The Break by Shayla Black

Coaxing voices drew Raine from the inky depths of sleep. The heat of two solid bodies surrounded her. Crisp soap and a familiar mix of male spices filled her senses. A little smile played at her lips before she even opened her eyes.

“Time to wake up, love.”

Liam.She’d grown to love the sound of his voice first thing in the morning. When she’d worn his collar and slept in his bed, she had often drifted off anticipating what his first words would be the following morning—and how much they’d make her shiver.

“You’re not sleeping the day away, precious, at least not alone.”

Hammer.The rare times he’d awakened her in the past had usually been about Shadows, but business sounded like the last thing on his mind now.

She opened her eyes and saw them each leaning over her, already showered, dressed, and immaculate. Definitely sexy. She sighed happily. “Morning.”

Contentment warmed her. Happy, safe, and sheltered, Raine felt sleep tug at her again. She snuggled deeper under the blankets and closed her eyes.

“Oh no, you don’t. Up with you, wench!” Liam pulled back the covers. The cold air blasted her skin and pebbled her nipples as he rolled her to her side to swat her bare butt.

It startled far more than hurt. At her yelp, Hammer chuckled.

“If you don’t move, I’ll take that as a sign you’d like to be spanked again,” Macen murmured in her ear.

Raine giggled. “And what if I would?”

“Demanding little brat.” Hammer shook his head with mock concern.

“A pretty one, though. But we’ll have to do something about that saucy mouth, however.” Liam’s eyes glittered with mischief as he raked her with a hungry gaze.

“I’ve been a bad girl,” she teased.

Their touch would be a great way to wake up, and if orgasm came with it, even better.

Raine couldn’t miss their hot stares riveted on her. With a sultry smile, she stretched, arching her back—and thrusting her naked breasts up to them. Her legs fell open, and both men’s stares zipped immediately down to her pussy. An exhilarating sense of power filled her. She might kneel and call them Sir, but she could definitely get their attention.

A big smile broke across her face.

“Look at her, all full of herself,” Liam chided, but his voice sounded rougher than usual.

Hammer’s eyes darkened. “I see that. Do we need to start the morning by reminding you who’s on top?”

Pretty please?“Whatever you think is best, Sirs.”

“That is a stunning piece of manipulation.” Hammer watched her, his gaze almost impressed. “I can see I’m going to have to up my game and stay on my toes.”

She blinked up at them, resting her hands on her stomach just beneath her breasts, plumping them up. “What? I’m merely offering myself in whatever way pleases you.”

“Because you flashing me those pretty nipples and showing me your cunt is all about my pleasure, I’m sure. It has nothing to do with yours.” He sent her a skeptical smile that told her the jig was up, but she didn’t care. After the difficult task yesterday and their emotional exchange last night, the banter felt good.

“Precisely,” Liam added, tongue firmly in cheek. “We’ve got an agenda that doesn’t allow for a morning romp. So get up, love. Into the bathroom with you. We’ll give you a few minutes to see to your business, then it’s on with the day.”

Raine pouted and glided her hand down the front of Liam’s dress shirt. “Are you sure I can’t serve you in any other way?”

She reached deliciously closer to his buckle when he grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand away. “You can start by not topping from the bottom and doing as you’re asked.”

“Bathroom,” Hammer ordered. “Now.”

She shivered at his deep command, then scurried from the bed with a come-hither glance back, grinning when she heard them groan as she shut the door.

Raine hurried to relieve and tidy herself up. When she returned, both men waited on the edge of the bed, their watchful stares sweeping her from head to toe. A thrilling sense of anticipation gripped her. They wanted her submissive and eager. Despite her teasing earlier, she felt alive and beyond ready to give them exactly what they sought.

Sucking in a deep breath, Raine crossed the carpet, then bowed her head and knelt before them, naked and ready.

“Gorgeous, love,” Liam praised in a whispered rumble.

“Stunning as always,” Hammer added in silky approval. “Raise your gaze to us, precious.”

She lifted her head and took in the two men who owned her heart. Their polished exteriors hid hungry, commanding Doms. They focused on nothing but her. Everything about their demeanor said they couldn’t wait to get their hands on her again.

Memories of the previous evening flashed through her mind, so vivid she could almost feel their hands on her pussy, stroking her to ecstasy. She could almost taste them on her tongue, both giving her their power and pleasure with guttural male groans.

It could happen again.

As soon as the thought whispered through her head, her pulse quickened and heat slid up her spine. Anticipation made her heart skitter. Need throbbed and tingled beneath her clit. Only one emotion fueled all that: love. So much love it was hard to contain.

Liam patted the mattress, silently demanding that she sit on the bed between them. “Come here.”

They eyed her every move as she rose. Before she even settled herself, they positioned her with her back against the headboard, arms at her sides, legs slightly spread.

“There. Now we can look at all of you.” And Hammer’s hot stare said he appreciated everything he saw. “Tell us how you slept last night.”

She sighed happily. “Very well, Sir. I crashed.”

“I don’t think she’d mind if we tucked her in like that every night.” Something wicked flashed through Liam’s eyes as he stroked her thigh gently.

“Her sweet mouth could become addicting, but it would be worth every moment.” Hammer growled, cupping a breast in his hand and lightly thumbing her nipple. “I take it you enjoyed yourself, too?”

“I did, Sir,” Raine gasped out. She had no idea how long they were willing to work together and fulfill both her and her fantasy, but she intended to take advantage of every moment.

“Look. Her cheeks are already flushed,” Hammer pointed out, tormenting her nipple with his thumb again.

She struggled to focus on their words. Liam’s fingertips skated against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, dancing so close to her aching pussy. She shuddered in a breath and closed her eyes.

But she could still feel Liam’s stare. “Feeling bashful, love?”

“Aroused,” she admitted. “Everything has happened so quickly, the sensations are magnified. It all feels wonderful but surreal.”

“Why?” Hammer asked.

