Her Enemy Protector Bear by Cynthia Wilde

Chapter 21

The scene that lay before them would have brought Zoe to her knees if it hadn't been for Nick's firm grip on her hand, holding her up as they walked forward. Devon and his friends lay prone, slightly above the ground as if they were floating. Their eyes were closed, and their bodies were still. Only their chests moved up and down as if in a deep sleep. A pulsing, yellow-colored orb of light surrounded each child, pulsating around them.

Over fifty cats of varying breeds stood in front of them like sentinels, blocking their access to the kids. Each cat was completely still but definitely poised to strike. Their hackles were up, and their teeth were exposed as they hissed and growled at the group. They did not move, however. It was as if they, too, were held under a spell, waiting for a magic word to set them on the attack.

Zoe could not tell which were just cats and which were shifters but she realized she could sense that both were present. She was remembering what Devon had tried to tell her and she’d just seen a woman shift in front of her eyes. She feared that, once the fighting started, it wouldn't be felines they were trying to stop but people. How are we going to do this? Then an orange ball of fur made its way to the forefront of the cat army. It walked as if it didn't have a care in the world, which actually was not that different from how any cat walked. But its eyes flashed with mirth as it took its place front and center.

"Furdinand," whispered Zoe. This whole time, her cat ─the cat she rescued, the cat she and Devon loved and took care of and brought here ─ was the – the what? The mastermind of this whole operation? Zoe felt sick to her stomach. "What are you? Why?" she whispered.

Then a maniacal laugh came from her once beloved cat as his body grew bigger. His teeth sharpened into long point-like daggers, as he grew and grew until he was twice as tall as Red’s eight feet. Zoe couldn’t help herself, she stepped back, and away. She bumped into Nick, who put a calming hand at the center of her back.

“I’m here. Trust me. We can do this.”

The beast's long, barbed tongue slapped out at them like a warning shot. He growled his words as slime dripped from his ferocious, gaping mouth. "Why?" Its voice sounded like it came directly from the grave. "I'm so hungry. You've denied me for too long, but no more. These witches and warlocks were delicious," it hissed, holding onto the S at the end of each word. "And your precious Chell was the tastiest of them all; so powerful, so sweet, so full of knowledge. Now, her body serves me, along with her power."

The white and black cat that once was Chell sleekly walked toward them. It hissed at her friends who'd spent weeks trying to find her, then rubbed up against the orange demon. In one leap, she was atop him, settling on his shoulder like a parrot. She stared at everyone from above with cold eyes.

"Recognize her?" the demon rasped, indicating the black and white cat, then locking eyes with Zoe. "She helped me push you into the water. You were not supposed to live, you stupid bitch. Your boyfriend had to get in the way, I know, but I will make sure that he gets everything he deserves for thwarting me."

The demon smiled its wicked smile, then licked its lips. "I guess I shouldn't be too angry," the thing wheezed through its sharp teeth. "I should thank you before I destroy you. You and your boy brought me this body. I could not believe my luck. A powerful warlock walked into the woods, in search of power, and came directly to me. He told me his whole story before I ate him. He could tell what kind of people you were just by looking at you. Sad, pathetic, left on the road by your husband for a much better-looking younger woman. So pitiful. So, he shifted and hitched a ride with two stupid, unsuspecting humans, to find me. Stupid cat. I took him, and I will take you. I have everything I need to defeat you and take over your entire world, and I will start by devouring your children right in front of you."

It happened so fast that, later, Zoe couldn't recall seeing him shift. Nick was next to her as a human one moment, then a large raging brown bear the next. He leaped at the beast as an enormous black dragon joined him in the attack. Aurora suddenly sprouted large wings as she flew into the air. Her hands were glowing with a brilliant green light. The large man named Red who Zoe know recognized as a troll had luminous hands and was racing at Furdinand as he threw large balls of burning fire at the beast's core. The man everyone called Alec, who Zoe had barely met, shifted into a large wolf as he barreled through the suddenly animated attacking cats. There were many other Fae and witches fighting alongside them as well.

Zoe stood there for a moment, taking in everything that was going on. Her brain was on overload, but she tried to focus on the one thing that could clear her mind. She needed to save her son, and the other children. All of this was real. She made a decision to accept it. Then she heard a yell come from behind her. Realizing it must have been Samantha, she turned to see her on the other side of the opening. Samantha had ten cages juggled within her hands.

