The Brink by Shayla Black

Raine blinked as she watched them leave the bedroom. “Seriously?”

Last night, she’d finally been granted her dream come true when Liam and Hammer had taken her together. Never before had she felt so treasured, surrounded, and safe. After all the sensual touches and words of love they’d exchanged, this morning they’d hustled her back to real life without a single kiss. Or even a hug. No, she hadn’t expected rainbows or carriage rides—or marriage proposals. But they’d behaved as if nothing particularly special had happened. In fact, she’d sensed a strange vibe humming around them.

With a sigh, she padded into the bathroom. Maybe Beck’s need to head down the mountain had thrown the guys for a loop. Someone’s life hung in the balance, and it wasn’t as if she wanted Beck’s patient to die so she could have a leisurely morning in bed with Liam and Hammer. But yeah, she’d expected more.

After emptying her bladder and searching around for her toiletries, she realized they’d left her one zippered pouch with her toothbrush. A comb lay next to it. She frowned. No skin care, makeup, or deodorant. She wanted to poke her head down the stairs and point out their oversight…except she bet it wasn’t. Raine huffed. She could do a bit more in ten minutes. After years of having her under his roof, Hammer especially should know that.

Instead, they couldn’t shove her out of the lodge—where everything wonderful had happened—fast enough. Simply because of Beck’s tight timeline…or did they want to put last night behind them?

Frowning, she completed the parts of her morning routine she could and tried to figure out what the heck was going on. Nothing added up. She hadn’t thought they’d lose interest already, but she wasn’t sure what other conclusion to reach. Disquiet wound through her.

As Raine headed out of the bathroom with her few items in hand, she noticed the pile of neatly folded clothing on the overstuffed chair in the corner. When she shook out the garments, she realized they were the same ones she’d worn to the lodge a few short days ago. Those two hadn’t packed her many clothes. Did that mean they had intended to spend most of their time with her in bed…or that they hadn’t planned to stay here for long?

Scowling now, she pulled on the little black skirt, her tank, cardigan, and kitten heels. No undergarments. At the moment, she wasn’t sure whether that delighted her or just pissed her off.

Feeling unsettled, she grabbed her toiletries again and made her way downstairs. Liam rushed from the kitchen and shoved a travel mug in her hand. “I made some of that tea you like.”

Raine softened a little that he’d remembered. “Thank you.”

He dipped his head, and she settled against his warmth. But when she parted her lips to kiss him, he merely planted a peck on her cheek, then pulled away. “Everyone is waiting in the car.”

Before she could reply, he ushered her out to the chilly winter morning, helping her through the snow and into the backseat of the warming SUV. She scooted into the middle, against Hammer’s big body, as Liam dashed back to the porch to lock the door of the lodge. Neither Beck nor Seth turned his head from the front seat as Liam slid into the vehicle, sandwiching her in.

From the window, she watched the lodge as they pulled away, feeling bereft at leaving this place—and the magical night they’d shared—behind.

As Seth stared at his phone, Beck raised an impatient gaze from the rearview mirror. “Settled?”

“Good morning to you, too,” Raine quipped.

“Morning. Sorry to rush you, princess.” Beck’s tone lacked remorse.

“I totally understand why you have to get back,” Raine replied, then sipped her tea and sent Liam and Hammer a forced smile. “They’ve promised to make it up to me.”

“We will.” Hammer arched a brow at her. “Did you not get enough sleep?”

When he dropped a hand to her knee, she remembered every single reason she’d gone virtually without rest. Her breath hitched after just one touch. “Not so much.”

“You didn’t seem to mind it last night, now did you, love?” Liam questioned.

She slanted a seeking gaze his way. The knowing look in his dark eyes made her flare hot and squirm. The memories rushed back until her nipples peaked under the soft cotton of her shirt. Her skin almost felt too tight as she recalled being enveloped between Liam and Hammer while they’d both filled her, coaxing her from one orgasm to the next.

He knew damn well she hadn’t minded. The question was, had he? Liam had struggled with jealousy in the past, some part of him resenting that she loved Hammer, too. Did that have anything to do with this morning’s mood?

Raine shook her head softly. “No.”

As much as the men had mended their rift to work together to help her overcome her insecurities, everything about the morning had stirred them up again. Raine hated to admit how much she still needed reassurance, but barely a month ago, Hammer had been nailing every free sub in the dungeon. And just a handful of days ago, Liam had severed their exclusive but admittedly dysfunctional relationship. Believing now they both loved her forever wasn’t easy.