Despite their provocative touches, they were digging into her psyche. It didn’t put her on edge as it would have only days ago. They’d coaxed her to peel back her barriers and examine how her behavior had affected her relationships and her happiness. They’d dredged up some of her most painful hurts. Revealing her vulnerability and giving them the power to wound her had been so damn hard. But they’d taken her apart and put her back together with such care. Her psyche might still be a little scratched and bruised, but Raine felt the healing under her skin.

“We can’t hear you, Raine. Stop filtering,” Hammer interrupted her internal musings, sounding displeased. “All that stuff running through your head—the things you don’t want us to hear—we need you to say.”

“I’m not sure how to put it into words that will make sense. I’ve barely had time to analyze it myself.” The urge to express the changes she felt was almost suffocating, but blurting it out probably wouldn’t make sense.

“Then take your time.” Liam tucked her hair behind her ear before smoothing a hand over her knee. “There’s no judgment here. No right or wrong answers, love.”

She nodded, falling back on the familiar comfort of sarcasm while she gathered the rest of her thoughts. “Can I just say that I’m shocked neither one of you ended up with a broken nose?”

Hammer arched a brow, leaving her no question they meant to have a serious conversation.

“Sorry,” she murmured. “You two were the biggest shock, though. I really did expect an argument or a fight. I’m so relieved and impressed that you gave me something much better instead. God, it was perfect, all of it. So were you. Thanks for that.”

“You’re welcome.” Liam’s words were stiff and didn’t invite further commentary.

Raine realized they didn’t want her to examine their behavior, just her own.

“I learned some things about myself yesterday.” She hesitated for a moment before continuing. “At the end, I really felt like I’d achieved something I thought impossible.”

Their twin smiles of encouragement were a balm. Now she was giving them what they wanted.

“What was that?” Liam coaxed.

“I stepped out from behind my walls and the world didn’t end. No one attacked me or tried to take advantage of my vulnerability. I told you exactly how I felt and I was still safe.”

“You’ll always be with us,” Liam pledged.

“You shared so much of the gorgeous woman inside with us.” Hammer caressed her arm and settled her shaky composure. “Beyond our wildest dreams, in fact.”

Liam took her hand. “How did opening up to us make you feel?”

“Empowered. Terrified, too, but in a good way because I felt better knowing I could just be me. Letting go of some of those insecurities made me feel stronger.”

“We’re both proud of you, Raine.” Liam tucked his hand in hers, strumming his thumb along the inside of her wrist.

“Very.” Hammer cupped her cheek, and she couldn’t miss the approval in his eyes.

A sense of triumph filled her. “I needed to hear that. Thank you, Sirs. It’s nice not feeling like an eternal screw-up.”

“You never have been, precious. That was in your mind, not ours,” Hammer pointed out.

“Don’t you think it might be time to let that pretty little head of yours start listening to your heart?”

Liam’s soft question hit Raine in between the eyes. She smiled his way gratefully. “I think so. I’m definitely going to try harder now. It’s like you’ve shown me there’s light at the end of a dark, awful tunnel. And I want that. It’s been lonely and scary in here these last six years. You two give me hope that I am finally on the right path.”

“You definitely are.” Hammer smiled at her before brushing his lips over her cheek.

Liam moved in for a kiss, too. “Yes, love. You did so beautifully yesterday. Today, we’ll be asking you to give us more.”

Even yesterday, that would have scared her. Their reinforcement just now steadied the ground beneath her feet. While it felt foreign, a confidence she’d never known surged inside her.

“Are you ready for your next task?” Hammer queried.

“I think so. I’m just a little anxious.”

“Anxious? As in scared or excited, love?” Liam probed her with a curious stare.

“Some of both. But I’m eager to start.”

“That’s what we want to hear,” Hammer praised.

Liam nodded. “But before we carry on, tell us how it feels to have us both beside you?”

“Analyze your feelings out loud. Talk it through with us. You’re as safe as you were last night,” Hammer promised.

“When you touch me and tell me I’m doing a good job, I feel…relieved. I feel complete. You make me want to do you both proud.”

“Hold on to that feeling while we take you through the day. Lean on us, Raine. We’re right beside you all the way,” Hammer insisted.

“We’re not going to leave you half done,” Liam promised. “You’ve learned that your growth is worth the bits of pain now, haven’t you?”

“Yes.” She bit her lip. “But there’s always that little voice in the back of my head… I’m terrified of failing you two.”

Liam cradled her face in his hands. “The only way you can fail is if you give up.”

“Just keep trying. As long as you keep reaching for us, we’ll be there to hold you.” Hammer rose and headed for her suitcase, plucking up a little red silk robe. He turned with a mischievous smile. “Time for breakfast, precious.”

That was it? They were done picking through her soul? Funny, it hadn’t hurt a bit. But Raine knew they’d only been assessing her mood and progress. No doubt they still had plenty of difficult hurdles for her to overcome. Butterflies in her stomach dipped and fluttered.

“I’m starved!” she admitted.

“I imagine so. You didn’t eat much yesterday.” Hammer helped her to her feet and slid the robe up her arms, settling it over shoulders.

Neither Hammer nor Liam said another word for several long moments, just stared at her as if they expected something Raine didn’t understand. As the uncomfortable silence dragged on, she swung her gaze between them. Liam’s expression all but screamed: Didn’t we just have a lesson about communication?

With a cocked head and a raised brow, he leveled her with a slightly menacing stare. “I assure you, love, Ngaire has a cupboard full of pickles.”

Raine winced. “Ugh, no pickles. You know I hate them.”

“Indeed, I do.” Liam’s voice was cool and told her he expected more of an answer.

With a frown, she stared at the man. What the hell did he want her to say?

“There might be some of that trout leftover from yesterday’s lunch,” Hammer suggested.

“For breakfast? Gross!” Then she understood the game. Not just communication, but complete communication. “I’d really like two eggs over easy with salt and pepper, please. With that, I want one piece of lightly buttered toast, a banana, and a glass of orange juice—without pulp, if you have it—Sirs.”

Hammer chuckled as Liam flashed a broad grin.

“Much better.” Hammer cupped her chin and held her in a passionate gaze before he bent and pressed a hungry kiss to her lips.

