The Betrayal by Shayla Black

Raine scrambled back onto the bed. She hadn’t caught every word by pressing her ear to the door, but enough to get the gist. Hammer had given up Marlie without a second thought, as well as banned her.

She shook her head. Liam had said she could stay at Shadows as long as she wanted. Maybe that wasn’t smart. Hammer would always have a piece of her. He would always be a temptation. Seeing him every day wouldn’t be easy, especially since he and Liam were at odds over her. But so much of her heart now seemed wrapped up in the tender Irishman who swaggered his way toward her and stripped off his pants to reveal a body that made her catch her breath.

Somehow, she had to fix their friendship.

“Everything all right?” She flashed a shy grin his way.

“Never better. You’ll have no doubt heard, along with the rest of the dungeon, that Hammer’s fuck toy will no longer be a problem for you. Now, then…” He stalked around the bed. “Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted, love? Oh, I remember now...”

He dove on the bed and scooped her up, lifting her legs over his shoulders.

She giggled and clutched wildly at his head. “Liiiaaam!

Nuzzling between her thighs, he paused. “That’s ‘Sir’ to you, my saucy minx. Be thankful you’re still too bruised or I’d be spanking your ass.” He laughed at her moan. “But you’re utterly beautiful, and you taste so sweet...”

As he lapped at her folds, joy suffused her, along with a drowning pleasure. When she was with Liam, he never failed to make her feel special, significant to him. She’d never had that—ever—and she didn’t know how to put her gratitude and everything overflowing in her heart into words that he might understand. But she’d promised to try and she would.

“You make me feel that way, oh great and powerful Sir. And you’re incredibly wonderful yourself.”

When he smiled indulgently, she stroked his hair. He made his way up her body and kissed her once. Twice. The third lingered. By the fourth, she met him open-mouthed and lost track of the number of kisses they shared, each longer and more intimate than the last.

She whimpered and hugged him tight, wishing again that she had the words to tell him how she felt. Everything about him made her heart glad. Hope buoyed her when he rolled her to her stomach and his body covered hers. Breathing his way up her neck, he skimmed his lips across her skin so lightly that she shivered.

Unconsciously, she spread her legs in welcome. “Liam, please! I want you inside me. I’m so wet. I ache. I...”

Raine gasped when she felt his hand slide under her, then onto her clit. The little bud had seemed sated just moments ago, but with so little effort, he awakened her all over again. She writhed, begged once more, then turned her head to give him better access to her neck so she could melt into him.

“My bonny wee lass. That’s what you need, isn’t it, love? But tell me, do my fingers feel as good as my mouth did? I can smell you. Still taste you. It’s burned inside me.” He laved her throat, bit and licked and suckled her as he ground his cock against her.

She lifted her ass to him, and his cock slid along her folds. He pumped harder.

“I’m dying to be inside you. Best let me find a glove.” He flung himself off the bed and rifled through the nightstand. “Bloody hell, I can’t wait until we’ve taken care of the birth control issue so I can fuck you the way I want, Raine. I want to feel you melting all over my cock and not have a single sensation dulled by latex.”

Clutching a foil square, he sprawled across the bed and made short work of gliding the condom over his swollen shaft. “On me now. Slide my cock inside you, slow and easy. That’s it.” He held himself still, gripping her hands in his as she lowered herself onto his broad shaft. “You like that?” His voice was thick with lust. “Tell me.”

“Yes!” She tossed her head back, eyes sliding shut as ecstasy filled her veins like a drug. “I feel you everywhere inside me. It’s the most amazing...oh, god!” she cried out as he bucked up beneath her, sinking in deeper and hitting a spot so sensitive, Raine gasped.

He did it again, then used one hand to guide her hips, leading her up until only the wide head of his cock stretched her open. Then he shoved her down as he thrust up to meet her, hitting that spot in her pussy even harder. As he repeated the motion again and again, she balled her hands into fists while he held her wrists immobile. She felt deliciously restrained, and it sent her soaring faster.

“Liam!” she panted his name again. “I love the way you fuck me, control me. That’s just...” Her breath caught as he flicked his thumb over her clit. The storm gathered, converged, then released its thunder. “Yes!”

Her entire body jolted, and he pumped deep inside her, rubbing that spot that sent her into the beautiful madness once more, until she lost her breath, screaming, and scratched her throat raw as sweet lethargy hummed in her veins.

Barely managing to open her eyes, she looked down at him, feeling so open and bleeding and earnest. Normally, she would hide that from everyone, but not Liam. He would understand it. He would treasure it. Just like she wanted to do to him.

