Dirty Boss Daddy by S.E. Law



Light filters in the room and I blink, yawning as I slowly peek at my surroundings. Where am I? The surroundings seem much more luxurious than my single hotel room, and suddenly, everything comes back in a rush. Holy crap! I’m in Malcolm Neuwirth’s suite and we made love last night!

The bed dips, and a strong arm wraps around my waist as the gorgeous billionaire moves in closer behind me, snuggling me against him. I can hardly breathe, holding completely still for a moment. I know last night was real given the ache between my thighs and the heat of his body pressing against my back, but what do I do? It still feels like some kind of wonderful fairytale where I’m going to wake up at any moment.

But then Malcolm scoots closer, and I feel a hard erection press against me from behind as he drifts a soft kiss against the nape of my neck. Holy shit. This is definitely real because within seconds, my body hums to life. Every pleasure center in my body wakes up, remembering all the wonderful things Malcolm did to me last night.

“Good morning, beautiful.” His voice is deep and gravely, and immediately, I become moist. Yet I’m sure I’m smiling ear to ear.

“Good morning,” I whisper.

Malcolm brushes my hair away from my face and kisses me right on that sensitive spot behind my ear. How can something so sweet be so hot at the same time?

“Are you ready to get up?” he whispers into my ear, pulling me closer against him. “Or do you want to have breakfast in bed?”

I giggle a little before squirming around in his arms. His huge shaft traces against my belly, leaving a bit of moisture there, and I gasp. But my reply is teasing.

“Well, I’m ready to get up, but I think Mr. Happy wants to play. What do you say?”

With a low growl and a grin, Malcolm has me on my back in a second, his huge form looming over me. Sure enough, his hardness nudges my sweet spot and I part my legs, baring my glistening interior.

“Go for it, Daddy,” I whisper while staring into his eyes. “Because I want it too.”

With that, we’re off for another romp in the sack and the billionaire has me moaning and crying out his name within seconds. It feels so good, and I forget everything in this world. I only want him, and this is exactly what I was made for.

But far too soon, we finish and Malcolm pulls out before tracing a big finger down my cheek.

“You make me so happy sweetheart, but this can’t be just about me. What do you want to do today?”

My eyebrows draw together at the same time my heart goes lickety-split because Malcolm wants to spend more time with me! I was afraid we were going to become bed buddies, and he’d forget about me the morning after, but it seems the CEO has more on his mind.

I roll over to face him, smiling sweetly. “Well, the conference starts today so I hadn’t really contemplated doing anything but attending sessions and grabbing lunch with my co-workers. I thought that’s what you’d be doing too?”

Malcolm grins, running the tip of his finger over my shoulder, then down, tracing my collar bone and sending shivers through me.

“Well, this particular co-worker wants to spend some one-on-one time with you, honey. Forget the conference. One of the perks of being CEO is that I can call the shots, and besides, there’s nothing they can teach me at this point.”

I laugh. There’s a cocky side to the billionaire that turns me on.

“Well, one of us isn’t a CEO, so I’m not really at liberty to just make my own plans. The company paid for my trip, you know.”

He smirks and gives me a soft kiss. “Oh, I think I can make arrangements for you to be exempt from the conference.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smile at him. “Oh really? You think you’ve got that kind of power over my supervisor, huh?”

“Yeah.” He kisses each corner of my mouth before seizing my lips again. “I think I could convince her to let you play hooky from the conference just once. Actually, I know I can.”

I laugh. “Well, since you seem so sure of yourself, then I’d love to see the Absecon Lighthouse.”

Malcolm cocks his eyebrow, pulling back a bit in surprise. “We’re in one of the gambling capitals of the world and you want to see a lighthouse?”

I shrug. “I’m not really into gambling, but I do love lighthouses. I used to go on trips with my mom when I was a child to see different lighthouses, so it’s kind of a thing for us. I guess that love just stuck with me.”

He smiles. “Well, then we’ll go to the lighthouse. Anything other recommendations?”

I feel myself blushing. “Well, I was planning to do some shopping while we’re here, but I’m sure you don’t want to be a part of that.”

The billionaire merely smirks, blue eyes dancing.

