Shattered Dynasty by Ava Harrison



Jail and deathwere too easy for that bastard.

The thought—and the accompanying desire to destroy something—bounces in my head as I exit the room, wishing for the first time that my father hadn’t keeled over in prison, and I had the opportunity to deliver the pain myself. I don’t stop walking until I’m outside. It’s only when the fresh air hits my face that I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

What the fuck was that shit?

I can’t even wrap my head around what just happened.

It feels like a fucking bomb just exploded. I walked into a landmine factory, and they all fucking detonated at the same time.

Not only was my dad a lying prick who had real money, but he set it up so even if we found the account, we wouldn’t be able to touch it.

The worst part, which feels like I’m being stabbed from within, is that he was still willing to sell Ivy. He always had the money. He just didn’t want to spend it.

I stare down at the pavement, a snarl forming on my lips.

You listening down there in hell, Dad? I’m taking your money. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Yeah, it technically belongs to that girl now, but I hold those damn purse strings. And I intend to tighten the hell out of them.

Maybe the idiot thought he was untouchable in jail.

Maybe he thought his appeal would go through.

Maybe he thought I’m a more forgiving person than I am.


Who knows what he thought? It doesn’t matter now. All that matters is figuring out a way to take the money from that girl. Payton.

It’s not that I need it. Nor do I want it. It’s that she and her gold digger sister are the reason Ivy was in a situation that hurt her. I don’t believe for a second they didn’t know about my family. It’s evident in Erin’s body language. The way she gloated beside Mom as if she’d been waiting years to meet her.

Usually, I’d at least try to be the bigger man, but I can’t.

Ivy is a good soul, my mother a better one.

This gold digger and the little girl hurt my family, and for that, they will pay.

Someone must take the brunt of my anger.

My eyes fix on a weed sprouting through a crack in the concrete. Most of it has died, the other part halfway to hell.

“A bill is due, and someone must pay it.” I grind my heel against the weed, snuffing out the remaining life and putting it out of its misery. And they say I’m not capable of mercy. “Since you aren’t here to face the consequences of your actions, Dad, you’ve limited my options. What happens next is on you.”

It didn’t matter that he died. Evil lasts forever. I have no doubt he’s in hell, watching this unfold. His fault for loving the girl. His fault for wanting her to be taken care of after he was in jail. His fault for leaving her here for the wolves.

For me.

Instantly, I know who to call.

Reaching into my back pocket, I fish out my cell phone, swipe the screen, and hit number two on speed dial (Ivy is number one. I love my sister. Sue me).

“Aldridge,” Jax answers. “How the fuck are you? I haven’t spoken to you in forever.”

“Apparently, you’re too busy to call back your old friends.”

“You’re one to talk. When was the last time your sorry ass picked up the phone to call me? You use me for my resources and then crickets. Some friend you are.” His signature sarcastic chuckle fills the line.

“Fine. You’re right,” I admit, forcing myself to loosen up. “I’m just as bad, but I like to fuck with you.”

“So, what’s going on? As much as I’d like to believe this is a social call, you sound off. Talk to me.”

“Not over the phone.”

“Come on, Trent. You know my shit is locked down.”

“True. If anyone’s is, it’s yours.”

I run a palm down my face, making my way to the car. I feel like I’m leaving behind a crime scene. The weed is lifeless behind me. Strong enough to break through concrete but not strong enough to survive the heel of my Kitons.

“But hell.” I sigh. “You never know.”

With some of the shady shit I get myself involved in these days, I can never be too careful.

“Fine. Where should we meet? The usual?”

“That works for me. Time?”

“Same old time. Once I finish work.”

“Should we hit up Cyrus’s after?” I chuckle, sliding into my Aston Martin DBX.

There’s no way Jaxson Price would show up to a card game these days. The man is too busy hacking foreign governments.

“Shut the fuck up,” he barks out, not missing a beat, making me laugh even harder. “See you at six.”

When I hang up, I drive to the office, park in my spot in the structure, and head out onto the sidewalk instead of into the building.

I’m later than normal, but it’s fine.

Technically, I should probably call Ivy and see if she wants to talk.

I’m sure this shit is hurting her.

If my brain is this fucked up, I can’t imagine hers is okay. This shit has got to remind her of a past she wants to forget.

Be the big brother you’re supposed to be and check on her.

I should call her. But no matter how much I know I should, I can’t bring myself to. Guess being a bastard runs in the family.

Instead, I find myself walking.

