The Brink by Shayla Black

Raine understood instantly what had befallen her sister. Rowan hadn’t simply decided to leave her childhood behind and carve out a better life for herself. Their twisted father had ended it.

“She packed up for college, and you pulled out for the airport so she could fly to London and…”

A sneer curled his lip. “I drove her out to the desert. We had us a raunchy little good-bye. Then…I sent her on her way.” He held up the knife with a shrug. Terrible delight shined in his eyes. He’d enjoyed every minute of that. “In fact, that same shovel is in the back of my truck.”

More cold terror rolled through her. She’d known her father had no ability to feel love or compassion. She’d known he was a rapist and a pedophile who didn’t care if he caused others agony. She hadn’t known that he was a closet murderer.

“Because she planned to leave you? That’s why?”

“No one leaves me. Not even you.” He lowered the knife to her, pressing the tip against the hollow of her throat.

“Wait!” she cried, panicked. How would she talk him out of this? “I-I’ll do whatever you want.”

“I know you will. And you’ll like it.”

Raine’s skin crawled, and before she could say anything else, Bill cut through her T-shirt and bra with the big knife, making ribbons out of her shirt…and leaving a long scratch from her throat to her waist. Just a little deeper and he would have drawn blood.

The smile playing at his lips told Raine that he very much enjoyed screwing with her head. He’d scare her, lording his control of her mortality over her—before he finally lost interest in his latest toy and ended her, too. He’d killed Rowan when she’d decided she’d had enough abuse and chosen to walk away. What if her sister hadn’t been the only one?

“What about River?”

“That stupid hell-raiser got in so much trouble it was either go to jail or go to the army. I was happy to see his ass out the other side of my door. He’d gotten too mouthy to tolerate and too big for me to beat.”

“What about Mom? Did she leave you?” she asked in a low whisper.

Bill’s lips curled in a proud smile. “She tried. I stopped her.”

Raine failed to swallow back her gasp of horror. He’d killed her mother, too. Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.

Raine’s whole body went numb. All this time, she’d thought that her mom had simply left, walked away. The knowledge otherwise sucked the breath from Raine’s lungs. All the warmth leached from her body. She bit her lip to hold in a whimper.

She’d never see her mom or tell her that she understood her determination to escape. Raine could never again express her love to the woman who had given her life. She hadn’t seen her mom in almost fifteen years, but she’d always believed that someday…

Raine bit her lip to hold in a scream, and Bill kept on talking.

“Your mother was a whore. I’m convinced she’d been screwing my brother for years. She always smiled at him. She flaunted her body, too. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d knocked her up with all three of you kids.” Bill sneered Raine’s way. “By the time you came along, I almost had her under my thumb. Then she suddenly thought she’d grow a spine and take you kids with her. I showed her who was boss. I wasn’t surprised when you and Rowan turned out to be whores, too. It was in your blood, after all.”

With every word, Bill sounded angrier. His expression told Raine that she was to blame for every imagined slight her mother and sister had dealt him. She was sure he’d already tallied the sins she’d committed against him. One look in his glowing eyes and Raine knew that if she didn’t do something fast, she wouldn’t be long for this world. He’d end her, and he’d love every second.

Mentally, she began ticking off all the options. Bill didn’t want money; he wanted her. He couldn’t wait to punish her for being female and not desiring him. For leaving him. For ultimately hating him, just like Mom and Rowan. He’d either rape her multiple times, then carve her up, or he’d lose his temper and do it up big once before slashing her throat. Raine swore that neither scenario would come to pass—not without a hell of a fight. If she wanted to live, she had to take control.

She trembled. She had only one thing in her favor: Bill was more than a little drunk. He could hardly stand up straight, and he just kept drinking from that bottle. On the other hand, he was fucking insane. Somehow, she had to figure out what his unhinged mind wanted to hear and make herself say it. Then she had to do whatever it took.

She couldn’t think about specifics now or she’d lose her nerve.

“Now, it’s time to show Daddy what a good little fuck you are.” He brandished the knife again and cut through her sleeves, reminding her with every swipe of the blade just who had the power. Then he yanked the garments from her torso and sat back, staring. A lewd little half smile twisted his face. “Well, look at all those bite marks and bruises. Hmm…” Bill adjusted his cock in his jeans. “I see those boys of yours have trained you to like it rough. Good. I can dig right in and enjoy myself. But this time, you’ll have a real man.”

Raine felt the bile rise in her throat. Forcing it down, she tried not to flinch as Bill leaned in and traced a thick finger over the marks dotting her breasts. The stench of gin stole her breath.

