Her Enemy Protector Bear by Cynthia Wilde

Chapter 10

Nick heard Zoe scream. Turning around, he realized she wasn't behind them anymore. Instinctively he shifted into his bear, ready to fight, as he ran toward the lake and Zoe's screams. He immediately saw air bubbles coming up to the surface and shifted back and dove into the lake. He found her floating beneath the surface, no longer struggling. His heart fluttered with panic as he swam her to the shoreline.

Zoe was limp and lifeless as he laid her on the bank. He immediately started CPR. Her lungs expelled the cold lake water onto the ground as Nick rolled her to her side, allowing it all to drain out. She took a deep breath and then coughed. Nick patted her back, helping her geto t it all out. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw an orange tail retreating into the bushes as another low growl came from somewhere nearby. Then, Devon appeared, out of breath. His eyes were wide, and Nick realized the boy saw him shift. Thank God he at least had the fairy made clothing shifting pendant, so the boy was spared from seeing him naked on top of everything else. Still, he placed his finger on his lips as he crouched there in his soaking wet clothes.

"Its okay, Devon, I’m on your side. I mean don’t be afraid. You and your mom are safe, I swear. Please don't tell her yet though. Okay?" he asked quietly. The boy nodded silently. "I promise, I will explain what you just saw, but for right now, we have to help your mom. I'll wait here with her. Go get a blanket from the car, ok? Quickly." The boy ran, and Nick hoped he could find everything. He needed to get her warmed up.

Devon returned with everything he needed. Thank God,the boy is intelligent, thoughtNick as he draped the blanket around Zoe’s shoulders. Realizing that he'd dropped his keys and wallet somewhere, he'd have to try and find them tomorrow. Then, Devon held his hand out with both the wallet and keys.

"I found these after you changed," said Devon with a bit of a quaver in his voice.

Nick smiled gratefully. "Thank you," he hurriedly stuffed the items in his back pocket. Then he gathered a coughing and shivering Zoe and lifted her up. Her body weighed almost nothing soaking wet. He carried her to the car, with Devon following. Something was going on around here, and whatever it was had tried to kill Zoe.

Devon's eyes were still wide, and he seemed in a bit of shock at everything he’d seen. Nick knew he needed to give him a task. "Take the keys," said Nick, handing him the car key. "Open the door to the back seat for your mom. Okay? You might need to make a space for her back there." Nick said reassuringly. "She's going to be fine."

Nick could hear Zoe trying to speak, but he asked her not to until she stopped coughing. He could feel her body relax into him. If it weren't for the fact that she had almost drowned, Nick would have been aroused by her closeness, but he had other things to think about right now.

"I'm going to take you and your mom back to my house," he told Devon. "I want you two to stay with me for a bit until I figure out what happened here tonight."

Devon was silent for a moment. "Is she really going to be okay?" he asked. Though he put on a brave face, his fear could be heard in his voice.

"Yes," said Nick. "I'm going to make sure of it. Now, sit back there with her to keep her company, and I will drive us back to my house."

"Should we take her to the hospital?" asked Devon, sounding more mature than his years.

Nick didn't even think of that. He knew he should take her, but instead, he pulled over and made a phone call.

"Alec," said Nick, when his friend picked up the phone. "I need you to send Doc Bell to my house right now. Yes, we’re on our way. There's been an accident. I'll explain later, but please come too. We have to talk."

* * *

Driving like a mad man,Nick pulled into his driveway just as the doctor arrived. Tenderly lifting Zoe out of his car, he had Devon, once again, open the door, holding it for both him and the doctor. Zoe's wracking coughs had stopped, and she seemed to be breathing normally, but Nick could feel her trembling. He took her to the guest bedroom and settled her on the bed. The doctor followed.

Nick told him what he knew of what happened. He nodded and immediately checked Zoe's vitals. "Her vitals are okay," he said after a full examination. "But I really think she will need a scan on her lungs to be sure she is out of danger. I can get her in for an appointment in the morning if you'd prefer to skip the emergency room, but she will have to be observed overnight tonight. Are you sure you don't want me to get her a transport to the hospital?"

“Well, it’s up to her," said Nick, walking over to Zoe, who was somewhat recovered by this point. "Do you want to go to the hospital, Zoe? You nearly drowned tonight."

Zoe shook her head. "I feel fine," she said with a weak smile. "I'm just really sore. I don't have insurance anyhow. I'm so grateful to you, Nick!" Tears sprang to her eyes. She took a deep breath.

"Oh, and Nick," she said with a cough. "I saw the cat. The cow one. She was by my feet, but her eyes were red." Then Zoe pulled the blanket from her leg. "She dug her claws into me, and then I was pushed and held down, pulled deeper into the water. I couldn’t get out, I couldn’t break the pull, Nick." Her words were quick, as if she were afraid that she couldn't get them all out. She started to cough again and the doctor hovered over her.

Just then, Alec knocked as he let himself in. "What happened?" he asked as Nick came downstairs to greet him.

"Let's talk in the other room," Nick said. "Dr. Bell is with her right now, and I don't want to scare her." Nick replayed everything that happened. As he finished, Alec looked grim.

"So, you think the stray cats have something to do with all of this?" asked Alec, looking dubiously at Nick.

"I don't know, but I have a strange feeling that it all might be related," said Nick, running his hands through his hair. “And I mean now she says a black and white cat attacked? Too coincidental if you ask me.”

"But why would it attack her?" asked Alec. "It doesn't make sense.”

"I know. It's so strange," said Nick. "I'm still trying to work it all out, but I want to call a meeting with everyone to discuss my hunch. I’m going to stay with Zoe tonight for sure. I still don’t understand it, but I’m not letting anything or anyone near her.

