Surrendered to the Berserkers by Lee Savino

Chapter 11


Cool air waftedover my face. There was a blast of wintergreen scent, and long fingers were stroking over my brow.

“Rosalind,” Loki murmured.

I let my eyes crack open. “Did we win?”


“Am I dying?”

“I believe you already did. As was foretold.”

My eyes flew open. “Where are we?” Light danced overhead, filtering through a gold and green canopy of leaves.

“Somewhere death cannot touch us.” Loki’s grin was smug. He looked the same, yet different somehow. His black hair was a little longer. Both his eyes were black.

I swallowed. “Did you die?”

“Almost,” he replied cheerfully. “The witches petitioned Odinn. It seems my deeds were found worthy. I have my power back. See?” He passed a hand over my face and warmth spread over my body.

My chest ached as if my bodice was too tight. I struggled to draw a breath, but the rest of my body was blissfully numb.

“Here.” Loki helped me sit up.

I was also much changed. My dress was different—a rich blue. The fabric shimmered in the light.

“To match your eyes.” He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Did you know, Rosalind, your eyes glow like magic moonstones in the night?”

“No,” I answered, absently fiddling with my hair. The shining tresses were clean and cobweb free. I shuddered, remembering the spiders.

Loki scooted closer. “How do you feel?”

I laid a hand on my chest. “Better. What is this place?” Huge trees surrounded the glade, their trunks wider than any I’d ever seen. I lay on a bed of thick moss.

“A sanctuary. You’ve been here before. I brought you here when you were in the Corpse King’s thrall. Only spirits can reside here. Spirits, and the dead.”

“Oh.” I was dead. No wonder I felt numb.

“Your quest is over,” Loki said gently. “You can go to your deserved rest. Or…”


“Or… I can perform one last trick.” Loki glanced around, ducked his head close and whispered, “How would you like to be reborn?”

There was magic on his minty breath. Goosebumps peppered my arms. “What do you mean?”

He blinked, and both his eyes were green and earnest on mine. He crouched closer. “Tell me, Rosalind… do you want to die?”

I thought of my sister, and the spaewives on Berserker Mountain. They were safe now, because of what I had done.

I did not need to return for them.

But then I thought of Ragnar. The blond warrior, roaring. Dogging my steps. Fighting to fulfill his promises to me.

Perhaps it was not too late. Perhaps I could choose to return… for me.

“No,” I murmured. “I want to live.”

“Good girl.” Loki leaned forward ,and pressed his lips to my forehead.

“But what about the prophecy?”

“The prophecy has been fulfilled. You did die. Just enough to be reborn.”

A snap of his fingers, and the tight web around my chest eased. A coughing spell took me, making me bend in half. When I wiped my mouth, red foam flecked my fingers.

“Enough of that,” Loki boomed, and his face shone with a godly light. He splayed a hand on my chest and sent his power surging through me. It hurt like he was unmaking me.

I cried out.

“The death curse is strong,” Loki said, calmly. “But I can make you stronger.” His eyes blazed black once more. “Tell me, Rosalind. Do you want power?”

Light danced along his fingertips. He pressed them to my face. Lightning shot through my body. Every nerve shrieked.

I opened my mouth, and screamed. Even as I writhed, warmth spread through me, followed by a cool, tingling feeling. The sensation pushed through me until I was full, and there was no room for my organs or bones.

All at once, the pain was gone. My insides felt new. Power rippled through me. Loki was no longer touching me—the power was mine, and mine alone. I felt it brimming in me, an endless well of light.

I licked my lips. “What have you done to me?”

His eyes were black again. “Awakened your magic. Lent you a little of mine. Did you know that a goddess resides in you? I might have let her out.”

I stared at my hands. When I moved my arms, my skin rippled, and I caught a glimpse of starlight.

Loki sprawled out next to me. “How do you feel?”


“You’ll get used to it.”

I touched my lips. My face and form were unblemished. Energy surged through me, and power followed, ready to come at my call. “Did I truly die?”

“Yes. You’ll get used to that, too. Now…” He rubbed his hands together. “We seem to be missing someone.”

He snapped his fingers, and a circle of light appeared. It widened until it was larger than a man. There was a roar, and a dark shape crashed through.


