Shifters’ Fae Captive by Lacey Carter Andersen

Chapter 16


As soon asI’m settled in the cave, Dusk, Onyx and Phantom go outside and start setting up for the trouble they believe is coming our way. There isn’t a lot here to amuse myself with, and I wish I had a book at least to read. Instead, I sit and stare around the cave. This room is large enough, larger than I first thought. There are three bedrolls around the little fire, that the guys had built up a bit before heading outside, and shelves formed into the walls that they keep things on. There are also weapons on the wall.

But nothing at all that I can see to do.

I guess spending all their time fighting a dangerous enemy doesn’t leave a lot of time for hobbies. It makes me a little sad to think about. Their lives have been entirely devoted to protecting the humans and supernaturals of my world, but at what cost to themselves? I understand that they’d go down with all of us if the Shadow King won, but not everyone would do this to save the world.

I’m not even willing to become their mate to save the world. The thought bothers me more than I like.

Sucking in a deep breath, a scent hits me. Right now, someone is cooking and the smell of meat and smoke permeates the cave. I figure it’s one of the guys outside, but I kind of wish they’d come in and make it here. I could use the company, and they’d be able to protect me even better if they stayed close. Right?

It’s kind of pathetic. I definitely wish Onyx was here, or Dusk or even Phantom.

Suddenly, there’s a ruckus outside the cave. I stand, looking at the wall of weapons and wondering if I could actually do anything with the huge swords. Maybe a dagger?

A shadow beast enters, followed by several others.

The first man nods to me. “I’m sorry, but a few of our men stumbled into a trap and were injured. We were closer to your cave than to our own.” He’s older than the others, with white in his long hair, and braids woven in with the loose strands. His face is wrinkled, and he looks dirty and tired.

My fear fades away. “Of course! Come in!”

Two men carry one of the men over to a bedroll and lay him down. Another man limps over to a spot by the fire and sits down with a wince. And a third is over a man’s shoulder. He’s gently placed on another bedroll. While the man who spoke to me opens his pack and starts to pull out first aid supplies.

“Do you want me to help?” I hold up my hands to indicate my powers, even though I’m not sure they know what I can do.

The older warrior shakes his head. “No, it shouldn’t take us long to patch them up. Night has fallen, so we have to be ready for anything.” But he sounds tired.

If I knew him better, I’d push to help. But instead, I just try not to get in their way.

The uninjured warriors choose various places around the cave and sit down, drinking water, taking snacks from their belts and resting. They have the same energy as nurses, after they’ve worked a long shift in the emergency room. It hurts my heart to see them looking so broken.

“What kind of trap was it?”

The older shadow beast sighs. “The same shit as always. Usually, it’s placed near our main cave. The Shadow King doesn’t know where we sleep, but they seem to realize the general area of the cave. But this time, we were trying to get closer to your cave before night fell. We went a different path than usual. And, well, surprise, the bastards expected it.”

Damn it. I get the feeling this is the last thing these guys needed.

“Are my guys outside?”

The warrior is unrolling a bandage. “They’re bringing fresh water and a nearby herb that helps with injuries. I gave them my word that every one of us will die to keep you safe.” His gaze catches mine, and he gives a weary smile. “But they were still running for the supplies.”

Because they want to keep me safe. The thought makes my heart ache.

One of the warriors is staring at me from where he's sitting with one leg stretched in front of him across from me. He’s not smiling, not particularly fearsome, but staring. It’s unnerving. I’m unnerved. But instead of holding out my hand so I can see how badly it’s shaking--and it is--I slide it under my leg and look everywhere else but at him. Although, when I glance back, he’s still staring.

Uh, okay.This is the first time I’m actually a little worried about these guys. Maybe my men are right to be worried about me.

I don’t know if he’s actually supposed to be my protection, but I don’t feel safe here with him. And I might’ve promised Phantom to stay inside, but I would bet my future that this guy means to do me harm. Fear of reprisals or Phantom’s wrath isn’t enough.

