Royal Reckoning by Stephanie St. Klaire


Cally had been unpackingthe things brought over from her apartment and wanted to do away with the suitcases and boxes before Eli returned home. It was an odd feeling, his space becoming hers. She looked around the bedroom and noted the things she’d like to give her touch. He said to make it her own and do whatever she wanted, but small touches were enough for now.

They’d had a whirlwind relationship leading up to this point, and quickly they were becoming family. Even if they weren’t engaged already, they were having a son, and that connected them for life. That made her smile. She was looking forward to becoming his wife and starting a life with him and their son. Sure, it would be full of chaos at times, given his line of work, but it only made them stronger each time he went away. And when he came back, those were the days she looked forward to most.

Eli was never quite himself when he’d come home from a mission, or whatever he called it, and he always had this desperate need to be with her, consumed by her, loved by her to ground himself again. She grounded him. Making love to him grounded him. She liked knowing she was the balance he needed to find himself again. Cally treasured that and leaned on that because she felt the same way he did. Though she wasn’t dependent on him to feel, love, or just be, she felt an emptiness when he was gone. A hole only he could fill. That thought made her giggle and think of how she wanted him to fill it.

The last suitcase to unpack had been stashed behind the closet door a handful of days now – out of sight, out of mind. It was the suitcase she’d taken to Spain and then returned from Medaro. Though she didn’t feel particularly traumatized, she did feel uneasy. Mostly because there were still so many holes in her memory and foggy thoughts. She’d set the suitcase aside for a later date when she felt ready to deal with it. This was that day. Maybe unpacking and sorting through her things would help her remember something of value. Something that would help Eli close the case he was working on and make it safe for her and their son again.

She pulled out her items and put them where they belonged. Some in the hamper, some in the dry-cleaning bag, and some were hung in their spot next to his in the closet they would share. Then there were some that she pulled out, which were meant for Eli in hopes that he would follow her to Spain, and she could wear them for him as they made up and planned their life.

She giggled at the thought. It was dramatic and perfectly her. The pregnancy hormones were definitely a part of that decision. The pregnancy. In just the short time since she packed that bag, her pregnancy had become more obvious, a lot more obvious. The negligees she’d packed were beautiful, and she had no doubt Eli would have loved her in them or out of them, but now she wasn’t sure if they would fit over her bump. She was sure she’d look ridiculous, but she was going to wear one anyway. As soon as this case was over and they had their special nights promised, she’d surprise him with silk and lace for days.

“You are going to look like an idiot when he can’t get you out of these because they’re stuck,” she said to herself. “Maybe it’s better to tuck these away for after the baby, and I’ll just surprise him with some sky-high heels, stockings, and nothing else for now.”

She giggled again, wondering why she was talking to herself. Too much alone time lately. Normally, she was very independent and didn’t mind time to herself – craved it, actually. But lately, it was quite the opposite, probably because of what happened in Spain. If she dug deep enough into her feelings, the feelings she’d been avoiding, she’d probably find that the events in Spain shook her more than she’d let on. She was safe now. The baby was safe and healthy, and that was what mattered. Eli didn’t need the added stress of her mixed emotions. She was tougher than this.

But she still didn’t like being alone. She felt a little uneasy at the moment and wanted company. She’d heard about Archer, and though Penelope seemed to be dealing with it well, Cally thought perhaps she could use the company too. Then neither of them would have to be alone.

Grabbing her phone from the nearby nightstand, she shot a quick text to Penelope and asked if she was up for company. When Penelope replied with a, yes, please, Cally was relieved. She wasn’t the only one having a bad night. She told Pen she’d be down to her apartment as soon as she was done unpacking the last of her things.

Cally rushed through the final few items, and when it came to toiletries, she opted to make space in the bathroom for them because she wouldn’t want to later. She tired easy of late, and they were already well into the evening. The last thing she would want to do when she got back was sort all of that out.

She rummaged through the bags, putting things in the areas she’d made space without crowding his things. She noted the items she’d need to purchase to be more organized and the things she was missing and still needed to get from her apartment. Once Eli closed the case, they would go to her apartment and clear out completely, but for now, she settled for the essentials. Eli would have one of the Keepers help him grab whatever she needed in the meantime.

