On His Ranch by Dinah McLeod

Chapter 8

Chase considered the girl in front of him. Her slight form was draped over his workbench—a vision he knew would be in every fantasy he had from now on—with her ass pushed out toward him. It was a glorious sight. Her normally pale skin had faint bruises from her paddling, and now thin red welts from the switch. He knew he needed to finish the job so he could move on to the more pressing responsibilities of running a ranch, but her question echoed in his head, staying his hand.

There was something about this girl…

She must have noticed his hesitation, because she peeked back at him again.

For the first time he could remember when having a woman waiting to be spanked, he considered asking what she was thinking. In Piper’s case, he wanted to know.

Get with it, man! You’ve got things to get done, you can’t spend all the daylight hours spanking this girl!

He had to acknowledge that was true, but at the same time, it was a shame. Reminding himself of his duty, he closed the distance between them, drew his arm back, and let fly with the switch against her bottom.

It made a satisfying sound as it whipped against her skin, and Piper, having been resolutely silent before, cried out. He aimed for the same spot again, and her cry became a shriek.

Good. Not that he liked making her cry, but he liked to see wrongs made right, and now that she was submitting to her punishment, he could get it over with. He lashed her skin again, a bit lower this time, quickly followed by another thwack against her bare bottom.

She let out a smothered moan and her feet danced in place.

Chase flicked his wrist, delivering another blow just below the last one, admiring the red weal that rose on her skin.

“Ooh! Chase, please!”

He smiled grimly to himself. She’s finally gettin’ the message. Better make it a good one, then. Another swat fell, then another while she clenched and unclenched her cheeks as though that could somehow protect her.

“Be a good girl and hold still,” he ordered. “You don’t want to draw this out.” Or did she? Even from where he stood, he could smell the intoxicating scent of her damp pussy. What he wouldn’t give to caress her there, to trace her arousal to see where it ended, to taste it. The thought made his cock throb painfully.

“I’m trying!” she howled as he gave her another flick of the switch.

“Watch that tone,” he warned, placing another swat just slightly below the last.

“Chase, please! Please, stop, I’ll do anything!”

Anything?he mused.

Knock it off, man. You’ve gotta think with your head—the one on top of your shoulders.

He sighed, knowing his inner angel was right. No matter how much he might want to, he wasn’t going to stop before he gave Piper what she deserved. Not for anything, even if that meant sinking his aching cock into the delicious, wet folds of her pussy. He didn’t want her unless she wanted him, for the right reasons.

Another pink line raised on her punished skin as he chastised her. It made a pretty pattern, though he reckoned she wouldn’t be able to appreciate it the way he did.

“Ahhhhh!” she yelled out when the switch landed with a scorching thwack against her bottom.

He was giving the lashes slowly, letting the burn spread across her bottom before giving her another lick just below the last.

“Daddy! Please stop!”

There it was again. His cock pressed against his zipper until he wondered if it could possibly pop through. His balls were so tight, they might explode at any minute.

The next swat of the switch fell across the meatiest part of her bottom and Piper’s legs kicked out in protest. She howled and her feet hammered a rapid tattoo against the stone floor, but she didn’t turn around or let go.

He had to admit, he was proud of her for that. Chase let go of the switch and it fell to the floor. “Alright, little girl. We’re almost through.”

“Almost?” she echoed, her voice thick with tears.

“That’s right.” His hands went to the belt around his waist.

Piper turned her head and watched as he pulled the leather free of the loops, wincing at the hissing sound it made. “What… what are you doing?”

“I think you’d benefit from a taste.”

“Chase… please. I’ll be a good girl.” She choked out a sob. “I promise, I’ll be good. Just… please, don’t, don’t use that thing on me!”

“It’s for your own good,” he told her, making himself ignore her wide, tear-filled eyes. “I need you to learn your lesson.”

“I have! I promise, I really have!”

“Well, then this will be a reminder of what will happen if you are reckless with my property again.”

Her throat quivered with another sob, but she didn’t protest further.

Good girl, he thought before he doubled the leather in his hand. “Just a taste,” he said again before bringing it down in a solid blow, striping across her welts.

“Yeow!” she screamed, her cry echoing around the barn. She stamped her feet in place and wailed.

He waited for a few moments until she settled on a softer cry before delivering another equally sound blow. Then he rethreaded his belt through the loops while her shoulders shook with sobs. Chase made it over to her just as she was reaching for her backside. He grasped her wrists and held them firmly.

“W-what are y-you doing?” she asked, tears still coursing down her cheeks.

“No rubbin’,” he ordered, his tone stern. “You’ve been punished, darlin’. And your heinie is tryin’ to tell you to be on your best behavior. I’m not about to do anything to let you silence it.”

