Surrendered to the Berserkers by Lee Savino

Chapter 7


When I awoke,the air was clear on my face. I was wrapped in a soft cloak that smelled like both Loki and Ragnar—wintergreen, and cedar. I turned my head and found that there were two cloaks, one under me, one over me. I lay between them, surrounded by the scent of both warriors, a delicious blend I wanted to bathe in.

The warriors’ voices rose and fell in soothing murmurs close by.

“There must be a way…” Ragnar was muttering.

“There is none.” Loki sounded as resigned as he had in my dream. “Do you think I would not have tried it? If I had my powers, I could try something, but—”

“Oh, because you’re a god,” Ragnar scoffed.

“—but I can do nothing until my full powers are returned.”

“So get them back,” Ragnar growled.

“It’s not that easy. I must complete a quest. I must sacrifice myself for another.”

A pause. “But if you die…”

“I die forever, yes. I think they want me to face consequences. They want it to hurt.”

Ragnar chuckled. “Welcome to life.”

“It’s not funny,” Loki muttered. He was crouched on the ground near me, writing runes in the dirt. Ash smudged his cheek, and his hair hung lank in his face. He looked less godlike. More human.

Ragnar stopped laughing. “No, it's not.”

I shifted a little, and Ragnar’s head snapped to mine.

“Rosalind.” He rose to crouch by me and brush his fingers over my cheek. “You’re awake. Are you cold? We can build a fire.” He tucked the edge of the cloak around me and a strong whiff of cedar puffed across my face.

“No fire.” I rubbed my eyes. The air around us was clear but a few feet away, a wall of mist rose. We were boxed in by the mist, much like we had been in my dream. I raised my hand towards the night sky—clear but for a few clouds that might have been tendrils of the Corpse King’s mist trying to break into our sanctuary.

“Loki did it,” Ragnar answered my unspoken question. “He wove a spell around us.”

“We are safe for this night,” Loki said. “My magic will hold the barrier until morning. No one can penetrate this place.”

“And there's food.” Ragnar picked up a sack and rummaged in it.

“I'm not hungry,” I told them. “I wish to stay here tonight and then in the morning, we go on."

Loki rubbed his face, which spread the charcoal smudge further down his cheek. “Ragnar hopes he can dissuade you from the journey.”

I shook my head slowly. “It’s my choice. My quest.” I met Loki’s eyes, and knew he was the same Loki in my dream. And that meant he knew how the quest would end for me.

This quest would be my death. I could not hope to stand against the Corpse King and win. I could only hope to weaken him enough for the witches’ attack.

But I still had tonight. And for the first time in a long time, I wanted more than a quick end. For the first time in my life, I wanted a man. Two men. These men. Loki and Ragnar.

I had one night with them. One night, my last night on Earth alive. And I wanted them.

“If we are staying here tonight, I will build a fire,” Loki said.

I raised my head. “Is there fresh water?”

“A stream nearby,” Ragnar said. He helped me rise, his hands hovering close in case I fell. My footing was firm. I had a plan, and an end goal.

When Ragnar would follow me all the way to the stream, I halted and looked up at him through my lashes. “Might I go alone?”

He looked suspicious.

“I’ll be safe,” I said, gathering my hair and pulling it over one shoulder so I could finger comb through the tangles. “I promise.”

“You promised me that before.” His voice was gruff but had a teasing edge.

I smiled and let my hips sway as I walked away.

“Watch her,” Loki called from his place by the fire. Ragnar rumbled an answer but I didn’t hear it because his back was turned to me.

I walked a little way until the stream curved and the lower ground created a deeper pool. There, I could hide behind the grasses. If I peeped around a birch, I could see Ragnar’s upper half. He was still facing away from the stream, to give me privacy.

I stepped behind a tussock of bog grass and bent to splash water on my face. It was cold and good. I gathered up my skirts to wade into the water. The fresh water on my skin renewed my spirits. So did my plan.

I would seduce Ragnar and Loki. And I knew just how to do it.

Tugging off my boots, I tossed them aside. Then my gown and chemise, and all the layers of underclothes. I waded naked into the deepest part of the pool. A few feet beyond, the water ran into a wall of mist—much like the one in my dream. There was a clear boundary between the clear air and the smoke in front of me—where Loki's spell ended, and the Corpse King's lands began. I waded up to it and touched the barrier. It tingled as my hand passed through.

