Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

About the Author

Kathy Fawcett is the author of sweet romantic comedy and women's fiction that will keep you smiling, crying and turning pages long past your bedtime. Kathy's funny dialogue and heartfelt stories make her a favorite with a growing number of fans. They love the true-to-life situations, happy endings and highly satisfying sequels. Kathy transports readers to the surf, sand and snow of charming Lake Michigan towns, as well as the windswept mountains of Wyoming.

Home is Michigan, where Kathy worked for years as an advertising writer. She met and married her husband Steve while students at Northern Michigan University, and he introduced her to his home state of Wyoming. Together, they reside near the Great Lakes with their bossy cat Sam, and are surrounded by grown children, grandchildren, and towering pine trees. Stay in touch with Kathy's latest books and projects at where you can also find free stories, or email the author at [email protected]

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