The Break by Shayla Black

Her blue eyes said she was both wary and contrite. She looked spent.

For a split second, he wondered if he were dreaming, but there she was, meeting his stare with a pensive expression.

Relief gushed through Liam’s bloodstream. The gods had finally granted him mercy. “Raine.”

“Thank fuck.” Hammer barreled toward her. “Where the—”

“Bloody hell have you been, love?” Liam finished Hammer’s question and raced toward her, trying to beat Hammer. “Do you have any idea how—”

“Wait.” Raine held up her hand, forestalling them both. “Please.”

As confusion pelted him, Liam’s steps stuttered. She didn’t want to talk to him? His brows furrowed. Hadn’t she come back to him?

“I…” Raine swallowed tightly, casting her eyes down for a heartbeat before she raised her chin and licked her lips.

“What the hell’s wrong?” Hammer barked. Concern stamped itself all over his face. “Precious?”

“There’s something I need to say…to both of you.” Raine’s voice held an edge of unease. She cast a vaguely questioning glance to Seth, who’d followed them into the foyer and lingered behind. Then she dismissed him and carried on.

Liam could tell she was nervous. The suspense gripped him by the throat. “Speak up. We’re listening.”

His directive seemed to make her even more nervous. Fuck! He watched her gaze travel first to him, then to Hammer, before she sucked in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry. I should never have left you both the way I did. I know you’ve been worried, but I…” She hesitated, then cast her contrite gaze at Hammer. “You’ve done so much for me over the years. I owed you more than just running off without saying thank you.”

“Then why did you?” Hammer pressed.

“Please. Let me finish.” Her voice cracked.

“All right.” Hammer nodded. “But be prepared, Raine. We have some things to say as well.”

“I’m sure you do.” She gave the man a faintly wry smile.

Whatever weighed on her mind was heavy. If her every expression and gesture hadn’t made that clear, her unusual lack of sarcasm and sass did.

“Liam…” She clung to him with her hypnotic eyes, making him want to crawl deep inside her. But she’d walked out on him so easily, and he couldn’t push the strangling hurt aside. “You tried so hard to make me understand that you loved me and wanted me to grow. What I’ve done to you is beyond unfair. I’m more sorry that I can tell you.” She teared up. Regret twisted her face. “I hope someday you’ll be able to forgive me, but I don’t expect you to.”

“I tried everything I could think of to reach you.” He sighed heavily. “But I was out of options.”

“I know. The last few days, I’ve done a lot of thinking. I know I have to change. I can’t ever be happy if I keep pushing everyone away. I have to learn how to say what I’m thinking and feeling. I have to stop twisting the truth to avoid something uncomfortable.” She drew in a shuddering breath. “And I have to learn to believe that not everyone will hurt me. I don’t have any illusions. That won’t be quick or easy. I’m not even sure it’s possible. But I need to try.”

Even as she looked at him with sorrow in her eyes, her speech blew him away. Liam didn’t think he’d ever heard her be that honest. But her fluttering hands and downturned gaze made it clear that something more lurked in her head.

Liam turned and looked at Hammer. Frustration rolled off his old friend. He knew what Macen was feeling, as he was mired in it himself.

“So…I have a favor to ask,” she went on. “I know I’ve done nothing to deserve your compassion, but I’m asking if one of you would suggest a Domme who might be willing to help me learn.”

Liam felt his jaw drop. A Domme? What the bloody hell was she thinking?

“What?” Hammer growled, a look of disbelief etched on his face.

“I’m standing right in front of you, Raine. And you want some woman—a bloody stranger—instead?” Liam didn’t bother masking his shock or anger. “I’ve been trying to teach you for the past fucking month! I told you if you were willing to do the work that I’d be here for you.”

“I am more than aware of everything you did to help me, Liam. I wish I’d been able to appreciate it more. And maybe someday…” She shook her head. “But right now, I have to fix me before I can be worthy enough to wear your collar, much less actually devote myself to you in the way you deserve.” Her voice shook.