“Rosalind!” Ragnar splashed into the stream with Loki striding behind. “Were you leaving?” The blond warrior pulled me back from the boundary, searching my eyes as if he expected me to be in a trance, under the Corpse King spell. “Are you with us?”

“Yes,” I said. “I am under my own power.”

“You would leave us?” Ragnar growled.

“I told you to keep an eye on her.” Loki smirked. The strain had fallen from his beautiful face as he beheld my naked form. “How could you fail at such a lovely chore?” His black eyebrows bounced. “Naughty girl.”

A laugh bubbled out of me.

“You think this is funny?” Ragnar hoisted me up and tossed me over his shoulder to wade back to the campsite. He’d spread his cloak on the ground in preparation for us to sleep, and here he laid me down, taking care that I did not bang my head on the ground.

I relaxed on my back, still laughing.

Ragnar frowned down at me. “You said you would not run. You promised.”

“I’ve made promises before.” I smiled at him. My cheeks felt strange. It wasn’t often they curved with mirth.

“We agreed that we would go together.”

“I changed my mind. Perhaps you should punish me,” I taunted.

Twin fires flared in Ragnar’s eyes. “Do not toy with me—”

“Brother,” Loki interrupted. “Perhaps we should punish her. I think she deserves a little chastisement, don't you?”

Ragnar did not protest that Loki called him brother. “Perhaps you are right.” He pulled me up and dragged me to a low, wide rock, where he sat down. In one move, he pulled me up and settled me over his lap.

“She’s already naked,” Loki observed. “Convenient.”

“Perhaps we should keep her this way,” Ragnar’s voice rumbled through me. His rough hand slid up the back of my bare leg. “Naked. Bound. At our mercy.”

“Her bottom could use more pink.” Loki circled around the rock, studying me from different angles.

I squirmed on Ragnar’s hard thighs. I hated how they spoke about me like I wasn’t there.

Ragnar slapped my bottom. “Be still.”

“Again,” Loki said. Ragnar obliged, spanking my right rear cheek until the flesh burned.

“Very nice.”

I was ready with a sharp comment, but when I opened my mouth, Loki crouched in front of me and shoved two fingers between my lips.

“Hush now,” he said in that patronizing lord-of-all-he-surveyed manner. “We have no use for this at present.”

I glared at him.

“I think she likes having her mouth filled,” Loki remarked to Ragnar.

I cursed, and Loki’s fingers pressed on my tongue. Fluid burst from my core in response.

Loki cocked his head and sniffed the air. “And my, my, what a sweet scent.”

“Her cunny needs tending.” Ragnar slid his hand over my bottom… and lower, until his fingers brushed my sensitive nether lips. “But she doesn’t deserve it. Not yet.”

“Better make her earn it,” Loki agreed.

Ragnar took his hand away from my needy center and squeezed my rear cheeks, warming them up.

“I could find some wild ginger and whittle it into a plug to heat her insides,” Loki mused. “She would burn within, and without.”

“Next time,” Ragnar grunted. The log of his cock pressed into my belly. “Let’s turn these cheeks red.”

He spanked me hard enough to make me lurch forward and half swallow Loki’s fingers.

“Easy.” Loki removed his fingers and steadied my shoulders.

Ragnar’s hand rose and fell in a steady rhythm. His palm caught the full breadth of my cheeks with a harsh tattoo of slaps.

Loki bent down to brush his lips over my face. “I claim another kiss,” he said.

I averted my head. I knew about his kisses. They were dangerous.

“The most dangerous weapon,” Loki agreed as if I’d spoken out loud. His long fingers caressed my face. Ragnar’s palm caught the underside of my bottom, making me gasp. As my lips parted, Loki tilted his head and fitted his mouth to mine. The touch of his lips pulled me onto a new plane of arousal. Heat rose around me, the pain in my bottom distant as Loki drank of me. His tongue swept into my mouth, stroking the insides of my cheeks as if searching for sweetness.

He pulled away and raised a small wooden jug. He drank, never taking his eyes off mine. Then he leaned in and gave me a drink from his own mouth. It was mead, and it warmed my insides all the way down.