“How can I make you feel every bit as good as you’ve made me feel, Sir?”

“You please me, love. Your surrender fills my heart.” He drew her down to him and kissed her tenderly. Then his eyes darkened as he rolled her beneath him. “Reach back and hold on to the headboard. Don’t let go. Lock your legs around me. Lift...”

He placed a pillow beneath her ass and drove in even deeper, then held himself there until she shivered and her body clutched him helplessly.

“That’s it, love. That’s what I need. Watch me now. See the pleasure you give me as I come. It’s all you...”

He filled her with slow, torturous strokes that ignited her all over again. When her breath caught and she begged him once more, he finally increased his tempo. As he reached his zenith, Liam wedged his hand between them and stroked her clit.

“Stay with me,” he demanded.

Then he came with a primal yell, sending her over the blissful edge as well.

As they floated down from the stars, he stared. She felt herself flush and smiled, reveling in their intimate silence that somehow managed to speak volumes.

She clung to Liam as he brushed a strand of hair from her face and looked at her as if she was the most beautiful woman on the planet. Amazing that such a man wanted her.

Peace settled in her veins. When she was with him, everything felt so close to perfect. Close...but not quite there. That mild bit of panic every time she thought about the growing distance between her and Hammer gnawed at her. But her girlish love for him wasn’t healthy, and she’d come to realize that she couldn’t devote herself to someone so trapped in the past that he couldn’t build a future and love her in return. He clearly cared...but that alone wasn’t enough. She didn’t know for sure, but it sounded as if Juliet had committed suicide or lived recklessly because she had a death wish. Because Hammer hadn’t been able to show his love?

It didn’t matter. The here and now with Liam, ending the enmity between the men—that mattered.

“I know you wanted to stay at the lodge longer, but thank you for coming back to help me with Hammer. I know you’re pissed at him. I am, too....but I think he needs friends right now. We’ll be all right here, I promise. It will all work out.”

“It will eventually sort itself out. Don’t worry. I think I’ve got a plan.”

* * *

Two days later, Raine woke to find Liam showered and dressed, shaking her gently. “Up with you, love. In the shower.”

She stretched. The blankets fell away exposing her breasts. Liam caressed them with his gaze.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” she teased.

“Trying to fuck me to death, are you?”

She snorted. “As if I could. Probably the other way around.”

He smoothed a hand down her hip, brushing the covers from her thighs. “You’re healing up nicely. Less tender?”

“I told you, I’m fine.”

“Who are you speaking to?” He crossed his arms in disapproval.

“I’m fine, Sir,” she groused.

“Roll over.”

It crossed her mind to resist, but that would only get her in trouble. She really didn’t like disappointing Liam. With a sigh, she did as he bid.

“A bit slower than I’d like, lass. You’re still bruised here or I might spank you a bit.”

“You’re just waiting, aren’t you?”

He laughed. “Counting the seconds.”

She wiggled her ass at him and sent him a coy stare over her shoulder.

“You look fetching, but that will cost you later.”

“Promise?” she quipped.

Liam shook his head at her, then smacked her lightly. “Up, you little glutton. Shower, dry your hair, put on your makeup. I’ll be back shortly, and I want you ready.”

He didn’t give her time to argue, just left. With a shrug, Raine strolled to the bathroom, letting the hot steam of the shower unwind the leftover kinks from her muscles. Every night with Liam was like an Olympic marathon.

When she emerged with a towel around her body, all softened by her scented lotion, she headed to her closet, then stopped short at the sight of a blood-red corset on the bed. Lacy. Provocative. Oh so feminine.

“Put it on, love.”

The command in his voice made her shiver. He wanted something, and he wanted it bad. Raine blinked at him, but his face gave nothing away.

“All right, Sir.”

Liam stood, stared, never taking his eyes off her as she pulled the thong over her hips, then laid the corset over her breasts. He cinched it up. God, the way he touched her, watched her, was beyond intimate. Like he had every right to eat her up with his gaze. Like he owned her.

Once she’d dressed, she approached him, head bowed.

He brushed her crown, smoothing her hair. “Look at me.”

Raine did, wondering what the hell he was up to. What he was thinking.

“You look gorgeous. Come with me.” He took her hand and led her into the hall.

He wanted to scene before breakfast? In the empty dungeon? Why? Did he want her all to himself?

They’d taken no more than two steps outside the room they now shared when he took hold of her arms and stopped her. “I need to talk to you. You’ve accepted my training collar, lass. But we haven’t had time to fasten any symbol of your commitment to me around your neck. I don’t like the fact that other Doms might think you’re fair game. I think it’s time we changed that officially. What do you think?”