Hearing that Raine thought she wasn’t deserving of him broke his heart.

“Please don’t be angry,” she begged.

Angry didn’t begin to cover it. He understood her need to bury the old Raine and resurrect a new one, but her choice to shut him out was unacceptable. “Damn it, Raine—”

“I’m not done yet. I want to come home because Shadows is familiar. If I’m going to get out of my comfort zone in every other way, I don’t want to be out of my element, too. I can’t afford to make learning any harder.” She shrugged. “Maybe it would be easier to trust a female. It’s something I’ve never tried and…I’m willing to do almost anything to be whole.”

Except learn to open herself up and submit to him. His jaw clenched.

“I’m asking for your help. I’m pleading for mercy.”

Liam held in a curse. She’d barely given him a hello before she asked for someone else to guide her. Torn between pride that she’d returned to do the work and the devastation to his ego, Liam didn’t know whether to wrap her in his arms or take her over his knee.

Didn’t Raine understand that she was the kind of woman who would only kneel happily for a man she loved? She might find some ease in learning to be more open and honest with others, but she’d never find fulfillment.

“A bloody female Dominant? That’s not mercy. That’s ridiculous.” He cast a stupefied glance at Hammer. The man’s expression conveyed the same disbelief.

“Never going to fucking happen,” Hammer confirmed. “Did you dream up this idea because you think Liam and I won’t be jealous?”

“Well…yes,” she admitted.

So Raine meant to sacrifice her chance to truly surrender so he and his old friend wouldn’t fight anymore. Obviously, she didn’t realize that it didn’t matter who else touched her. He wanted her for his own. And he knew Hammer felt the same.

Liam scrubbed a hand down his face.

“One of my greatest guilts, besides leaving you both, is the wedge I’ve driven between you,” she went on. “I won’t be the cause of that anymore.”

“I’ve told you that guilt isn’t yours, girl.” Hammer scolded her.

“But it is. You were friends before me.” She pressed a hand to her chest, passionate and tearful. “I’m the point of contention. If I get out of the way, you two will eventually repair your friendship.”

Beside him, Hammer shook his head. “That’s not your fault, and there’s no way I’m letting a Domme teach you shit.”

“This is for me, Macen. Don’t you understand?” Her expression willed him to. “I didn’t expect either of you to be thrilled, but I’d hoped you’d at least support me.”

“Oh, I support your need to grow,” Liam growled. “But excuse me for not dancing a jig at the happy news that you want to do it with a Dominant you don’t even know. I need a fucking drink.”

* * *

Raine watched Liam storm away from her, breaking apart inside. She hadn’t expected him to accept her request for a Domme right away…but she’d expected him to understand at least a bit. Hammer was the one she’d imagined would blow his temper and rail.

Now, she was almost afraid to look at him. But she forced herself to. Barely leashed fury brimmed in his hazel eyes.

Obviously, he hadn’t liked what she’d said. But if he restrained himself from saying more, that meant that she’d pushed him so damn far, he’d chosen to say nothing rather than voice something incredibly ugly. Raine had rarely seen him this angry. When she had, he usually cut that person from his life.

The thought that she would lose them both forever crushed her. Her first instinct was to wonder if she should leave Shadows after all. Raine checked it. Eventually, she would be better. She would keep communicating with them. Even if Liam left, she would write or call or text—whatever it took—to mend fences.

And hopefully, with her out of their way, they would be friends again someday.

“I’m not doing this to hurt either of you,” she murmured to Hammer.

He clenched his jaw. Veins bulged in his neck. He still didn’t utter a single word.

Leaning with one shoulder against the wall, the tall stranger she’d noticed earlier hovered a few feet behind Macen. He peeled away from his perch, his watchful green eyes sizing her up. “Don’t be a prick, Hammer.”

Temper mottling his face red, Hammer shook his head. Then he cut a stare in the other man’s direction, his eyes narrowed with fury. “Do not let her leave.”