Alec nodded. "I will call Rafe and get a meeting scheduled," he said. "We still aren’t seeing the big picture, but this stinks of the Void. It also stinks of cat piss.” He chuckled. “What, I can’t joke?” Nick gave him a wane smile. “I just mean it seems the strays are somehow connected. We will get to bottom of this.”

"Maybe we can get some help from some of the feline shifters," Nick offered. "I know there are more than a few that work at the faire. Chell was well connected in that community. If we put out there that she's missing and we need help to find her, we might have some volunteers."

"I think that's a great idea. I'll discuss it with the rest of the team. We will be setting more traps tomorrow, so I will make sure they are aware of that aspect if any of them want to help. It wouldn't bode well for us to trap the ones who are helping us."

"I don't mean to interrupt…" Dr. Bell stood there in the doorway. "But she's asking for you."

"I'll be right there," he said, then turned back to Alec. "I know you already have a lot on your plate. Thank you for your help. Let me know what Rafe says."

"Will do," Alec answered, walking toward the front door. "I'll call you tomorrow." He left, closing the door behind him.

Nick took the steps two at a time, entering the guest bedroom to see Zoe sitting up in bed tentatively. Her near drowning had taken a lot of her it seemed. "I have more to tell you," she said with effort.

"No more talking, for now," he said. "You need to rest, doctor's orders." He put a smile on his face and tucked her in. "I'm going to send Dr. Bell home so I can watch over you tonight, if that's okay with you." He took her hand in his and kissed it. Zoe didn't speak, but she smiled at him weakly. Then there was a knock at the door.

Dr. Bell stood there with an oxygen mask, a portable oxygen tank, and a Spirometer. "Just in case," he said, indicating the little plastic breathing meter and the mask hooked with clear plastic hoses to the tank.

He handed her the little plastic meter. "For now, Zoe, if I may call you Zoe, I would like you to exhale as much air as you can. Then stick this in your mouth and take the deepest breath possible through the mouthpiece here." He pointed at the little white mouthpiece connected to a blue spiral accordion-like tube. "Hold it for three seconds, and then let it out. If your lung capacity does not measure at least eighty percent, I will have to get you to the emergency room. Okay?" Zoe nodded.

As Dr. Bell administered the test, Nick went over to Devon, sitting in the far corner staring off into space. "You okay?" Nick asked, feeling concerned. He hadn't addressed his shifting with Devon yet. He figured the present was as good a time as any. "I'd like to talk to you about what you saw this evening. Is that all right with you?" Devon nodded as Nick sat next to him.

"I know you saw me change from a man into a bear," he said slowly. "I did it just in case I needed to fight someone to save your mother. I'm what is called a shifter. It means I can change into a particular animal. Some people can change into wolves, some change into cats, while others, like myself, can change into a bear." He looked at Devon for understanding. "Does that make sense?"

Devon nodded. "Yeah, I get it. It’s really not that big a deal. Lewellyn's dad changes into a dragon," said the boy, shrugging as if it didn't faze him. "You mean like that right?"

Nick looked at him, and almost laughed in spite of himself. He like this kid. "Yeah something like that. Who told you about Mr. Parker?" he asked, puzzled.

"All of them; Lewellyn, Ophelia, and Phelan. It's no big deal. Plus, I saw you do it during your show last week. Mom let me get out to watch it. It's a pretty cool trick, but kinda obvious if you ask me. No offense. I wish I knew how to do that."

"Everyone has different talents," said Nick, feeling a little taken aback, but mostly relieved. "You'll find what you are good at."

"I'm good at talking to the cats," said Devon, matter of factly. "I think Furdi is one of those, what do you call it? Shifters? He doesn't talk like the other cats. I mean, he’s different. At least since we got here."

The hairs on the back of Nick's neck stood up as cold chills raced up and down his arms as he began putting things together. "When was the last time you talked to Furdinand?" asked Nick, trying not to sound too worried.

"Today, after he hissed at you," said Devon. "He told me he had some things to do and wouldn't be back for a while. He always tries to act like a regular cat but I cut tell he didn’t like you. It was weird. Like I said, he’s been different ever since we got here.”

"Is that all that’s different about him?” asked Nick.

"Well lots of things, he is just weird. He asks questions sometimes, but mostly he disappears for awhile," said Devon. "Am I in trouble? I mean, for not telling anyone I can talk to cats?"

"No," said Nick. "It's fine that you can talk to cats. Believe it or not, it kind of makes sense around here. And I think it’s pretty cool. You might even be able to help us find my cat. She's a shifter too. Her name is Chell, and she's a witch that works at the faire, but I think something has happened to her."

Devon didn't even blink at the information. "I think Mom might be a witch too," he said as if he were talking about the weather. "All of the cats like her. They told me. Well, except, Furdi. He never talks about Mom." Before Nick could question him further, Dr. Bell appeared, looking grim.

"I've called an ambulance," he said. "I want paramedics working on her ASAP. She needs to be checked for lung inflammation. That means a chest x-ray, and they might have to give her steroids. You are all in for a long night."

Nick ran over to Zoe. "I'm fine, really," she protested as she tried to get up out of bed.

"We are going to do what the doctor says," Nick interjected. "Is there anyone I need to call?"

Zoe didn't hesitate with her answer. "No, it’s just Devon and I," she said. She closed her eyes.

"You have me now," said Nick. "I won't leave your side."

Zoe didn't answer.

Dr. Bell hooked her up to the oxygen mask as the sound of sirens broke through the night, heading their way.

The paramedics carefully placed her on a gurney and loaded her into the ambulance before rushing off to the hospital. Devon and Nick followed in Nick's car. It was definitely going to be a long night.