The Inheritance Clause by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Four


“So, what’s on your mind...Leo?” I ask. The name feels strange coming out of my lips. I’ve only ever called him Mr. Harris. But now, this is a step closer for us.

A step closer to what I’ve wanted from him for so long. He’s opening up to me about something, and it’s going to bond us together. I only hope it makes him see me the way I want him to.

His eyes are dark as he paces the room. I can tell that he’s agitated. I’ve seen him look this way on days where business deals go awry, or when he’s had an argument with his father. In fact, I’ve seen this look in his eyes a lot since his dad passed away. Maybe he’s here for advice about grief.

“I’ve been handed a conundrum,” he says stiffly. “Something that I’m unsure how to handle.”

I shift uncomfortably. I don’t know what makes him think I can help him. I’m not smart enough to help him with something serious. And besides, why doesn’t he ask one of his many friends or workers? Why me, of all people? I’m glad he’s here, but I’m scared I have nothing to offer him. I’m just the maid, after all.

“I received a copy of my father’s will,” he says. “And of course, he left everything to me. His entire business will be mine. His entire fortune will be given to me. His house, his properties abroad, his staff, his cars, everything. But there are conditions to his will that I have to meet...or I get nothing.”

I frown. Why would his father make him work for his inheritance? He’s his only son, and from what I could tell, they were very close with one another. What reason would he have to try and stop his son from inheriting his fortune?

“Well, what kind of conditions are we talking about here? I mean, I guess you should do whatever it takes to get your inheritance. You deserve it, after all.”

Leo grits his teeth. “I thought so too. But it seems my father is playing a cruel joke on me from beyond the grave. He has insisted that I get married in the next thirty days...or I will lose everything.”

My eyes widen. Surely I didn’t hear him right?

“He uh, he wants you to get married? Did he say to who?”

“He hasn’t implied that it should be to anyone in particular...but I’m sure he had someone in mind. I guess I’m supposed to figure out who it is and ask for their hand. But that isn’t what I want. I want to marry for love someday not just because my father has told me I have to,” he growls. “And that’s the other thing. If I ever get a divorce, then I lose everything. If I don’t marry someone I love, then I’ll also lose everything. It will cost hundreds of employees their jobs. So what am I supposed to do? Force myself to feel something for someone?”

I feel my heart sink a little. If only he knew how much I care for him. Can’t he see that his perfect woman is right in front of him? I might be nothing special, but I’ll love and care for him as long as I live. I’ll give him everything and anything he wants. I’d be devoted to him no matter what he throws my way. He could hurt me a million times and I’d still want him. Doesn’t he realize that I could be the perfect wife?

The problem is, he’s miles out of my league. Why would he want me when he could have anyone in the world? He’s handsome, rich, and intelligent. Women must be falling at his feet all the time. Why would he look twice at me, the lowly curvy maid?

And yet here he is, standing in my room. Why did he come here? Did he come for advice or did he come here with a proposition?

My heart pounds in my chest. If he’s here to ask me to be his, then I already know what my answer will be. I know I’m getting ahead of myself, reading into this way too much, but the thought of him falling for me fills me with unimaginable joy. I’ve waited so long to be wanted, to be loved by the man of my dreams. Now, I’ve been presented with an opportunity to prove myself. He needs a quick solution to his problem, and I’m here to offer it.

It’s so perfect. I’ve been right under his nose this entire time. Maybe he’ll suddenly see what I can give him. Maybe he will realize that he doesn't need to marry someone rich or famous like he thinks his father wants him to. Maybe he just needs to find someone who will love him unconditionally, someone who makes it easy for him to love them back. Isn’t that what the inheritance clause implied? That he has to marry for love, to find a love that will last? I already know that I would never leave his side in a million years.

I’m the perfect woman for him.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” Leo says, still pacing up and down the room, shaking his head to himself. “I don’t want to disappoint my father, even now that he’s gone. But I don’t know whether I can meet his demands. I certainly don’t want to marry someone just for the sake of it. And if I’m to fall in love, then it feels like there isn’t enough time.” He stops and looks me directly in the eyes, his gaze boring into my soul. “What would you do in my shoes? How would you handle it?”