Then he was gone, his broad shoulders disappearing around the corner, carried away by his long, angry stride as he followed Liam to the bar.

A pang crushed her chest. She’d never really had him, but to lose him now totally devastated her.

The stranger, who looked like a Hemsworth brother, sidled up to her and eased his hand around her elbow. “Hello, Raine.”

She shifted her gaze to him, trying to hold it together. “Who are you?”

“I’m Seth, a friend of Liam’s and Hammer’s from New York. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you until now, but I’ve heard a lot about you. I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes.”

About what?She’d just vomited out some of the most intimate things she’d ever said in her life. What more did he want?

He began to lead her away. She dug in her heels.

With a gentle but firm grip, he tugged her forward. “How do you feel?”

“I’ve just hurt the two men I love more than anything. How am I supposed to feel?” She sighed, shoulders slumping.

“You’re trying to do the right thing.”

“I am. God knows I have a long history of screwing up, but this is the only plan I see.”

“You look exhausted.” Despite his strong, angular face, Seth came across as surprisingly compassionate.

“It’s been a long few days.”

“You want to turn in for the night?” he asked.

Raine bit her lip. She doubted she would sleep much, but she also didn’t think that following Liam and Hammer to the bar would do anything except make the situation worse. Maybe the best thing to do was let them chew on her idea and find the logic so they could all move on…wherever that led them.

“Maybe I should.”

“Show me your room. I’ll make sure you get tucked in all safely.”

Raine rolled her eyes. “I can find my way down the hall. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I wasn’t asking.” He raised a brow.

She couldn’t miss his Dom face. Of course.

For a moment, she thought about balking, but why? Tumult rolled through her, and she couldn’t very well go crying to Liam or Hammer anymore. Beck… He’d been nice, but he’d unloaded his responsibility for her. She had to buck up and handle things on her own. Frankly, she’d rather do that in the privacy of her own room in case that meant tears.

Besides, she couldn’t claim to want a Dom, male or female, and be bratty about such a simple request. From the look on Seth’s face, he only had the best intentions at heart.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very good.”

Turning away, Raine led him out of the entry and through the cavernous structure, down the hall, finally to her room. The door opened without a key. Everything inside looked almost exactly as she’d left it except that Beck had set her suitcase by the door.

Nothing had turned out the way she’d intended, but she still felt ridiculously glad that she’d be putting things away in the place she called home.

Stepping aside, she let Seth follow her in.

“Get ready for bed. Then we’ll talk,” he instructed.

Picking up her little case, she dragged it into the bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her hair and teeth, changed clothes, then padded back out.

Seth eyed her and drew in a deep breath. “No wonder. Okay…”

Raine frowned at him. What was he going on about?

“Why don’t you have a seat?”

Again, it wasn’t a request. Since she had no chairs in her room, she crawled into bed, scrambling between the sheets.

He sat on the edge beside her. “I know you don’t know me, and this probably seems awkward, but you were so honest in the foyer. I need you to continue that. I came here to help Liam straighten a few things out, but I think you might need my ear just as much. Like Beck, I won’t betray your confidence. I just need to get to the bottom of this so I can understand how to help.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she beat back mortification. “This is totally awkward. Everyone knows my damn business.”

She didn’t really want to talk to Seth about all this, but he’d heard her whole speech in the foyer. It wasn’t like she had many secrets at this point.

Seth tsked at her. “Liam likes ladies. I know he wouldn’t appreciate you swearing, would he?”

“No,” she conceded. “But he let me go.”

“Did it seem that way to you just now? He threw a tantrum over losing you, which I’ll totally rib him about later. He admitted that he’d given you his heart. You can’t think he’s done with you.”

She shrugged. “When Liam uncollared me, he told me that I wasn’t ready for what he had to offer. He was right. I can’t keep hurting him. And I can’t keep coming between him and Hammer. If you know them both, you know they used to be friends.”

“The best.”

