The Inheritance Clause by Flora Ferrari



I was so nervous about walking down the aisle. I’ve always had a fear of falling flat on my face on my wedding day or ripping my dress or embarrassing myself in some way. But now, as I glide toward Leo, it feels like the most natural thing in the entire world. I can’t remember what I was so nervous about. I was born to do this. My entire life has led up to this very moment, where I’ll finally fulfill my destiny.

I was made to be Leo’s wife.

And when I see him smile, I know he couldn’t be happier with how I look as I walk toward him. I’m wearing a silk dress that flows out elegantly behind me and a lace veil that drifts to the floor, as long as the train of the dress. I think back to the pink dress he bought me, and the sunset gown I got engaged in. But, I think I’ve hit the jackpot with this dress. I look the best I ever have, and it puts a huge smile on Leo’s face.

I can barely believe we’re finally getting to share this moment. I’ve spent so long pining for him, and it doesn’t quite feel real that he’s finally going to be mine. Even though I’ve spent the past month in his bed, in his arms, in his life in every single way, it’s only dawning on me now that this is going to be my life forever.

And I can’t wait.

As I reach the altar, he takes my hand and helps me up so that I’m facing him. It feels like it’s just the two of us here, even though there are at least a hundred guests in the church. But I only care about Leo being here. The rest are just white noise to me. It’s been that way ever since I met him.

And today, he looks so damn good. I’m used to seeing him dressed well in his pressed suits, but today, he looks even better somehow. I can’t believe this handsome hunk of a man is going to be mine. My husband.

“You look so beautiful,” he growls as he lifts my veil away from my face. I’m smiling so much that my cheeks are hurting. My heart is so full of love that it feels like it can’t get any better than this, but I’ve felt that way before, and he ups his game every single time. He’s proven to me over and over again that he’s incapable of giving me anything, but pure joy.

“I can’t believe we’re finally here,” I whisper to him.

He reaches out to take my hand.

“This is everything I ever wanted,” he says. “We’re going to be so happy.”

I squeeze his hand, feeling elation taking over my entire body. This is how it should be. This is what love truly is. And once we’re married, we’re locking this love in forever. When I make my vows today, I’ll mean every single word.

Till death do us part.

I get lost in his eyes until it’s time for us to say our vows. I’ve prepared something to say, but I don’t have notecards. It’s coming straight from the heart. I take a deep breath as I smile at my man.

“Leo, we’ve been through so much in this last month. I’ve gone from thinking being with you is impossible to standing here at the altar with you. And now is my chance to tell you what that means to me. I’ve felt alone in this world for such a long time. When I came to your home as your maid, I did so knowing that there was nothing else for me out in the world. I planned to only stay a while, get some money and find my feet in the world. I thought I’d be out of there before long, living my life. But as it turns out I found my life in your home, with you.”

I hear the audience awwing, but I’m stuck in the moment, staring deep into Leo’s eyes. If I had my way, this speech would be for his ears only, because these words are crafted from my love for him. Still, this is a way to show the world, my love. Our love.

“From the moment we met, I wanted to be with you. You intrigued me, and then you enticed me, and then you came to love me. Now, we’re here and it feels crazy to me. Only months of loving you took place before we even came together yet it felt like an eternity. And now, we’re planning a future together. When I think about what’s in store it excites me beyond words. It scares me too, sometimes. I’m scared that I won’t be a good wife or a good mother…”

“You will,” Leo growls in reassurance. “Of course you will…”

I smile back at him. “I hope so. And if I am, it’ll only be because I have you by my side, guiding me along the way. You’re my wisdom, my balance, my heart. Even when life becomes unpredictable, you’re right here with me showing me the way. I love you so much for that. It’s easy to get lost in this world but as long as your hand is in mine, I’m happy to brave the unknown.”

There’s not a dry eye in the church. I feel moved myself, close to tears because I’m just so damn happy. This is everything I wanted and more. Leo squeezes my hand.

