Taken By The Hitman IV by Amber Adams

Chapter 9: Bianca


I grip my brother’s hand in one of mine while the other smooths the hair off his forehead, my heart doing double time.

Emil is alive at least, but he looks horrible, nothing like what my strong, proud brother looks like usually.

My brother isn’t one to show any weakness. He’s proud of his strength, of the fact that he’s taken over Papi’s position and that he’s able to command others to do his bidding, and that he’s got what it takes to rule as Papi once did.

In this bed, however, he looks small and vulnerable.

“Emil,” I say softly, my voice breaking.

“I’m so sorry.”

A shuddering breath moves through me, but I hold back the tears. There will be plenty of crying later, once I’m alone, but Emil doesn’t need my tears right now.

He needs my strength. “I love you,” I whisper, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.

“And this isn’t over. They will pay for what they have done to you.”

“Bee?” he groans, his hand tightening on mine.

“Yes, I’m here,” I answer quickly as his eyes open and try to focus on me.

I see the pain there, the confusion as to what is happening to him.

“Don’t try to move. You have been injured, Emil.”

“Safe,” he mutters, licking his lips. “Safe.”

“I’m safe,” I tell him, wondering if that’s what he’s talking about.

“We both are. No one is going to get us here.”

I can only hope that’s the truth and that his guards can ensure his safety.

“Rest, brother. I will be here when you wake again.”

His eyes flutter closed, and I slowly release his hand, feeling somewhat better now that I’ve spoken to him at least.

Jason is waiting right where I left him, his expression hard, and Lucas is fidgeting like he doesn’t know what to do.

Lucas has been my brother’s best friend for as long as I can remember and recently became his second-in-command when Emil took over after Papi died. I know that they love each other like brothers, and he has to be hurting to see his friend, and his boss, this way.

The bedroom doors are pulled open by the guards stationed there and a grizzled little man walks through, his thick-rimmed glasses causing me to smile.

“Dr. Ross.”

“Little Bianca Moretti,” he states, his lips lifting in a smile.

“As I live and breathe.”

Dr. Ross was my father’s personal physician, having tended to the entire family for decades. I remember him as the kind older man who always had peppermints in his pocket for me and Emil, using the sweet candy to distract us from whatever ailment he was treating us for.

Now I wish desperately that it were that easy for Emil.

“I’m sorry about your brother,” he is saying, concern etched on his face.

“He’s doing as well as can be expected. I’m keeping him just barely under so that his body can heal before he’s chomping at the bit to get out of that bed. Then we will have a devil of a time on our hands.”

I smile faintly. “You know him too well, Dr. Ross.”

“Well, I did bring you both into this world,” he chuckles.

“I’ve been putting up with your antics for years, my dear.”

Someone puts their hand on my shoulder, and I look over to see Johnny there, a kind smile on his face. Johnny is our second cousin who spends the majority of his time in Italy.

He’s a fashion blogger, and I’ve gone with him a time or two whenever he’s traveled. I am surprised that he came back for Emil, but then again, it doesn’t surprise me either. Johnny has a big heart.

“I can walk with you to your room, Bee,” he’s saying, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“You look dead on your feet, sweetie.”

I did feel like I am walking in a fog, that none of this can be real. I’m home but it doesn’t feel like home right now, not with Emil lying in that bed and everything else that’s going on right now.

“Thanks, Johnny, but I’m fine on my own.”

He steps back. “I will have dinner sent to your room, then.” His eyes flicker over Jason.

“I’m assuming for two?”

“Yes please,” I agree. There’s no way I’m separating myself from Jason.

Not only do I need him, but I can only imagine that he’s not the most relaxed, being here.

I notice that Jason’s expression relaxes somewhat at my confirmation, and I wonder if he thought that I wouldn’t want him with me.

I move to Jason, and he wraps his arm around my waist, letting me lean into his touch. I feel so secure and coming back to his arms like this feels so right.

I really appreciate that he’s trying to be my emotional rock even though we have a lot going on, and especially here where he is out of his element. Normally my brother fills that role and he’s… I don’t want to think about it right now. He’s going to pull out of this just fine.

I give a tired smile to Johnny as we pass and I lead us out of the bedroom, down the hall and up the stairs to a familiar room used for guests. It’s not my childhood bedroom, but one of the larger suites in the mansion that has an ensuite bathroom and a large king bed much like my brother’s.

The moment the door closes, I step away from Jason.

“Thank you for what you did down there,” I say softly, my eyes finding his. “I know this isn’t—”

He’s on me so fast that I can’t finish my words, his lips against mine. I gasp and he slides his tongue in the recesses of my mouth, tangling his tongue with mine and holding my body tightly to his.

For a few glorious moments, I revel in his kiss, allowing my mind to clear of everything but his lips on mine.

Jason is the one to break the kiss, pressing his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry,” he breathes, his hand gripping my arms lightly. “I had to kiss you.”

“It’s fine,” I answer shakily. “It’s a good distraction.”

Jason lifts his head and I see a softness in his eyes.

