have you seen her? Is she here?”

Arianna paled and looked accusingly at Catherine. Her head began to shake, and her frail body trembled.

“What have you done?” she hissed. “I should have known that you being here was going to cause problems. You have always been trouble. Always!”

Catherine tried to shake her head, but Nicholas pounced on Arianna.

“Where is she? Where is Ruthie?”

“I thought I’d never have to hear that name again!” Arianna moaned. “He is supposed to love me, not her! He’s bound to me!” She stared balefully at Catherine. “Why would you ruin our happiness?” she cried. “Why couldn’t you just leave well enough alone!”

“That’s Mother for you,” Nicholas said tersely. “Ruining lives is almost like a pastime for her.”

“That’s not fair,” Catherine whimpered plaintively, but Nicholas was fully focused on Arianna who was coming to terms about the truth of her husband.”

“Why would he still want that girl after all this time?” Arianna muttered, looking back at Nicholas. “He loves me!”

“This has nothing to do with love, woman!” Nicholas snapped. “He’s a tyrant, a brute. And he has my mate!”

“How can you be sure?” Arianna was fighting the truth, but Nicholas could see that she believed him.

“I saw him with my own eyes. He just kidnapped her, not three hours ago. Where is Luthor?” Nicholas asked again. “If you tell me where he is, I guarantee, you’ll find Ruthie, too. I’ll show you myself.”

Arianna looked miserable through her anger.

“I haven’t seen her,” she replied sullenly, but when Nicholas loomed up against her, she continued. “But if he has her, they would be in the dungeon. It’s the only soundproof room in the lair.”

“Show me,” Nicholas growled. “Now.”

Arianna nodded and whirled around in the other direction, casting another scathing glare at Catherine.

“This way,” she muttered, moving forward with the determination of a scorned woman. Catherine hesitated, but Nicholas seized her arm once more.

“Come on, Catherine,” he growled. “You’re coming, too.”

“Nicholas, please—”

Her words fell on deaf ears. His only concern was Ruthie and ending Luthor’s reign of terror. His fingers gripped her arm. They were all going together.