Raine longed for him to devour her whole. She shoved away the tinge of disappointment when he released her.

“I’m sure you’ll earn exactly what you want,” Hammer responded as if he could read her mind. “Now hop into the shower and get cleaned up. We’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

Liam stood and pulled her into his arms, laying a lingering kiss on her lips. “When you come down, be wearing this, love. This—and nothing else. Do we make ourselves clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” Liam’s commanding mien filled her, and Raine felt the jolt of it all the way to her toes as she bowed her head. Warmth and excitement melded with her love for him. “I won’t be long. I promise.”

“Good lass.” Liam lifted her chin to him and kissed her one last time. “Don’t make us wait.”

Watching them walk away, she felt almost giddy to get on with the rest of the day. Her soul overflowed with serenity. As she made her way into the spacious bathroom, Raine was determined to hold tight to the tranquility that filled her.

* * *

Raine fidgeted with the belt of the silk robe Liam and Hammer had instructed her to wear. As she descended the stairs, the panoramic view from the windows in the great room revealed a fresh layer of white powder blanketing the ground. The spindles of bare trees rose up to the blue sky. Everything looked hushed, peaceful.

From the kitchen, she heard male voices and laughter, along with the clatter of dishes. The aroma of fresh coffee and bacon filled the house. Her mouth watered and her tummy growled in response.

She smiled as she entered the room and spied the four men seated around the massive wooden table, looking impossibly handsome and thoroughly male. Catching sight of her, they rose in unison. She paused, startled by their intent stares. Testosterone saturated the room. Her nipples pebbled hard and tight against the silk. A flush warmed Raine’s breasts and rose up her neck to heat her cheeks as she glanced from face to face. She saw nothing but welcome in each. Raine marveled that such busy, sought-after men cared enough to give her their time and energy.

Despite the fluttery, female sensation, Raine felt safe and lovely as they suffused her with unswerving attention.

Dropping her gaze to her toes, she greeted them softly. “Good morning, Sirs.”

“Hey, princess. How you feeling?” Beck asked as he plucked up his dirty plate and took it to the sink, along with his utensils.

“I’m fine, thank you. Just famished,” she replied as Beck rinsed the plate.

“Come. Sit beside us, precious.” Shifting forward, Hammer wrapped his hand around her elbow and eased her into the chair between him and Liam.

The rest of the men took their seats and resumed eating.

Settling back, Raine couldn’t forget dinner the night before. Were they planning to spend another day touching and tormenting her? It would be worth it if they ended the night with sizzling pleasure again.

Beside her, Liam wrapped a hand around her thigh and sent her a seductive smile that made her tingle.

“I’ll rustle you up some breakfast.” Beck smiled before filling a plate near the stove. He’d looked out for her for years, long before she’d realized he wasn’t just a sadist, but a friend. He’d been a godsend when she’d sought him out at the hospital. His easy care now filled her with gratitude.

“Thank you.”

Seated across the table, Seth sipped his coffee. “You look well rested, Raine. How confident would you say you feel about completing your task today, on a scale of one to ten?”

Darting a quick look between Hammer and Liam, she tried to decipher their expressions, get some read on their plans. Nothing. “They haven’t given me a clue what to expect, so I’ll say a six for now.”

Beck chuckled as he set her breakfast, exactly as she had requested, on the table in front of her. “And not knowing is eating you up, isn’t it?”

Raine really wanted to stick her tongue out at him, but managed to refrain. Instead, she ignored his question and focused on her food. “Everything looks great. Thanks.”

That only made Beck laugh more.

“Go ahead, precious. Eat,” Hammer encouraged. “Liam and I need to head upstairs and get your room set up. It will only take a few minutes. Beck and Seth will keep you company.”

“And Raine?” Liam leveled her with a formidable stare. “Remember, they’re here for you, too. We expect you to follow their instructions and give your obedience. Is that understood?”

She hesitated. A dozen questions sat on the tip of her tongue, but she silenced them. They’d asked for her trust, among other things. Yesterday, they’d more than earned it. “Yes, Sirs.”

“Good girl.” Hammer brushed a finger across her cheek. Her heart skipped a beat. “Enjoy your breakfast. We’ll see you shortly.”

She nodded, watching as they rose and took their plates to the sink before leaving the room. Nearby, Beck stood facing her, ankles and arms crossed as he leaned against the counter, watching her eat. Normally she’d hate that, but he was on her side. Besides, nothing fazed her too much this morning.

She moaned in appreciation at the first bite, then quickly devoured everything on her plate. Afterward, Raine relaxed back and sipped her orange juice, wondering what Hammer and Liam were preparing for her and if Beck and Seth had more questions this morning.

They didn’t make her wait long.

“Full, princess?”

“Stuffed. It was delicious.”

“Good, then let’s get started.” Seth smiled tightly. “Stand in the center of the room and remove your robe. Fold it neatly on the floor and kneel.

Then she’d be naked. And the looks on their faces told her they knew it. “I, um… Hammer and Liam…”

“What’s the matter, princess? Is nudity a hard limit for you?” Beck challenged.

“No, Sir. I just…” Respect their instructions and give your obedience. Liam’s edict echoed in her head.

Neither man so much as parted their lips to explain their intent. They merely waited for her to comply.

Slowly, she rose and moved to the center of the room. Obviously, this exercise was meant to shove her off-balance. Again. She took a deep breath and focused. Hammer and Liam had devised this task, and Raine understood their intentions. Open up for the men you love. They’ve asked you to peel away the layers and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

After she unknotted the belt, she slipped the robe off her shoulders. Swallowing a lump of nerves, she eased it off. Nudity may not have been a hard limit for her, but without Hammer and Liam—her lifelines—she found it more than a little uncomfortable. But she pressed on.

Carefully folding the robe, she placed it on the floor, then gracefully sank to her knees. Palms resting upward on her spread thighs, she straightened her spine and thrust out her chest before bowing her head respectfully.

Beck lingered at the counter. She felt his assessing gaze. She heard the scrape of Seth’s chair again before he approached, the tips of his shoes visible as he stood in front of her.