“You’re amazing,” he says. I watch as he takes his vows out of his pocket. I know this isn’t his thing. He’s so much better with gestures than he is with words, but I know he’s put his heart and soul into these vows.

He clears his throat.

“Life has been hard lately. I lost my father recently, as you know, and it feels like I haven’t fully grieved yet for the loss of him. Last month, I found out that he wanted me to marry, and he gave me an ultimatum...marry the love of my life or lose my inheritance. It was a strange request from my dad, but I learned today why he wanted me to do it. It’s because he saw the love I had for you, and he wanted me to act upon it. He wanted me to take my chance with you.”

I gasp a little. I had no idea that his father devised the clause for those reasons. Leo offers me a small smile.

“I guess he caught me gazing at you from afar. Because our experiences were identical, baby. I wanted you too, for so long now that it feels like I’ve always felt this way. But I was so sure that you were off-limits. I thought you were too young, too free, too beautiful to ever be mine. But now I know that the universe had plans for us. And by the universe, I mean the enigmatic man that was my father. He always believed in himself, like he could move mountains if he wanted to. But there’s one thing I didn’t take into consideration...he always believed in me too. It’s like he told me, sometimes, I just need a push in the right direction. And I’ve learned a lot from him, I’m still learning from him. Today, he taught me that I can have the things I want if I reach out and take them. He taught me that I could have you if I wanted you enough. And I do. I want you more than anything in this world.”

Tears sting my eyes as he raises my hand to his lips, kissing it softly. He tucks away his notecards and looks deep into my eyes.

“My dad isn’t here to guide me anymore, but he’s done his job now. You’re my compass now. You keep me on the straight and narrow. And whenever I lose my way, my heart will always take me back to you. Some people might doubt the love we share, they might see us from an objective point of view. Perhaps we’re not a conventional couple. But I’m not marrying you for a conventional life. I’m marrying you because I can’t not marry you. You’re the one, the only one. And I will love you for the rest of my life, with all my heart.”

I can’t stop the tears from spilling now. His speech was so beautiful, so truthful, so moving. Maybe this is his thing after all. I hug him close, feeling his strong arms enveloping me, making me feel protected like always. He will always keep me safe, even when there’s nothing to fear.

When we pull apart, it’s time for the rings. I feel elation filling my heart as we exchange rings, threading our hands together and staring into one another’s eyes. This is our moment. It’s finally come after so long.

When the priest says to kiss the bride, Leo cups my face in his hands and kisses me tenderly, but with as much passion as we share in the bedroom. I can feel fireworks exploding inside me. It’s like the first time all over again. And suddenly, I need him. I need him more than I’ve ever needed him before.

I feel like I’m in a daze as we leave the church. There’s a car waiting to take us to our reception and after party, but I don’t want to go there just yet. I have other ideas in mind.

The second we’re in the car, I kiss Leo hard, and he knows what I want right away. He can read me like a book.

“Take us to the hotel,” he growls at the driver. As the car takes off, we kiss passionately again, our hands all over one another. The need I have for him right now is incomparable to anything I’ve ever felt before.

“I want you,” I breathe. “Let’s make a baby...I want a baby with you.”

“Your wish is my command,” he growls in return, kissing me hard.

In no time at all, we’re back at the hotel. He helps me out of my dress in a flurry, and soon, we’re naked in bed, his cock pressing against my entrance. We’re doing this...we’re really doing this. Some might think we’re moving too fast, but this can’t come soon enough. I want it all. I want babies with him. I want him to fuck me hard and put a baby in my belly. I want to start our future right this second.

“I love you,” he growls and I kiss full of passion.

“I love you too. But I can’t wait any longer. Touch me, baby. Fuck me.”

He does as I ask. I cry out in ecstasy as he thrust inside me. It’s better than it’s ever been before. I’m so high on the moment that I feel like I’m about to pass out. But as he makes love to me, I know this is it. He’s about to get me pregnant. I just know it.

I cling to him, closing my eyes. I’m breathless from pleasure. I’m ready for this.

I’m ready for it all.