“Give Daddy a kiss, baby,” he murmured as he forced his lips onto hers.

She pinched her mouth tight, willing herself not to vomit, but Bill gripped her jaw and squeezed until she opened. His fetid breath filled her mouth as his tongue swept inside like a slippery eel. She whimpered in disgust and tried to turn away.

He jerked back, attempting to focus his bleary gaze onto her. “Let’s get those pants off you so you can show Daddy what he’s been missing all these years.”

Another airplane flew over the building as he shoved the knife beneath the waistband of her yoga pants. Raine groaned in terror. Her body stilled like stone.

Bill gave her a wink and started singing again. “C’mon, angel. My dick’s on fire. Don’t deny your daddy’s desire. You’re going to enjoy it, so don’t play dumb. Spread your legs and let me fill you with come. Tonight’s the night…” Bill snorted and chuckled, obviously pleased by his perceived talent. “I surprised your sister with those lyrics, too.”

God, this couldn’t be happening. Not that long ago, she’d been wrapped in Hammer’s and Liam’s arms. If she ever wanted to be safe and surrounded by them again, she had to find a way to survive this nightmare. The thought of them filled her with agony. She wanted her forever with the men she loved. She couldn’t leave them this way—not at the hands of this demented sociopath.

As Bill sliced the knife through the fabric of her pants, he made quick work of the spandex, shredding the material over both legs, then tossing her tattered pants over his shoulder.

The December cold bit into her skin. She shivered as she lay bound and exposed. Every cell in Raine’s body implored her to fight. But helpless and at Bill’s mercy, she had to play his game as fear and fury rolled through her.

He knelt beside the cot, his hungry stare roving her body. His eyes grew wide, and he swayed, licking his lips as he studied the marks on her bare pussy.

He whistled long and low. “Oh, they chewed you up nice and pretty. You liked it, too, didn’t you?”

When Bill pinned her with a gaze that warned her he expected an answer, she told him what he wanted to hear.

“Yes,” Raine whispered.

“I figured you were a kinky slut. But you’re going to like it a whole lot better with me. Aren’t you?” She tried not to cringe, especially when Bill stared at her mound again. “Aren’t you?” he insisted, twirling the knife in his left hand.

Forcing her panic down, she sucked in a deep breath. Raine knew what she had to do, and she was running out of time. No matter how much she hated him or how sick it made her, she had to suck it up to survive.

Raine forced herself to give him a sympathetic look. “Mom and Rowan put you through so much torment. I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”

Bill blinked, then narrowed his eyes. “No, you’re not. You fucking left me, too.”

“I was just afraid. I didn’t know what you wanted. I was a scared little girl. But I’m not anymore, Daddy.” Raine tried not to gag on her words. “I see now that you’re all I could have ever wanted or needed.”

She paused, watching as Bill’s expression softened both with melancholy and booze.

“You do?” He sent her a searching expression and cupped her hip in one rough hand.

Raine didn’t mean to flinch.

When she did, rage instantly filled his face. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you, cunt? Well, I’m not having any of it.”

He leaned over her and raised a menacing hand. Raine knew what was coming but had no way to stop him from slapping her face with all his might. Pain blasted in a white-hot fire across her cheek, spreading up her scalp and down her neck.

Raine clenched her jaw, refusing to scream. If she couldn’t fight, she had to endure.

Dragging in a deep breath, she tried to slow her racing heart, her manic thoughts. Everything in her head nearly scrambled when he raised his hand again. She forced down the panic.

“No, Daddy. Please. I’ll be good. I promise,” Raine begged, as her cheek throbbed and her stomach pitched. “You surprised me when you touched me earlier. It felt so good, it shocked me. Until now, I never understood how good a man could feel. But I know now. All you’ve wanted to do is love me. Show me…”

Don’t throw up. You can’t throw up. You have to convince him you mean it.

Weaving a bit, Bill lowered his hand and smiled. “Now, that’s more like it.”

“I’ll do anything you want me to,” Raine whispered, fighting the urge to close her eyes and shut him out.

“That’s my girl. You’ve learned real fast who’s boss. For your sake, I hope you suck cock better than Rowan. She was pitiful. Mind you, keep your teeth to yourself, or I’ll kill you and finish up inside your cold, dead body.”

Bill stood and released his zipper impatiently. His jeans fell to the floor, displaying his semi-erect penis beneath a pair of yellowed, threadbare underwear. Raine fought the urge to hurl. As he shoved the tattered fabric off his hips, she hid her revulsion at the sight of his shriveled cock.