She crossed her arms over her unbound breasts feeling somehow naked, stripped, sitting between them and wearing so little…and wondering if they still wanted her—together—in their future.

“I didn’t think so.” As if sensing her anxiety, Liam clasped her hand, his warmth reassuring. “Besides being tired, how are you feeling this morning? Sore?”

Raine was terribly aware of every sweet ache in her well-used body, especially the blissful burn lingering between her legs. She could happily grow accustomed to that discomfort.

Would she ever feel it again? Or just more of this confused yearning for the seeming devotion they’d given her last night?

“A bit, but I’m fine,” she murmured.

“Are you sure?” Hammer asked to her right.

She turned and nodded, knowing emotion swam in her eyes. Hammer had finally made love to her, baring everything in his heart—a revelation after years of her unrequited love. He wouldn’t shut her out and turn her away again, right? But if he didn’t, could Liam handle it?

“It was the best night of my life.” The words slipped out. Maybe they were too honest for the setting, for the mood in the vehicle. But Raine couldn’t have stopped them.

He flashed her a wicked smile, and a shiver rippled up her spine. She turned to take in Liam’s reaction but found him gazing out the window, his attention elsewhere.

Doubt became anxiety and seized Raine’s belly. She gnawed on her lip. What if he did regret last night? But…they’d woken her together with tender affection. That should have allayed her worries. But the fear just wouldn’t let up. What was going on? Had he and Hammer fought? Or decided they couldn’t bear repeating last night?

With a frown, she tugged on Liam’s hand. “Are you all right?”

He jolted ever so slightly and turned to her with a questioning gaze. “I’m fine. Forgive me. I’m a bit preoccupied with things I shouldn’t be when I’ve got a beautiful lass by my side.”

“Is anything wrong?” Raine smoothed her thumb over his knuckles.

He squeezed her hand. “I’m just away with the fairies, is all.”

Yes, Liam wasn’t always a talker, but he usually indulged and coaxed her. Something definitely troubled him now. Maybe he needed a bit of time to work through everything that had happened. After all, they’d changed their dynamic from a couple to a threesome overnight.

“If there’s anything you want to talk about, I’m here.” She cupped his cheek and tried to comfort him.

He just sent her a faint smile and kissed her forehead, then directed his attention out the window once more, dismissing her. Mentally, he’d left her again.

Alarm clanging through her, she turned to Hammer, her expression silently asking what was wrong.

He laid a finger over his lips for silence, then snaked his fist into her hair. He tugged, tipping her head back slightly before crushing her lips under his own. A rush of desire thundered through her, sizzling her even more when he swiped his tongue over the seam of her lips, demanding entry. Raine opened for him, and Macen delved deep, sweeping inside for a thorough, sweltering kiss.

But what if Macen’s affection upset Liam even more?

With a soft whimper, Raine pulled back and blinked at Hammer, searching for answers.

He skimmed his lips up her neck, across her jaw, and worked toward her ear. “Everything is fine, precious.”

“He’s upset,” she whispered with a shake of her head.

“None of us got much sleep last night,” he murmured in hushed tones. “Not every bad mood means we’re pushing you away. Give him a little time.”

What Hammer said made sense. Sometimes her moods weren’t stellar, and that was no reflection of her feelings for Hammer or Liam. He was a man, so not every thought was about her, the three of them, or the future. Hell, he might simply be cranky because he hadn’t had a hot breakfast yet. Though Liam had seemed fine when they’d awakened her, she had to trust that Hammer wouldn’t lie, especially if Liam had doubts about them.

For the next ninety minutes, the miles slipped past. Once Raine finished her tea in the uncomfortable silence, she set the empty cup in the holder attached to the back of the console, then reclined her head and tried to nod off as the droning tires hummed along the road.

To her frustration, she couldn’t sleep. The silence grated. She didn’t expect everyone to be chipper before seven a.m. But this morning’s hush was nothing like the teasing, bawdy conversation they’d had on the way up the mountain. Instead, Seth had his head tipped back as if he was catching some Z’s. Beck probably had work on his mind since it had called him away. Hammer didn’t usually have much to say in the morning. All true…but the utter void of sound, along with Liam’s odd demeanor, kept her worries bubbling.

