Atticus by R.E. Butler

Chapter Twenty

Atticus was the most nervous he’d ever been in his life. It wasn’t because he thought Lori would stand him up for their date, it was just that so much was riding on the night going well.

He parked the golf cart in front of the apartment complex. He hadn’t imagined ever being in one of the apartments again, but he wanted her to have all the dating experiences she’d missed out on when she was in hiding, and hell, he hadn’t had much in the way of dating experiences either, so it was cool to be sharing them with her. Lots of firsts for both of them. First date, first kiss, first time he’d ever tell a female he loved her...tonight.

Clutching the bundle of roses, he heard the stems crack and silently cursed himself for breaking them. Loosening his hold on the white roses with pink tips, he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to the apartment she’d stayed in before they met.

He heard low voices from within and knew it was her friends. He smiled broadly, thinking about how much the park had given to her that she’d missed out on, including close friends.

The door opened and Lori stood before him in a slinky black dress, heels, and her hair loose and curled at the ends. She looked stunning.

He was speechless.

His gorilla wasn’t, though. The big beast kicked into gear and let out a loud, claiming roar.

Lori smiled so sweetly as she crossed the threshold and hugged him. “Was that your way of saying I’m yours?”

Yes,” he said, burying his face in her neck and inhaling her sweet scent. “You’re so fucking mine and I’m so fucking yours, look like a goddess.”

Worship me later,” she whispered and gave him a nip on his ear lobe.

Over and over again,” he promised.

She took the flowers and sniffed them. “They smell so good! I love pink tipped roses. You’re the most thoughtful man I’ve ever known.”

Just getting started, sweetheart. Ready for our date?”

She nodded and took his offered hand. He escorted her down to the golf cart. “Your chariot, my lady.”

You’re so cute,” she said as she sat and laid the flowers on her lap.

He shook his head with a chuckle. Cute was not a word he’d use to describe himself, but whatever made her happy made him happy. She could call him anything, so long as he was hers and she was his.

It took only minutes for them to take one of the back paths that led around to the employee cafeteria. Just like the first time, they went to the roof using an interior ladder. He’d worked all afternoon on setting up their special meal. Pillows were set up on a blow-up mattress covered with a soft blanket. Lap trays held the food, and a wheeled cart was prepped with a bucket of ice and blueberry sparkling wine and their dessert, which contained an even more amazing surprise.

The sun was setting, so the electric candles flickering everywhere were letting out a low amber glow. Once the sun went down, they’d have the perfect ambiance.

It looks great up here!” she gushed when she saw everything.

I’m glad you like it, I wanted tonight to be special.”

Every night with you is special, Atticus.”

I feel the same way.”

They sat facing each other with their trays touching in the middle. He took off the metal domes to reveal all her favorites: grilled steak, mac and cheese topped with crispy bacon, and green beans.

She picked up her knife and fork and gave him a sweet smile. “You’re definitely the best mate on the planet. It feels like I’m dreaming.”

You’re not,” he said. “But I know exactly how you feel.”

They ate the delicious meal and talked about their days: the monotonous oil changes he had to do on the VIP tour Jeeps, and the cute little kids who’d come into the candy shop looking for gummies shaped like their favorite animals.

Before we get to dessert,” he said as he set their trays to the side and off the mattress, “how about a dance?”

He rose to his feet and held his hand out to her.

We don’t have any music.”

He took his phone from his pocket and pressed play on the music app. A ballad played from nearby wireless speakers. “How about now?”

I think you thought of everything.” They stood up from the mattress and began to dance, turning in slow circles and holding each other. He’d never danced with a female before. It was one more first he was sharing with his beautiful soulmate.

* * *

Lori loved dancing with Atticus. It was the most special thing she’d ever done in her life. For all the years she’d been on the run, she’d never let her guard down, but Atticus made her feel like she could do that. Like she could just be herself and live her life, and he’d be there every step of the way.

I have a question,” Atticus asked as the ballad ended and another started.

Ask away,” she said, closing her eyes with a smile as he twirled her in a circle.

I want you to be mine,” he said huskily in her ear.

