Royal Reckoning by Stephanie St. Klaire


“What the fuck was that?”Eli asked once they were all seated on the plane.

The ride there was short, but it was spent in silence as they each processed what had just occurred. They weren’t easily made or manipulated, but it seemed Archer felt some sort of play was at hand, and he was winning.

“He could simply be a narcissist and nothing more,” Israel said. “He knew you were prodding at him, that I know for certain, but I don’t understand the reaction he had. He stands to gain nothing and loses everything if any harm comes to Penelope. But he was being deceptive, so what’s the secret? Why was he really there?”

“He’s been in New York since the day after our return,” Killion said. “I underestimated the bastard and didn’t have him on my watch list. He’s on there now, though.”

“You should have let me go to the scene with you,” Ryla said. “Instead, I got to sit on the plane and watch. I would’ve got him going for you.”

“I didn’t want to tip anyone off. He certainly would have recognized you and known there was more going on than he already does. I just wanted you close in case we needed to pool resources,” Eli explained.

“I know, but I’ve never liked the little shit. Reminds me of a rat,” Ryla said.

“Uh, here’s something interesting,” Killion chimed in. “I have Archer talking to someone outside his hotel a few blocks down from where we set up the decoy. I can’t tell who this is. The only footage is distant and really old technology, so it’s grainy, and I can’t clean it up. I see Archer plain as day, but the other man is too dark and in the shadows.”

“Is it our guy?” Eli asked.

“I can’t tell, and the software isn’t able to read it. Can’t see enough of him clearly. If I had to bet money I don’t have, I’d say by the looks of what I can see…it could be him.”

Killion flipped his screen around for the team to see, and they all saw exactly what he saw.

“If he’s connected to this and the idea is to wipe out the line to the throne, he could’ve taken Carter and me out. Plenty of time to do so. He also could have tailed us to the plane and taken out Ryla too. Sure, her father and brothers are ahead of her, but while in the crosshairs, take the shot and cover your bases.”

“That just gave me a chill,” Ryla said. “This is becoming a real cluster…if you know what I mean.”

“Agreed,” Eli said. “I already have eyes on the family. Everyone is safe for now.”

Ryla nodded. “I should have ordered protection, but I didn’t want to draw too much attention within Medaro. Thank you. I owe you one, cousin.”

“This doesn’t explain Cally’s abduction, but what about an insurance policy. Could Archer be after money in that regard, and maybe his presence and the hit on Pen was just a fluke?” Coy asked.

“That was always one of the first things I look for in cases like this,” Killion said. “I’ve yet to turn up anything like that. Besides, he comes from money.”

“It’s his father’s money,” Eli corrected. “Having money and living out of daddy’s wallet are two different things.”

“Good point. But I still don’t have anything that connects that theory. I’ll keep that search going, just in case,” Killion said.

“One thing is for sure. Archer is up to something,” Israel concluded. “He spent an awful lot of time explaining why he was there and justifying it and never even asked where she was. An innocent man wouldn’t have felt the need to justify shit, and all he would want to know is where his lady is. He’d kick your ass until you told him too.”

“That was because he already knows where she is,” Eli said. “You heard that last part, right? He said safe travels to Portland. How the fuck would he know where we were going? He has intel, and I bet he’s getting it from our guy. Remember what Cally said in the Lair? The guy who took her from her hotel said he’d been following her a while. He very well could have been in Portland long before we knew there was a problem.”

“It would take days to gather, but I could hunt for footage to support that,” Killion said.

“Don’t bother. I don’t want to stretch your resources any more than we are. Let’s just operate under the assumption he knows a lot more about us than we do about him at the moment, and Archer is on our radar until we can connect him somewhere.”

“I don’t suppose you can track the sky traffic, can you?” Coy asked. “How do we know we aren’t being followed now?”

“We aren’t,” Killion said with confidence. “We’re flying ghost. That means stealth, but ghost is more mysterious. Our signal is jammed, and I bury flight plans when we fly out of the country or from a public airfield. Those get buried deep and heavily coded so they don’t come back to us. We fly right by planes all the time, and they don’t know we’re there. They can’t see us.”

“That was frightening,” Coy said. “Cool, but frightening. So, there is no chance Archer is in the plane behind us kind of deal?”

“Not a chance. If he’s behind us, it’s because he knows where we’re going, not because he can see us,” Killion offered. “We’re safe.”

“Cally’s involvement still suggests this is a play for the throne. They were trying to eliminate my son,” Eli said through gritted teeth. “Ryla’s family doesn’t want the throne, nor does Ryla, but they’re next in line, so they’re at risk along with Carter and me. Archer might want it but has absolutely no connection. Our extended family could find themselves in line, but they’re older and have never shown interest. We are watching everyone. Chalice is a likely candidate, but we’ve found no connection to my Father as of yet. We do have a look-alike globe-trotting and making messes everywhere he goes who has a connection to my father. And possible assassination attempts under his belt but no motive at this time other than he might be a hired gun.”

“Eli,” Ryla said, full of panic. “They struck again. At my father in Medaro.”

“Who is they?” Eli asked.

“I don’t know, but my father was shot at while leaving the palace, and one of your agents took the hit. He didn’t make it.”

“Shit.” Eli slammed his fist on the armrest. “You need to mobilize your protection. There are now viable threats against the family, so deploy your people. With my father gone, I’m next in line, and I’m ordering you to do your job. I’m pulling the Keepers out of there as soon as your units are activated. This is a Medaro issue. Medaro law needs to run the show there. Lock down the palace.”

Ryla nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“And don’t fucking call me that.”

“It’s a distraction!” Killion hollered while his fingers rolled across his keyboard. “Jesus, it’s just a distraction, and it’s working. I fucking knew it.”

“What the hell, Killion?” Eli said. “What is it?”

“Lock down Watermark. Shit. I can’t get the system to lock down. He’s fucking with us.” Killion picked up his cell phone and held it to his ear.

“Say something, O’Reilly. Why are you locking down Watermark?” When Killion held up a hand to stall him, Eli yelled. “Dammit. My family is in there. Cally is at Watermark. What’s happening?”

“Liam, it’s me. You need to lock down the building. Lock it down now. I can’t from where I’m at, and you have an imminent threat. I’ll get you details stat, but lock it down now and get the guys to Cally. Just in case,” Killion said to his cousin Liam O’Reilly, one of the founders of BK Security and Killion’s boss. “Got it. We’re less than two hours out. Will do.”

Killion just let the phone drop from his ear while he continued to peck away at the laptop. “Liam is on it. We’re locked down in Portland. He did it.”

Killion relaxed in his seat. His head fell back, and his hand fell over his eyes while he took a few deep breaths. Eli gave him the space, but his patience was wearing thin.

“Killion…” Carter said so Eli wouldn’t have to.

He swallowed hard, and when he looked at the team, his eyes were red with fury or emotion. It wasn’t clear which. He flipped his screen around and showed the team what he saw.

“You just landed in Portland, Eli.”