Bending low, he cupped her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze. “Don’t shy away, Raine. You’re a beautiful woman and you have nothing to fear from us. Think of me and Beck as your mentors, arbiters in case of dispute, and your chief cooks and bottle washers.”

Beck pulled away from the counter and handed Seth a piece of paper, which he promptly passed over to Raine.

“Read everything on the page aloud to us, princess,” Beck drawled, sidling up to the other man. “One by one.”

Raine stared at the handwriting, recognizing Hammer’s familiar scrawl. She scanned the page, blinking.

“Affirmations? Really?” She spit out the questions, recoiling as if they’d placed a sour pickle on her tongue. “Ugh.”

Beck just grinned. “Get busy.”

She exhaled something just shy of a scoff. They expected her to say this aloud? She shuddered at the thought. Focused on the paper fluttering in her hands, she ignored the meaning behind them.

“I will open myself up and share, not only my needs, but my emotions.” The phrase spilling from her lips sounded monotone, the sentiment hollow.

“Continue. A little more enthusiasm would be nice,” Beck chided.

“I will be totally honest at all times without fear of embarrassment or reprisal. Nor will I hold back for fear of hurting someone’s feelings.” Raine sighed and stared up at the two men eyeing her with critical gazes. “I get the value of communicating. You two made that really clear. So did they. But I’m not used to sharing every little thought that pops into my head.” She gave them an exasperated frown. “I’m really supposed to say, ‘Oh, I think I’ll wear a pink thong today? No wait, Sirs, can I wear the blue pair instead?’ Or, ‘When I brush my teeth, is it okay if I start with my molars first and work my way forward?’ And, ‘Should I eat the ice cream or the bran muffin?’ I mean, seriously?”

“That’s not what the affirmation means,” Seth barked, his brows creased in anger. “No wonder they always want to spank your ass.”

“What they’re asking is impossible. If I just blurt everything out, they’ll be hurt or pissed off all the time. I don’t mean to, but… Why is being sensitive to others suddenly bad?”

“They are grown men who can deal with their feelings, Raine,” Seth scolded. “That’s not your concern.”

Totally honest,” Beck stressed. “If you’re truthful about your thoughts and emotions as you experience them and express them in the non-brattiest way possible, you shouldn’t have any problem.”

“What does that even mean? I’m not trying to be bratty, but—”

“Let me make this black and white for you.” Seth scowled at her. “You could have saved yourself a hell of a lot of pain if you’d simply leveled with Liam. Instead of avoiding him, you should have said, ‘Sir, my period is late. I’m scared. Talk to me. Hold me. What happens with us if I end up pregnant with Hammer’s baby?’”

His words gouged her deep. Guilt that she’d hidden nearly everything from Liam all but crushed her beneath its weight. Even more debilitating was the realization that she hadn’t trusted that he would stick by her side, despite the fact that he’d asked her to repeatedly.

A sob caught in her chest as she launched to her feet and spun away. How many times had he told her he loved her? How many ways had he tried to prove it? God, she’d been such a fool. Raine had spent so much time convincing herself that her slightest misstep would send Liam running for the door. She should have shared her fears and worries, but instead, she’d cut him off and severed the very artery that could have given their relationship life.

Seth’s warm hands cupped her shoulders as he moved in behind her. She felt his warm breath against her ear.

“I’m sorry, Raine. I didn’t mean to upset you.” She couldn’t miss the depth of remorse in Seth’s whisper. “I was trying to explain the difference between the mundane and the important. If there’s something you feel you need to hide, that’s a red flag, and you need to say those words aloud. Sharing your feelings is the only way to maintain a healthy rapport with your Doms. Do you understand?”

Raine swiped the tears away and sniffed before she gave a shaky nod. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good,” Seth praised as he turned her back to face him. “Let’s continue.”

She glanced toward Beck as she eased herself down to the robe again. Raine could see the sympathy in his eyes, but his expression was resolute. She needed to find the same determination and see these affirmations through.

Looking down at the list, she inhaled a steely breath. “No one has control over any aspect of my life unless I choose to give them my gift.”

“What comes to mind when you say those words, princess?” Beck urged.

“You know.” She tried to give a nonchalant shrug. “My father.”

“You took back your power from that animal in no uncertain terms. I’m glad I got to see that.” Pride glowed from Beck’s face.

“What does that affirmation mean to you in terms of Hammer and Liam?” Seth asked.

Raine paused, sorting through her thoughts. “That I have the choice whether or not I give myself over to them.”

“Excellent,” Seth praised. “You’re doing that right now, and they thrive on your power. It’s what fulfills them. But how does it make you feel?”


“I think she’s getting it.” Beck sounded pleased.

“Okay, sweetheart. Last one.” Seth nodded to the paper in her hand.

“I deserve…” Raine stumbled over the words, rereading them again. She felt Seth’s assessing stare. The longer she stalled, the stronger she felt his impatience.

“Keep going. Tell us what you deserve.” Seth’s tone was soft but teemed with Dominant command.

She swallowed the lump of reservation in her throat. “I deserve happiness.” The next words were harder to get out. “And love.”

Did she? Maybe the better question was, why didn’t she? She wasn’t a bad person. She’d never intentionally hurt people. Why shouldn’t she have some happiness? Some love? So many cracks marred her soul. She’d spent her life striving to feel worthy. But the past was behind her, and if she kept her courage intact along this journey, maybe Hammer and Liam would work their magic, and she’d finally smooth away every jagged hurt and be whole.

“You do,” Beck reassured. “I know you doubt that from time to time, but deep down, you know it’s true.”

Seth crouched down in front of her again. “Raine, look at me.”

He waited silently until she mustered the courage to raise her head and show him her uncertainty, her insecurities.

He smiled. “I know this is hard, but we’re proud you got the words out. Next time, convince us that you’re not just reciting these words, but that you believe them.”

It sounded as much fun as being waterboarded, but she knew they only meant to help. “I’ll do my best, Sir.”

“That’s all we’re asking. Now, tell us why you’re having trouble accepting that statement as fact.”

