Shattered Dynasty by Ava Harrison


I want to thank my entire family. I love you all so much.

A Special THANK YOU to Paige, you know why . . .

Thank you to the amazing professionals that helped with Shattered Dynasty.

Suzi Vanderham

Jenny Sims

Tamara Mataya

Marla Esposito

Jaime Ryter

Champagne Formats

Hang Le

Jill Glass

Kelly Allenby

Grey’s Promotions

Thank you to Jason Clarke, Vanessa Edwin, Kim Gilmour and Lyric for bringing Shattered Dynasty to life on audio.

Thank you to my AMAZING ARC TEAM! You guys rock!

Thank you to my beta/test team.

I want to thank ALL my friends for putting up with me while I wrote this book. Thank you!

To the ladies in the Ava Harrison Support Group, I couldn’t have done this without your support!

Please consider joining my Facebook reader group Ava Harrison Support Group

Thanks to all the bloggers! Thanks for your excitement and love of books!

Last but certainly not least...

Thank you to the readers!

Thank you so much for taking this journey with me.