With most of the items put away and the travel bags stowed under her side of the bathroom vanity, she noticed something hit the floor with a clink. Something she’d missed had fallen out of the last bag. The small shiny silver rectangle caught her attention, and it quickly tossed her into a deep space in her head. She remembered this. She bent down and picked it up, rubbing her thumb over it as the memory came back to her.

“Jonas,” she whispered to herself. “Yes. Jonas.”

She stood with it in her palm, flipping it, looking for answers that weren’t there. That was why he was familiar that morning when she went downstairs in his cottage. She’d already met him. He’d sat at her bedside talking to her, taking care of her. She was remembering. He said to save this from him. It was a drive or something for a computer.

You’ll know when it’s needed and when it’s safe,” he’d said. “There was always the calm before the storm. Wait for the storm.”

“Storm,” she said. “A brother named Storm.”

“Gah.” She leaned forward over the sink and rested her face in her hands. “What did he say? That doesn’t make sense. Screw it.”

Grabbing her phone, Cally stuck it in her back pocket and headed for the door. She made it all the way down to the Lair before she realized she was still in her slippers. She’d been so distracted trying to recall what she could about Jonas that she’d completely forgotten to change into shoes. Not that she needed them, per se, since she wasn’t leaving the building.

The side door to the Lair opened and caught her attention. “Eli?”

Young, fresh from the military Finn O’Reilly walked through. “Sorry, Cal. It’s just me. Cleaning up in here. Anything I can help with?”

Cally smiled. He was a sweet kid – a little overzealous but a good guy. “Not unless you know where Eli is or maybe Killion?”

“Sorry, I don’t. They don’t let me in on cases yet. Apparently, sitting on the sidelines, cleaning floors and emptying trash have to be mastered before I get to learn the big stuff like scrubbing toilets and whatever else they give me before I get to work a case.”

She giggled. They called him Baby O’Reilly because he was the youngest. It was almost like they were putting him through a form of hazing. He had to earn his spot.

“You’ll get a case soon enough, and you’ll be fantastic,” she said. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. If you see Eli or even Killion, can you let them know I’m looking for them?”

“Sure can.” He winked and leaned on his broom. “So when are you going to let me take you out on a date and make you fall madly in love with me?”

Cally held up her left hand and pointed at the ring she was wearing. “You don’t want my baggage, Finn. I got a ring and one of these on the way.” She rubbed her belly. “Plus, I don’t think Eli would take it well.”

He shrugged. “Eli, pfft. I’d fight him for ya. Just don’t tell him I said that. And I’m real good with kids. The O’Reillys are better for the heart and soul, sweetheart.”

Cally laughed. “Aw, shucks, I bet you say that to all the girls, soldier boy.”

“Nah, just the sweet ones.” He gave her a megawatt smile and waved as she went out the door.

Finn was a little over-the-top and liked to flirt, but it was always just for fun. The guys gave him a lot of crap, and it was how he gave it back, flirting with their women. He was young, eager, and was going to make a good operative. He had the drive, and even Cally could see it. He was devoted to his family and the team. He was one of the good ones.

When Cally stepped onto the elevator and turned to face the doors, she saw Finn come out of the Lair.

“Check the gym. I know they like to work out hard when they’re stuck on something. Maybe they’re in there?” He hollered, “Hey, nice slippers!”

She waved and smiled, but something felt unsettling about what he said. She stared at her feet and let his words run through her head. They were just slippers. He meant no harm. She chalked it up to hormones.

She rolled the flash drive around in her hand while the elevator descended to the main floor. The gym made sense. They did some of their best work in there, according to the guys. She’d check before calling it and going back up to Penelope’s. She could give it to Eli later.

Cally was halfway across the lobby when she heard the door beep as someone was scanning their credentials to get in, and it caught her attention.

“There you are,” Cally said, making her way toward him. “I found something from Jonas. I don’t remember the details, but I wanted to get it to you right away. Might help with…”

As she approached him and he looked up, something took her breath away. The room began to tilt, her eyes could no longer focus, and a wave of nausea coursed through her. Memories she’d yet to recall started flashing through her mind. None of it made sense until he spoke and then smiled.

“Hello, Cally, love,” he said. “Nice slippers. You wear those for me again?”

Nice slippers. I’ll always come for you. Nice slippers. I’ve been following you for some time, love. Nice slippers. My fucking brother doesn’t deserve you. Nice slippers.

“Oh my God,” she whispered. “It’s you…”