“My father convinced me I wasn’t good enough.” She shrugged self-consciously. “If you hear it enough, you believe it. Liam told me that it was time for my head to start listening to my heart.”

“I think Liam is a very wise man. And he loves you very much. You should listen to him.” Seth smiled gently.

“They’re ready for you upstairs, princess.” Beck extended his hand to her. “Slip your robe back on and they’ll meet you on the landing.”

Raine let Beck help her to her feet. “Thank you, Sirs, for helping me sort everything out.”

Seth watched as she wrapped the sash around her waist, then he took over, tying it into a loose knot. “Think long and hard about your affirmations while you do your task today. They’ll help.”

And with that, Seth placed a sweet kiss on her forehead before he shooed her out of the kitchen.

* * *

At the top of the stairs, Hammer tapped his foot impatiently, watching Raine ascend. The little red robe swished around her thighs, cinched her waist, caressed her hard nipples. He squeezed the length of silk rope in his hand. Beside him, anticipation rolled off Liam.

Today wouldn’t be easy, but if it went well, it would be satisfying as fuck.

As she drew closer, her gaze bounced between them, her expression looking a little shaken—definitely more nervous than she had before breakfast—but determined.

Liam took her elbow and led her between them, down the hall, to the playroom. Once inside, Hammer shut the door, watching Raine. She stared at the padded table they’d outfitted in the middle of the room, again lit only by the array of candles, and drew in an audible breath.

“Something wrong, love?” Liam asked.

She seemed to gather herself, then shook her head. “No, Sir. I’m a bit uneasy. I’m not sure what to expect or what to do. But I guess you’ll tell me, right? Should I be on my knees or on that?”

When she pointed to the bondage bed, Hammer stepped in front of her and looped a finger under her belt. “We appreciate such a complete answer. But I want you to focus on me for a moment. Keep what you learned yesterday in mind. Communication will be critical. Today’s task is about honesty.”

Raine blanched. “I know it’s important, but sometimes the truth hurts people. I try to avoid upsetting anyone.”

“There’s a difference between saying something gently and lying. No one wants to be lied to, Raine,” Hammer pointed out. “Didn’t you have an affirmation about that earlier this morning?”

“Since you wrote them, you know I did, Sir. Seth pointed out that I can’t be responsible for how others feel, but I just don’t know how to look someone in the eye and upset them.”

His gaze softened. “Seth is right. Your responsibility is to communicate the truth, not to worry about how it affects us.”

He let that sink in and waited until acceptance flitted across her face. “I’ll do my best, Sir.”

Liam took her hand. “Talk to us throughout this exercise and do what we tell you. All will be well.”

“Let’s begin.” Hammer brushed a soft kiss over her lips, then slipped the knot around her waist free.

Liam moved behind her and took the robe from her slender shoulders. He hung it from the doorknob, then together, they led her to the side of the raised table.

“Climb up, precious.”

Casting a quick glance between the two of them again, she braced her palms on the padded surface. With his hands gripping her hips, Liam helped her up. Hammer waited on the other side, wrapping his arms around her torso to steady her.

Once they laid her supine, he and Liam both bound her wrists with cuffs built into the sides of the table. “These restraints aren’t to hold you down, but to hold you open for us. We’re going to ask you questions. Each time you answer honestly, we’ll place a new fastening around you.”

“We won’t be binding you to the table, love,” Liam added. “We’ll be binding you to us.”

Her gaze flipped over to Liam. “Do you mean that?”

“With all our hearts,” Hammer promised.

Liam smoothed the hair from her forehead. “Don’t you feel it?”

“Believing is really hard for me, but I’m trying, I swear.”

Not the answer he wanted to hear, but Hammer understood and accepted it—for now.

He finished tying off the first restraint. Under his hands, Raine trembled, but resolution filled her face.

“We see that and we’re proud. Today will be more difficult, Raine,” Hammer warned. “Yesterday showed the value of good communication. Honesty is a big part of that. I haven’t always been honest with you, and I’m changing that. You have to do the same.” Her silence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He refused to make the same mistake twice. “Raine?”

She hesitated for a suspended moment, apprehension flashing in her eyes, but there was no point in moving on unless she committed to the rules and the process. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

Liam gave a visible sigh of relief. “We have faith in you, Raine. Now put your faith in us.”

They had to get on with the task. Hammer knew giving her time to worry would only let her doubts sneak in.

“I trust you more than I trust myself,” she admitted.

Hammer rocked back on his heels. His heart jumped to his throat. He and Liam exchanged a glance. He saw his own shock reflected back in his friend’s dark eyes.

“Follow your instincts. We’ll help you through,” Liam vowed, then pressed a lingering kiss against her mouth.

As soon as Liam pulled back, Hammer kissed her, too, a slow brush of lips. He nudged them apart, tasted her for a sweet moment, then pulled away.

She looked at them with her heart in her eyes.

It was time to begin.

Liam leaned over the table again, hovering directly over Raine’s face. “Tell me, when you were collared to me, did you continue to cook and clean for Hammer after I told you not to?”

“Can I get in trouble for my answers?” She bit her lip.

Vixen. Hammer didn’t know whether to shake his head or laugh.

“Only if you’re bratty or dishonest,” he quipped.

With a chuckle, Liam caressed her arm. “If you’re honest, you’ll earn nothing but praise. Answer my question.”

Her eyes slid shut and she winced. “Then, yes. I did.”

“Why?” Liam prodded.

She cracked an eye and looked Hammer’s way. She’d never once told him that his dinner was in the oven or that she’d changed his sheets. Just like he’d never openly thanked her. Instead, he’d had the oil changed in her car and left squares of her favorite chocolates where only she would find them. It had been their secret.

“How did you know?” she asked.

“I’m not blind,” Liam said. “Why?”

Raine took her time answering. A fist of anticipation gripped Hammer’s stomach and squeezed hard as she collected her thoughts and focused on Liam again.

“I’d taken care of him for so long, I didn’t know how not to. And, no offense…” She glanced at Hammer before redirecting back to Liam. “He’s pretty helpless in the kitchen. As long as I was cooking for us, it didn’t make sense to not make a little extra and leave it warm for him. The thought of him going hungry or eating takeout all the time bothered me. Ditto with the cleaning.”