Ragnar had stopped spanking me. He rested his hand on my burning bottom.

“How goes her punishment?” Loki asked. “Thirsty work?”

Ragnar grunted.

Loki raised the flask. “I have mead but no cup,” he mused. “But I have found a better vessel. Shall I show you?”

Ragnar tipped me up to sit in his lap. His big hands slid down my front, cupping my breasts, settling me against his bare chest. His cock rested in the crevice of my heated buttocks.

With a wicked gleam in his green eye, Loki poured mead into my mouth. Whisking the skin away, he slanted his head to fit his lips over mine and licked the sweet honey drink from the insides of my mouth.

My tongue fought with his for a taste. When we broke apart, my chest was heaving but Loki was laughing.

“Try it,” he told Ragnar.

Ragnar tilted my head back and Loki poured the mead carefully into my mouth. Before I could swallow, Ragnar turned my head with a fist in my hair and sealed his lips over mine. His tongue thrust in, penetrating my mouth. I arched up into the kiss, moaning a little. Needing more. When he pulled back, I felt empty. My cunny hummed with an answering ache.

“Sweet.” Ragnar’s voice was hoarse.

My head would have drooped if he hadn’t held it aloft.


Loki filled my mouth and took a taste, licking neatly at my lips. A little mead dribbled out, running down my chin. Ragnar turned my head this way and that, capturing each bead of honey-colored liquid with gentle kisses.

“Rosalind,” he growled against my skin. His beard was wet.

My head lolled, and Loki steadied me.

“Drunk already, little troublemaker?”

I opened my mouth and he let a little mead spill in, but most of it ran down my chin and formed a river between my breasts.

Loki let out a breathless chuckle. He knelt before us and licked up my belly. I reached for his dark head and he caught my wrists. His tongue probed my belly button, followed by the lightest nipping of his teeth.

He dragged his mouth lower, following the tracks of mead further down between my legs.

There, he brushed the sensitive skin of my sex, finding the smooth surface wet. His fingers probed and spread my lower lips.

“I have found a cup. A Rosalind-shaped cup.” He sounded delighted.

Ragnar didn't scoff at Loki’s silliness. The big warrior was too busy molding his rough palm to my breast, stroking my sticky skin until my hips drew up with wanting.

“A pretty pink cup.” Loki smacked my cunny lightly. “Shall I drink from it?” His thumb found a sweet, aching spot and rubbed it lightly. A tremor ran through my taut belly.

“Lay her down,” Ragnar said.

Both he and Loki eased my limp body down onto the cloak. Loki remained between my legs, rubbing his nimble fingers over the shaven apex of my folds, caressing my cunny. Ragnar leaned my upper body on his lap so he could continue to play with my breasts. My body was stretched out between them, shining in the firelight. My skin was sticky with fluid and kisses.

Loki lay down and kissed my cunny. He held the jug of mead up and let the liquid pour slowly over my lower half. His dark head rested on my leg, his mouth close to my aching center. His tongue lapped up the rivers of mead, swiping up and down my skin.

My toes scrunched and my whole body drew up, on the edge of a shaking climax.

“No.” Loki took his mouth away and slapped the wet place between my legs. A thwack echoed around the glade.

I gasped. “Oh, please.”

“No coming without permission.” Ragnar squeezed my breast, hard. I swiveled my hips, whimpering.

“Do that again.” Loki set his mouth at my cunny again. “She responds beautifully to pain.” His tongue swiped up my folds, and he licked his lips. “Cream and mead.”

Ragnar grunted and reached down, swiping his fingers along my cunny, collecting the mixture of moisture there. He sucked his fingers. “Good.” He reached down for more.

“Wait.” Loki slapped my center again. “Now.”

Ragnar rubbed between my legs, hard.

“Nice and pink.” Loki lay on his belly, squinting at my sex.

“Delicious.” Ragnar fed me his fingers. I tasted myself, along with the mead. “Turn her over,” he said.

They propped me on my hands and knees. Somehow, I remained upright.

“Time for her to earn her reward.” Ragnar had his cock free from his breeches. It was long and straight, jutting out of a thatch of blond hair as if it was searching for me. “Here, now.” He cupped my cheek, supporting my head as he fed me his cock. “Easy now.”

