The Billionaire’s Christmas Bride by L. Steele



She twists her body. My grasp loosens and she pulls away, then pivots and scrambles for the door.

"You," I mutter to the empty room, "it was you that I missed."

Jesus, fuck, can you hear yourself? Did you just confess that you were incomplete without her?Was I? How much do I need her in my life? Could I go on without her? A future without her would be...bleak, dull, no patches of color, no scent of complex notes, no flavors that beckon and open up my senses. Without her... I am less than half the man I could be... I rub the back of my neck. What the fuck? What just happened? Why is my heart thumping? The blood pounds at my temples and my shoulder muscles knot.

Without her... There is no future... There is no me... Bloody hell. I rotate my head, dig my fingers into my hair and tug on it. I can't leave here without her, no way. I don't know what the future holds, but if I don't keep her close... I'll never have a chance of finding out either. As long as she is with me... I stand a chance, at having everything I didn't even know I had wanted... She makes me chuckle, lightens the load I've carried alone for so long. I want her by my side, in my house, in my bed. My ring on her finger, her hand in mine, her body writhing under me as I bury myself inside of her, as I try to tame her, hold her down and fuck her, as I open myself up to her and claim her. I am going to chain her to my side in a way that she'll never leave. I have to do it. Have to get her to see things my way. That her future is mine, that I am her future, that she is my... Everything.

The band around my chest tightens and a ball of emotions fills my throat. A pressure builds behind my eyes, fuck... This...this thing that tears me apart inside and twists my guts, that buries its weight in my stomach, knots my insides and coils in my chest...dries up my throat and hardens my balls. It has to be... It has to be...fucking love. I grab my hair and tug on it. I'd said it out loud earlier, but I'd shrugged it off as something you say in the heat of the moment. But this...this gasping for breath, this sensation of my heart having been scooped out of my body, this nervousness inside of me that grows and grows, even as a desperation tightens my skin, my shoulders, my spine... All of it points to the fact that I am a fucking goner. I am in love... Bloody fuck, I am... And there's nothing I can do about it. My heart begins to pound so hard against my rib cage, I am sure I must be having a cardiac... Except I know I am not... It's the emotional shock causing my palms to sweat. My thigh muscles bunch. I lower my hand, not surprised to find that my fingers are shaking. I stalk out of the bedroom into the tiny living room space.

She faces Julia, who offers her a coffee from the takeaway tray. "I don't want to impose," she mutters.

Amelie curls both of her palms around the paper cup. "It's no imposition," she says.

"No, it isn't," I agree.

Both women turn to me.

Amelie frowns.

Julia tilts her head. "We haven't met, I'm Julia," she says.

I walk forward, halt next to Amelie, "I'm Amelie's boyfriend." Yep, I am well and truly pussy whipped. Since when had my identity become secondary to my position in her life, eh?

Amelie draws in a breath.

Julia smiles. "Good to meet you, Amelie's boyfriend." She holds out the tray of coffee.

"Thank you." I accept one of the cups, swig from it. Damn, but why couldn't it contain a shot of whiskey, at the very least? I suck down more of the coffee.

"You two been dating long?" she asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"No." Amelie shoots me a glance, her gaze narrowed.

"Long enough for me to ask her to move in with me." I smile.

Julia looks between us. "Congratulations." She holds out a hand. Amelie ignores it.

"You... you..." She gapes at me.

"You're coming with me." I say simply.

"I'm not," she splutters, tries to pull away.

I tug her closer, tuck her into my side, and tiny thing that she is, she fits right there, plastered against me.

"Come on babe," I plead, "I can't leave you here, not after the break-in."

"Break in?" Julia exclaims.

"Yeah," I reply, without taking my gaze from Amelie's face. "Someone broke into the apartment earlier today."

" was the same man who forced his way into my bakery." Amelie swallows.

“He was wearing a mask,” I remind her. "How can you be sure?"

"I’m sure." She nods. "I... uh, recognized the scent of his cologne."

"You did, huh?" Something hot stabs at my chest. Whoa, what the fuck? Why the hell am I all twisted up inside because she smelled another man's aftershave? This is bloody ridiculous. "That settles it," I growl. "You're not staying here a second longer. You're coming with me."

Her gaze narrows, "I don’t think so."

"Yes, you are," I snap.

Her features pinch and she sets her jaw. Fuck, I can't let her go all obstinate on me. Not that I don't mind whipping it out of her, but well, we have company—not that it would stop me, but Julia is her girlfriend, and the one thing I've learned from the rest of the Seven hooking up, is that, you did not show down your woman in front of her friends.

My woman. Mine.I draw her even closer.

She tilts her chin up, "What are you doing?"

"Convincing you." I lower my head, press my mouth to hers, keep the kiss soft, coaxing. I nibble on her lower lip, and when she gasps, I swipe my tongue inside her mouth, just a quick in and out, enough to remind her what is in store if she comes with me, enough to communicate that I need her, want her. A whine tumbles from her lips. My dick instantly lengthens. I tighten my hold on her shoulders, lessen the intensity of the kiss, pull back, brush her lips with mine one more time. "See, that's all settled."

"Oh." Her eyelids flutter, "Wes—"

"Don't say no." I peer into her face, "Come home with me."

She holds my gaze, her chin wobbles, then she nods. "Okay."

Okay!The breath I'd not been aware of holding wheezes out. What the bloody fuck? Had I been nervous as I‘d waited for her reply? Had I actually given her a choice? And if she had refused? Would I have left...? No, I'd have parked myself here and ensured there was security around the clock. Not that I have anything against this flat... Except there is no telling if the intruder will be back. Besides, I want her in my space, in my bed. I have to be inside of her again.

I stare at her, and her pupils dilate. She licks her lower lip, and her breathing goes ragged.

"Right, get what you need," I say.

She turns, then gasps, "Oh, my God, Jules. I can't leave you here."

"What rubbish." Julia looks between us. "I'll be fine."

"No way, am I letting you stay here. What if the intruder returns?”

"I'll lock the door from the inside," she insists.

"It's not safe," Amelie shuffles her feet, "I don't feel comfortable leaving you here."

I frown. I can't allow her to stay on, but I don't want Julia to come with us either, not when I want Amelie to myself... No way, am I sharing her with anyone else... Not yet... Not for a while, which means... There is only one way out. "I have an idea."