“Thank you for being honest.” Liam grabbed a length of rope and attached her to the table again, this time binding her upper arms.

“Did that make you mad?” she asked, apprehension evident in her voice. “Because I never wanted to upset you. It wasn’t meant to.”

“What upsets me is that you did things for Hammer behind my back.” Liam tightened the binding. “You didn’t trust me enough to be honest.”

Raine nodded like she understood completely. “Somewhere during our last trip here, I become so attached to you that I was afraid to say anything that might drive you away. Me caring for Hammer wasn’t indicative of any disrespect or disloyalty to you. I just didn’t know how to say it.”

Liam peered down at her, his face tightening as if he repressed a hundred different thoughts. As if he wanted to wrap her up in his arms and never let go. “You just did, love.”

“And thank you for not letting me starve,” Hammer added, fastening his own rope around her opposite arm. “Focus on the silk, precious. Each is a line of trust between us. Feel it on your skin, in your blood, deep down.”

“I do,” she murmured as he tightened the knot.

Hammer couldn’t miss the arousal in her voice, and fuck, it turned him on.

“When did you first start thinking of Liam as something more than my friend?”

Raine’s eyes went wide. She pressed her lips together, then cut her gaze over to Liam. Hammer didn’t have to guess that she wasn’t keen on this question.

He tugged on the rope across her biceps. “Trust.”

Nodding, she blew out a breath. “When you first introduced us, I, um…thought he was very attractive. He asked a lot of probing questions during our first few conversations. He asked me about you. Then he asked me about me. I didn’t say much in either case. But I knew he was watching me a lot. I couldn’t figure out why exactly.” She let out a breath, then grasped for her fortitude. “The morning I broke the cup at your doorstep, the morning Marlie stepped from your room—”

“She was a mistake,” Hammer cut her off.

That made Raine smile. “She was a ‘see you next Tuesday.’”

“Excuse me?” Liam frowned, clearly confused.

“A cunt,” Hammer supplied. “C. U. Next… You get it.”

Liam burst out laughing. “That she was. Very clever, love.”

The new lightness in the room seemed to give her some confidence. “Anyway, Liam came to see me in the kitchen that morning and offered to train me. At first, I thought he just felt sorry for me. Then he kissed me. Then I knew he wanted me.”

Hammer flashed Liam a shocked glare, then with a grimace, he forced himself back on track. Water under the bridge. Ancient history. Not important right now—even if he wanted to give his old pal a piece of his mind.

As she watched him, uncertainty passed over her face. “Did I say something I shouldn’t have?”

“No, precious. You did well.” He wound another length of rope through the fastening in the table, then draped it over her shoulders.

Liam took the end and joined it on his side, pinning her down more. “Very honest, just as we asked for.”

Raine looked visibly relieved. “I’m trying.”

“We know,” Liam soothed. “Tell me why you think I uncollared you.”

“Well…I know you weren’t happy that I didn’t tell you about the migraine,” she began.

“Not happy at all.” Liam raised a brow. “But do you really think that’s why?”

“I didn’t say that,” she defended. “I knew it didn’t help, but…I guess I did a lot of things. I didn’t always tell you what was in my head.” Her gaze skittered away. “My only defense is that I’d never really had more than a one-sided relationship. I didn’t know how to believe you when you said you’d be there or that you cared.”

Hammer winced. Her words stung. Honesty was brutal, but he couldn’t hide from the truth. He’d kept her at arm’s length for years. From the moment she’d begun to blossom under his roof, he’d been scared fucking shitless at how much he cared. He’d wanted to protect her more than he had any other woman. At first, he’d told himself it was because she’d been so damn young and vulnerable. Then Hammer thought his feelings had grown because he was determined to save her, since he hadn’t saved Juliet. Finally, he realized that he’d simply fallen for Raine.

Funny how he hadn’t figured out that he loved her or that she alone could heal him until Liam had stolen her away.

“Did you or did you not actively avoid conversations you’d find uncomfortable?” Liam asked.

“I did.” She sent him a sad, penitent stare. “But I didn’t mean to shut you out.”

Liam leaned over the table, his face turning foreboding. “You refused to tell me about your argument with Hammer just before Thanksgiving. You gave me some cockamamie story that it was about the menu.”

“We did talk about it,” she offered.

“That wasn’t what we argued about.” Hammer scowled.

She sighed in defeat. “I know.”

Liam grabbed her chin and redirected her. “So do I. And instead of being honest, what did you do?”

“I tried to be close to you. And you didn’t want my affection.” The hurt in her voice was unmistakable. Her lower lip trembled.

Hammer caught Liam’s gaze. His friend looked as confused as he felt.

“No,” Liam corrected. “You tried to end the conversation with sex. Frankly, that’s how you ended a lot of arguments.”

Fingers wrapped around the edge of the table, Hammer fought for his temper. Juliet had used that tactic on him so often. He’d fallen for it just about every fucking time, and look where that had led. He took in air between his teeth, resisting the urge to rail. But there was no goddamn way he would allow Raine to open her body to avoid doing the same with her heart.

Raine blinked. “You were angry, and I knew it, Liam. I wanted to soothe you. I needed your reassurance. Your touch is one way I could feel your caring.”

Really? That’s what she thought?Hammer released his grip on the table. He’d seen Juliet use her body to end conversations. But he’d never seen Raine use her wiles in that way. Sure, she’d tried to seduce him once, but he’d been dead asleep. She hadn’t wrapped her lips around his cock to stop a fight. When he’d all but fucked her in the bar, she hadn’t tried to stop the argument. In fact, she’d done her best to walk away. Maybe Liam had assumed that she’d meant to distract him and he’d mistaken her intent?

Maybe. But Hammer intended to make himself very clear either way. “Listen to me, Raine. You will never, ever use your body to sway either of us from asking you questions, prying you open, or digging in your head. If you need reassurance, you will ask for it, not lose your clothes and rub up against us. Is that crystal fucking clear? This is not up for negotiation.”