I rose. Power flashed through my legs, strengthening them even as I moved. The sensation was strange. I took my first step as a reborn creature, wobbly as a new colt. Ragnar.

The monster hesitated.

Come. I motioned, and he crossed the remaining feet to crouch before me. I laid my hands on his cheeks, my fingers sliding into the fur. Almost immediately, the fur and features of the beast melted away until Ragnar the man stood before me. He rose and stretched, rubbing his arms, newly free of fur.

Well done, Loki spoke into my mind. Goddess, you use your powers well.

I ignored him. Things were too strange.

“Rosalind,” Ragnar rasped, taking my hand. “You are much changed.”

“Whereas you have remained the same.” I raised a mocking brow.

“Thanks to you.” He wrapped a rough hand behind my head and pressed his mouth to mine. His beard chafed my face. His cedar scent surrounded me. His lips found my ear. “You did it.” A thrill went through me as he nuzzled my cheek. “The moonstone was not the real power. It was you. The mage needed to possess you, and you wouldn't give yourself to him.”

“I had given myself to another,” I murmured. I went to my tiptoes to press my brow to his. “Ragnar… thank you for saving me.”

“Thank you for saving the world.” He threaded his fingers through my hair, and tugged my head back. “Did I not tell you to wait for me?”

“I always break my promises,” I whispered against his lips. He slanted his head, kissing me hard.

A slow clap made us turn. “So touching,” Loki said.

Ragnar pulled me closer, glaring at Loki. “You are not a man.”

“No. I am a god.” Loki sketched a bow.

“I knew it,” Ragnar muttered. “I would have won that contest.”

My laugh broke out of me, loud enough to rouse birds from their trees. The branches overhead parted, and light streamed down upon the three of us, as if the whole day wanted to rejoice with me. Power moved inside me, threatening to overflow. My heart strained.

“You have some things to learn,” Loki told me. He settled a hand on me and my insides eased. “Do not worry, I will teach you.”

Ragnar shook his head at Loki. “What did you do?”

“She was dying. It was the best way,” Loki defended himself. “And now she has what she always wanted. Right, Rosalind?”

“Right,” I said, still uncertain. Loki had awoken my power. Was I truly a goddess? “What now?”

“Up to you, really. The battle’s over. The quest is done,” Loki said. “Everyone’s returning to Berserker mountain. To celebrate with a feast and fuck like bunnies in their lodges, and, I assume, live happily ever after. Boring!” He patted his mouth, faking a yawn.

“Do you want to return?” Ragnar asked me.

I bit my lip.

“Or…” Loki held up a finger. “I can teach you how to handle your powers. We could travel the nine worlds together. There are so many adventures to have. Myself, I prefer not to remain in one place too long.” He cocked his head to the side. “What say you, Rosalind? Will you join me?”

I heaved a breath, and turned to Ragnar. “What about you? Do you wish to go home?”

“You are my home,” he replied.

I closed my eyes a moment, then faced Loki again, and nodded.

“Let us be off then,” Loki said. “But first… a quick peek at the celebration. The Berserkers have gathered on their mountain. The spaewives are safe in their lodges with their children at their sides. They will find happiness.” He waved a hand, and a smaller portal appeared in the mists.

I saw a young woman, her features similar to my sister Aspen’s, with the same white-blonde hair. It was Aspen, older, grown into a woman, with a spray of freckles across her nose. She was healthy, laughing, waving to two warriors behind her.

My breath caught. This was a vision of the future.

“We can return to visit her, often,” Loki offered.

I nodded. “I’d like that. But first… a few adventures?”

“Yes.” Loki rubbed his hands together. Magic flared, and I felt my own power surge in answer. Everything about my life was new, and strange, but it was no matter. I was alive, and Ragnar, Loki and I were together.

A portal appeared before us. Beyond it was a forest much like this one, with mist drifting between the tall trees.

“Fate has granted us a long, long life. Now, we have only to go live it.” With a trickster’s grin, Loki held out his hand. I reached behind me and grasped Ragnar's, then took Loki’s, and the three of us marched forward, onto a new page of our story.

* * *

Thank you for reading the Berserker series! I intend to write more books as my muse directs. Download the Berserker freebie and stay on my newsletter to be in the know about what’s next for the brides on Berserker Mountain.

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