With a grunt, Bill spit in his hand and grabbed the half-flaccid appendage, pumping it furiously in his fist. He swerved on his feet. His cock refused to come to life. The longer and harder he stroked, the more Raine knew he’d be unable to get it up.

Bill stomped and snarled, his frustration mounting. Then without warning, he dropped his cock and raised his hand. “What’s wrong with you, girl?”

His fist crashed toward her face, his knuckles planting into the socket of her eye. Pain exploded through her head. The lights began to dim until nothing but white fireflies danced in her vision. Still, Raine held in a scream.

“This is all your fault, you fucking bitch,” he spat. “You’re not exciting enough for me.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” Raine cried. These were real tears, and if she didn’t want to fall victim to his rage, she was going to have to do something drastic. “Let me help you. I can do it. Untie my hands. I’ll make it all better. Please, Daddy…”

“I don’t need your hands, slut. I need your mouth.” Bill knelt next to the cot.

It took everything Raine had to keep her revulsion off her face. “But I want to touch you. Stroke you. Feel your big cock in my hand.”

“You want to get free so you can give me another scar.” He fingered the one on his cheek. “Don’t fuck with my head, little girl.”

“No. No.” Raine shook her head. “You have the knife. You have the power. But you can’t tease me like this and not let me feel your skin against my palm, sliding up and down as I suck you deep.”

A spark of desire danced into his glassy eyes. Raine wanted to close hers and wail, but she held his stare and tried like hell to send him a come-hither look.

Bill studied her for long moments. Finally, he leaned up and grabbed the bottle of gin off the table. He took a long gulp, then wiped his lips with the back of his hand. “You try anything, and I’ll slit you from stem to stern. You got it?”

“Yes. Oh, yes.” Her heart skittered, jumped in her chest. “I’ll be good. I swear.”

Good enough to get away.

Bill slowly untied the rope from her right hand. She forced a soft smile as he watched her suspiciously. When her arm fell free, she rolled her wrist, trying to get the blood flow back to her shoulders, her fingers.

He scooted in closer to the cot. “Touch me, baby girl. Put me in your mouth and suck me hard.”

Raine tried to force herself to reach out and touch him, but she hesitated. Holding in a cry, she closed her eyes for a precious moment and focused on getting her shit together. All she had to do was wrap her fingers around his flesh and pretend she wasn’t here—whatever it took to get her through.

Suddenly, Bill let out a savage roar, pounding his fist against her lips. More pain blindsided her. Blood filled her mouth. Raine tried not to cry or lose hope.

Liam and Hammer. She had to live for them and find some way to escape. If she let Bill waste her, Liam would be devastated. Hammer would blame himself for the rest of his life and shut down again. She couldn’t let that happen to either of them.

“You tricked me, you fucking whore. I can see it in your eyes. You don’t want me.”

With a snarl, he dropped the knife. It clattered to the cement before he pounced on top of her, straddling her body with his much larger one, then gripped her throat tightly with both hands. As his face contorted in rage, he squeezed. His blue eyes blazed with murderous glee as he cut off her air.

Where’s the knife? Find the fucking knife.

Struggling, she bucked and writhed, trying again to displace him off her body. Bill growled and gripped her neck with even more menace. She felt him crushing her windpipe and gurgled as she gasped for more air. Black spots danced in her vision. If she passed out…it was all over.

Adrenaline surged through her system as she felt around for the knife, her fingers scraping the cold cement. Then she brushed cool metal. Raine knew she had a handful of seconds before blackness took her when she fumbled with the weighted bottom of the blade. Finally, she managed to grip the smooth handle.

Using the last of her strength, she plunged the blade into his side. The sharp tip skidded over bone, so she kept searching. The serrated edges found the vulnerable flesh between his ribs. She shoved hard.

Hot blood exploded over her hand and gushed down her arm. The handle suddenly felt wet and hard to grip.

Instantly, Bill released her with an ear-piercing roar. Raine sucked in a deep, gasping breath, grateful to have blessed air again. Her vision sharpened. A fresh rush of adrenaline jetted through her bloodstream as Bill leaned away from her blow, staring at the knife sticking out of his side with bulging eyes.

“Bitch!” He lunged at her again.

Raine yanked the knife out, then stabbed it into his chest as he tried to reach for her throat again. She met the bone of his sternum, then wriggled the blade until the serrated edges cut through his flesh like butter, stopping at the hilt. Over his scream of agony, she jerked down.