Hoping for a distraction, she leaned forward and cocked her head in Beck’s direction. “So, what kind of surgery is your emergency?”

“A heart transplant,” Beck offered. “My patient’s been waiting over a year for the right match to come along. He’s lucky. Too many die before they make it to the top of the donor list.”

“I bet he’s grateful but he must be scared.”

“Sure. But I’ve talked with him more than once about how the procedure works. He and his family knew if a donor heart became available, we’d have to move fast.” Beck shot a glance at her through the rearview mirror. “The donor will be taken off life support about noon Eastern. We’re expecting the organ to arrive a few hours later.”

Raine nodded. No wonder everyone had been in such a rush to head back. “It’s a complicated surgery, right?”

“It is, but I’ve had plenty of experience with transplants. This patient needs it bad. His heart looks like a liver.”

She frowned. “How long will it take?”

“That all depends. Each one is different, but the norm is around four hours, barring any complications. I won’t know until I slice open his chest and slide in the spreader—”

“Are you taking your play to work now?” she teased, then sobered. Beck might actually be perverse enough to take an implement intended to keep a sub’s thighs parted and use it on someone needing a new ticker.

“Funny. I meant the kind of spreader that pries open the rib cage.”

She knew, but it was fun to yank his chain. “I’m shocked people actually trust you to fix them once the anesthesia has kicked in. There they are, all helpless and at Dr. Sadist’s mercy.”

“Don’t be a smartass, or are you eager to have another ‘chat’ with my rubber paddle?”

Raine flinched. “No. Not even a whisper.”

Beck laughed. “Once I have the patient open, I can really get busy. After I’ve secured the bypass and cut the aorta, I need to get a good cross-clamp going. But once in a while, you get a spurter. That’s always messy. Blood everywhere.”

The mental picture his words painted turned Raine’s empty stomach. “I’m glad you can fix him, but please don’t say any more.”

“What? You don’t want to assist me in the OR?” he teased.

Raine sent him a sour expression, pressed a palm to her stomach, and slumped back between Hammer and Liam. “Not unless you want me vomiting in the patient’s chest.”

“Stop, man. She can’t even watch an episode of The Walking Dead.” Hammer chuckled and slung his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close. “You’ve always been a squeamish little thing.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I can’t help it. I hope you don’t kid about the surgery like that with patients and family, Beck.”

“Nope. I put on my responsible doctor mask.”

“I’ll bet that explanation is still too graphic for me.” She winced. “I feel sick.”

“If you’re going to toss your tea, let me know. I’ll hold your hair back,” Hammer offered.

She huffed at him. “You’ll pull my hair, you mean.”

“Every chance I get,” Hammer growled softly in her ear.

“Hold off on barfing all over the backseat,” Beck quipped. “I’m stopping in a couple of miles for gas.”

“Good. I need to hit the restroom.” Raine crossed her legs. The tea had gone right through her.

Seth jerked awake and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Huh?”

“We’re stopping,” Beck explained again.

A few minutes later, the doctor whipped into the parking lot of a convenience store. After pulling alongside a gas pump, Beck killed the engine.

“Can you let me out?” she asked Hammer.

Before he could reply, Liam’s cell phone buzzed. Beside her, he tensed as he dug the device out of his pocket and scanned the screen. A terrible anger crossed his face.

Suddenly, Macen scrambled out of the car and tugged on Raine’s arm.

“Hang on,” she insisted. “You don’t have to yank me out.”

Hammer didn’t let up. “You said you had to go.”

As soon as she stepped out of the car, Raine snatched her arm back with a scowl. Liam wasn’t the only one acting weird today. “I’m not a toddler. I can hold it until I get inside. Geez…”

Hammer darted a glance behind her. Raine peeked over her shoulder to see Liam climb out the other side of the vehicle, cell phone pressed to his ear as he marched away in agitation. Raine frowned.

“I’m just trying to be helpful.” Hammer took her arm once more. “I’ll walk you to the bathroom.”

Walk her?“I can find it by myself. The place isn’t that big.”

Hammer narrowed his eyes and he hauled her toward the mini-mart. “Then get your sexy little ass inside and take care of business.”

Raine turned to leave. She totally understood the urgency of Beck’s situation. But Hammer furiously watching whatever tense exchange Liam had? That worried the hell out of her.