I stand and breathe out, but as soon as I’m on my feet, he’s on his. When I move toward the entrance of the cave, he’s there too, arms out like he’s playing basketball defense.

“Excuse me.”

His grin is more of a leer. “No, my lady. Excuse me.” Still, he doesn’t move.

“Please, get out of the way.” I don’t know if I can hurt him, but if I can heal Onyx, I might be able to put this guy down, at least take him out of the game long enough that I can get past him. But if it doesn’t work, I’ve put myself close enough for him to grab me and do… whatever it is he has planned. I don’t want to think about what that might be or the fear might drain the focus I need to get out of here.


The older shadow beast says, “Move, Wraith.”

To my surprise, he lowers his head and steps out of my way.

The man speaks from near the fire. “But your mates did want you to stay inside.”

“I’ll be right outside the cave. Close enough that if there’s an issue, you’ll know it. I just need a minute alone and a breath of air.”

“She’ll be fine,” the creepy man named Wraith says.

The older shadow beast sighs. “Okay, the Moon Goddess knows that my own daughters wouldn’t have been able to tolerate a cave full of men for too long. But, stay close.”

Nodding, I rush out of the cave. One side of the sky is grey, which I think is still light enough to keep the Shadow King’s men away, but still, I stay close. Just far enough away to avoid the creepy guy, but not so far as to get into trouble.

“I’m surprised you didn’t want them.”

I stiffen and whirl around to see Wraith way too close to me.

“Few women would refuse the king.”

It’s hard to form a response when my instincts are screaming to run. I glance between the cave entrance and him. If things go wrong, I can definitely scream, and maybe get around him. “A king or not, a woman likes to have a little time to think.”

He moves closer to me, and I lift a hand to tell him to stop. His gaze goes to my hand, and he smirks, still coming closer.

I dodge left then quick-fade right, but his gorilla arms wrap around me, and he lifts me off my feet. When I open my mouth to scream, one of his hands goes over my mouth. He takes a few steps and pins me between his body and a tree. As he uses his body to hold me there, his hand is still covering my mouth. I scream against his hand and struggle, but I barely make a sound, and there’s no way to get leverage or to move, he pulls a knife from the sheath on his belt.

“You should’ve gone with your mates.”

I know that now. And I won’t be making this mistake ever again. Assuming I get out of this alive and have that kind of choice.

“You’re coming with me.” His voice is hard but a rasp, like he’s hoarse and there’s nothing sexy or husky about it. It’s pure gravel and if I never hear it again, it will be too soon.

His hand slowly lowers from my mouth, as I feel the coolness of his blade against my throat.

My heart hammers, and I realize that I might not take this guy out by fighting, but I can out smart him. Deep down I already know that he’ll have to kill me before I go anywhere with him. And he won’t.

So, that’s something.

“I won’t go anywhere with you.” Okay, there, I said it. Carefully, I crane my neck back to look at him, and kind of wish I hadn’t.

He holds the knife closer to my throat and laughs. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wraith and I don’t kill.” After a few seconds, a slow grin that is mostly snarl slides across his face. “I’m the torturer.” Pride blooms in his eyes. He’s cocky and overconfident. Weak because of it.

But even so, it doesn’t stop the fear that races through me. He’s right. He might not be able to kill me, but I’m not exactly experienced at resisting torture.

My mind is racing, moving so fast that I’m not sure any of my thoughts are logical. It’s like they’re just screaming at me to run or fight, and I don’t know which idea is better. Maybe fighting and running? If I can just get one leg free, I can use that and go for the family jewels, maybe put him down long enough I can get out and find Phantom or Dusk or Onyx.

“Why do you even want me?” I don’t see desire or interest in his eyes. So, is it just his hunger to lay claim to my power?

He whispers into my ear. “Years ago, when I followed Phantom to this world and decided to follow at his side instead of the king, I felt I made the right choice. Now, if I could turn back time, I wouldn’t waste my life fighting a battle we’ll never win. I would have stayed with my king. So, when I learned of your existence, I made a deal with the king. You… in exchange for his pardon and a comfortable life. More than worth it, if you ask me.”