Piper’s lip quivered pitifully and it was obvious she was feeling very sorry for herself. “S-so I g-guess a bathtub full of i-ice is out of the question?”

Chase allowed himself a chuckle. “You guessed right, little girl. Now, you’re gonna sit your sore bottom on that stool right there and let me finish milkin’ these cows. Don’t you move or rub unless you want yourself another taste of my belt. Understood?”

Piper nodded fervently. “Yes, sir, I understand.”

He hid a smile and waited while she followed his instructions, noting how she cried out when she sat. He didn’t let his smile show until he was sitting with the next cow waiting to be milked.

* * *

Piper was at the height of discomfort. Her sore, welted bare ass was against hard wood, but she knew from at least a half-hour of shifting that there was no angle that would provide any comfort. To make matters worse, her pussy was hot, juices pooling until she worried they might show on the stool. Which explained why she was currently sitting only on the very edge, so that if any liquid spilled, it wouldn’t be able to be used as evidence against her.

“Alright, I’m through here.” Chase brushed his hands together, smiling in satisfaction.

“Oh, well, that’s—”

“Piper, what’s that?”

She followed his gaze and saw that there was liquid arousal coursing down her thigh. She snapped her legs closed, squeezing them together, but it was too late. And now my humiliation is officially complete.


“Stand up,” he ordered briskly.

Piper waited as long as she could, staring at the floor and wishing with all her might for a magic hole to open up and provide her an escape. When nothing happened, she let out a resigned sigh and moved as slowly as she dared.

“Spread ‘em.”

“Aren’t you tired of bossing me around yet?”

Chase clucked his tongue. “Naughty little girls never do learn, do they? Do I need to remind you, so soon after you’ve had a whippin’, that you promised to obey?”

It took every ounce of self-control she possessed to keep from rolling her eyes. Piper looked at the ceiling instead as she widened the space between her feet. She couldn’t bear to see his face when he exposed her for the wet slut she was.

“Somethin’ you wanna tell me, Piper?”

“No, sir.”

“Alright then.”

She felt his fingers glide across her skin and her breath hitched even as her face flamed.

“Does having your ass spanked turn you on?”

Piper bit down on her bottom lip so hard it hurt. But better to endure the pain than to answer that question!

Chase stood up, towering over her once more. “Piper?”

She kept her gaze on the ceiling and pretended not to hear him even as her battered bottom screamed at her.

Then he was grasping her chin between his fingers and turning her head so that she had no choice but to look at him. “Answer me, little girl,” he demanded, his tone rough. “Is that why you need a daddy? Do you want a daddy to spank you when you’re naughty and fuck you afterwards? To make your ass hot and your pussy hotter?”

She tried to pull away but his hold on her chin only tightened.

“I want an answer.”

It was all too much. Her sore, lacerated rear. The humiliation of being horny after a spanking in the first place, then being caught. She’d never been more embarrassed, more ashamed. But even though he’d wiped his finger on his jeans, she could smell her own scent on his skin. There was no denying what was plain as day, no matter how much she might want to.


“What?” he asked, his tone rougher still.

“Yes, sir,” Piper amended.

He released his hold of her chin and rewarded her with a brief, glittering smile. “I want you too, Piper.”

Her belly simultaneously spasmed and released butterflies. She’d never felt this combination of hope and dread before. Had she… was it possible she’d heard him wrong? “W-wh-at?”

“I want you.”

The words came out a growl and she’d never been more turned on in her life. “I… um… what do you want me to… do?”

Chase chuckled, low in his throat. “You don’t remember what I told you the day we met?”

Wordlessly, she shook her head.

“You have to tell me you want it.”

Her face felt like it went up in sudden flames. She was intensely, unbearably uncomfortable. “I… I can’t do that.”

He reached out and caressed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You better.” The coarse words contrasted with the gentleness of the gesture.

Piper squirmed, her eyes roving over his handsome face. He had stubble over his jaw and she longed to reach out and touch it. To look into his eyes long enough to pin a name to the ever-changing color. And yes… to feel him inside her. But how could she admit that?

“Y-yes,” she began haltingly. “I…”

“Deep breaths, baby,” he encouraged in a voice so soft she might have imagined it.

“I want it. I want you.” She looked him right in the eye, worrying her lip between her teeth as she wondered if he’d make her say more.

“Good girl,” he said, lifting a hand to caress her hair.

Piper whimpered at his touch, shutting her eyes and enjoying the sensation. “Will you… be gentle?”

His answer came first in the form of a kiss—brusquely, his lips claimed hers, then he ended it by biting her lower lip. “Not a chance.”