For Crying Out Loud by J. Preston

7I'm Sexy And I Know It

I’m really good at giving other people life advice but when it comes to my own life I have no idea what I’m doing.

- Aiden


After the whole strawberry incident in Aiden’s room, I ran and hid in my bedroom like the inexperienced girl that I am. All night I’ve been tossing and turning, excitement about the first day in Starwood mixed with visions of green eyes, full lips, and plump strawberries keeping me up.

At five am, I give up the charade and get up, deciding to just get ready and make breakfast. After a long shower and my interpretation of Sky Ferreira’s “Everything Is Embarrassing”, I get dressed in my grey skinny jeans and an oversized, black, sleeveless Rolling Stones t-shirt. I even put in an extra effort and dry my hair so that it does not resemble a bird’s nest. I nod at myself in the mirror with approval. You’re going to crush it today, Jenny. On my way out to the kitchen, I grab my phone only to notice a message from dad.

DAD:Have an amazing first day in Starwood, pumpkin! Can’t believe my little girl is in college! LOL, dad xxx

I smile to myself. No matter how many times Jason and I try to explain, Dad still thinks lol means ‘lots of love’… I quickly type a reply.

ME:Thanks, daddy, I’m so excited! Miss you loads and lol back at you xxx

I go to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast. I decided to make pancakes with bacon and maple syrup. My favourite. I’m almost done when sleepy Aiden walks in, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. My jaw drops as he dazedly heads to the fridge, opens it up, and pulls out a carton of orange juice, his muscular back to me. He closes the fridge, turns around, and freezes, noticing me staring at him like a starved child staring at a chocolate cake. He looks glorious, his face puffy from sleep, yet, somehow, still sexy. I lower my gaze to his chest, then his six-pack, and stop at the V starting above his boxer shorts. I’m positive I must be drooling. Clearing my throat, I smile at him, pretending his ripped body does not faze me.

“Morning,” I say cheerfully.

“Morning,” he replies, looking me up and down. His voice is hoarse with sleep. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Pancakes,” I reply, gesturing towards the stack to my right.

“Mmmm, delicious.” Aiden’s gaze travels up my body and stops on my lips. I clear my throat again and turn around back to the stove. I flip the remaining pancakes and fuss over the bacon. When I turn back around, Aiden is gone. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Half an hour later, what sounds like a herd of elephants comes down the hallway and stumbles into the kitchen.

“I smell pancakes!” Jason sing-songs, finishing off with jazz hands.

“Morning,” I reply, laughing as he gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Get your ass over to the table.”

“Best. Sis. Ever! This breakfast definitely beats our usual toast with butter!”

Aiden walks in, his hair wet and tousled, just as I put the plates on the table.

When we finish, the boys help me clean up the kitchen. By the time we’re done it’s half eight, and I grin like a dork. It's time to go to college! I run to my room, grab my bag, and run back to the kitchen. Both Jason and Aiden stand by the door waiting for me, their hands behind their backs, looking all suspicious.

“What’s up?” I ask, stopping in my tracks.

“Well, sis.” Jason takes a step towards me. I feel nervous. Is he going to jump on me and start tickling me like he used to when we were ten? “It’s your first day in college today and, well, we’ve got something for you.” He smiles from ear to ear as my eyes widen. I look from my brother to Aiden. Did they really do something so sweet? I cock my head to the side as Jason puts his hands in front of him. In one of them there’s a silver bracelet. My hand shoots up to my mouth in astonishment.

“Oh my gosh!” I squeak as Jason pulls my hand away from my mouth and fastens the eyelet bracelet around my wrist. There is a single charm on it, a heart with the word ‘sister’ engraved on it. My jaw is on the floor as Aiden steps toward me, he takes my hand and attaches two more charms onto the bracelet. One is a book, ‘Le Petit Prince’ engraved on it, and the other is just one word: GEEK. I look at both of them, my eyes filling with tears, and bring them both into a group hug. This is hard since they’re both so much taller than me, but they just lean down and hug me back. “You guys are amazing.” I sniffle. “You didn’t have to, but I really love it. Thank you.”