“Who is Liam talking to?” she asked.

Hammer tugged his wallet from his back pocket. “I don’t know. When you’re done in the restroom, grab some bottles of water for us.”

“I hate it when you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Ignore my questions. Obviously, something is upsetting Liam.”

“If there was something you needed to know, I’d tell you.”

“Would you?” Raine bristled. “I don’t think you’re giving me the whole story. Wasn’t it just…oh, last night that you two promised me honesty and communication?”

“Tuck your insecurities away, precious.” He pushed the twenty-dollar bill into her hand. “Go to the bathroom. Get the water. I’ll meet you at the car. Everything is fine.”

Everything wasn’t fine. Something had upset Liam, and Hammer didn’t want her to know what. They’d sworn that if they all communicated their thoughts and feelings, the three of them could have a great future. What they meant was, if she opened up and ripped her guts out for them, they would appreciate that, but they didn’t see the need to reciprocate.

Hurt scalded her. Supposedly, she was important enough for them to share what was in their hearts. Why wasn’t she important enough for the truth?

Without another word, Raine hurried into the store. Just inside, she paused behind a rack of greeting cards and spied out the large plate glass window. Beck filled the gas tank. Seth stood outside the passenger side of the car, stretching his arms high above his head as he yawned. And Liam… He still had the phone pressed to his ear as he paced the parking lot with long, deliberate strides, back ramrod straight.

“Sure. Everything is just peachy,” she muttered. “Assholes.”

Liam had been this sort of distant before he’d uncollared her. Though the situations weren’t the same, for whatever reason, Liam wasn’t letting her in. Even worse, she suspected everyone in the car knew why…except her.

Her faith and trust began to slip.

Raine nearly knee-jerked and considered packing a bag as soon as she reached Shadows. But they’d been through too much these past few days, worked through so many issues—at least she’d thought so. They’d told her they loved her. God knew she loved them.

Through so many of her half truths and uncertainties, they’d stuck it out and kept chipping away at her walls until they’d uncovered her heart. Didn’t she owe them the same? Maybe they were being secretive for a good reason.

Outside, Hammer tossed a glance over his shoulder, looking toward the store. Raine slouched lower, ignoring the confused clerk’s stare from behind the counter.

A moment later, Macen jogged over to Liam, who ended his call. They exchanged words.

She couldn’t read lips and would never be able to hear anything from inside. Damn it, she really did need to use the bathroom.

Quickly, she dashed toward the ladies’ room. Business done and hands scrubbed, Raine made a beeline for the chiller fridge in the back of the store and gathered up five bottles of agua.

She didn’t know what was going on, but she was determined to get some answers, whether Liam and Hammer wanted to give them to her or not.

* * *

Macen thundered toward Liam, who had stopped midstride, waving his free hand in a clipped swipe. Hammer couldn’t hear his friend’s angry words over the stirring wind. As he crossed the lot, Liam stabbed his finger to the screen and terminated the call, then shoved his cell back into his pants.

He blew out a breath and stood with his hands on his hips. “Fucking hell.”

“What did she want?” Hammer clapped Liam’s tense shoulder. “Did you two talk about the baby?”

“I didn’t get a chance to ask. She’s been up to mischief. I thought you had Pike watching her.”

“I do. What happened?”

“Evidently, Gwyneth has decided we’re still married and wanted to move her things into my room. She snooped around the club until she found it.”

“What?” Hammer felt his blood pressure soar.

“Oh, it gets better, mate. Inside, she found Raine’s clothes, jewelry, toiletries—the works. Gwyneth knows I’m with someone. She doesn’t know who yet, but how long do you think it will take her to find out?”

“Son of a…” Hammer growled, feeling murderous. “That fucking bitch. What gives her the right to go prowling around your room? Around my club? Where the hell was Pike?”

“Good question. He should have locked her up.”

Hammer jerked his phone from his pants and called the DM.

“Yes. She’s still here,” Pike announced, not even bothering to say hello.

“I know, since she’s snooping around,” Hammer hissed. “Lock her up until we get back.”

“She’s what?” Pike sounded dumbfounded. “When?”

“I don’t know. Have you let her out of your sight?”

“Well, I had to take a piss. Afterward, I found her making a bottle in the kitchen.”