Anything to distract me from my thoughts for a little while longer.

New York City has a way of calming me.

The sounds. The smells. The chaos. They force me to stop thinking about everything else. Immediately.

I allow myself to become immersed in the hustle and bustle until all thoughts of this morning are gone.

There is no point in thinking of something I can’t fix right now anyway.

It takes me twenty minutes to get back to the building.

Once inside, I take the private elevator up to my floor. My assistant, Allison, sees me, but I must look like I do not want to be disturbed because she says nothing as I walk past her and into my office, closing the door.

Stacks of notes pile on my desk. She must have left them here. She’s the only person allowed inside this space, other than the cleaning crew. I’m sure I have a shit ton of emails waiting for me too.

I fire up the computer, and just as I suspected, there are hundreds.

This is why I come in at five o’clock in the morning most days.

Now I’ll get nothing done today but answer emails.

By the time my assistant finally walks into my office, it feels like my eyes are going to melt from staring at the computer.

I lift my hand and scrub at them.

“You haven’t left that spot all day.”

I lower my hand. “I know.”

“Are you caught up?” she asks, standing in front of my desk, a stack of folders in her arms.

“I am. Thank fuck. I take a few hours off, and it’s like the world has gone crazy.”

“Well, luckily for you, you have me. I would have answered all of them if you had asked.” She smiles, steps forward, and places the stack of work she completed in front of me.

“I wouldn’t give that job to my worst enemy. Actually, maybe I would.”

He just happens to be too dead to do it.

She chuckles. “Are you going to work late tonight?”

“Why? You have places to go that are better than this?” I gesture around.

“I actually do.”

“Of course, you can leave. Enjoy your night, Allison.”

“Thank you, Mr. Aldridge.” She turns to leave before stopping and looking over her shoulder. “Don’t forget. Tomorrow you are meeting with Lorenzo.”

“Thank you. I won’t.”

Once she leaves the room, I close out my computer and stand.

My father should have treated Ivy like he treated Payton, putting her first. Instead, he protected a stranger while throwing Ivy to the wolves. Unfortunately for Payton, my father is no longer around.

Time to plan how I’m going to ruin Payton Hart.

Jaxson Price is waitingfor me when I arrive.

He’s sitting at the same table he always sits at. Drinking the same drink he always drinks.

It’s almost like no time has passed.

Yet . . .

Years have passed. Things have changed.

Jax met a girl. Fell in love. Got married.

And me . . . ?

I basically got married to the mob. Now my entire life is based in the underworld.

A series of unfortunate events led me down this path.

At first, I hated the cards they dealt me.

Pun intended as it all stemmed from a terrible game of poker. But now, after all these years, I’m content.

Or at least I was content.

Sure, before that fateful day, I would have taken over a family dynasty. I would have followed in my father’s footsteps.

But then it all shattered.

Everything was a lie.

Like glass, all that was left were sharp, jagged pieces. Pieces that cut your finger to the bone if you didn’t play your hand right.

The past forced me to become the man I am today.

And now I will have to change again. Because that’s the shit I do. I fucking adapt.

That option or die.

I choose the former.

“I ordered you a scotch, neat,” Jax says.

“Rather presumptuous of you.” I move to take a seat. “It might be too strong for a Tuesday.”

“And here I was, thinking even that isn’t strong enough. Should we skip right to drinking straight rubbing alcohol?”

“With the way I’m feeling, that’s a good idea.”

Jaxson chuckles. “Spit it out. What’s going on, man? This is obviously more than Cyrus getting on your ass over his returns.”

“Cyrus’s issues seem like child’s play right now.”

Jaxson leans in, placing his elbows on the small wooden table. “What’s up?”

“It seems I have a stepsister.”

That statement has his eyes widening. “What? Really? Are you shitting me?”

“Fuck yes, I am. Jeez. No, I don’t have a stepsister. Thank fuck. My father didn’t even have the decency to make her legit, but I have a thorn in my side.”

“That sounds more like something I’d believe. Start from the beginning.”

And I do. With a drink in my hand, a large gulp, and a desire to unburden myself, I tell Jaxson all about the wonderful benefactor that my father was to people who weren’t even his family.

A family he supported without us knowing.

How he lived a double life for years and how every word out of his deceitful mouth was a complete fucking lie.

After Jax leaves and I’m left at the bar alone, I pour a single drop on the floor.

“Hope you enjoy watching her suffer, Dad. After all, fair is fair. You were the one who taught me that.”