“It was Aiden’s idea,” Jason mutters into my hair, and I squeeze them both harder.

“It’s perfect,” I say, letting them out of my death grasp and smiling up at them. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Aiden blushes and looks down at his shoes. “Ready? I thought we could drive together and I can guide you around campus.” I raise my eyebrow at the hopeful look he’s giving me..

“Please, Jenny! I really need Kitt. I’m supposed to pick up a friend for school today.” I sigh and hand over the car keys to my brother, who is currently giving his best puppy dog eyes.

“Let’s go then!” I smile, grabbing Aiden’s arm and walking out of the house, still mesmerised by the wonder on my wrist. Was it really his idea? That’s so thoughtful and sweet.

The drive to the campus is short, and I’m so excited that I can’t stop chattering about everything. Aiden just smiles his dimpled smile and nods at appropriate moments, encouraging my incoherent ramblings.

“… So that’s why I think monkeys should wear pants, you see,” I finish as we park.

“Yes.” He tries to contain his laughter. “Makes sense, Jenny.”

“I know! Thank you!” I say, then close my mouth, looking around at the red brick building ahead of us. We walk through the gates in silence. I notice the Starwood Eagle Crest above the metal arc of the gate. I’m silent for once, drinking in every detail, the freshly cut grass, the two stone lions on each side of the steps to the main entrance, their paws resting on a stack of books.

I grin like a kid in a candy store. I can’t believe I’m here!

Aiden chuckles beside me. “I’ve never seen anyone this excited to be in school. Come on, I’ll show you around before your first lecture. What is it anyway?”

I go a deep shade of red. I was hoping I could avoid this topic. “Cell and molecular biology.” I mutter under my breath. Aiden stops in his tracks.

“Jenny, I know you’re studying Biomedical Science. You don’t need to feel ashamed that you’re a genius and will one day save all our lives with a cure for cancer or something equally incredible. Why do you think I got you the ‘Geek’ charm?” he asks. I look at my bracelet and start playing with the charm, then look back up at him and smile. He’s right. I should just release my inner nerd.

* * *

After the extensive tour of the campus, Aiden walks me to my first class. We arranged to meet in the parking lot later, to drive home together. The lecture hall is almost empty, so I take my pick of seats and sit down in the third row, taking out my MacBook. There are five people in the room excluding me, all guys, all wearing glasses, checked shirts, and sleeveless pullovers. I look down at my Rolling Stones t-shirt. I’m going to blend in just fine… Not.

The room slowly fills up with more nerdy looking people, and I slide lower and lower in my seat, trying to make myself as small as possible. Five minutes before the start of the class someone plops, exhaling heavily, in the seat next to mine. I look to my right through a curtain of hair. A girl.

“Is it just me, or is everyone else but us an ultra-nerd in here?” I hear her whisper. I look over and see an Abercrombie model sitting next to me. Not kidding. She is gorgeous; she’s got big brown eyes and is grinning her perfectly straight teeth at me. Her golden brown hair is falling onto her shoulders, she’s wearing a crop top with ‘I’m Sexy and I know It’ written on it, dark skinny jeans, and neon orange Nikes.

I smile back at her. “Thank God, I thought I was the only one,” I whisper back. “I’m Jenny Cowley.”

“Hayley Scott. Loving your taste in mus-”

“Good morning everyone. My name is Professor Adam Granger,” A deep voice interrupts us. The entire room instantly quiets down as focus shifts to the man up front. I hear whispers, and it’s easy to figure out why Adam Granger is the youngest professor on the faculty and a Nobel laureate for his work in biomedicine. “Welcome to Cell and Molecular Biology. Look around you.” We all turn our heads. “You probably know that this subject is no picnic. Half of you will be gone by the end of the semester, then only half of those left will make it to year two.” I hear people snicker and see in my peripheral vision someone pointing at Hayley and me.

I slide down in my chair again, but Hayley just puffs up her chest and holds her head high. Following in Hayley’s confident footsteps, I decide to Elle Woods the hell out of those nerds. I’m here for a reason and they can underestimate me all they want. The professor nods in our direction in acknowledgement and winks at us. “Looks can be deceiving,” he continues. “I myself was in this room ten years ago in torn up jeans and an AC/DC t-shirt. My classmates had a bet on how long I’d last and here I am now.”