His cedar scent surrounded me as his cock filled my mouth. I licked tentatively at his heated flesh.

“There, that’s the way.” He pushed further into my mouth. My body tightened with surprise, and I choked. He withdrew so only his head rested between my lips. “Again. You can take me. I will teach you.” His hands were strong but gentle on either side of my face. I lay with my head against his strong thigh, panting, and he let me rest.

When I was ready, I curled my tongue around the tip of his cock.

His blue eyes shone with gold sparks. “Good girl.” A jolt went through me. I let him push his cock deeper into my mouth. I wanted, needed, to hear his praise again.

In his place behind me, Loki was busy. Liquid dripped over my back, flowing over my bottom. I couldn’t turn my head but didn’t have to. He was still anointing me with mead. The small jug seemed bottomless.

The liquid washed over my heated backside. Loki licked at my punished flesh, his tongue soothing and cooling.

He parted my rear cheeks and poured the mead directly on my private hole. His face nudged between my cheeks, his stubble scratching as he licked up the sensitive seam and pressed his tongue against my crinkled flesh. I jerked but Ragnar held my head fast. I could only tense on all fours as Loki’s tongue stimulated me. Dark pleasure licked through my body.

“So sweet,” Loki murmured. He took his face away and gripped each of my bottom cheeks, squeezing and smacking, letting them bounce together.

I moaned around Ragnar’s cock in my mouth.

“Hold her still,” Loki said to Ragnar, and Ragnar took a tighter grip on my hair.

A finger probed my bottom hole and I squealed, hunching forward. The movement pushed Ragnar’s cock deeper, and he let out a harsh groan that echoed in the night.

“So tight and hot,” Loki said with satisfaction. His finger was deep in my bottom, swirling around

I tried to protest and it came out a humming sound around Ragnar’s cock.

“Thor’s balls,” Ragnar snarled to the sky.

“Not Thor’s,” Loki corrected.

Ragnar held my head still as he pushed his cock deeper, growling, “That’s it. Take it all.”

I did my best, drawing air through my nose as Ragnar’s muscled abdomen came closer. His cock speared my throat. I held still for a moment, then my body seized, panicking for breath. Ragnar drew out, letting me cough and suck in air. His cock tapped my cheek and I turned my head to put my mouth on it again.

“Good girl,” Ragnar crooned.

Now something was brushing my cunny—large and hard and hot. I dropped my hips, trying to get more stimulation. “No, no, keep your bottom up.” Loki’s cock went away and he slapped my rear with his free hand. His other was still probing my ass.

“Rosalind.” Ragnar cradled my chin, turning my face up even with my mouth stretched around his cock. “Look at me, lass.”

He stroked my hair out of my face, a curiously tender gesture from the warrior who’d been choking me with his rod only a moment ago.

“You don't run from me. You don't leave me. We belong together.”

I blinked.

“Say it.” He leaned forward, and his hand smacked my upturned bottom.

He pulled back so his cock popped out of my lax mouth. His hand gripped my chin, wrenching my head up to meet his bright gold eyes.

“You don't leave me,” he growled, and I could hear the monster lying under his words. “You belong to me, Rosalind. You are mine. I will never let any harm come to you.”

I opened my mouth but only a gasp came out.

Lower down, Loki dragged my hips down until my cunny was resting on his face. I ground against him.

His tongue hit the perfect spot, and my eyes rolled back as a blaze of pleasure flamed through me.

Ragnar waited until he could steady my head, then thrust into my mouth. Once, twice, again. Pumping, filling my mouth. His cum spurted down my throat, and I drank him down. His seed dripped down the corner of my chin and he scooped it onto his thumb and fed it to me.

“Well done.” He stroked my cheek. “Do you need to rest?”

I shook my head. “More.”

I had one night, and one night alone. I would let the Berserkers do with me what they would, and take everything they would give.

* * *


Rosalind’sbare body shimmered in the firelight. As always, every time I looked at her, my breath caught as if I beheld some never before seen wonder.

She was a goddess in human form, her hair a honey-colored waterfall, her skin made of moonlight and mead.

I regretted what I’d told her. I could never take a mate. But Rosalind was mine, as much as I was hers.