You mean Raine’s kitchen.“No more bottles. No more freedom. No more…” Hammer felt like a keg of dynamite, lit and ready to erupt. “Don’t let her out of your sight again. We’re over halfway back. Give us another hour or so.”

Hammer ended the call and sucked in several deep breaths. “Tell me what Gwyneth said.”

“I had trouble hearing it all. She’d turned on the bloody waterworks again. She was bleating on about how our marriage must have meant nothing to me and she didn’t understand how I could be involved with someone again so quickly, as if she’d never existed, and all that tripe.”

Gwyneth’s call had clearly added weight to his friend’s worry, and it pissed Macen off even more. He’d spent the last several hours trying to wrap his brain around different reasons for Gwyneth’s sudden visit—besides the baby. He hadn’t come up with a single, plausible scenario, only managed to give himself a headache.

“You split up more than two fucking years ago,” Hammer pointed out.

“We’ve got to tell Raine what’s going on,” Liam insisted. “She’s already suspicious. After I uncollared her, we traveled a bumpy road to reach this point. I don’t want her doubting my commitment and feeling insecure again. But my head’s not all here just now, and I don’t think we’ll be able to keep Gwyneth and the baby under wraps much longer.”

Hammer shook his head. “We already agreed not to tell Raine in the car. Or without all the facts. Until then, pull your head out of your ass and start paying attention to her.”

“It’s not that simple. I’m in a foul mood, Macen. I’ve had no sleep. Maybe telling her now isn’t the best way to handle it, but it would sure as hell be a load off my mind if we did.”

“That’s not fair to her,” Hammer shot back.

“What if Gwyneth and her serpent tongue are waiting at Shadows to confront Raine? What if we’re leading our girl into a fucking ambush?” Liam roared. “It’ll be too late to confess anything to Raine then, much less protect her.”

“We’ll protect her,” Hammer insisted. “But nothing’s changed. If we tell her, and it turns out the baby isn’t yours, the only thing we’ve accomplished is to shake her up good. We stay on course. It’s our best choice.”

“If Raine finds out Gwyneth is at Shadows before we can tell her, there will be hell to pay,” Liam thundered.

“So, we’ll keep that from happ—”

“Hey,” Seth called out, drawing Hammer’s attention.

Over Liam’s shoulder, he spied Raine pushing her way outside the store. She’d seen them fighting, no doubt. Her tight expression hit him like a blow to the gut.

“Raine’s coming,” Hammer warned in a low whisper.

Liam turned and stiffened, obviously seeing her unhappy expression.

Raine strode toward them with purpose. “What’s going on? What are you two fighting about?”

Hammer shot Liam a knowing glance, then quickly forced himself to relax. “We weren’t fighting, precious.”

“Oh, really?” She arched a brow in disbelief.

“No, we were just having a little discussion,” Macen assured.


Liam shook his head, gripped her arm, and led her toward the car. “Hammer is just being a mite pig-headed.”

Oh, that was smooth.Macen closed his eyes briefly and gnashed his teeth. Liam couldn’t see the forest for the trees. If he wanted to keep Raine from asking questions… Oh, that’s right; he didn’t. Liam wanted to spill the whole fucking story, minus a few key facts, and send her into a tailspin.

Raine shrugged from Liam’s grip. Turning the tables, she wrapped her fingers around his arm. “About what?”

Liam stared down at her, considering. “Love, I didn’t want to worry you, but I think you should—”

“Beck’s going to take off without us. We need to hustle up.” Hammer pulled Raine to his side and pinned Liam with a pointed stare.

“Is everyone pissed, packed, and ready to roll?” Beck asked.

Seth smiled. “Damn. And it was just getting interesting.”

“No one asked you,” Hammer growled.

The undercurrent of tension swirled between him and Liam. Hammer knew Raine felt it, too. She’d grown totally suspicious, and the situation would soon spiral out of control if he didn’t do something—fast.

Liam muttered a curse under his breath as he stomped to the rear driver’s side door and opened it. “Let’s go.”

“Wait. What is it I should…do? Know?” Raine anchored her hands on her hips. “What’s going on?”

Shit.“Nothing. At least nothing more important than this.” Hammer pulled her into his arms and slanted his lips over hers, pinning her against the door. The air rushed from her lungs as he deepened the kiss. Taking total possession, he swept a hand to her nape and filtered his fingers through her hair, pressing every inch of his hard body to hers.

