Dirty Boss Daddy by S.E. Law



Six months later.

Rubbing my hands over my swollen belly, I smile when I feel the baby kick. “What are you doing in there, little one? Having a dance party?”

In return, I feel two more kicks and my chest swells with love for the child growing inside. Way back when I first met Malcolm Neuwirth, I never imagined I’d have his baby in me. But now, I’m in my second trimester, pregnant with the CEO’s child, and I’ve never been happier.

After all, I’ve moved in with Malcolm now, and it’s wonderful. We converted one of the spare bedrooms into a nursery, and my boyfriend went crazy furnishing it with all the things a baby could need. I told him that the six-foot tall giraffe was unnecessary, but my boyfriend wasn’t having it. He only wants the best for his child, and now we have a jungle-themed nursery complete with a vast array of wild animals.

There’s a knock at the door, but I know who it is and merely yell, “Come in!” Right on cue, Josie opens the door and lets herself into our spacious living room.

“Goodness, this place is huge!” she remarks while setting down a bag from a baby store. “I’ve seen it so many times, but I never get used to it.”

I just laugh.

“Yes, I’m very lucky. But you’ve bought so many things for the baby already! You know we still have about three months before he or she arrives, right?”

Josie shrugs before shooting me a sassy grin. “So? There’s nothing wrong with getting a head start on gifts for my chosen niece. I have to make sure she knows Aunt Josie is her favorite aunt.”

I laugh. “You know we haven’t found out if the baby is a boy or girl.”

“It’s a girl,” Josie says with a finality that is completely unreasonable.

“You can’t know that.”

“Sure I can!” my friend laughs. “Besides, it doesn’t matter. Boy or girl, they are going to adore their Aunt Josie.”

“I know they will,” I smile. “Because I adore you already.”

Josie nods.

“Yes, because we’re besties so it’s part of the deal. When I find my own sexy billionaire and get pregnant with his baby, you’ll do the same for me.”

I nod happily. “Yeah definitely. I’m going to spoil your child so hard that you’re going go beg me to stop! Speaking of which, have you found your sexy billionaire yet?”

She bites her lip and smiles secretively.

“Well, he’s handsome and a billionaire, but …”

“But what?” I ask curiously. “What is it?”

Josie leans forward and whispers conspiratorially.

“Is it awful that my crush is Cyrus North?”

My brows pull together.

“Of True North Holdings?”

She nods, her expression mischievous as I stare at her.

“Josie, girlfriend. Isn’t this the Cyrus that used to be married to your mom?”

“Yes!” she squeals. “And not only that, but his daughter Alyssa is my roommate!”

“So you’re also stepsisters,” I add slowly, the wheels in my head spinning. “Or at least, ex-stepsisters.”

“Right!” Josie confides with a naughty look. “Well, it’ll never go anywhere because Cyrus is way out of my league, he’s so handsome and rich. Not to mention our familial ties make things a teeny bit complicated.”

But I shake my head.

“OMG girl. I know you’ll find a way because Josie Stills is unstoppable when it comes to men!”

She smacks my shoulder lightly and we both giggle.

“Speaking of which, have you heard anything about Ronald?” my buddy asks, changing the subject. “I’m so glad he’s not at Ligne anymore. That guy was rotten to the core.”

I sigh.

“Not just rotten, he was messed up in the head. I mean, I have no problem with anything that people want to do in private, but there’s no need to spam porn to your ex-girlfriend as part of some crazy revenge scheme. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the image of him being fisted up the back end out of my brain.”

Josie shudders and then giggles.

“Oh my god. Still, it’s great that your boyfriend’s in such a position of power, right? It must have been so nice that Malcolm fired him immediately.”

I nod.

“Yeah, but I never wanted things to come to that. I mean, I wanted Ronald to be terminated for his terrible performance at work definitely, don’t get me wrong. But Malcolm said Ronald had been on his way to pink slip territory well before the first nude photo fiasco, and the latest snaps were just the final straw.”