As for Loki, well, I’d kill him if I could. But tonight he’d proved useful, erecting a barrier between us and the rest of the world.

As if he’d heard my thoughts, he raised his head and winked at me. I glared at him.

“My turn for her mouth.” Loki tugged her around. “There you are, sweetness,” he crooned, cupping her face and guiding her onto his cock.

Tomorrow belonged to fate, the quest, and the fight for our lives. But tonight belonged to us.

Rosalind’s bright head bobbed in front of Loki as she crouched between us. That left her bottom upturned right in front of me. Her curved rear and haunches were streaked with red—evidence of her punishment at my hand. I rubbed the skin, admiring my work. Reaching over her bottom, I settled my palm on her back and pushed it down. This propped her rear even higher. The seam of her bottom split like a ripe peach, dripping nectar. My mouth watered, and my fangs grew razor sharp.

Rosalind broke off Loki’s cock and looked back at me, curious.

“Don’t mind him,” Loki tapped his wet staff against her cheek until she took him in her mouth again.

I bowed to lick her dripping sex, swiping my tongue between her folds, all the way up to her tiny, winking bum hole. She tasted of earth and sweetness. I growled against her cunny and her body shuddered.

My cock strained towards her. I could wait no longer.

Gripping her hips, I set my cock against her entrance and plowed forward in one stroke. The force drove her further onto Loki’s cock. He groaned, his lean body growing taut as a bowstring. His mouth opened in a snarl, and showed a flash of bone-white fang. Our beasts rising to the fore, ready to mark our mate. Perhaps he was a Berserker after all.

My cock throbbed deep in Rosalind’s sweet cunny. Her body squeezed me until pleasure blackened my vision. That is what this woman did to me. One stroke, and my cock threatened to burst like a boy’s.

Across Rosalind’s sleek body, Loki raised his chin in challenge. I gritted my teeth and slid almost all the way out of Rosalind’s perfect sex. Loki pushed his hips forward, and Rosalind rocked back. Her cunny sheathed my sword once more. My growl echoed around the glade.

Loki’s narrow face was half in shadow, but moonlight glinted off his cheek when he grinned. “Again.”

We both rocked in opposing rhythm, moving Rosalind’s body between us. She was a lean, golden vessel for our pleasure. As we sped up our thrusts, her body trembled. She tipped into ecstasy and became pure pleasure. Her cunny squeezed my cock as if it would draw me deeper inside her. If I had my way, we would be joined forever, like this.

My abdomen tightened and I curled over her, pulling her against me until our skin sealed together with sweat. Tension tightened in the small of my back. Across the way, Loki grunted his pleasure to the stars. I thrust one final time and let my climax burst forth. Pleasure bloomed in a knot at the base of my spine, radiating outwards in runners of searing delight.

Between us, Rosalind sagged. Loki caught her shoulders and supported her, murmuring soothing nonsense. I grit my teeth and pulled out of her body’s hot embrace. She toppled over.

Loki and I stretched her out between us and bathed her with cool water.

She barely stirred.

“I’ll take first watch,” Loki said. He squeezed Rosalind’s slim ankle before he rose and left me to gather her in my arms. Her honeyed scent surrounded me as I wrapped myself around her.

I busied myself brushing her gold hair back from her face. Her cheek curved and her eyes fluttered open. “When I first met you, I thought you were a brute.” Her hand came to my cheek and found my smiling lips tucked behind my beard.

“I am.” I hitched her closer. “Remember, I’m a monster.”

“My monster,” she murmured, and curled into me. Her cheek lay on my chest. Her body relaxed. She found peace in my arms, totally trusting.

I closed my eyes, savoring this perfect moment. “When I first met you, the scent of the Corpse king was upon you.”

I felt her flinch and laid my hand on her head to soothe her. “It's all right, Rosalind. Do you know who you smell like now?”

“No.” Her voice was very small.

I ducked my head to find her ear. “Me. You bear my scent, and I intend to keep it that way.”

She sighed, and the tension went out of her shoulders. “What about Loki?”

I sniffed. “You smell like him, too. I try not to think about that.”

Her laugh huffed against my chest. Her body relaxed even further, and she fell asleep between one breath and the next.