Any second, he expected Raine to bite his lip like a hellcat. Damn it, he wanted to redirect her attention, but kissing her in broad daylight with a honking trucker speeding past just wasn’t his style, and Raine knew it. Even inside the club, with members’ eyes constantly watching, he kept his personal life separate. But in private, he didn’t hold back. Even if Raine believed his sudden rush of affection, she’d be quizzing Liam again before they reached the highway.

She gave him a little shove and a suspicious glare. “What was that for?”

“I can’t stop thinking about last night,” he answered in a husky, hungry voice.

“And you couldn’t wait?”

“I’ve waited for years. I won’t wait anymore.” He opened the back door and nodded her way. “Get in.”

Leaning down as Raine bent to enter the backseat, he watched Liam extend his hand to help her.

Before he could distract Raine again, she focused on Liam. “What were you going to say? What is it you didn’t want me to worry about?”

She had one knee poised on the buttery seat, her ass arched in the air. Hammer slid his hands up her thighs and settled them on her backside, squeezing her soft, bare flesh.

Raine reached back and swatted his hand. “Stop that. I’m not going to let you take me here at the gas pump.”

“If I want to, I will.” Hammer landed a sharp slap across her ass.

With a little yelp, she crawled closer to Liam and tossed a piqued glance over her shoulder. Macen eased in next to her and shut the door.

“Talk to me, Liam.” Raine cupped a slender hand to his face. “What’s upset you?”

Hammer sent his friend a look of warning, then clenched his jaw. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

Raine glared back at him. “You keep answering for him. What are you up to?”

“About eight inches.”

Liam scowled as Beck barked out a laugh and pulled the car onto the highway. Raine tsked at Hammer, shaking her head, before she turned back to Liam. Macen did the same. And damn it, he knew that look. Liam was waging a fierce internal battle. Thankfully, the man’s cell phone rang again, diverting his attention.

Gritting his teeth, Liam yanked it from his pocket and punched a finger at the screen to decline the call.

Liam rarely showed his anger to Raine. A Dom should always be in control of his emotions, but now fury rolled off his friend in churning waves.

Turning off the phone entirely, Liam shoved the device back in his pocket.

“Who on earth was that?” When Liam didn’t answer, Raine pleaded, “Talk to me.”

“Just some things I need to deal with later.” Liam sounded tightly wound.

“What kind of things?” Her voice trembled.

Hammer heard the worry in her tone. Oh, hell…

Liam paused and stared at Raine with both warmth and resignation. “Love…”

Fuck, his friend was going to cave.

“He’s having some issues with his company, precious.” Hammer interrupted. “That’s all.”

* * *

Macen, you son of a bitch. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?Despite their audience, he’d been ready to tell Raine everything and let the chips fall. But Hammer had wrested control of the situation—again—forcing Liam to either refute him in front of Raine or join the subterfuge.

Liam felt the noose tightening.

If Hammer managed to fuck up their relationship beyond repair… Liam’s hands curled into fists. The prick would have to die.

Swallowing back the curse scalding the tip of his tongue, Liam ignored the guilty apology skewed over Hammer’s face and focused on Raine. She looked somewhere between concerned and relieved.

“Why didn’t you tell me that?” Compassion filled her voice. “I worried that—”

“I know what you worried about. Trust me when I say it’s not you. Never you, love.” He cupped her chin and gently kissed her. All the tension left her body as she melted beneath his lips. “I didn’t want anything to spoil this time between us, especially after all we’ve been through. I’m sorry if I worried you.”

Wrapping her in a tight embrace, Liam tossed Hammer a glare that promised retribution. Macen might have embroiled him in this deceit, but Liam would be damned if he’d spoon-feed Raine lies of his own.

“I understand,” she said softly, pulling back to cup his cheek. “I want to help.”

Wasn’t that just like Raine? The submission in her heart sparked to life, big, bold, and beautiful. It was her nature to want to fix this for him, take on his worries, and keep the waters calm. He loved her all the more for it.

“Just be patient with me while I sort out this mess. Like I’ve said, this is something I need to deal with. But I promise, I’ll rush through it as quickly as I can. Nothing is more important than you.”

“Nothing in the world,” Hammer echoed, drawing a knuckle down Raine’s cheek. “We’re here for you, precious.”