“You’d be surprised, honey.” Then he drops a kiss on my nose. “Lighthouse and shopping it is then,” he announces. “Fun for my beautiful woman.”

I look up at him, unable to stop myself from smiling.

“That sounds great,” I murmur.

“Good,” he smiles, “because I want you to enjoy yourself honey. Your happiness is important to me.” Then, the billionaire gives me another deep kiss, and we’re off to the races once more.

* * *

After another scandalous interlude,I finally pull myself from his arms.

“We have to get ready!” I giggle. “We can’t just spend the entire day in bed!”

Malcolm merely looks at me, tucking his arms behind his head, and the breath evaporates from my lungs. He’s absolutely gorgeous, his broad chest tanned and dark against the white linens, with the muscles of his biceps flexing.

“I wouldn’t mind a weekend with you in bed,” he growls, eyes glinting. “In fact, that sounds kind of perfect.”

“Oh you!” I squeal before doing a little shimmy. But then I realize I don’t have any normal clothes with me, so wrapping a big fluffy robe around my figure, I escape back to my room to get ready for our day out in Atlantic City. It’s my second date with the billionaire and goodness! I still can’t believe this is happening, but I’ve decided to just enjoy the now and see where this goes.

Flinging open the closet, I decide to wear a pair of fitted jeans and a cute floral crop top. The top is a bit revealing, but seeing how the big man adores my curves, I decide to just go with it. Besides, it’s hot outside and I’m not trying to turn into a big puddle of sweat, so I also sweep my hair up in a high ponytail to keep it off my neck and shoulders for some relief from the heat.

A knock sounds on my door and I dance over to fling it open. My date looks absolutely gorgeous in jeans and a fitted black t-shirt and my mouth goes dry. Holy hell, if I thought Malcolm Neuwirth was hot in a suit, then I didn’t know what I was missing. Those jeans hang off his ass just so and I have to remind myself to calm down and breathe. We’re going to a lighthouse and then doing some shopping. Get your hormones together, girl, because you can’t be ravishing him right now!

But then Malcolm holds out a single red rose and a warm, fuzzy feeling swirls in my chest and stomach as I gasp.

“You look beautiful,” Malcolm growls, handing me the flower as his eyes rove over my curves. Immediately, the temperature goes up a hundred degrees.

“Thanks. You look great, too. You should wear jeans more often.” Heat fills my cheeks as soon as the words come out of my mouth and my voice sound breathy. I can’t believe I just blurted that statement, but Malcolm merely grins.

“Maybe I need to set up a casual day at Ligne so employees can wear jeans more often. Perhaps on Fridays.” He winks and I laugh.

“You’re right, that would be a wonderful idea,” I giggle. “Thank you for the rose,” I add. “It’s beautiful.”

I stash the blossom in my purse and tuck my hand into the CEO’s elbow as we head downstairs. It feels so right with this man at my side, and I shoot him a quick sideways glance, but he doesn’t seem to think that anything’s off. Instead, he places one big hand over mine, holding my palm in place as we stride into the main area of the hotel, uncaring of who sees. My heart thumps, but I keep my mouth closed.

To my surprise, a limo’s parked just outside the entrance to the Wilshire, and a man in a black suit nods to Malcolm as he sweeps open the back door. “Welcome, Mr. Neuwirth. It’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Samuel,” Malcolm greets. “Thanks for the ride.”

The billionaire holds my hand as I get in the back of the limo then follows me inside. Oh wow, it’s fancy. The seats are a buttery yellow leather, with a vase of flowers tucked into the side as well as a surround sound system. To my surprise, Malcolm presses a button on a console across from our seat and a mini wine fridge opens up cleverly. He snags two plastic wine glasses from another cabinet and pours us small samples of Cabernet.

“Thank you,” I giggle as he hands a glass to me. “But we haven’t even had breakfast yet!”

He merely grins at me. “It’s coming, sweetheart.”

Then, to my surprise, Malcolm retrieves a picnic basket from the rear area of the limo, opening it to reveal a prepared brunch. There are waffles, eggs, and also an assortment of mini-sandwiches, and I gasp.

“Goodness! Did you order all this?”

“I did,” the billionaire grins while handing me a delicious bacon-and-egg mini-sandwich. “I can’t have my girl going hungry.”

