Atticus by R.E. Butler


Lori had just closed the door to the apartment when there was a knock. Her heart thudded in her chest. Was it Atticus? After their intense car ride back to the park, and the idea of a special date night ahead, she would totally invite him in. For more kisses.

And more other things maybe.

But it was Novi at the door and not the sexiest guy on the planet.

Try to hide your disappointment, Mom,” Novi said with a laugh.

Sorry, it’s nice to see you, honey. How was work?”

Novi worked at the park in the security office making small photo albums for VIP safari tour guests. The guests got their picture taken at each animal paddock and the photos were put together and given as a gift. Cael was the park vet, so he and Novi were able to see each other during the day whenever they wanted. Lori thought it would be really nice to be able to work at the park and see Atticus too. Maybe a job would open up for her soon.

Novi walked in and said, “Pretty good. Cael got me one of those machines to make stickers with adhesive vinyl, so I’m experimenting with making VIP safari tour travel mugs to give out to the guests.”

That sounds really neat.”

So I heard you have a date.”

I do. What do you think?”

Seriously? I think it’s wonderful!” Novi gave her a big hug, and Lori laughed.

I’m glad.”

He’s a nice guy. He came to talk to me and make sure that I knew you’d be safe with him.”

He told me he talked to you.”

Uh yeah, and he also told me about your little escape attempt this morning. Mom, how could you? Do you really think that I want you out there on your own like that? Keir is a dedicated asshole, and you leaving the security of the park is a terrible idea.”

I know.” Lori rubbed her temple. “It was a knee-jerk reaction.”

To what?”

Lunch with Atticus.”

I don’t understand.”

Lori sat on the arm of the couch and sighed. “He’s a great guy. He’s...well he’s like everything I ever dreamed I might have in a forever guy, but I pushed that part of myself away because of Keir. Keir would one hundred percent find a way to hurt me if he could, and being with Atticus means putting a target on his back. I couldn’t live with myself if someone got hurt because of me.”

I get it. I mean, I don’t like it, but I understand. It would hurt me so much if you took off without telling me, Mom. Please don’t do that again.”

I won’t.” When Novi looked like she didn’t believe her, Lori put up her hands. “I promise. I like Atticus. I want to see what it’s like to be normal for a change. He said he’d handle all the security for our date, and I trust him.”

Novi grinned. “How does that feel?”

Letting someone else worry about things for a change? Amazing.”

Good. Now let’s find you something amazing to wear.”

I don’t know what I have that would work for a date. It’s not like I’ve had many of them over the years.”

I know, which is why I called in reinforcements.”

There was another knock at the door and Novi opened it, revealing a troop of women carrying bags and boxes.

Mom, this is everyone. Everyone? This is my mom, Lori.”

Lori rose to her feet and started shaking hands as the women introduced themselves: Jess, who worked at the bird sanctuary, Dani who did makeovers, Adriana and Celeste who were manicurists, Jeanie who was one of the cooks for the park, and Lexy, Trina, and Jenni who worked at the park candy shop.

There are a few other ladies who couldn’t make it,” Jeanie said, “but they send their good luck wishes for your first date.”

Oh my gracious,” Lori said.

Jenni smiled and lifted a garment bag. “We’ve got some dresses for you to try.”

Then Celeste and I will do your manis and pedis,” Adriana said.

And I’ll do your make up,” Dani said.

I’ll do your hair,” Lexy said.

I’ve got shoes,” Jeanie said.

I brought you some bath products,” Jess said. “I wasn’t sure what your favorite scent was, so I have several things for you to try.”

I’ve got the accessories,” Trina said, holding up a clear container that glittered with the jewelry inside.

Lori took the bag of bath products from Jess and smiled at everyone. Her eyes were stinging with happy tears, and when Novi gave her a hug, a few tears slipped past her defenses.

Aw, Mom, it’s okay. You’ve got friends now. It’s not just me and you against the world.”

That’s right,” Jenni said. “You’ve got a girl squad now, and we’ve got your back.”

Thank you all so much, I don’t know how I’ll make it up to you.”

No worries,” Jeanie said. “You like Atticus, and he’s part of our park family which makes you family too.”