“And you think that man will keep his word?” I laugh. He can’t be that naïve.

His grip on me tightens. “Come on now. We’re going to walk out of here nice and quiet. And you’re going to do exactly what I say.” There’s enough menace in his tone for me to know he means business. But I’m trained. And I’m powerful in more ways than this dolt probably knows.

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll go and come back during the day, when everyone is asleep, and I’ll gut Phantom first, then the other, then the dumb one. And I’ll take you anyway.” He’s a shadow beast, and I don’t doubt that he thinks he can do this. I only doubt whether he could ever be successful. “And don’t try anything. You’re the outsider here. You’re the one they all fear.”

Okay, so is he going to torture me now if I don’t go with him? Or is he going to come back for me later and kill my men? I don’t know, but the guy definitely seems to be unstable, and I don’t think he’s bluffing either way. All I know for sure is that I need my hand free to touch him with my energy, maybe kill him if I can the way I did with the rot monkeys. Then I need my leg free to put him down if I’m able to catch him off-guard with my magic in any way.

Okay, that’s the plan then. Catch him off-guard, get him on the ground, then run for my guys.

I don’t know how far away my guys are, or why I’ve suddenly taken to thinking of them as my guys, but I breathe out slowly because I’m determined to see them again. And I’m going to use that determination to get free.

“Remember, peaceful. Quiet.” He brings his knife hand to his mouth. “Shh.” I nod, and he spins me toward the forest and presses his knife into my back, while he holds me by my shoulder with the other hand. “Walk.”

As we walk, a plan forms in my head. It isn’t much. It’s nothing really, just a self-defense tactic I saw in a movie once. I’m going to drive my foot into his instep, jab my elbow into his gut and run like hell screaming like a fool every step of the way.

It isn’t until I stop walking and lift my foot to stomp, that I lose confidence in the self-defense plan. I summon the power to my hands. It’s darker and angrier than the healing energy I used on Onyx, and I savor it for a second before I turn it on him. I twist, jab my hand against his heart and nothing.

Now, I don’t have a choice. I try to stomp his foot, miss, and he picks me up again, both arms around my waist because I’m writhing and wiggling, twisting and using my body weight to fling myself around.

Finally, I remember I need to scream. “Help me! Phantom, Onyx, Du--!” When this bastard tries to clamp his hand over my mouth, I bite his finger as hard as I can until I taste blood and he jerks it out of my mouth.

Footsteps pound toward us, or maybe that’s my heartbeat in my ears, but he drops me and I crumble to the ground as Phantom, Dusk and Onyx race through the brush to where we are.

“Ann!” Phantom comes in and passes me with a flying kick that levels the prick.

Dusk helps me stand and Onyx sits in a crouch in front of us, a dagger in his hand, in case Phantom needs help. But Phantom has the other guy on the ground and is busy pounding his fists into my attacker’s face. Dusk pulls against his side and holds me there, safe against him as the adrenaline takes over, and I start trembling.

Eventually, Onyx pulls Phantom off, and the other guy lies groaning on the ground. Onyx, Phantom, and Dusk all check on me. Then, Wraith moans again and says, “the king will get her… only matter of time.”

A look of cold fury comes over Phantom’s face, and he rises from beside me and goes back to the man on the ground. I don’t realize what’s happening until Phantom’s knife is stuck in Wraith’s heart.

I gasp as the shadow beast’s head flops to the side. “Oh, shit.”

But none of my men seem surprised. Sullen maybe, but not surprised.

“Take her back to the cave.” Phantom motions with his head. “And stay with her.”

Dusk hides my face in his chest, and I breathe in the earthy scent of him as he walks me away. His hand is warm at the center of my back, and eventually, my heart rate slows and my breaths come evenly.

“It’s okay, now. I’ve got you.”

I nod against him, safe.

At least for now.