The wine is perfect with my bacon and egg, and I devour the food as the limo pulls away from the curb. Meanwhile, Malcolm helps himself to a bacon, egg, and cheese and takes a huge bite before turning to face me. “Do you have a favorite lighthouse, sweetheart?”

Chewing slowly, I think.

“I’ve always been partial to the Fire Island Lighthouse. It was my mother’s favorite, so we’d go every year. The views are amazing, but then again, the Sound is always so gorgeous. My mom says that the ocean is a woman because she’s strong and beautiful. She’s capable of bringing life and wonder, but also dangerous when taken for granted, you know with overfishing and pollution.”

Malcolm looks serious as he chews.

“I think your mother must have been a very observant woman.”

“She was.”

But then his expression relaxes.

“I don’t have a lighthouse,” he winks. “But I’ll take you to my beach house on our next date,” he says.

I gasp.

“Where is it?”

He grins.

“In the Hamptons. I have a couple properties here and there, so it’s actually not my only beach home. I also have one in Cape Cod, if you’re interested.”

I gasp.

“Really? Both the Hamptons and Cape Code?”

He nods, taking another big bite of his sandwich.

“Yeah, I like to get around. I haven’t even told you about my European properties yet.”

At that I giggle.

“Not so fast, mister. Does that mean we’re going on another date if I agree to stay at this beach house of yours?”

He leans in and my breath catches as those blue eyes seize mine. “Yes, absolutely baby. I’ve had a taste of you now, and I’m not going to be able to give you up anytime soon. I need your curves, honey, because it’s the only thing that will keep me going.”

My heart is literally doing a dance of joy in my chest as we kiss. I don’t know why his words mean so much to me, but emotion blooms in my chest as happiness fills my form.

After a short while, the limo pulls to a stop and I peer out at a white tower surrounded by blue sky and fluffy clouds. It’s the Absecon Lighthouse and my heart thumps. I’ve always loved sight-seeing and the combination of good weather mixed with good company means this is going to be a wonderful day.

Sam the chauffeur opens the door for us, and Malcolm helps me out, giving me a quick kiss once I’m out of the limo. Then, he takes my hand and laces our fingers together like we’ve been a couple forever. My heart pounds, and my schoolgirl crush comes racing back within moments. How did I get so lucky to be with this handsome, forbidding man? Of course, right now he looks a bit more approachable with his casual clothes and warm smile, but still. I’m with a powerful, gorgeous CEO, and it’s like a dream come true.

“Come on,” Malcolm says, tugging me forward. “Let’s see what this place is about.”

We walk forward, and to my surprise, the lighthouse seems almost deserted. Why is that? It’s summer and the weather is nice so I figured people would come out. Suddenly, realization strikes.

“Is the lighthouse closed?” I ask tentatively. “I see a sign for a construction site.”

Malcolm isn’t perturbed and keeps walking towards the lighthouse. “It’s not closed for us,” he remarks.

I stop walking, and narrow my eyes as he fights a smile. “What do you mean it isn’t closed for us?”

The gorgeous man shrugs.

“I made arrangements for a private viewing. It was no trouble, seeing that I know the Governor of New Jersey. He made it happen for us.”

My jaw drops. “Malcolm, that’s too much! You shouldn’t have!”

My handsome date merely leans forward to drop a kiss on my nose.

“It isn’t too much, Leslie. I wanted to do this for you, and besides, Governor Monroe owes me a favor. He owes me a couple favors, actually, so this was nothing.”

I roll my eyes to the sky. “Well, I guess if you’re calling in favors, then a private tour of a lighthouse is a pretty good get.”

Malcolm chuckles and just pulls me against him as we stride up the gravel path. The tower is enormous when we reach the base, and the view of the ocean beyond absolutely beautiful, with gray waves crashing on the shore and seagulls cawing as they circle and soar. Malcolm opens the door at the base and then guides me into the darkness.

“Ooof, are you sure this is okay?” I ask.

“Definitely,” he replies before leading me over to a set of narrow steps. The circular stairs are a bit iffy, but Malcolm stays behind me, his big hands lightly resting on my hips, guiding my way. As soon as we’re at the top, I make a beeline for the windows facing the water.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” I ask my date. “Goodness!”

