Maya by Shayne Ford



Two weeks later.

The sky blendsinto the water.

Clear blue sky littered with cotton candy clouds. I haven’t seen anything like that. The water is clear, transparent, azure shades, turquoise hues.

The breeze sweeps the deck, the yacht curtains fluttering in the wind.

Moored in a bay, the boat is surrounded by the water leading to a stretch of sand and a big ragged rock.

There’s not a soul in sight, boats sailing the Mediterranean Sea away from us.

Topless, I sunbathe on a lounge chair, his voice resonating inside.

He ends his phone conversation a few moments later and joins me on the deck.

His skin shines in tones of fluid amber, his muscles shifting. His eyes dip, taking in my tiny red panties and bare chest.

My hair is longer than it was a while ago, and I’m just as tanned.

“So… Big changes ahead,” he says, smiling while setting his phone on the table.

“It looks that way. Who was that? Shade?”

He tips his chin down, his eyes going to my body again.

I smile teasingly.

He locks my eyes. I read lust in his gaze. And not only that. I see the outline of his hard-on against his swimming shorts.

I’m turned on too.

Our intense attraction from each other has turned into nightly orgies.

I can’t have enough of him, and he can’t have enough of me. And things feel good. Real good.

Persisting in being a tease, I roll to my stomach, pushing my bottom up.

His wolfish laugh makes me tingle.

I’m sure he knows what’s coming next.

Slowly, I slink my fingers inside my panties and push them down. Half of my butt is exposed to his eyes when he steps closer.

“You’re looking for trouble,” he rasps.

He stops next to my head while I tip my chin up, his shorts at my eye level.

“So are you,” I say, running my hand up between his thighs until my fingers slide inside the left leg of his shorts and cup his balls.

He gasps in pleasure, observing me with hooded eyes.

“You’re so damn naughty,” he murmurs, watching me pull my panties lower.

He bends over, reaches my backside, and slides his hands inside my panties before pushing them down even more.

My butt is completely naked, my panties stuck to my thighs.

The more he leans forward to touch my rear, the easier it is to cup him.

He’s heavy, hard, filled with blood.

Twitching in my hand, he starts massaging my butt.

I was oiled up, to begin with, so his hand slides easily, following the contour of my bottom, his fingers sliding lower until he reaches my lower lips.

I gasp and close my eyes for a moment, stroking his hard-on while he rubs my entrance.

He props a knee against my chair, still tilted forward to reach between my legs. His moves are smooth, his fingers slippery. I’m getting wet, tingles spinning under his touch.

Smoothly he pushes his fingers into me, my center squeezing around his touch.

Without waiting any longer, I tug at his shorts to lower them.

The fabric slips to his hips, going past the root of his erection.

His hardness stirs up, freed from his shorts, coming straight to my mouth.

Propped on my elbow, my hand curled around his hardness, I take him into my mouth.

“Fuck,” he murmurs quietly, his fingers pushing deeper into me.

I take him deeper, craning my neck and pulling up to sheathe more of him before bobbing my head.

His touch moves sensually, my need growing, making me push my bottom up.

Rock hard, he drips on my tongue.

I push on all fours, deep throating him.

“Fuck me…” he grunts.

Red bikini barely clinging to my thighs, I move my lips and tongue up and down, squeezing his hard flesh with my mouth, my center tightening around his touch.

His knee slides off the chair, his fingers moving out of me before he grips his glistening erection, moves to my back, and fills me up.

Hands latched onto my hips, he grinds his hard-on into my center, quickly setting me onto a path to an amazing climax.

We come, the towel crumpled in my fist, his fingers digging deep into my hips.

I take his pounding, elated, in a trance, sated and hungry at the same time.

Later, we pull ourselves together and dive into the water.

We reconnect under the water, my chest naked, his arms locked around me. His lips on my lips.

More moments of beatitude grow into cherished memories before we break apart, swim for a few good minutes, cooling ourselves off, and walk to the beach.

Guarded by chipped walls of coarse rock, the beach is pristine, the water flicking quietly against the sand.

We exit the water, leaving footprints on the sand, his eyes glinting with joy.

I feel so happy, my heart could explode.

Sitting on the beach, we watch the sunset together, his arms wrapped around me––a shield of love protecting me.

I can’t think of a more perfect moment in my life.

It feels as if everything has started with him.

I lean back against his chest, the breeze rolling over us, warm, soothing, the fine sand lending us the heat collected throughout the day.

The picturesque sunset fills my eyes, my mind, my heart.

“I know why you love this place,” I say pensively, my eyes trained on the horizon and the boats moving by.

He stays quiet.

“I love it too,” I murmur absently, feeling hopeful about my life.

Feeling happy.

These few days have been amazing. I almost don’t want to go back.

“Do you love it enough to live here?”

“I can live wherever you live,” I say, smiling. “Even if it’s some remote island.”

He laughs and kisses the top of my head.

“That won’t be necessary…”

His voice trails off.

“We’ll find a place,” he says, slipping into a contemplative mood. “A good place for you… For us.”

He says ‘us’ as if it means more than him and me. And my heart flutters, optimism-soaked pictures shaping up the future I dream about.

The evening pulls a delicate dark veil over the sky, the stars and the moon gleaming across.

He rests his hands on me, my back pressed against his chest.

“You make me so happy…” I say.

His response comes after a moment.

“You make me happy too. It’s even more than I expected.”

I tear my eyes away from the sky and shift them to his face.

His expression attests to everything he said.

His eyes glint brighter than the stars, his lips softly curved into a smile. I look at him, and all I see is the love of my life.

The man I want to share my life with.

I see myself loving the soft lines at the corners of his eyes that will come in time and giving him children, raising them with him.

I see myself living anywhere in the world as long as I’d be with him.

I can’t imagine being too far away from him.

Tears of joy blurry my eyes as I sit on my knees and run my fingers over his cheeks.

“I love you…” I say quietly.

His smile makes my heart beat faster.

“I love you too, baby.”

Tenderly he strokes my cheek.

“You don’t have to be worried. I’ll never pull away from you… Okay?”

“Yes,” I say, my voice catching a little. “I know.”

“Come to me…” he says, opening his arms and pulling me in his chest while I loop my arms around his torso.

The night finds us making love on the beach, the yacht shining brightly not far from us like a silent ghost as we show our love for each other, cementing the lifelong promises we have made to each other.

He is my man… My only man.

Chad McKenna.

I’ll be yours.

I’ll always be yours.