A smile broke out across her face. She’d only wondered a hundred times a day if or when he might bring this up. To know that he hadn’t forgotten, that he still wanted her to be his, warmed her through and through. “I think I’m thrilled.”

“Grand. Glad to hear it.” He swallowed, looking surprisingly nervous. She’d already said yes, so…what was the issue?

“It’s more than that, Raine. I want a collaring ceremony with you, and not just for training. I want to formally collar you.”

Raine opened her mouth, gaping. She’d expected a lot of things—everything from him wanting her to have her nipples pierced to trying a new flogger out on her. In both cases, she’d prepared arguments. But she hadn’t been prepared for this. He wanted to skip training her under his hand to see if they would be compatible and simply make her his? It was the BDSM equivalent of a wedding ring.

“Really?” she breathed.

She couldn’t deny being a little sad that Hammer had gone to make his annual pilgrimage to New York—finally, she knew why—and wouldn’t be here to witness the event. It worried her that by accepting, she might be hurting him. But he’d pushed her away, made it clear that he couldn’t or wouldn’t be with her. Why should she throw away a chance at happiness to keep pining over a man who refused to love her? Liam made her feel beautiful and cherished. She fell a bit more for him every day. With him, she could learn and grow and...wasn’t that what Hammer ultimately wanted for her?

A smile spread across her face as tears pricked her eyes and tingled at the back of her nose.

“Really.” Liam smiled indulgently.

Amazement coursed through her again. He wanted her, really, truly. Wanted her. She didn’t know why fate or the universe thought she deserved him; she was just glad he’d chosen her.

“Yes!” She threw herself into his arms. As Liam caught her and dragged her against him with a hearty laugh, she hugged him. “I’ll do everything I can to make you proud. I know I need practice and work, but I’ll make you happy, Sir.”

He palmed her cheek. “I’m counting on it, lass.”

* * *

On the flight back home, Hammer sipped his drink, swirling the ice in the plastic cup as he stared out the window, thanking god he’d taken an earlier flight home. He was desperate to get back to Raine.

Leaning back against the seat with a sigh, he closed his eyes. Making the yearly jaunt to New York to pay his respects to Juliet’s grave was always depressing. The only saving grace over the years had been Liam. His best friend had never failed to accompany him to the cemetery and reminisce about the good times they’d once shared. Liam’s support and jovial stories had often kept him from shedding tears while visiting his wife’s final resting place.

This year, everything had been different. Different, hell. It was a clusterfuck of biblical proportions. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d shed tears while staring at Juliet’s tombstone. Though he’d tried to determine why, after all these years, he’d come apart so brutally, Hammer still didn’t know. As he’d knelt, he’d stared at the barren soil. And he’d spilled a torrent of bitter tears.

Now, he took another sip of bourbon as his mind swarmed like a nest of angry bees. He mulled over the situation back home.

Had the fact that Raine had been swept out from under him played a part in his breakdown at Juliet’s grave? Of course. It had to, at least in part. The sultry siren always had him grasping for the threads of his control. But the loss of his friend weighed heavy on him, as well. The feeling of hopelessness was damn foreign to him. He didn’t fucking like it.

Liam had played him, manipulated him to steal Raine. It pissed him off. But after watching Liam verbally assault Marlie, Hammer had no doubt they were both hopelessly in love with the sweet girl. And he was amazed at how quickly Liam had brought out the stunning submissive inside her. The idea that Liam might be good for Raine burned his throat like a blistering fireball, all but making him choke.

After landing at LAX, he hailed a taxi and climbed in. His stomach swirled, wondering if Liam had kept his promise. He wasn’t prepared to face Shadows without Raine again. It would be a daunting task to live without her. He’d already had a taste of that, and he’d rather fly back to New York and relive the hell of his past than cope without her again.

Sighing heavily, he resigned himself to the fact if she were still at Shadows, he would somehow have to carry on, as he had for the past six years. But this time, he’d have to watch Liam with her, touching her, possessing her. It made him violent.

Son of a bitch, could this be any more fucked up?

When Hammer walked in the door of the club, people milled around everywhere. What the hell? It was far too early for this sort of crowd. Shadows wasn’t even open yet.

With a frown, he fell in behind a crowd heading downstairs, where an even larger group had gathered. His employees seemed to be smiling brighter than everyone else. He frowned. What the… If the club had opened for an impromptu event, why weren’t they working?

Excitement hung in the air. For a reason he couldn’t explain, the scene filled him with dread.