Raine stared, blinked, clearly confused. “Okay. I didn’t mean to distract Liam that day, just…” She sighed. “I can argue with you, and I know that no matter how angry you are, since it’s your club, you’re not going to leave. Besides, you like a good argument. Liam isn’t the same. He seemed genuinely upset, and I hated that.”

Hammer growled. “You think I enjoy arguing with you?”

She looked up at him as if the truth were obvious. “It’s your foreplay, and since we rarely did anything else… I mean, if you hadn’t liked it, you wouldn’t have picked so many fights.”

“You’re wrong.” Hammer all but lunged at her. “Picking a fight and pissing you off was the only way you’d stop protecting yourself and give me the truth.”

“And maybe I picked fights because it was the only way I could get you to pay attention to me.” She pursed her mouth and sent him a little frown. “I still think you liked arguing with me. It was difficult not to notice you were always hard.”

“That’s my constant state around you, fight or no.”

Liam cleared his throat. “So you didn’t mean to distract with sex. All right. But the truth is, you tried everything else to avoid telling me why you argued with Hammer.”

Then she cast those blue eyes back to Liam. “If I told you about the argument, I would’ve had to tell you how late my period was.”

“And you thought that if I knew I’d leave you, right?”


“Even after I said I wouldn’t run out?”

“But you did,” she argued, tears filling her eyes.

“Am I standing here now?” he challenged. “Have I gone anywhere?”

She sighed. “No.”

“I uncollared you, love, not because I wanted to leave you, but because you were never truly with me.”

Raine fought against her bonds, straining to get off the table. Her legs flailed and she lurched up from the surface as much as her ropes allowed.

Hammer thrust a fist in her hair and tugged, jerking her face to his. “Stop. When you fight the ropes, Raine, you’re fighting us.”

“Don’t do this,” she sobbed.

“Don’t avoid our questions,” Hammer growled. “There’s no right or wrong answer, just the truth.”

She cut a glance to Liam, looking both accusing and hurt. “I told you. I tried. You expected more than I knew how to give. You scared me to death.”

Grabbing another length of rope, Hammer attached it to the table and tossed it over her hips, then thrust the other end at Liam. He took it grimly and tied it off at her other hip with a scowl.

“How did I do that?” Liam demanded incredulously, finishing the knot. “Because I loved you and I wanted you to love me back?”

“Yes.” Her entire body shook as she cried. “I didn’t know how I could be so afraid of something I wanted so badly. The fear paralyzed me.” She dragged in a jagged breath. “Every time I’d let go a little, I’d be so proud of myself. Then you always seemed angry that it wasn’t more. I felt so out of my element.”

“You shut down,” Hammer supplied.

Raine nodded.

“You never said any of this,” Liam pointed out softly. “How was I supposed to know?”

“How could I give you what I didn’t know how to give? Love seems so easy for you. The words just pour out. Me?” She shook her head. “What I knew was that if I wanted something too much, it would be taken and destroyed. You were so good. I wanted more. I didn’t dare tell you.”

“So you destroyed it yourself?”

She closed her eyes as sobs wracked her again. “See, I fuck everything up.”

Liam caressed her cheek. “Shh. No. Falling in love with you was so easy. From day one, I wanted to protect and guide you. I wanted to reach you. You made me laugh. You made me mad. You twisted me up in knots. But you made me feel alive. My vanity was believing my love was enough for us both. I never meant to make you feel unworthy.”

“I know you didn’t. I’m sorry I haven’t been honest. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you.” Her lashes fluttered open and her gaze clung to Liam. Everything about her face was a plea for acceptance. “I love you.”

The air left Hammer’s lungs in a rush. It didn’t surprise him that Raine was in love with his best friend. Deep down, Hammer had known it, but hearing Raine’s sweet words wrapped in such earnest need… Fuck, he wanted to scream, rage, tear the room apart. But he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Liam had waited for weeks, hoping she’d declare her feelings. Now that she had, Hammer just clenched his jaw, grateful the others were so engrossed in each other they didn’t notice he was quietly coming undone.

“Oh, god.” He cradled Raine’s face. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that. Thank you for being brave. And here’s my heart, bound to yours.” Liam grabbed a stretch of rope and fitted it under her breasts before he handed it to Macen to complete.

Hammer stared at it mutely, seeing the overwhelming love in his friend’s eyes. With numb fingers, he took the silken length and wrapped it around the bolt on his side of the table as Liam bent to Raine and covered her mouth with his, delving deep, mastering her lips. Telling her without a single word that he loved her, too.

As Liam lifted away from Raine’s kiss, Hammer couldn’t do a damn thing except paste on a stoic expression.

Immediately, she looked his way, soft concern on her face. Yeah, she didn’t want to hurt him. Too late.

“How long have you been in love with him?” Hammer whispered.

Raine paused. He could see her thoughts turning, watch her scan memories.

“I think…” She smiled wryly. “When Liam fed me pickles. It was the most tender yet terrible way imaginable to tell me that what I said mattered.” She turned to Liam. “That night at dinner when you wanted to know about my childhood and finally persuaded me to tell you, do you remember? It was then.”

“I do. I made dessert out of you after that, love.” Liam grinned.

Raine blushed prettily, and they shared a memory Hammer knew he’d never precisely understand. It fed every insecurity he possessed. But he forced himself to swallow it down, along with his wounded pride.

“You’re doing so well, precious. He’s waited a long time to hear how you feel.” Hammer murmured to her.

How the hell could he be happy for his friend and so enraged at the same time?

“It doesn’t change the way I feel about you, Macen. Nothing ever would.” She glanced up at the ceiling and drew in a deep breath. “And that’s what I really didn’t know how to say, that I love you both.”

“I knew. I’ve known for a while. That’s hugely honest. You’re doing great,” Hammer choked out.

He grabbed some rope and handed Liam another piece. Together, they bent her knees, then secured the silk around her ankles and tied the lengths off to the table. Hammer checked her circulation along his side.

Liam did the same on the other with a shake of his head. “You might have told me, mate.”