“Exactly. And now they can’t stand one another. I can’t pretend that’s anyone’s fault except mine.” She covered her face with her hands. “The guilt has been eating me alive. I think they want me to choose…and I can’t. I love them both too much. And it could ruin their friendship for good.”

Seth tilted her chin up and stared at her, studying her every nuance, pinning her against her headboard with an almost dissecting gaze. “If you were whole, as you put it, and they were on good terms, would you have any qualms about letting either one into your life again?”


“Would you let either of them be your Dom?”

“If I knew I wasn’t going to hurt Liam again, yes. Hammer…” She sighed. “He puts on a big show, but if he didn’t want anything to do with me for six years, I don’t think he truly wants me. And now that he’s not speaking to me anymore, I’m sure that will never be an option.”

“If you believe that, you’re fooling yourself. How about both of them?”

She reared back. “Beck, the guy who brought me back here, suggested the same thing. I think you two are nuts.”

“Or it’s possible we’re the only sane ones in this mess.” Seth shrugged. “If Liam and Hammer agreed to it, would you have them both?”

Why was he trying to crawl in her head? “In a perfect world, of course. It’ll probably happen on the twelfth of never as hell is freezing over, but I’ve fantasized about it.”

“Because you love them?”

She sighed, wishing she could tell Seth that she didn’t want to play Twenty Questions anymore. “Yes.”

Seth smiled smugly. “Why don’t you get some sleep?”

Raine didn’t want to, but she probably needed it. If it made Seth and his questions disappear, even better. “Sure, but would you please make sure they don’t get too drunk? Hammer will down tequila and he’ll have a terrible hangover that will make him a bear tomorrow. Liam is probably drinking Scotch. He really needs a friend now. He and Beck don’t get along. If Hammer turns his anger on Liam, he’ll be outnumbered and—”

“I’ll take care of it.” He squeezed her shoulder. “Get some sleep. Things should look brighter in the morning.”

Raine certainly hoped so because everything looked damn bleak now.

* * *

Storming into the bar, Hammer grabbed a bottle of Patrón. He tore off the cap and slid onto an empty barstool, tipping the bottle to his mouth for a long swig. Beside him, Liam tossed back shots of Scotch. Beck sat around the corner of the L-shaped bar. The big pussy nursed a bottle of beer and looked at him expectantly.

“Don’t I get a thanks for bringing Raine back? And she’s even in one piece,” Beck drawled.

Hammer really tried not to punch him.

“Shut the fuck up,” Liam snarled and shot back more Scotch.

“What he said.” Hammer glared.

“You’re not happy to see her?” Beck mocked.

Happy? Laying eyes on Raine again had been like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and a kick-ass New Year’s Eve all rolled into one. He’d never been so damn relieved in his life. But now that she’d returned, his latent rage boiled up. She’d run off without saying a fucking word. And when she’d returned, had she wanted his protection or comfort? Oh, no. Instead, she’d warded him off by shoving a hand in his face. While still reeling from that silent “fuck you very much,” she’d had the balls to ask him for a Domme.

Not on your life, precious.

“Of course I am,” he finally managed.

There. That didn’t sound like he wanted to rip Beck’s face off. Or give in to the impulse to snag Raine by the arm, haul her ungrateful ass over his lap, and paddle her backside. Sucking in a breath, Hammer cordoned off his anger. If he punished her now, that would make him the worst sort of player. No real Dominant should ever punish a sub who asked for help. Raine might not have come back for him—or Liam—but someday she would understand the depth of her betrayal. Then… Well, his hand itched for that day.

“It doesn’t show. She decided to come back all on her own and ask for help. That’s a big step for her.”

Tossing back another gulp of tequila, he shrugged. “Huge.”

The small part of him that wasn’t horrifically pissed off felt proud. He’d never seen Raine so resolved to grow and blossom. The rest of him? Downright furious at her version of “help.”

“Just drink your beer.” He didn’t want to talk to Beck. Or anyone. He had to figure out what the hell to do.