I am.”

No,” he said, then kissed her ear. He took a step from her, and she looked at him in confusion.

He was down on one knee a moment later, something sparkly between his finger and thumb.

Oh! A ring!

Holy crap!

I feel so close to you, Lori,” he said. “It’s not just that my gorilla is crazy about you, but I am too. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Will you marry me?”

She stared at the sparkling ring until her vision blurred with tears. “Yes!”

He slipped the ring on her trembling hand and stood, catching her in his arms and kissing her. She sobbed a little, unable to stop the happy tears as the sweet feeling of hope bloomed within her.

I can really stay,” she said.

Of course you can,” he said. “You’re mine and I’m yours. Where you are is home for me.”

No, I mean I don’t have to run anymore, and I don’t have look over my shoulder, because you’ve got my back.”

One hundred percent.”

Oh!” She threw her arms around his neck. “I love you too.”

He mocked wiping off his brow like he’d been nervous. “I’m really glad to hear those words from you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, but don’t tell my son.”

She giggled and said, “I was thinking the same thing about you and Novi.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “Our kids are going to be siblings. I wonder if they realize that yet?”

Probably not. It’s pretty neat to have a built-in family.”

He rested his big, warm hands on her hips and began to dance her around the rooftop again. “The band wants to come celebrate with us.”

Her brows rose. “They knew about the engagement?”

Yep. But also, you’re my mate, which makes you the alpha female. That means you’re in charge of them too.”

Wow.” Her mind spun. “Does it matter that I’m human?”

Not even a little bit, I promise. Adriana, Lexy, and Dani are human, after all.”

But they’re not the alpha.”

True. But gorillas don’t care about that, or at least my people don’t. Our people.”

She smiled. “You’ll help me be the best alpha female?”

Of course. You’ll be great. You’re strong and courageous, loyal and kind. You’re exactly the kind of alpha female we need.”

I’m glad. I’d love for them to join us.”

They stopped dancing while he sent a group text, and then they finished their dance while they waited for the others to join them. The group arrived—three mated couples and the still-single August, who said it was unfair that he was single and definitely needed to find his soulmate.

Atticus introduced her as his mate and their new alpha female, and everyone lifted their glass of champagne in cheers. Atticus gave her a sweet, chaste kiss on the cheek and then invited them to join in the fun. “Eat, drink, dance, have a damn good time,” he said.

There was another cheer from the group, then everyone split up, some dancing, some getting food, but every woman gave her a hug and every male gave her a nod of respect.

Lori’s phone buzzed on the tray table, and she picked it up.

How’s it going, Mom?Novi texted.

Great, we’re celebrating with the group.She took a picture of her engagement ring.Check it out!

It’s beautiful! Congrats.

You have a brother now, and a sister-in-law.

OMG you’re right! How awesome.

Ready for the rest of our night, love?” Atticus asked.

Lori’s heart pounded and anticipation lit up her nerve endings. “Very much.”

Gotta run, honey, see you tomorrow,she texted Novi.

Have fun, love you.

Love you too.

Atticus and Lori said goodnight to the band, who were planning to stay up on the roof and party. They headed down to the private area, where she climbed onto Atticus’s back and he swung her up into the fake tree, landing solidly on the front porch of the place she was now calling home.

She cupped his face and smiled. “You’re home for me. I’m so glad I met you. I’m so thankful for you.”

Me too, sweetheart.”

He carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind them, and headed for the master bedroom with purposeful strides. In moments they were on the bed, stripping each other, kissing and touching, driving each other wild.

Then they were making love, and he was sinking his fangs into her throat as he brought her to a plateau of pleasure she hadn’t known before. When he brought her down from the heavens and they snuggled together as a mated pair—the gorilla and the human—she decided that the best thing that had ever happened to her was Novi sneaking away to the tour. Without her little troublemaker, she never would’ve stepped foot in the zoo and this amazing man and his friends and family would not be in her life.

She didn’t know how to be alpha female, but she loved the people already and was going to do her best to be a great leader for them.

With Atticus by her side, she knew she could do anything.