More blood. His shout became a gurgle. Bill tried to stand but only managed to roll half onto the floor beside the cot, directly to her left. He stared up at her, his eyes widening with shock as he tried to suck in more air but only managed to sputter. Blood gushed everywhere.

He reached up and tangled his fist in her hair in a surprisingly strong grasp. He tugged hard, dragging her face to his. Raine screamed and tried to pull away. Bill was weakening, but the death grip he held on her still felt absolute.

With a sob, she did her best to twist in his direction, half rolling to her side. Still clutching her blade, Raine stabbed him again, this time in the heart.

She watched him jerk, his expression fade… But his terrible blue eyes kept staring back at her, so Raine didn’t stop. She stabbed and stabbed as screams echoed in her ears. Finally, she realized Bill had gone—and the screams of terror were her own.

* * *

“Fucking move, damn it!” Liam hit the horn, slammed on the brakes, and checked his mirrors as he swerved around a slow-moving vehicle, then accelerated.

He refused to think about anything except reaching Raine. It was all too easy to visualize what horrific tortures that psycho, Bill, might be inflicting on their girl.

Liam berated himself for not doing something about Kendall when he’d had the chance. Instead, he’d made things worse yesterday by threatening the man. If anything happened to Raine, Liam knew he’d never forgive himself.

Stay focused. Concentrate on the traffic. Keep it together. Raine needs you.

“I’m sorry, Liam. Really, I didn’t think he’d truly hurt her,” Gwyneth offered.

Hammer grunted. “Bitch, please…”

Liam couldn’t even look at her without wanting to do something he’d never done in anger to a woman in his life. “Because you didn’t think things through and you don’t care about anyone but yourself. You set up an innocent woman to die. You used your own nephew as a pawn in your scheme,” Liam accused. “Is there nothing you wouldn’t do to get your way?”

“I didn’t hurt Kyle. I took him on an adventure.” When he cast her an incredulous stare, she sighed. “My father’s company was worth a billion pounds. I had to do something, but now it’s going to Kitty and—”

Liam’s phone rang. He pried it from his pocket, hoping for some news about Raine. He glanced at the number. Local. Unfamiliar. Heart racing, he pressed the button to answer the call and engage his Bluetooth.

“O’Neill,” he answered.

“Hi. This is Tom from Accudata Labs at the hospital. Dr. Beckman said you wanted the paternity test results back quickly. Just calling to let you know…you’re not the father. I ran the test twice. You’re not related at all.”

That information would have been vastly welcome twenty-four hours ago. Now, it was hardly news. “Thanks, Tom.”

“I owe you,” Beck hollered from the backseat.

Having no patience for anything unrelated to rescuing Raine, Liam ended the call.

“Y-you had Kyle’s DNA tested in barely twelve hours?” Gwyneth sounded shocked. Clearly, she’d thought she’d have more time.

He sent her a cynical stare in his rearview mirror. “I’m not as trusting as I once was. And after what you’ve pulled, I’ll never believe a word you say again.”

Beck grabbed Gwyneth by the back of her neck as he leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “You know, blondie, I’m a sadist. And for you, I’d forget my Hippocratic Oath.”

At his deceptively polite threat, she moaned fearfully and tried to shake free. But Beck knew how to restrain a woman, and she was unable to elude his grasp.

“Do you know how many pain receptors there are in the human body?” he asked.

Her eyes flared wide. Her mouth slackened with a gasp. Liam watched Beck fuck with her head. Perverse satisfaction filled him.

“I do,” the doctor went on. “In fact, I’ve made it my personal mission in life to study just how long I can perfectly balance someone on the razor’s edge, keeping the sensations so intense nothing else registers. I can give utter agony.”

Gwyneth began struggling anew. “Liam, call this lunatic off me.” When he didn’t acknowledge her demand, she continued in a panicked tone. “Surely you can’t hold me responsible for whatever Raine’s father does to her? I didn’t deliver her to the maniac.”

“You’re very responsible, Gwyneth,” Hammer snarled. “If Kendall kills her, I suggest you find a cop and beg him to take you to jail. You’ll fare better. And before you appeal to Liam to save you again…stop wasting your breath. He won’t.”

“I hope you like wearing orange,” Beck quipped.

“I tried to get Kendall to stop,” she protested. “I even came to you with everything I know. It’s not my fault.”

“The hell it isn’t, you calculating, mercenary bitch.” Hammer’s voice dripped menace. “None of us paid Kendall to kidnap Raine. On some level, you knew exactly what he was. That’s why you hired him. Even the possibility of him raping or murdering her didn’t stop you. So unless we ask you a pointed question, shut your mouth. Or I swear I’ll fucking shut it for you.”