“Stop soaking your brain with tequila and use it for a minute. Raine has a good idea. A female Dominant could teach her the basics.”

“Raine has lost the bloody plot! A Domme?” Liam shoved his tumbler aside, opting to swig from the bottle instead.

Yeah, this was going to get down and dirty. Hammer was so there.

“It’s a terrible fucking idea, Beck.” Hammer glared. “Until Raine feels the connection with a Dominant who commands her body, heart, and soul, she’ll be like a race car with a compact’s engine. She’ll run, but not like she should.”

He slammed back more booze. The tequila burned, but he welcomed it, hoping it would numb the sting of Raine’s desertion.

She needed more than another woman could give her. Goddamn it, she needed him—his guidance, his boundaries. His love. Fuck if he didn’t want to banish everyone from Shadows and wrap Raine in his arms until he’d bound her to him in every way possible. But damn it, her little speech tonight had tied his hands. Yeah, he could still tell her that he loved her. He probably should. But then he’d have to stand back and let the chips fall.

The control freak in him hated that idea.

“Exactly,” Liam agreed, leaning onto the polished wooden surface and looking past him to stare at Beck. “What the fuck did you do to her these last few days? Brainwash her?”

“Good question. I never thought I’d live to see the day that Raine sought out a woman.” Hammer shook his head.

“Pull your heads out of your asses,” Beck complained. “She just wants happiness.”

“I can make her happy,” Liam countered. “But I don’t think I could bear to see her give her affection to anyone else. How did everything get so fucked up?” Liam tipped his bottle back once again. “I’ve gotta figure out how to win her back. I need a plan.”

“In case you haven’t been keeping score, you’re batting a big fat zero with your last two grand ideas,” Hammer jeered.

Liam flipped him off. “At least I tried.”

“Yep.” Hammer nodded. “You’re the most trying man I’ve ever met... Just saying.”

“Ha fucking ha,” Liam sneered.

Beck nearly fell off his barstool laughing. “You two are hopeless, you know that?”

“What the hell do you know about love?” Hammer bristled. “Someday, somehow, Raine is going to choose one of us…then, of course, the other will have to die.”

Slugging back another drink, he wondered if Raine would ever let him love her the way he should have all along.

Liam peered at him. “I might be tempted to beat you ugly so that she’d never want you, but I swear I’d never kill you. That’s just bad form.” Liam frowned at Hammer. “There’s only one person that I’d like to unload a forty-five on, and that’s her dad.”

“Here. Here.” He agreed, raising his bottle and clinking it against his old friend’s.

“Neither one of you paid attention to her hands when she came in, did you?” Beck piped up.

Both he and Liam turned. The burly sadist wore a grave expression.

“Her hands?” he asked, wondering what part of the conversation had slipped past him.

“Yeah. She went to visit her father yesterday.”

Hammer’s heart nearly stopped.

“What the bloody… You’re serious?” Liam blinked.

“You’d better not be,” Hammer warned.

When Beck gave a curt nod, he felt as if he’d been blown clear to the other side of the room. Anger burst in his veins. Raine had gone back to that shithole, to see that animal, without him. She could have been hurt. Or Bill Kendall could have killed her.

With cold precision, Hammer turned his head, leveling Beck with an icy glare. “Why?”

“Do you really have to ask?” Beck sent him a mocking stare.

No. Hammer had known she’d eventually seek out Bill for answers, vindication…closure. But damn it, he’d imagined he’d be beside Raine, supporting and protecting her. “You didn’t fucking let her go alone, did you?”

“Of course not, ass-hat.”

“Tell us what happened before I beat the truth out of you,” Liam demanded.

Beck shook his head. “Whatever. You’re so… what is it you guys across the pond call it? Pissed. Yeah. You’re so pissed drunk, you couldn’t beat yourself off.”

“I’m Irish, not English, you bloody twit,” Liam growled. “And yes, I could, if I wanted to.” He scoffed, drinking down more Scotch. “But I don’t. And don’t change the subject.”