“I tried, you stubborn fuck. You weren’t listening.” Hammer turned serious again and pinned her with a stare. “One more thing stumps me, Raine. I understand why you felt you couldn’t talk to Liam after he uncollared you. Why didn’t you come to me?”

“And say what? I couldn’t ask you to fix my boo-boo, Macen. I worried that if I went to see you that we’d…” She closed her eyes, looking tense and uncomfortable. “Fall into bed, and that I wouldn’t have the strength to say no. Then you both would have thought I’d chased you down for revenge sex. It’s even an ugly thought, and I didn’t want that.”

“I half expected you to,” Liam admitted. “But I’m glad I meant enough to you that you didn’t like the thought of seducing him just to hurt me.”

“I’ve never wanted to hurt you,” she swore, then sent a pleading stare Hammer’s way. “Or you. The last thing you wanted to hear was me crying about Liam. Besides, I thought that without me there, you two might fix your friendship. I didn’t want to be in the way anymore.”

Hammer didn’t like it…but he understood her point.

“Look at me.” He didn’t say another word until she did. “No matter what’s happening in your life, Raine, if you need anything, I always want you to come to me.”

“But you couldn’t fix it, Sir. No one could.” She sent a remorseful stare Liam’s way. “It was my doing.”

“You have no idea what I’m capable of, precious. So don’t imagine that I couldn’t have helped. You didn’t give me a fucking chance.”

“You really didn’t give me one, either. You just left, even after I told you not to run away,” Liam pointed out. “Did you not believe we’d worry about you?”

“I thought you might,” she confessed softly.

“Might?” Hammer barked.

“That’s why I went to Beck. I told him to let you two know that I was okay.”

“And you thought Beck should be your messenger boy instead of calling us yourself?” Liam glared her way. “Did you honestly think we wouldn’t be frantic to find you? Bloody hell, we were out of our heads.”

“I know.” She grimaced, and Hammer could see the worry on her face again. “I saw you. I was in Beck’s car, and you two were running into the hospital.”

Hammer’s jaw ticked and he fought like hell not to lose his mind. “And you didn’t make him stop? Turn around and flag us down?”

Liam shot him a fierce scowl, and Hammer figured he must not have done a great job at hiding his anger.

“I needed more time to sort things out. I wasn’t ready to talk to either of you. But I picked up my phone at least a hundred times to call. I missed your voices.” She sniffled. “I missed you.”

“Then don’t put any of us through that again,” Liam demanded. “Tell us that you’ll stand and fight and face your problems when things get tough.”

“Say it.” Hammer leaned into her face, teeth clenched.

Liam bent to her ear. “We want to hear it, Raine. Promise us you’ll never run again.”

She hesitated, seeming to wrestle with her thoughts. Fear gripped her expression, then she gathered herself, dug up courage, and nodded. The play of emotions entranced him. His triumph spiked.

“All right,” she whispered. “I won’t run again. I promise.”

Hammer felt the tension drain from his body. He sighed with relief. Liam pressed a kiss to her forehead, then nuzzled her cheek. Hammer kissed her shoulder, her neck, her lips for a soft moment. “Thank you, precious. We needed to hear that.”

“We did.” Liam agreed and sent a stare his way, reaching for Raine’s ropes. He wanted her free.

Fuck, yes. As much as he enjoyed her bound, Hammer wanted to hold her more. Clearly, Liam did, too. Raine had given them so much today. Her honesty—even when it hurt. Her promise—even when it cost her. Christ, she was stunning.

Together, he and Liam worked the knots, starting at the rope across her shoulders. The first binding slithered free and fell to the carpet with a soft thud. A soft pink pattern with the rope’s imprint embossed her skin. For the first time, he saw Raine wearing the marks of his dominance. Not the bruises he’d given her when he’d fucked her mindlessly that drunken night, but the stamps of his possession dancing over her flesh when he’d worked with Liam to control her. Holy shit, the sight made his cock throb.

“Hammer?” Liam prodded him, already untying the binding across her hips.

With a nod, he rushed to catch up, unknotting the silk around her upper arms, under her breasts, then releasing the cuffs holding her wrists before finishing at her hips and ankles.

Raine sat up, reaching for them as quickly as they lunged for her. She pressed herself against Liam’s chest and buried her face in his neck even as she reached her free hand to him, and Hammer used it to draw himself closer, meshing his back to hers. So small, so fragile. So brave.

He loved her.

“You did so good today,” Liam said. “Your promise to stay and work things out means the world.” He pulled back enough to search her eyes. “I’m going to hold you to it, love.”

She smiled softly. “After seeing how quickly you tracked me down, I believe you. But I’m here now. I’m staying. I feel like…we’ve all walked through fire. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. But today, it felt really wonderful to just say what I thought and for you to be okay with it. Everything I said today was honest.” She stared deep, conveying the truth of her words. “Everything.”

Liam kissed her softly. “Oh, Raine. I love you, too.”

After a soft press of lips, she turned his way, and Hammer’s heart stopped at the love in her eyes. No coyness. No anger. No hiding. It was just…there.

Hammer didn’t even try to stop himself from grabbing her and covering her lips with a frantic kiss. And he didn’t hold back an ounce of his burning love. Now wasn’t the time to tell her, but he damn well intended to before they left this mountain.

At the moment, he settled for wrapping his arms around her. Liam did the same. No one said anything for a long moment. The silence conveyed everything they’d accomplished—and didn’t speak a word about what came next, as if the hush of now was sacred.

“Did I pass the test?” She grinned at them.

Liam’s grip tightened. “You did. Let our arms hold you to us every bit as securely as our ropes. We’ve got you.”

And Hammer didn’t intend to let go. He wanted to inhale her, meld her against him. He wanted to own her. He’d almost had the chance. If his timing had been different, if she’d been fertile that night… Not that he wanted to force her into becoming his, but would she have fought it that hard? Or would she have been happy? Honestly, he didn’t know.

And he was desperate to.

Hammer gripped her face and brought her gaze to his, searching her eyes. “Raine, you were crying on Thanksgiving day. Because you were relieved you weren’t pregnant? Or disappointed because you wanted to be?”