"Quick!" she yelled, "the treats!"

Zoe hurriedly shoved several treats into each cage. Am I seriously fighting, what, demons, with cat treats? She and Samantha then placed the cages along the wall. Then Zoe quickly made a trail of morsels leading to each trap.

The reaction was sudden, and miraculous. Zoe watched as no less than thirty cats froze mid-fight, sniffed the air, turned tail away from the battle, and came running for the food. Some appeared to be trying to resist. But none could stop themselves. They acted as if they'd been starving for years. Though the traps were designed to only fit one cat, at least three squeezed themselves in to get to the aromatic treats as if in a trance. As they did a Fae or witch would quickly ensure the traps snapped close on them. Before those traps were full, Samantha ran back out to the faire and grabbed more. By the time every trap was over capacity, they'd captured at least three dozen of them. The poor things writhed and squirmed in the cramped and overcrowded cages. Zoe felt terrible for them as their pitiful yowls joined the din. Well not too terrible.

"Do you think we can save them?" she asked Samantha, feeling terrible for their distress.

"I don't know, but I think so" she said. "I haven’t seen this before, but magic is a powerful ally against the dark. Light turns all darkness to light. Their souls are strong. Only magic and time will tell for sure though."

Zoe nodded. She knew nothing of magic, but she guessed that she would be learning a whole lot more if she lived through this. It seemed her treats certainly had a magic all their own.

When she turned back to the battle scene, everything had transformed. The rest of the cats were either on the ground, no longer moving, or had run away. Furdinand or what was Furdi shrieked at the combatants as they slowly and painstakingly pushed him back, farther and farther from the kids. It was up to Zoe and Samantha to get the children out of there as fast as possible.

She ran to her son first. His body was still suspended in what she thought was light, but from a closer look, she realized was a glowing ball of ooze that surrounded him. When she went to touch it, she felt an extreme cold on her shoulder. Turning around in shock, she saw a woman she didn't recognize; her kind face gazed at Zoe. The woman stood there for a moment, not saying a word, but then Zoe realized the woman wasn't solid, but vaporous as if made from fog or mist.

"Chell?" whispered Samantha from behind Zoe. "Is that you?"

The ghost placed her finger over her lips to silence both of them, then she gave them a nod and a smile. Then the apparition's face went from ghostly to determined, motioning for Zoe and Samantha to stand back.

Samantha grabbed Zoe's arm and pulled her out of the way as a soft white light emanated from Chell's spirit. She raised her ethereal arms over her head and focused the light directly onto the four children.

The yellow ooze surrounding them dissipated slowly at first and then more quickly as the light brightened to an intensity that should have hurt Zoe's eyes when she looked at it, but didn't. The light covered each child like a blanket of purity and warmth as the ooze melted away. Zoe could feel the energy as it gently lowered them to the ground. Then just as fast as the light came, it vanished. The children were free, and Chell was gone.

Zoe ran to Devon, who was now coughing and trying to sit up. She threw her arms around him and helped him stand. Samantha, along with Red, helped the others while the fighting continued behind them. The noise was incredible. Zoe briefly wondered if the people on the other side of the woods, who were enjoying a seemingly ordinary day at the festival, could hear the demonic shrieks and thunderous blasts of fire and magic coming from this battle. She couldn't think about that now. Her son needed her.

"We have to get them out now," shouted Red, as he picked up the smaller girl and the little boy. The older girl, looking more alert than the others, was helped to her feet by Samantha as they all ran to the opening. Before she reached the exit, Zoe looked over her shoulder to see Nick. He was still in the form of a bear, tearing away at the demon who was now shrieking even louder in a guttural language Zoe didn't understand.

For a short moment, Nick the bear made eye contact with her, and she knew she heard his voice in her head. Run! he yelled. Take the children and follow Red. He will take you to safety! Then the voice was gone, and the bear was roaring and clawing as the team worked on surrounding the terrifying thing.

"Come on!" yelled Red as he carried the children away, through the open spot in the wall. "Let's go!" The seven of them practically threw themselves through the opening, landing on the grass in a pile.

Zoe laid there on the ground, holding onto her son as she listened to the distant sound of the festival. The battle noises were dying and dim just this small distance away. The difference was incredible. But she felt safe here. The other three children were all panting next to her. Samantha just sat in stunned contemplation. "Chell," she whispered just loud enough that Zoe could hear her. "She gave her all she could for the children."