“Did Bill touch her?” Hammer added. “If he did, you’re taking me there right now so I can plant a bullet in his miserable head.”

“Settle down, Lone Ranger. I already covered that contingency.” Beck gave him a condescending pat on the shoulder. “I had my gun out and sited right between the son of a bitch’s eyes every fucking second. But she didn’t need me. You remember those self-defense classes you enrolled her in years ago?”

“Yeah.” It took him a minute for the puzzle pieces to fall into place, but when they did, Hammer grinned. “She kicked his ass, didn’t she?”

“Like a ninja.” Beck grinned.

“Fuck, yeah!” Hammer cheered. “That’s my girl.”

“She’s my girl, motherfucker,” Liam insisted, slurring.

“She was. And she could kick your ass, too. ‘Cause I got her lessons,” he preened.

“Jesus, I wish I was recording this. All the fet folk we know would howl.” Beck laughed.

“Shut up and tell us what happened when you took her to see that fucker,” Hammer snapped.

“She slayed her dragon, more or less. It was good for her. You know, you two aren’t the only ones who care about her.”

Liam stood, wobbling, looking ready for a fight. “You better not have fucking touched her!”

“Yeah.” Hammer felt his skull about to explode and reached out to throttle Beck.

The other man shoved him away. “I didn’t. Jesus, you idiots… Give it a rest. I’m tempted to lay you both out cold, but you’re both too drunk to fight.”

Hammer glanced at a weaving Liam. Sadly, Beck was right. Besides, unloading all the fury roiling inside him onto the doctor wouldn’t help anything. He’d already seen vividly that displacing his guilt and anger led to bad things. He had to buck up and fly right.

“Sorry, man. Thank you for keeping her safe. Now tell me what happened. Details!” Hammer slammed his bottle on the bar.

“Did you hear what she said to that sniveling douchebag?” Liam prodded.

“Oh, yeah. Raine let old Bill know, in no uncertain terms, that he was a steaming pile of dog shit.” A smile tugged at the corners of Beck’s lips. “You two would have been proud.”

“Good lass,” Liam whispered. “But what the devil would we have done if he’d hurt her?”

Something clogged Hammer’s throat. Maybe it was too much anger, or the booze talking, or simply relief that Raine had come home, where she belonged. His eyes stung.

“Don’t even think that. But I can guarantee they’d never find a single part of Bill’s body.” Hammer reached up and gave Liam’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “The question we should be asking, since Raine’s plan sucks, is what’s the best way to help her?”

When he felt a slap upside his head, Hammer turned to find Seth delivering the same smack to Liam.

“Good to hear you say that, Macen,” the other man announced from behind him. “Because after talking to Raine, I know.”

“How?” Hammer bristled. “You’ve known her all of five fucking minutes and suddenly you can read her mind?”

“Pretty much.”

Liam turned and steadied himself on the bar, wagging his finger at Seth. “If you fucking touched her...”

“Chill, Conan. As much as I wanted to introduce her to my most amazing skill...” Seth licked his tongue over his teeth, slurping nosily. “We just talked.”

“Damn good thing because I would have cut your tongue out,” Hammer vowed. “You should have asked her to teach your pansy ass how to make coffee.”

“Busting my balls isn’t going to help Raine, so zip it. Would you rather the girl stayed fucked up? Or do you want to help her?”

“You already know the answer,” Hammer grumbled.

“I’ve been trying for weeks now. You’re not leaving me out, damn it!” Liam insisted, looking up with bleary eyes at Seth.

“Good to see you both agree.” Seth looked between them. “How long do you think you can act like big boys and play nicely together?”

“About five more seconds,” Beck piped up with a mocking grin.

“Get stuffed, you bastard,” Liam barked.

Beck just shook his head as he laughed.

“We’re getting along fine right now.” Hammer glared. “Spill it before I lose my patience.”

“Here’s the deal…” Seth began. “Raine is about the most torn woman I’ve ever met.”