Liam watched in the rearview mirror. Gwyneth reared back as if slapped, her face flushing crimson. Her lips pinched together in a tight line. She tried to wedge herself in a corner of the backseat as far from Hammer as possible, but Beck held her firm.

“Liam!” she cried.

“No one here gives a fuck about you, least of all me. You only told me about your involvement in Raine’s abduction because your father died and Bill threatened you. If not for that, you would have hopped on a plane this morning and left, never caring what happened to her. You’re like a bomb, exploding whenever you feel like it and hell-bent on mass destruction wherever you go. And worse, you’re incapable of comprehending the misery you leave in your wake, much less caring,” Liam growled.

She gaped. “But that’s not true. How was I to—”

“Shut up,” Liam snapped. “You know the difference between you and Raine? Why I love her? When I asked you to marry me, your first question was about the size of the diamond and whether it would sparkle enough on your finger.” He scoffed. “The first time I asked Raine to be mine, she hesitated because she was concerned about my feelings and whether she could love me well enough to make me happy.” He sent Gwyneth a rebuking shake of his head. “You and I were married for two years, and you never knew or cared how I felt. In five weeks, Raine has done her best to overcome a lifetime of abuse and heartache to be what I need because she cares that much.”

“Liam, I cared about you. I still do.”

“You don’t know how to give a shit about anyone. You’re not even good enough for Raine to wipe her feet on.” Liam dragged in a shuddering breath. “I’m done with you.”

Gwyneth seemed to wilt. They rode in absolute silence for a few tense, grating minutes, broken only by the robotic voice of the GPS.

As Liam turned onto Imperial Highway, a row of industrial buildings and warehouses appeared on their right.

“There. Over there!” Gwyneth called out. “Across that road. The building with the black doors. I think that’s the one.”

“You’d better hope you’re right.” Liam heard the menace in his own voice.

Gwyneth’s eyes flared wide in horror as their stares connected in the rearview mirror. She finally looked as if she understood the deep shit she’d stepped in.

“Slow up a bit, Liam,” Hammer interrupted. “It’s too deserted here. If Bill hears a car approaching, it might spook him. That plane just taking off should pass overhead and provide us cover.”

Liam turned onto the side street, then pulled the car to the curb, studying the warehouse in question. There were no windows. Liam was confident Bill wouldn’t spot them.

Sliding double doors painted in a chipping black stretched across most of the front of the building, tall enough that, when opened, a truck could back into the facility. It looked older than most of the buildings around it, lacking a proper dock. Tufts of weeds grew through the cracks of the asphalt. Neglect hung in the air. It seemed as if it had been long ago abandoned…but looks could be deceiving. Gwyneth had taught him that.

“Beck, when we pull up to the building, keep my ex in the car with you, please? If you need to restrain or hurt her, feel free.” At the man’s wicked grin, Liam added, “We’ll be back.”

“My pleasure,” Beck sneered. “Blondie and I have lots to talk about, right?”

She blinked at him. “What? No. You can’t leave me with him.”

Liam ignored her as the plane flew almost directly overhead. He punched the Escalade’s accelerator, then pulled up beside the warehouse, getting a closer look at the entrance.

Urgency pumping through him, he parked the car in the wide, empty lot and killed the engine.

The instant the vehicle stopped, Hammer bolted out of the SUV, drawing his gun and holding it close against his leg. Liam followed. Together, they darted forward. Macen gave him a look clearly asking if he was ready. Liam nodded grimly. Hammer rounded the corner, stopping to examine the doors. They weren’t locked. In fact, a small gap between them attested to the fact that Bill hadn’t even closed them completely.

Hammer tried to peek through, then shook his head. “It’ll make noise if I open it.”

Which would alert Bill.

Liam looked at the rusting tracks. “It will. There’s a smaller door to the left.”

When he jerked his head in that direction, Macen followed. Liam reached it first and wrapped his hand around the knob, then gave it a little turn, praying for a break.

Thankfully, he got one. The door shimmied a crack.

He eased it open farther, hoping the hinges wouldn’t squeak. He managed to push it wide enough to squeeze through. Hammer slipped in behind him.

The space inside was huge and ominous in the low light. Just beyond the doors sat Kendall’s late-model red truck covered in grime. The van he’d abducted Raine in was nowhere to be seen, and Liam suspected he’d dumped it elsewhere.

Breath held, he crept around the vehicle, Hammer just behind him. Then they both spotted Raine.

Hammer froze. Liam’s heart stopped.

Oh, dear god…