Hayley and I smile at each other. “I like this guy already,” she whispers to me, and I nod. It doesn’t hurt that he’s nice to look at too.

Back-to-back class and the following lab finish in a blink of an eye, and we’re done for the day. I can’t believe how many pages of material I have written down and how much we’ve gone through. This will definitely be one of the toughest subjects. As we walk out, Hayley grabs my hand.

“So Jenny, study buddy or even just a plain old buddy? I don’t know anyone here!”

“Yes!” I exclaim, excited to make my first friend. We walk outside, arm in arm, chatting about classes and things we have in common when a girl walks past us barging my shoulder and making me drop my bag in the process.

“Sorry!” I mutter.

“Watch it, dykes!” I hear her taunt from behind me. Hayley lets go of my arm.

“Get off your high horse, bitch. You’re the one who wasn’t looking,” she sneers back. I turn around and see a pissed off girl, her platinum blonde hair cropped to her chin. She’s wearing a low cut top and a very short leather skirt with high-heeled boots, and she has a fake, orange tan glow about her. Way to bring classy to college…

“Well, well,” the blonde bimbo narrows her eyes at us. “Look who we have here, Hayley Scott and her little minion.” Hayley is visibly taken aback, so I decide to step in.

“At least I don’t look like an Oompa Lumpa. Now skedaddle, mind your own business. What was it again? Torturing kittens and turning tricks for a dollar fifty each?” The girl’s face turns red and I swear smoke is about to escape her ears. She looks royally pissed. I bend over, picking up my bag, and pull Hayley by her elbow before the chick starts throwing punches.

“C’mon Hayls, let’s go.” I look over at the girl again, she’s clenching her fists. Her eyes, heavy with make-up, are now just slits. Who let the tacky in?

“You messed with the wrong bitch!” I hear her scream at us as we’re walking away. Hayley and I look at each other and burst into laughter.

“Classy,” Hayley says, and I nod through tears.

“Do you know her?” I enquire. Hayley doesn’t strike me as someone who’d hang around with the Oompa Lumpa sort.

“I don’t think so…” she trails off.

We walk through the green, chatting. I find out that Hayley used to be a model—duh—and that she is living in the dorms on the edge of campus, not too far from my house. We’re almost by the main building when something hard hits me in the head, knocking me out.

I wake up on the grass. Shit, did the blonde bimbo attack me? I shouldn’t have messed with her… I turn my head to the side and take a deep breath. The smell of freshly cut grass fills my nostrils, reminding me of Aiden. That must be the earthy ingredient in his smell! I open my eyes to Hayley kneeling above me.

“You okay, babe?” she asks.

“I’m so sorry. I did shout ‘duck’,” I hear someone say. I sit up to see a jock with a football in his hands, looking apologetic.

“It’s okay,” I say, rubbing the back of my head.

“Angel! Whatcha doing rolling in the grass without me?” I hear someone from behind me and I turn around, wincing from the pain, to see Carter strolling over to us.

“Who is that?” Hayley whispers, awestruck.

“Casanova.” I smile up at him while Hayley helps me up.

“Carter, dude,” the jock says. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know this was your girl.”

“What happened?” Carter growls, noticing my pain, and the jock takes a step back.

“I shouted ‘duck’,” he repeats himself, taking another step back. I grab Carter’s arm.

“Kennedy, chill! It was an accident. You know I’m prone!” I say, pulling him towards me. His eyes land on my face and he folds me into his chest for a hug.

“You’ll kill me one day, Angel,” he mutters into my hair, kissing the top of my head. “Who do we have here?”

I push myself away and see Hayley turning bright red, and Carter strolling over to her.

“Kennedy, Carter Kennedy, and you are?” I roll my eyes. Hayley looks up, unsure on how to proceed.

“This is Hayley. She’s my friend, so she’s off limits, Casanova.”

“Well, that’s no fun.” Carter pouts at me.