As he reached the bottom of the steps, he slipped into a dark corner and watched. At the center of everything stood Raine. He couldn’t miss her. Red was her color, and the corset hugged her beautifully. His cock, dead for days, suddenly flared with life. He remembered every moment of that night with her, replayed it in his head over and over—

Beck tapped the side of a glass, jerking him from his thoughts. A hush fell over the room. Suddenly, Liam wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the stage, in front of the watchful crowd. Then he urged her to kneel at his feet and face him. She was stunning in her submissive pose, beautifully poised and graceful.

Liam smiled, addressing everyone. “Thank you all for coming to share this joyous event with us.”

Hammer froze. This better not be what he feared…

Reaching down, Liam cupped Raine’s chin. “Look at me, love. With great pride, I offer you my collar. I promise to always be there for you, steady and strong. I give my protection and guidance, the shelter of my body, the care in my heart, and the joy in my soul. I promise to lead you down the path best suited for you, be it with praise or pain, and help you grow into the submissive that lives and breathes within you. I vow to honor our bond and nurture your submission. And to use you as I would see fit.” There were chuckles from the crowd. “I will treasure and cherish you, and embrace that which you give freely. In return, you will empower me with your emotional and physical well-being, communicate to me your every feeling, knowing I will show you compassion and understanding. Do you give me all this of your own free will and accept my collar without reservation?”

Hammer felt sick to his stomach. Training collar, my ass. Liam was making her his—utterly.

He wanted to kill the son of a bitch.

Was this what Raine truly wanted? Had she…fallen in love with Liam?

Instant denial and betrayal sliced his soul like a hatchet.

She stared up into Liam’s face. The glow of desire and excitement—of love—in the other man’s eyes nearly cut him at the knees. Their happiness seemed to spread to everyone else in the room, infectious and cloying.

Raine squeezed Liam’s hand and spoke solemnly. “I would be honored to wear your collar. I give you the softness of my body, the comfort from my soul, and the obedience in my heart, to grow into the submissive you desire. I will respect this bond. I will give myself to you without reservation. I will serve you, honor you, strive to be a good reflection of you, as I embrace all you grant me, Sir.”

Pride shined on Liam’s face as he bent to fasten the thick collar around her neck. He extended his hand and helped her to her feet. Together, they faced the crowd, arm in arm, all smiles.

Hammer’s stare fastened on the substantial collar. Nothing simple, of course. No, Liam had to make a big fucking statement, flaunt her in his face. Silver and gold entwined in knots with a filigree pattern before swirling down to embrace a heavy teardrop ruby, which winked under the light as it settled perfectly into the hollow of her throat.

“It’s beautiful.” She glowed with joy. “Thank you, Sir. I feel so honored.”

And Hammer felt like pounding Liam’s face as he kissed her again.

Everyone around them clapped. Jovial laughter and clinking glasses soon filled the air as Liam lifted his head and cupped her nape possessively. “I’ll look forward to testing you, love.”

That was it. That was fucking all he could stand.

Love?Hammer pounded his fist against the wall, then prowled out from the shadows with a roar. “What the hell is going on here?”

The crowd fell dead silent.

The stunned look on Raine’s face, followed by her guilty wince, struck him like a slap. Liam tightened his arm around her as Hammer marched toward them, his furious gaze pinning the other man where they stood.

If Hammer could rip the asshole’s heart from his chest, he would. How convenient that Liam had arranged this lavish ceremony while he was scheduled to be out of town. Hammer knew better than to believe it was coincidence. The calculating prick had planned every minute of this.

But Raine…poor Raine. She didn’t have a clue how this would most likely end. She thought she was living the fairy tale that he could never give her, and how could he fault her for wanting the dream? For being naïve? The glow he’d seen emanating from her as Liam sealed their bond with a kiss both churned Hammer’s stomach and took his breath away. Raine was so stunning.

“Macen…” An apology softened her eyes.

He lowered his lips to her cheek. “Congratulations, precious. You look...angelic.”

Though he’d spoken the truth, he’d had to force the bitter words out. Then he took another step, edging closer to Liam. His eyes narrowed as his lips curled into a sneer. “Don’t gloat just yet, motherfucker. This isn’t over.”

Then Hammer turned and stormed off the stage, striding into his office and slamming the door behind him.

Hammer isn’t giving Raine up, especially not to his (former) best friend. Ready to see what happens when he punches back? Continue the epic, dark romance journey with Raine, Hammer, and Liam in The Break now!

One woman. Two lovers. Countless secrets…


The Unbroken Series: Raine Falling (Book 2)

by Shayla Black and Jenna Jacob


(available in eBook, print, and audio)

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