“I hope it’s more than just that. I’m sorry about what happened to your brother,” he finishes awkwardly.

“Thanks,” I respond, arching a brow. “Are you okay? Um, are you… jealous of Johnny?”

Jason shakes his head. “Not jealous,” he states. “Just protective of you.”

His words wash over me, it feels good. I like seeing that glint in his eye, like he would move heaven and earth to be by my side.

“Okay, and just so you know, Johnny usually prefers Italian men, so don’t get your feelings hurt if he doesn’t hit on you.”

Jason growls and pulls me close. “Well, I don’t blame him. I prefer Italian women, myself.”

“Oh?” I ask lightly, my heart starting to pound in my chest.

“What do you prefer about them?”

His grin turns wolfish. “Every damn thing I can find.”

Heat pools in me. “You know, this suite has a stand-up shower big enough for two.”

My words are bold, but I need the distraction. Jason is the perfect distraction.

Jason’s eyes heat. “Then let’s go test that out, shall we?”

He tugs on my hand, and we move into the bathroom, where Jason leans into the shower to turn on the water. When I reach for my shirt, he stops me.

“Let me,” he says softly, batting my hands away.

My body flushes as Jason slowly pulls the shirt over my head.

“Gorgeous,” he says softly, his eyes raking down my body.


In his eyes, I feel like I’m perfection.

Jason removes my bra and brings me to him, ravaging my lips in a needy kiss. It’s all passion and heat, and I wrap my arms around his neck, hanging on for dear life as I return his kiss.

Suddenly I can’t get close enough to him, tugging on his own shirt. Jason releases his hold on my mouth, his eyes twinkling but intense.

“More,” I breathe.

Jason slides the shirt over his head and I swallow as his body comes into view. Even with his scars, he’s beautiful.

He’s all mine.

“You keep looking at me that way,” Jason murmurs as his hands find my hips.

“And we won’t make it into the shower, Bianca.”

I lean in and brush my lips over his. “Then what are you waiting for, Jason?”

He groans seductively as I step away from him and shed the rest of my clothing, stepping under the warm spray. Jason joins me a moment later and pulls me back until my back is resting against his chest. His erection presses into my lower spine and I let out a moan.

“Not yet,” he says, his hands covering my breasts. “I want to hear you pant my name.”

Oh god. At this rate, I was going to scream it.

Jason’s lips find my neck and I let my eyes flutter closed as his hand slides lower, until his finger slips between my already slick folds.

“Already wet for me,” he breathes against my shoulder, his fingers working magic.

“Yes,” I whisper, feeling the familiar pressure start to build. I feel like it’s been months not weeks since he’s touched me like this.

When he inserts a finger into my warmth, I buck against him, restless for release. “God, yes.”

“Bianca,” he says harshly, his teeth grazing my ear lobe. “Come for me.”

His finger flicks upward and I lose it, crying out his name as the waves crash over me. If Jason hadn’t grabbed my waist, I would have ended up on the shower floor.

He holds me until the last intense wave subsides.

“I want you,” he says, his voice rough with passion.

I don’t turn around, instead pressing my hands to the wet tile and arching my back. “

Take me.”

There’s no hesitation as he grips my hips and enters me from behind, filling me to my very core.

“Shit,” he says raggedly. “You’re so fucking tight.”

Whimpering, I push against him, rubbing the place that is literally waiting to explode again. Jason doesn’t disappoint, and soon there’s the slapping of skin together as we find a rhythm under the warm spray.

When I explode again, it’s Jason’s name on my lips.


Later, after a fine meal that Johnny himself brings up to us, we lay in bed, curled around each other. I’m scared to move, scared that this won’t be real, scared that anything at all will break the spell.

“Tell me this is real,” I ask dreamily as Jason slides his fingers through my hair, making me drowsy.

“It’s real,” he whispers.

“Go to sleep, Bianca. Lucas promised to wake us if something is wrong with Emil.”

I had seen Emil once more before we ate dinner, and while he tried to speak his drug induced mumbles were senseless. Maybe tomorrow he will be a little more lucid and can tell me what he was trying to say.

But, for now, I lay in this bed with Jason, a man I’m falling dangerously in love with, and want to make this night last forever.

I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring for any of us, but I’m scared. I’m scared for Emil, for Jason, for myself. If nothing else, I’m learning just how fragile life is.


“Yeah?” he answers.

I snuggle against his chest, feeling his solid heartbeat under my cheek.

“Promise me you won’t leave me here. Promise me that you’ll be here when I wake up.”

I’m not stupid. I know that’s his plan.


I lift my head, meeting his tired gaze. “Promise me.”

His mouth begins to work and finally he lets out a breath.

“No. I won’t leave you here.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, laying my head down once more, lulled to a drowsy sleep with his fingers stroking my hair.

It’s not until the last bit of my mind is trying to shut down before I feel him press his lips in my hair.

“I won’t ever leave you. I love you,” he faintly whispers, his arm tightening around me.


I fall into a dreamless sleep with those precious words bouncing around my heart.