Cupping her face, Macen drew her attention away from him. In a way, Liam was grateful. Raine was sure to ask more questions, and there wasn’t enough room in the car for him to tap-dance around the details. On the other hand, talking to her had felt good, eased something in his chest.

“I need your lips again,” Macen cut in, coaxing her in a raspy voice.

Liam saw her hesitate. Clearly, she wanted to make sure he was all right. His attitude softened, and he nodded her way. If Hammer could soothe their girl with a kiss, he shouldn’t mind. In fact, he should be happy.

Raine smiled, the gesture finally reaching her blue eyes, before she turned and faced Macen.

Liam watched the other man brush his lips over Raine’s, making her melt and sigh. Then Macen dipped his head again, covering her mouth, going deeper. Taking control.

As he funneled his hands in Raine’s hair and began to devour her, Liam stared. Hammer was doing exactly to Raine what they’d forbidden her to do: distract with sex. Cheeky bastard.

The soft kitten moans she made as Macen claimed her mouth echoed in Liam’s ears. The sounds filled his head and crawled up his back. Hammer knew he had a fair bit on his mind. Liam hadn’t objected to a peck or two, but he wished the man hadn’t elected to stick his tongue down her throat and bloody climb all over her.

He shot them an annoyed glance. Neither noticed. Hammer caressed his way down her lush body with covetous, possessive strokes. A tic spasmed in Liam’s jaw. The shit piled on his plate already overflowed, and Hammer appeared to have forgotten that Raine was their girl, not just his when his hand fell between her soft thighs, nudging them apart. And he didn’t look as if he intended to stop at a feel. Did Hammer really mean to fuck her in the car?

Liam’s blood boiled.

Macen stroked her pussy with one hand, then began to cup her heavy breasts with the other. Raine continued to whimper, oblivious. A shudder rippled through her body as the other man’s thumb brushed one of her turgid peaks. After all the ways they’d consumed her the night before, her body still responded in perfect, total surrender—at least for Hammer.

Because she’d always loved him. Misery wound through Liam. Where did that leave him?

I don’t need your love, lass, just your trust.

Liam slid a hand down his face. He’d uttered those words to Raine a month ago, before he’d even kissed her once. At the time, they’d been true. Now he wished he’d never said that at all. Maybe she would never feel for him all she felt for Hammer.

Raine’s thighs parted farther, welcoming Macen’s busy fingers. Resentment seared Liam as Macen tugged at her tank top and her plump breast spilled into the man’s palm as if it belonged there.

“You need to feel this,” Hammer coaxed Liam. “She’s so hot…like liquid velvet. Just as incredible as last night.”

Yes, Liam remembered her wet, silky warmth surrounding him, sucking at him. She’d taken him to paradise repeatedly. But his anger over Gwyneth’s scheme, the fear he might be a father, and now Hammer laying his hands all over Raine obliterated those magical moments. They were both so lost in pleasure.

No, you go right ahead. Neither of you need me when you’ve got one another.

Beck darted a glance in the rearview mirror, straightening up slightly and lifting his chin, focused on Hammer’s strumming fingers. Seth suddenly tensed as if he’d zeroed in on the sexual air swirling in the car.

Shifting in his seat, the big blond man looked over his shoulder, his gaze settling on Raine’s splayed thighs barely covered by the skirt. “Damn. That’s pretty. Smells good.”

Liam wanted to punch his friend in the mouth.

“It’s not yours,” Hammer growled.

Liam’s gut twisted. Who the fuck was Macen talking to? Just Seth? It didn’t seem that way. At the moment, Raine didn’t feel like his at all.

Clenching his teeth, he turned away to stare out the window. His body hummed with frustration and suppressed fury. Every little catch of her breath stabbed him deep. At the scent of her hot, feminine arousal, jealousy burned like acid.

“Spread wider for me,” Hammer muttered thickly.

“Liam,” Raine moaned in a breathy whisper.

He turned and watched her squirm in her seat, wanton and desperate, uninhibited. Raine had opened herself utterly to Macen, so Liam didn’t answer. What could he say? She didn’t need him. And he didn’t need her pity.

Hammer grunted in approval as he kissed her and swallowed her moan. Liam watched as Macen planted his fingers deeper in her pussy. Raine reached out to clasp Liam’s hand and lift it to her breast as if pleading for his touch. Desire snaked through his veins. No denying she had beautiful breasts, and he’d like nothing more than to work his way deep inside her again. But he’d be damned if he’d be a third wheel. An afterthought.