The billionaire’s eyes are locked on mine as he smiles and says, “Yes, very beautiful indeed.”

The air between us vibrates with energy and I can’t look away. As I watch, Malcolm closes the small space between us, bringing his hands to my hips, and pulls me in even closer until my curvy form melts against his broad frame. Then, his bright blue eyes morph into a darker shade that makes me gasp. He lowers his head until our lips are only a breath apart and whispers, “Absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart.” Then his lips are pressing against mine and he’s kissing me.

My heart flutters because this kiss is different from what we’ve shared in the past. Now, it’s more than attraction or pure, animal lust. Instead, passion soars between us as our hearts meet and then join, binding to one another. Ecstasy flows through my veins, making me feel all kinds of things I have no business feeling on a second date, and yet am powerless to stop.

Even more, if the way he’s kissing me is any indicator, Malcolm’s just as lost as I am, and it’s so sweet. And scary too because if this goes wrong, it’s going to hurt like all get out. But right now, I don’t care how much it will sting if this takes a wrong turn because nothing has ever felt more right than Malcolm.

We’re both breathing hard when he pulls back and smiles down at me. For a moment, the gleam in his eyes suggests that he’s going to tear off my clothes and take me right here, in the cold, dank tower. But then, he slings a heavy arm around my waist, turning us to face the view out the lighthouse window. “We better take in the scenery before our time runs out and they kick us out.” He looks sideways at me. “Even the governor can’t get this place to stay open forever.”

I smack his arm and we both laugh, but after a moment we grow quiet while absorbing the surroundings. The sky is blue but turning grey quickly, and steel-colored fluffs of cloud seem to be moving across the sky towards us. Meanwhile, Malcolm pulls me closer to his broad form, and I rest my head against his shoulder. I exhale softly, totally content. In all my years going to lighthouses, I’ve never had an experience quite like this one.

“I think I need to change my answer from earlier,” I murmur, staring out at the ocean.

“What’s that?” he asks, his warm breath tickling the top of my head.

“My favorite lighthouse. I think my answer has changed,” I say. Malcolm turns his head to look at me, and I stare into his eyes, the blue-grey stormy and bright at once. “My new favorite light house is Absecon because it’s wonderful here.”

Malcolm smiles and I melt against him as he brings his other arm around me, holding me tight against his solid form. I snuggle my cheek against his chest and look back at the ocean’s glory as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

“I think this one’s my favorite lighthouse too,” he murmurs into my hair. “It’s perfect.”

I’m not sure how long we stay like this, holding each other as we watch the ocean making waves against the sand. I could stay like this forever, but the sky really is becoming more ominous. The wind’s beginning to whip now, sending shrill squeals through the cracks in the walls, and the horizon is now a grayish shade of blue. Suddenly, a crack of thunder sounds out up above and I jerk in Malcolm’s arms.

He chuckles and rubs his hands up and down my arms. “You’re okay, my love. I’ve got you, but we better get out of here before that storms lets loose.”

I nod, unable to get any words out. Not because I’m afraid of the storm, but because Malcolm just called me “my love” and my brain is struggling to function. Could he feel love for me, even though it’s only our second date? Of course not, the voice in my head speaks. It’s just a phrase, nothing else.

But I’m walking on air as he takes my hand and leads me back down the circular steps, careful to make sure I don’t fall. As soon as we step outside, the chauffeur springs out and opens the limo door for us. We run to the vehicle right as fat droplets begin to splash onto the hood of the car.

“Perfect timing,” I whisper.

The billionaire grins at me as the door closes.

“I don’t know,” he growls, that blue gaze suddenly hot as he looks me over. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you wet, sweetheart, with that little top clinging to that sexy body of yours.”

I shake my head laughing. “You are something else, you know that?”

My handsome date merely pulls me into his lap as the limo begins the ride back to the hotel.

“As long as I’m something with you, I don’t care what kind of something I am,” he growls, and then his mouth is on mine. My heart sings even as a thousand emotions crowd my chest because I think I’m falling in love with this man. I shouldn’t because he’s the CEO of my company and my boss’s boss’s boss, but how do I resist a man like Malcolm Neuwirth? He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and now my dreams are coming true.