Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 22

Riley marched down the hallway, her arms pumping. “No!” she half-growled, sounding pretty shifterish in her opinion.

“My name is—”

“You can smell I had sex with another male the whole of last night, and you’re still trying to hit on me?” Riley said in a bored tone, still walking as fast as her legs would carry her.

“Yeah.” The guy grinned.

“I’m not interested. Go away!”

“But—” he started. He had sandy blond hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He was also the most irritating person she had ever met. Or not met, since she wasn’t giving him the time of day. But this guy couldn’t seem to catch a freaking hint.

“Leave me alone!” she yelled, feeling her face go red. Actually, her whole body felt hot.

The guy gave a couple of unsure nods and slunk away. He must think that Riley was completely crazy, but she didn’t give a shit. These shifters were intolerable.

Riley picked up the pace, even though she was almost running already. She narrowed her eyes and growled at the next shifter hopeful who tried to talk to her. The guy instantly zipped his lips. Bingo! Riley knew how to speak shifter. A few more growls later, and she was opening the door to Melina’s salon. “I did a terrible thing!” she blurted as soon as she was through the door.

Melina’s head shot up. She was sitting at a table across from another woman, doing her nails.

“Oh…um…” She noticed that there was another person in the salon looking through one of the clothing racks. Shit! “Sorry!” She ducked her head down in deference. “I didn’t know you were—”

“Don’t be silly.” Melina flapped her hand. “I can see that this is important. Everybody out! We’re closed.”

“What?” the woman across from Melina said. Judging from how tall she was and her sheer beauty, Riley knew the woman was a she-dragon.

“You heard me,” Melina told her. “My friend needs me.”

“You’ve only done one hand.” She held up a hand with fuchsia pink nails and another one with natural nails. Oops!

“Oh…um…yeah… Can you come back in an hour? I’ll finish up, and it’ll be on the house.”

“I suppose,” the she-dragon said, standing. “One hour?”

“One hour,” Melina confirmed.

“I was just about to try this,” the other woman said. A human, Riley was quite sure.

“Take it.” Melina winked at her. “It’s yours, hon’. It’ll bring out your eyes, and it’s just your size. Don’t let Wind rip it off you.”

The other woman blushed. “I won’t!” She giggled. “At least, I’ll try to stop him if he tries.”

Riley watched as both women left the salon, the door closing behind them.

Melina turned to her, the other woman’s eyes softening immediately. “What’s going on? It looks serious. Where’s Fog? Did you guys have a fight? Or is it your friend?” Then she sucked in a deep breath. “Sorry! I got away from myself. One question at a time. What’s going on? Did you guys fight? Shoot, that was two, but go ahead.” Her eyes stayed on Riley.

“Yes, we had a fight. It was terrible.”

“It probably wasn’t as bad as you think. Tell me about it.”

“Fog told me that he’s…well… I think he was trying to tell me that he has feelings for me—”

“That’s great!” Melina grabbed Riley’s hands.

“Buuuut…” Riley put emphasis on the word. “I didn’t let him get that far. I shut the conversation down.”

“Go on,” Melina urged.

“I might have been flippant about…us. About him. About all of it. I was…um…I don’t know what I was.” Riley sighed.

Melina’s gaze softened. “Scared is the word you’re looking for. He brought up his feelings, and you got scared and maybe said some things you regret?”

“I want to say yes, but I was right to say those things. I am scared. I’m petrified. I know what happens when a person falls for the wrong man. I know it only too well.”

“Only Fog is not the wrong man, hon’. Although I’m not the right person to say that. It needs to come from you. From what you’re feeling. From what your gut is telling you.”

“My gut is telling me to leave things be. Fog is not my type.” She shook her head.

“It’s this list of yours. It’s getting in the way. You keep saying that Fog isn’t your type, but I see different. I’m hearing different. You just don’t want to admit it to yourself.”

“I live by my list and my rules. I have to. I know you said that I’m using them as a crutch. That I’m not really living, but it’s not true… Or maybe it is.” She flopped down on the closet chair. “Shit! I’m so confused.”

“It’s not confusing at all. You have feelings for Fog, and he has feelings for you. Go after him. Tell him to finish whatever it was that he was saying. Tell him how you feel right back.”

“I can’t!” Her lip wobbled. She had to hold back tears. Shit!

“Of course you can. You’re a strong woman. You and Fog could have something amazing.”

“You don’t understand. I really can’t, even if I wanted to.” Her eyes stung. Riley was trying to catch her breath. “I can’t believe I let him go.” A couple of tears escaped. Dammit! She wasn’t this emotional. Lately, she cried at the drop of a hat. It was irritating. She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

“Hey, Riley. Don’t cry. You might have sent him away, but he’ll be back. You’re staying in his apartment. He has to come back, eventually. Then he can hear you out.” She smiled.

“He might not be coming back.” Riley cried harder. Wiping faster. “Ever.”

“Of course he will. Why would you think that?” Melina frowned.

“Because he and Avalanche left this morning at sunup.” She had to work to keep it together. Riley took a couple of deep breaths. “Sorry. I’m so afraid. He left angry…with me. He left thinking…” She didn’t go on for a few seconds. She sniffed a few times. “Um…sorry!”

“Where did Avalanche and Fog go? Why are you so upset? You’re worrying me here.”

“I’m not supposed to say, but I guess it’s all going to come out now, anyway. I’m so worried!”

“I can keep a secret. What’s going on?” Melina was starting to sound nervous. She wrung her hands together.

“They went into the caves to bring Ashlyn back, and it’s all my fault. What if something happens to them? What if I never see Fog again? What if…what…? I should never have let him go. Never! He wouldn’t listen. I hurt him.”

“Shit!” Melina frowned. “Why would they do that? Why? A team was due to go down any day now. It makes no sense. What a stupid thing to do.”

“No!” Riley shook her head. “There’s no team going down.” Screw it! She wasn’t keeping quiet any longer.

“But everyone is saying that a rescue…” She stopped, clearly deep in thought. “Crap! There’s no one going, is there?” Her eyes widened, and she gasped.

“No! We were told that it’s too dangerous,” Riley said, more tears rolling down her cheeks. “And maybe the royals were right. Maybe it is too dangerous. I’m never going to see him again. Now both he and Ashlyn are missing. Avalanche too.” The key difference was that they wanted Ash. They didn’t want Fog. He would be trespassing. “I should have—”

“Hold that thought.” Melina held up one manicured nail. “I know I said I could keep a secret but…” Riley watched as Melina walked to a purse hanging on the wall. “I need to make a quick call.”

“Now?” Riley almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Ice!” the other woman said into her device. “I’m glad you picked up. Avalanche and Fog are in trouble.”

For the first time since Fog left four hours before, Riley could take a breath. Her only fear was that she had waited too long. Please let it not be too late!