Before she bawled like a baby, Lori nodded and smiled, then hurried to the bathroom to shower. She had no idea there were so many amazing people who worked in the park, but she was grateful for them.

It made her feel like she could do anything, even relaxing and having a good time on her and Atticus’s first date.

Her stomach flipped as she thought about the amazing kiss they’d shared in the SUV. She really, really hoped for more of that tonight.

* * *

Lori was nervous. But this was a different kind of nerves than she was used to, the sort of nerves that came from being afraid of being found by a whackjob. These nerves came from being on a first date with a guy she could fully admit she liked a lot. It was a nervous excitement, something she hadn’t really felt in a long, long time.

Maybe ever?

She paced near the front door in her new slinky black dress with the sexy strappy heels. Her fingernails and toenails were painted a pretty pale pink French manicure, and she even had a delicate gold toe ring sparkling in the overhead light. Some gold bangles were on one wrist and a necklace with a heart charm was just above the generous cleavage the V-neck of the dress gave her. After her makeover, she’d looked at herself in the mirror and saw someone new. It wasn’t the image of a woman who’d been scared for twenty years, but one who looked hopeful and happy. It was a wonderful feeling.

Which was why she was nervous and excited. She didn’t want to mess things up with Atticus. She might even be falling for him a little—okay, a lot—and this first date seemed monumentally important. The connection she felt to him wasn’t something she could really explain, but every woman in the apartment with her earlier had understood completely.

Oh, I fell for my husband Jupiter immediately,” Celeste said, looking up at her from where she was polishing her toenails. “I mean, it was a knockdown, drag out, I was never going to leave him for any amount of money feeling. He felt the same way too.”

That’s sweet,” Lori said. “I feel really drawn to Atticus too.”

Like it’s hard to be away from him?” Jenni asked.

Lori nodded. “Very. Which feels strange, but also right.”

Novi, perched on the arm of the couch, said, “It’s okay to like him right away, Mom. He clearly likes you too.”

Lori was secretly pleased to hear that. She wanted to ask him if he was as drawn to her as she was to him, and maybe she would.

Scratch that...she was definitely going to find out if he liked her as much as she liked him. It would be amazing if he did.

Novi was the last to leave, with only fifteen minutes before Atticus was to show up. All the women had hugged Lori and wished her good luck, and then Novi had stood at the open door and smiled at her.

Mom, I’m so proud of you.”

You’re proud of me?”

Of course. You’re doing something way out of your comfort zone. I mean, I’ve always thought of you as being fearless, but I know that you just hid your worries and fears from me so that I wasn’t panicked.”

If it weren’t for you taking the VIP tour and meeting Cael, I wouldn’t have met Atticus. I think you’re the more fearless of the two of us.”

Nah. You’re going on a date with a great guy. Whatever happens tonight, I’m thrilled for you. You deserve to be happy and find a guy to spend your life with.”

Lori had felt the same way about Novi. She’d wanted her daughter not to have to live in fear and to be able to have a life of her own, but she hadn’t known how to make that happen. It turned out all she’d needed was a VIP safari tour ticket.

Thanks, honey,” Lori said, giving Novi another hug. “Now get out of here before Atticus shows up.”

Well, maybe I should stick around and talk to him. Make sure he knows that he has to get you home at a decent time, and that if he hurts you, I’ll bury him somewhere in the Pinelands where he’ll never be found.”

Lori barked out a laugh and gave her daughter a light shove on the shoulder. “You’re ridiculous. But I love you dearly.”

I love you too. Have fun tonight.”

I will.” And she really meant that. As she closed the door and faced the empty room, she decided she would do what Atticus asked and trust him to handle everything. She wouldn’t worry about Keir finding them, because even if he did, Atticus was a big guy and they weren’t going to be alone. Besides, the park was very secure. She could have fun tonight and put her worries away.

She deserved it. And Atticus deserved her best too.

There was a knock at the door and she inhaled sharply. How had the time gone so fast?

Her heart kicked up a few paces, knocking against her ribcage, and her palms grew sweaty.

She smoothed her sweaty palms down the sides of her short dress and walked to the door, pushing away everything in her mind but the night ahead.

She was going on a first date with a great guy, who promised to keep her safe and wanted to spend time with her.

She was feeling downright lucky.