“It’s that asshole father of hers,” Liam blurted.

“No, I don’t mean broken, though I suspect she’s that as well. I mean she’s in love with you lug nuts, and your constant, hellaciously annoying bickering has torn her heart in two.” Seth shook his head. “Can’t imagine why she loves you both, but…”

Liam plunked down on his barstool, grabbing the bar to balance himself and stay upright. “Because we’re dashing and handsome and—”

“Good in bed, goddamn it,” Hammer added.

“That, too.” Liam raised his bottle, and Hammer clinked it again.

“And so modest,” Beck drawled.

“Do you think you two could sober up so we can discuss this?” Seth arched a brow.

“Hang on. I’ll be back. But don’t say too much,” Beck announced, then sauntered from the bar. “I don’t want to miss this.”

“I’m not dunk. I mean, drunk.” Liam thrust his shoulders back and raised his chin.

Hammer elbowed him and tried to decide which of the two images of Seth swimming in his vision was real. “We’ll keep up.”

“Just a guess here…” Seth said wryly. “But neither of you wants Raine with a Domme, right?”

“Absolutely not!” Liam pounded his fist on the bar.

“The whole idea is bullshit,” Hammer agreed.

“Congratulations. So far, you’ve both scored a hundred percent on the quiz.”

“Quiz?” Liam blinked, then looked at Hammer, his eyes wide. “Shit, we didn’t study, mate.”

“If Seth is giving the quiz, we’re good. He can’t be smarter than us,” Hammer said in a stage whisper.

“Spare me sloppy drunks.” Seth shook his head in disgust. “This will wait until tomorrow.”

“Nah, this might help.” Beck set down two steaming mugs of coffee.

Hammer pounced on it and took a sip, moaning long and loud. “Son of a bitch! You know how to make good coffee?”

Beck scowled at Hammer. “You’re so helpless that you don’t?”

“I used to like you,” he muttered.

He and Liam sipped their steaming brews as fast as they could. When they’d drained their mugs, Beck refilled them. Staring at his watch, Seth waited impatiently.

Before long, Hammer’s thoughts turned right-side up. The glazed look in Liam’s eyes began to dissipate.

“We’re sober enough. Get on with it,” Hammer demanded.

“Finally… Here’s the deal,” Seth said, staring first at Hammer, then Liam. “Like I said, Raine is in love with you both. If her heart is torn in two, how do you expect her to heal with just one of you?”

Hammer froze. Share Raine? That’s what Seth was suggesting. Beck had, too. It wasn’t a foreign concept. Hell, he’d had a woman between himself and Liam. But the thought of sharing Raine… Hell no. The possessive caveman in him wanted to drag her off by the hair and keep her for himself.

Then again, Seth asked a really good question, and there seemed to be only one answer. He turned to look at Liam.

“We have to work together?” His old pal grimaced.

“You don’t have to like it, but yes,” Seth answered. “I came because you asked me to help you reach the girl. I think this is the only way it will work. If you can’t handle that, take your bottle and stumble on down to your room. I’ll help him instead.”

“The hell you will!” Fury thundered across Liam’s face.

Hammer couldn’t stand the thought of being shut out of her recovery either. No way would he roll over and play dead.

“Then fucking agree and get along already,” Seth insisted. “It’s what she wants. You’ll have to figure out specifics, but if you would stop thinking with your pride—” he glared at Hammer “—and your jealousy—” he shot Liam a pointed look “—you’d know I’m right.” Seth rolled his eyes. “I told you this shit a month ago.”

“Exactly. I talked to Raine about this, too” Beck said. “She didn’t hate the idea at all. So stop pissing on her like she’s a damn hydrant and do what real Dominants do. Help her.”

“It’s up to you.” Seth rose. “But if you don’t, she’s a pretty girl. She won’t be alone for long. In fact, feel free to keep fucking this up. Once she leaves your sorry asses, I’d be so happy to tap that.”