Liam let his hand slide back to his lap and shifted his body, separating himself even farther from the lovers. He focused out the window once more.

“Are you ready to fly for me, Raine?” Hammer teased.

Not forus, asshole. Just for you. Liam gritted his teeth.

“Yes. I need…” she panted out, struggling to catch her breath.

Clearly, she would have no trouble orgasming without him.

“Beg sweetly, and I’ll give it to you,” Hammer promised.

“Please. But I… Liam?” she called to him again.

He flinched, pretending not to hear. Why were they bothering now?

“Shh, he’s fine. Straddle my lap, precious,” Hammer muttered, his voice thick with lust.

“Wait, Macen.” Raine gasped, rustled. “Just…stop. Don’t!”

“What?” Hammer sounded like he struggled to catch his breath.

“Liam?” she called to him again. “What’s wrong?”

Oh, so it finally matters to you two that I’m here?

“I’m not in the mood.” He tried not to snarl the words.

Hammer sighed heavily. “For fuck’s sake…”

Liam heard the whisper of fabric, as if Raine readjusted her clothing. Still, he didn’t turn to look at them; he couldn’t. Scraped raw, he tried to breathe, grab a hold of his temper. No such luck. It continued to pulse, white, hot, and unrelenting.

So they hadn’t actually fucked in the car. Small bloody comfort. How much longer before he could get out of this rolling torture chamber and put some distance between them? The road signs told him it would be longer than he’d like.

Holding in a curse, he glanced over his shoulder to find Hammer staring at him with something that resembled fury. Liam opened his mouth to let his rage fly, when Macen zipped his stare down to Raine. Liam followed suit.

The rejection in her posture—the way she hunched her shoulders protectively, head down, arms wrapped tightly around her middle—ripped at his heart. The sweltering resentment bubbling in his veins evaporated instantly. He’d turned her away, and now she tried to hide in her own skin and shield herself from the pain.

Bloody fucking hell.Liam felt as if someone had hit him in the chest with a battering ram.

He’d done this to her. And why? Where had all this ugly envy come from? It wasn’t as if Raine cheated on him with Hammer. Yet he wallowed in betrayal, like the night he’d collared her…and she’d left him to spend it in Hammer’s bed. The only difference was that now Hammer intended to screw Raine in front of him instead of behind his back.

He knew what sharing a sub meant, and Raine was the epitome of everything he’d ever wanted. So why had he needed to exercise all his self-control not to beat Hammer to a pulp and rail at her? Had he really thought they didn’t give a shit about him? Christ, he had enough to deal with. He didn’t need to add more torment to the list, especially self-inflicted.

All he wanted in that moment was to hug Raine close, feel the warmth and comfort of her soft and sure in his arms. With his pride so wounded, he didn’t know how reach out to her. And after hurting her, did he even deserve to?

Hammer cleared his throat. Liam met his friend’s gaze. Understanding flickered before Macen arched his brows and nodded toward her. The message was clear: Fix the damage he’d done to their girl’s fragile heart.

Seeing her so completely withdrawn gutted him. He couldn’t indulge in this pity party. He wasn’t the only one with feelings, troubles, and worries. As her Dom, his job was to give Raine what she needed. Right now, that was reassurance. Liam loved her too much to let her believe he didn’t want her.

Groaning, he gathered Raine into his arms. She held herself stiffly as he cradled her against his chest. Then she blinked up at him with an ache that nearly destroyed him.

“I’m sorry for being an ass, love,” he murmured.

With a cry, she threw herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She clung. Little sobs shook her.

Combing his fingers through her hair, Liam held her tighter, rubbing her back and kissing her face. “I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?”

Raine sniffled and nodded, gripping him as if she feared he would disappear—or leave her. Remorse stabbed him again.

Beck weaved the SUV through the congested Southern California traffic as Raine drifted off in his arms. Without her cries, the car went completely silent. Liam felt waves of disapproval coming from every direction. He closed his eyes, knowing he’d earned it. What the devil had gotten into him?

When Shadows finally came into view, the sight filled him with dread. He didn’t want to let Raine go. He didn’t want to face his ex-wife.

He didn’t have a choice.

Beck killed the engine. “Welcome home.”