“Get over yourself, princess,” I say, playfully punching his shoulder. “There’s plenty more fish.” I gesture around us as girls try to catch his attention, pulling their tops down, revealing cleavage and making ‘sexy’ faces at Carter. Why is it always me? I shake my head in disbelief.

“Aww, that’s no way to talk to your favorite man on earth. You know I’ve only got eyes for you, sweetheart.” He pats my head and I fight the urge not to punch him for that move. He grins at me, seeing me clench Bonnie and Clyde.

“I love it when you go all feisty on me! Just not in the jewels! My grandmother would never forgive you!” I roll my eyes at him again and turn to Hayley.

“Believe it or not he’s my friend. You’ll get used to his obnoxious ways pretty soon.” I stick my tongue out at Carter and start walking away, dragging Hayley behind me.

“Jenny!” I hear Carter shout behind me, and I stop to see him jogging up to us.


“There’s a party this weekend. Come with me?”

“What party?”

“It’s at one of the frat houses. Please, pretty please with a cherry on top? Hayley, will you come too?”

“Fine,” I reply.

“Not sure,” Hayley says quietly.

“Yay!” Carter says cheerfully, kissing me on my cheek, then speeds off towards one of the buildings.

“He’s so hot,” Hayley states matter of factly.

“Yeah, he’s also just a friend,” I say.

“So you never told me you’re friends with the Carter Kennedy. Next you’ll tell me Jason Cowley is your brother.” She pauses, looking at my mortified face. I’m trying hard not to burst out laughing. “Oh my god, he is, isn’t he?”

“Yup,” I say, popping the ‘p.’ “We are one big, happy family in our little house. By the way, you should come over sometime, we’ve got a pool and everything.”

“Are you kidding? I’m so there, just name the time! You’re so lucky…”

“I also live with Aiden Vaughn…” I add quietly, spotting his jeep in the parking lot. He’s leaning against the hood, looking bored while some girl is attempting to flirt with him.

“You’re killing me!” Hayley throws her hands in the air. “How do you end up with the three hottest guys on campus while I’m stuck in the smelly dorms?”

“I blame it all on Jason,” I reply, grinning. “Plus, you’re my friend now, so you’ll be stuck with the three stooges as well. You’re welcome.” Hayley laughs out loud and gives me a hug.

“Right babe, I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you tonight and see you in class tomorrow! So glad we met, I think we’ll be the best of friends.” She smiles at me genuinely, and I’m surprised to find I’ve got the same feeling for the first time in my life.

“See you tomorrow, sister from another mister!” I wave at her and turn towards Aiden and the flirting girl. Ugh.

As I get closer, Aiden spots me and smiles, standing up and walking towards me, the girl left behind forgotten mid sentence, with her mouth hanging open. I wave at him.

“Hey there, superstar,” he greets me. “How was your first day? Did you find a cure for cancer yet?”

“It was great, thanks! No cure yet, but I’m working on it! How was your day?” He puts his arm over my shoulder and guides me back to his car.

“Aiden…” the girl whines as we get to the Jeep.

“Umm, Laura, was it?”

“Lauren…” she replies, pouting.

“Like I said, I don’t want to be the student body president, but thanks for thinking of me. I’ll see you around?”

“Yeah, that would be great,” she purrs, and I scrunch up my face. Girls are ridiculous. Aiden opens the car door for me and I slide in.

“So Jenny, I’ve been meaning to ask you.” He looks at me as he gets into the driver's seat and turns the ignition on.

“Ask away,” I say cheerfully.

“There’s the Beginning of The Year Party at one of the frat houses this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to go?” I’m speechless. Is he asking me out? “I mean, you’ll get to meet more people and stuff. You don’t have to go with me…” he trails off.

“No,” I interrupt him. “I mean, I’ve already agreed to go with Carter…” I look down at my hands.

“Oh.” His voice is tight, and I look up at his face. The muscle in his jaw is pulsating, and suddenly I feel like somehow I just let him down.

We don’t speak for the rest of the drive home, and when we get there he just goes straight to his room, leaving me behind in front of the house confused. Majorly confused… Was it something I said?