“Well, it’s been nice not dealing with his lazy ass at work,” Josie yawns while stretching her arms over her head. “It’s hard to believe, but he was trying to take credit for my project this time! Good thing he’s out on his ass now.”

We both shake our heads.

“Wow. To think,” I say.

“He brought that bad karma on himself,” Josie adds airily. “But enough about Ronald. I miss you at Ligne, girlfriend! It’s so awful without you!”

I smile at her. “I know, but I’ll be back soon enough after the baby’s born.”

“Right,” she nods. “But aren’t you getting married first?”

I giggle but then frown.

“I don’t know. I mean, Malcolm and I live together and we’re totally devoted to one another, but he’s just my boyfriend, for now at least.”

Josie’s mouth tilts into a small smile. “Oh, hon, I wouldn’t worry about that. That man’s crazy about you, and I know it for a fact,” she winks.

Something about the way Josie speaks makes me wonder if she has some secret knowledge, but then a key snicks in the door and sure enough, it’s my gorgeous man. Malcolm looks as handsome as ever in a dark suit which emphasizes his broad form, with his black hair swept back and those blue eyes like sapphires.

“Hey baby,” Malcolm growls, walking over. He leans down and gives me a lingering kiss before bending over my belly and whispering, “And hello little one,” he says before placing a soft kiss to my curved stomach.

Josie uses the opportunity to stand up and wave goodbye. “Well, I’m going to let the soon-to-be mama rest, seeing that you’re home now, Malcolm,” she sings. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Les?”

“Sure thing,” I nod, and then is it in my imagination, or does my friend wink at my boyfriend before she leaves the apartment? I figure it must be my imagination as the door shuts and Malcolm turns to look at me.

“How was your day?” I ask before grabbing his tie and pulling him down for another kiss. “I’ve been needing you for hours now,” I add in a whisper. “So bad.”

His blue eyes gleam and a smile crosses his face.

“It’s the pregnancy hormones, isn’t it?”

“It is,” I pout breathily. “I swear Malcolm, I’ve been thinking of you non-stop. Touching me. Stroking me. Everywhere.”

Hunger flares in his eyes, but instead of taking things to the next level, he pulls back and looks in my eyes with an intensity to his gaze that I’ve never seen before. My heart skips a beat and I cock my head at him.


He smiles.

“I love you so much, baby, you know that, right?” he says.

I smile. “Of course I do. I love you, too.”

He nods, suddenly solemn. “I never thought I could be this happy, but here you are.” He places a hand on my tummy. “Both of you, and I’m utterly ecstatic. In fact, I want you in my life forever, Leslie, and not just as my girlfriend or my partner, but as my wife. Will you, honey? Will you make me an honest man?”

I gasp then as the powerful CEO drops down to one knee. Sure enough, he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a black velvet box before popping it open. I gasp because a beautiful diamond ring glimmers in the light as tears come to my eyes.

“Leslie Field, will you marry me?” Malcolm growls. “Will you be mine, forever from here on out?”

Tears stream down my face and I nod through the sudden onslaught. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so much, Malcolm.”

With that, he slides the ring on my finger, and then takes my face in his hands and kisses me, pouring every ounce of love into me with his touch.

“I adore you, sweet girl,” he whispers against my lips. “You and the child both. You belong to me now.”

I pull back for a moment, still smiling through my tears.

“Yes, Malcolm. We belong to you.”

And with that, the next chapter of my life begins, ensconced in the arms of the gorgeous billionaire. After all, I never thought that I’d meet a man so compelling, demanding, and yet utterly tender at the same time. But with Malcolm Neuwirth, I know I’m in good hands, and that my big boss daddy will always deliver.



Pick up Josie’s story next! She’s a sassy girl who falls in love with a billionaire who happens to be completely off limits. Grab your copy of My Stepsister’s Dad, available here.

If you liked this book, then you’ll love Raw and Curvy, where the gorgeous Mimi meets a handsome man when she accidentally squirts him in the face with her anal lube! OMG! How did that get in her paint box? Read and find out! Pick up your copy here.


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