Zoe reached over and took Samantha's hand in hers. "I'm so sorry about your friend," she said. "She died saving the children. I didn't know her, but I will bless her name every day of my life for saving my Devon."

Samantha's hand squeezed Zoe's. "That was who she was," said Samantha proudly. "She was noble and beautiful and my best friend. I think, somehow, she saved a small piece of herself in case we needed her, and we did."

"I'm sorry," said Red, cutting into the conversation. "We have to get farther away, to safety, just in case the wall's magic doesn't hold."

"What about all the people out there?" asked Zoe. I can hear them at the festival.

"Don’t you worry about them, We have all sorts of spells around this place. They are totally unaware. But If they lose in there, they will become very aware indeed. But come on, I need to get the children out of here. Let's go."

Zoe and Devon followed the others as Red led them along the edge of the fair grounds and into another section of the forest where an impossibly large tree stood like a guard protecting the woods. Red touched a knot situated so high up that Zoe imagined it was made just for him to reach. The trunk slid open, and they followed him down into it.

By this time, Zoe couldn't process everything going on. It was too much for her to understand, and she started to feel numb as Red led them into a large room. The walls and ceiling were covered in pink sea salt.

"You will be safe here in the purification chamber for the time being," he said. "Nothing evil can permeate these walls. I will be back with everyone else and some supplies. Sit tight and make yourselves comfortable."

Devon and Zoe sat on a large seat together. He stopped crying as he looked around the room. The other children huddled on a couch next to them.

"Mom," he said, his voice wavered a bit. "Furdinand, he tricked me. He told me he wanted to show me something and to bring my friends. I thought he was my friend, mum. When we followed him into the woods beyond the wall, he changed into this big ugly demon thing. I was so scared!"

"I know, baby," Zoe said, holding him tighter to her. "I know. Nick and your friends' dad, Rafe and a few others, are fighting him now, so he won't hurt you or anyone else ever again."

"There was a lady there," said Devon quietly. "He couldn't see her. She was so bright, and she held my hand while I waited for you."

"I know, sweetie, I know. She was the cat they were looking for; her name was Chell, and she was a witch. A very good witch. She saved you and your friends," said Zoe calmly.

Devon looked up at her, his eyes wide. "You believe me now? Really?"

"Oh yes," said Zoe. Zoe got down on her knees and grabbed his hands, "Devon, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You were telling me the truth, and I just didn't want to believe it. That will never happen again, I promise. You’ll have to forgive your slow-as-molasses mother, again. But also maybe give me a bit of a break. I mean people who turn into cats?" She gave him a weak laugh.

Devon smiled broadly and hugged Zoe tight. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too," said Zoe, as tears stung her eyes.

"What about Nick?" asked Devon. "Is he going to be okay?"

"I don't know, but he is strong," said Zoe, not wanting to lie to her son. The truth was she had an ache in her belly as they waited for word. "We have to wait and see, but I hope so. I really and truly hope so."

"Mom," said Devon, sounding tentative. "If Nick comes back, can we stay? Please."

Zoe didn't stop the tears but let them flow from her eyes and over her cheeks. "Yes, baby, we can stay."

Devon smiled at Zoe. "You're the best mom ever!" Then he let go of her and went to his friends. The four of them huddled up on the small couch as they whispered.

Zoe looked at Samantha; she still seemed lost in her own thoughts. Zoe walked over and took her hand, not saying a word. There was nothing else to say. All they could do now was wait.

* * *

Not long after,Red brought down two women and their small children, some blankets, a large bag of food, and water bottles. Devon's three friends ran to the taller of the two women, who carried a little girl in her arms while a boy held her hand. The six of them hugged and cried happy tears as they talked about their father ─ the dragon who was fighting for them. The other woman was small and fairy-like; she carried two little girls with her.

Red cleared his throat. "I must get back to the battle," he said. "You may not hear from us for a while. When it is over, we will come back here for you. If we do not, then Samantha, Kiera, and Aubrey, you know what to do. Do not leave this sanctuary, for any reason."

The three women nodded in unison.

Zoe felt left out but realized she shouldn't. She was so new to this whole world that she didn't even know about shifters and real magic until a few hours ago. But there was that piece of her, shocking as it was, that felt calmer than she had in years. There was just something about this place, and this widening world view, that felt right. The little girl inside of her knew it was right. The only thing missing in this moment was Nick.