“Why would you want my opinion?” I ask earnestly, staring back at him. “I don’t know much of anything. You’re much smarter than me…”

“Don’t talk about yourself that way,” he growls, stepping closer. “You’re so much smarter than you give yourself credit for. You create beautiful, imaginative art. Someone dumb could never do what you do. And I’m asking you because I care what you think. Your thoughts are important to me.”

I blush so much that I know he must be able to see my cheeks turning bright red. I’ve never received such a kind compliment, especially not from someone like Leo. He makes me feel like I deserve to be heard, to have my voice lifted up. It’s overwhelming, but flattering all the same.

I swallow. I want to tell him just to choose me. To marry me and let me prove to him how much love he can have if we’re together. But I’m not bold enough. Besides, I don’t want to have to tell him to love me. I want him to do it all on his own. I want him to pick me, not be forced to be with me because of some inheritance clause. I take a deep breath.

“You’ve got to follow your heart,” I say. “You have to listen to what it’s telling you and see where it leads you. Perhaps you have feelings inside you that you’ve never even considered before, that you’ve pushed away because you’re not sure what to do with them. But now, you’ve got a choice. Explore those feelings and see what you can make of them, or lose your inheritance.”

“You make it sound so simple,” Leo says, a wry smile on his face. “What if the one woman I want is out of bounds?”

I swallow. Does he mean me? Is he worried that I’m not good enough for him because I’m not rich or famous like the other people in his life? Or does he think I’m too young for him? An older business mogul like him dating a woman twenty years younger than him will likely cause a stir. They’ll call me a gold digger, say things about him, too, things that might hurt his reputation.

But I want him so badly. I don’t want to encourage him to move on and find someone else. I want him to pick me. I need him to know that I’m the perfect woman to be his bride. I need him to realize that this is our destiny.

“No woman is off-limits if you want her enough,” I say. “You might think that she is, but if you want her, you have to go after her. There’s no chance she won’t want you back. You’re everything a woman could ever want. Handsome, well-spoken, kind and...and sexy.”

“Sexy?” he growls inquisitively, looking deep into my eyes.

I swallow. “Yes. Sexy. Any woman with eyes can see that,” I say, trying to deflect some of the pressure off me. I’ve already been too bold, spoken out of turn. But he doesn’t seem to have noticed. His eyes are still locked intently on mine.

“So you think that the woman I want already wants me too?” he growls thoughtfully. I nod nervously.

“Of course.”

He falls quiet. He’s standing so close to me that I feel myself holding my breath, waiting for him to kiss me, waiting for him to grab me and show me that he’s made up his mind. I want him to choose me. I want him to want me more than anything in the world…

But just as I’ve convinced myself that I’m finally going to have him, he takes a step back, straightening his jacket.

“You’ve been very helpful,” he says. “You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thank you, Amelia.”

I watch in horror as he leaves the room and I feel my heart sink. Did I get it all wrong? Did I misread this situation entirely? Just when I thought he was gravitating toward me, it now feels like he’s even further from my reach.

If he wanted me, then he wouldn’t have left the room. Now, he’s probably gone to chase down the woman of his dreams. I bet she’s everything I’m not. Beautiful. Rich. Clever and funny. Skinny. I feel myself sinking onto the bed, needing to sit down. I can still smell his cologne in the air, the last reminder that he was here at all.

I should never have gotten my hopes up. I should have known deep down that I’m not good enough for an amazing man like him. And now, it hurts to think that there was ever a chance. It hurts to think that my last hope has been dashed. It hurts to think I’ve wasted months of my life here, praying for love that’s always been out of my reach.

I’ve hurt enough now. I’ve spent months being abused by the other staff members, just for a chance at winning Leo’s heart. But within the next thirty days, he’ll find someone else and marry her. Then I’ll have to live in the same house as the woman who has everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ll have to put a smile on my face as I serve her and pretend that my heart isn’t breaking in my chest…

Or I’ll have to leave. I’ll have to finally find the courage to walk away from Leo. I know how much that’ll hurt. I know that it’ll be nearly impossible when all I want is to bask in his presence. Somehow, I think I’d still want to do that even knowing he can never be mine. Even knowing he’s giving his love to someone else, worshipping her body every single night, giving her everything that I desire…

I can’t take it. I can’t live like this anymore. It hurts too much. The second he chooses his wife, I’m going to leave this place forever for the sake of my sanity. It’ll hurt like hell, but at least I won’t have to watch someone else living the life I want…

At least I can allow my heart to break in peace.