The Inheritance Clause by Flora Ferrari

Final Epilogue


The party is in full swing. Our garden is filled with more guests than I can count and we’ve really gone all out with this party. It’s hard trying not to spoil our kids when we have the money to give them whatever they want, so I guess we’ve just given in to it now just a little. We love them too much to deny them anything.

This party has it all. There’s a little stage set up for karaoke, where Gigi and her friends are strutting around showing off for everyone. There’s a cotton candy machine where Rachel and Alicia have been hanging out all day, wearing matching fairy costumes and making their hands sticky with cotton candy. Chris and his friends have found an old football and taken it to the far end of the garden, ignoring all the attractions we’ve hired for the day. It makes me smile. My kids really only want a few simple things. They don’t need all this fanfare.

But in some ways, this is for me too. This is for the childhood I never really had. I grew up feeling lonely, neglected, and unwanted. Now, I have the family I always dreamed of when I was a child. I have the ability to relax, to have fun, to spend silly amounts on a party just for fun. I know that maybe that’s silly of me, given that not many people have what we have. But for once, I just want to focus on being happy.

Leo joins me at my side, slipping his hand into mine. He’s been doing rounds of the guests, making polite small talk, but I know we both just want to spend this day together. The kids will be occupied for hours. This is our chance to spend time together.

“Cotton candy, my princess?” he murmurs in my ear.

I grin. “You read my mind.”

We move to the cotton candy station, where Alicia is getting her third helpings of the stuff. She’ll have a sugar crash soon, but that’s a problem for later.

“Cotton candy for my wife, please,” Leo says to the vendor. I watch the pink sugar swirling around onto a stick and then Leo hands it to me, hot and warm from the machine. He plucks a little of the fluff from the stick and places it right on my tongue. There’s something sensual about him placing the warm sugar in my mouth that turns me on. It makes me forget where we are, forget that there are people everywhere. It makes me want him right now.

It’s always been like this. My desire hits me like a Mac truck at the most inappropriate moments. But quite often, we indulge in moments like this. We accepted long ago that we can’t be satiated, that we should just go where our lust and desire takes us.

I know Leo feels it too. I can see it in his eyes. He runs his tongue over his lips with a quiet growl. He’s hungry for me.

There’s no better time to sneak away. Within minutes, we’re moving back toward the house. I ditch the leftovers of the cotton candy and make quick small talk with the guests as we make our way to the bedroom. It only builds the tension, all these distractions. I know by the time we make it upstairs, we’ll be insatiable, unable to control ourselves. Even now that I’m older, that my body is sagging from all the children we’ve made together, he still finds me sexy, and that makes me feel so special. His body has changed too, but I want him as much as I ever have. That’s how I know our love is strong. It’ll never die because we love one another, no matter how things change.

When we make it upstairs, our lovemaking is frantic and passionate. He pins me up against the wall, hitching my dress up around my waist and plowing into me. His big cock fills me up inside and makes me feel on top of the world. By the time we both come, I’m panting wildly, exhausted, spent, but satisfied. We giggle like school children and fall onto the bed together, wrapped up in one another.

And the whole thing gets me thinking. I can hear the sounds of the party outside, the sounds of our kids and their childhoods unfolding. And it makes me want more. It makes me want to have another child. I look deep into Leo’s eyes.

“What would you say if I told you I want to do it one last time? Have another child. I’m getting older now. I don’t want to miss our last chance to have another baby. And our kids, they make me so happy. I want one more. One to cherish while the others are grown and leaving us behind, so we can keep this feeling for longer. And we have so much love in our hearts…we have enough for one more, right?”

Leo looks at me thoughtfully. “You don’t think I’m too old to be having more kids?”

I touch his face gently. “No. Absolutely not. I know you want this as much as I do. If that’s the only thing that’s holding you back, then we have to do this. You’re an amazing dad. You’ve raised four amazing children, shaped them into beautiful human beings. I want one more. One more to love and cherish forever. We have so much joy in this house...but I just feel the need to be a mother one last time. To hold a baby inside my body. There’s nothing else in the world that makes me so happy. What do you think? Should we?”

I’m holding hope in my heart. I want him to say yes. I want him to indulge in this fantasy with me, to hold on to our younger days one final time. I know that things have to change at some point. I know that this will be my last child and that we’ll both age, as will our kids. But I’m not quite ready to let go of these amazing days yet. Though I know the future holds so many amazing things, I just want to live in this moment for a little while longer.

And I know Leo does too when he smiles at me. He holds my body close to his and kisses me gently.

“How can I deny you anything when you ask so nicely,” he growls. I can see his cock growing hard once again. He wants to do this now. He wants to make a baby with me right here, right now.

And this time, as we give in to our passions, it’s different. It’s gentle and slow and passionate in other ways. He strips me down this time and we both lie completely naked together in the bed, our bodies moving perfectly in sync with one another. It’s like a slow dance without music. All we have is the sound of one another, our gentle moans, our soft breathing. It’s magical and I know that it means this is going to work.

We’re going to make a baby.

We climax at the same time, and when he comes deep inside me, I feel my womb stir. Each time he’s gotten me pregnant, I’ve felt some shift inside me. It’s like a natural instinct, telling me that it’s worked. I feel emotional at the thought of another baby arriving in nine months’ time, filling our life with such joy. Tears fill my eyes as I hold Leo close to me and he strokes my back, knowing exactly what’s going on in my head.

“I’m so happy,” I whisper to him. He kisses my neck ever so gently.

“Me too, baby. Me too.”

Soon, we’ll have to return to reality. We’ll have to go downstairs and rejoin the party like nothing has happened.

But once again, our whole world has shifted. It feels like an earthquake has gently shaken the foundations of our lives and moved everything a few centimeters to the left.

Everything is the same, but ever so slightly different. And when I take a pregnancy test soon, it’ll all be confirmed to us.

A new baby will mean more late nights, more stress, more hardships. It’ll mean giving up my free time again to focus entirely on a brand new little person. But I don’t mind at all, because it’ll also mean unimaginable happiness. And then, it feels like my family will be complete.

Five perfect children, one perfect husband. The recipe for a happy life.