Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


Melissa tensed, but before she could answer, my cell phone began ringing. When I checked the caller identification, I saw it was Gary. I stood, excused myself, and connected the call, answering as I walked through to the room that doubled as a gym and my office.

“Gary, you got something for me?”

“I did some digging as you requested and spoke to one of the detectives down in Springfield. He just called me back.”

“And?” My heart was thumping in my chest. I was about to find out who the asshole was who had inflicted so much injury on Melissa.

I heard Gary sigh. “She didn’t exist until she moved to Chicago.”

“What do you mean she didn’t exist?”

“I can’t explain it, Tim. There’s nothing. No social security. No job history. No tax file number. No school history, private or public. She just appeared out of nowhere. The only time I’ve seen this before was with someone in witness protection. IF, and that’s a big IF, she is in witness protection, she’ll never admit that fact. I’m sorry I can’t give you more.”

“You’ve done all you can, and I appreciate the effort. Let’s catch up for that beer on my next days off. My shout. I’ll call you.”

“Sounds good. Talk soon.”

I disconnected the call, more confused than ever. When I reached the living room, I sat back beside Melissa and took a large gulp of coffee.

“Melissa was just explaining that she’s taken Kendall’s roster with National. Does that mean you will be working on the same crew?”

“Not always, we’ll be on a rotating roster but will have quite a few flights together.” I paused, studying Melissa. Her tension was palpable. “Melissa, can I ask you a couple of questions?”

Bridget stood and excused herself, taking the dishes and giving us privacy.

Melissa sighed loudly before turning to face me, tucking one leg beneath her. “Ask, but I won’t promise to answer.”

“Is your real name Melissa Hansen?”

“Kind of. Why?”

Kind of? What does that mean?”

“When I arrived in Chicago, I changed it legally. Again… why do you ask?”

“I have a friend who is a detective with the New York police. I asked him to look into your background.”

Melissa’s body tensed like an elastic band under pressure, and I was worried she would snap. “Wow! Just… wow! How dare you make inquiries into my past. My private life. You had no right!”

I reached forward to push a few tendrils of hair behind her ear. She jerked back, cringing, and I dropped my hand to my lap.

“I’m sorry, honey. I would never raise a hand to you. Who’s been hurting you, Melissa?”

Tears slid down her cheeks. “Why were you looking into my past?”

I lifted her hand into mine, relieved when she didn’t pull back. “Honest answer?”

She nodded.

“I suspected you had been beaten by an ex, and I felt inclined to pay him a visit.”

Melissa shot to her feet, and she appeared terrified. As she paced, she dragged her fingers through her hair. “God, no! You can’t, Tim. Please promise me you won’t try to find him.”

I gently pulled her back down to the couch. “Tell me the truth, Melissa.”

“I can’t, Tim. I would like to, but I can’t. It’s too dangerous. Please promise me you’ll let it go, that you won’t pursue this?”

“I promise I won’t push you for answers, but I’m here when you’re ready to trust me to help.”

“You’re already helping and I’m very grateful. Now, tell me how the hell you can afford a place like this? I’m damn sure most pilots wouldn’t earn enough to live in such luxury.”

I laughed. “No, I wouldn’t be here if I only had my pilot’s salary. My parents invested in real estate here in the city. Both residential and commercial buildings. When they were killed, they left a portfolio worth billions along with a large chunk of cash. Their assets were divided evenly between the three of us according to their will. We also won a substantial damages case for their accidental death. When I moved back and bought this place, Anthony, Janie, and Dorothea relocated to the sub-penthouse on the next floor down, and Lily bought the one beneath them.”

Bridget removed our empty cups and plates after setting two bottles of water on the coffee table. Even though it was only early afternoon, I could see Melissa was exhausted. Bridget must have noticed it too and hovered nearby.

“Would you like me to bring you a pillow and blanket, Melissa, so you can nap on the couch?”

Melissa nodded, and moments later, Bridget was back with a pillow and blanket in hand. She placed the pillow on one end of the couch and waited while Melissa kicked off her sneakers and laid down before tucking the blanket around her.

“Is there anything else you would like, darlin’?”

“No, thank you.”

Once she was comfortable, I stood. “I’m going to work out for a while.” I pushed the hair back from her face before leaving.

In my suite, I changed into running shorts and a blue tee before crossing to my office/gym and starting the treadmill. A five-mile run would help ease some of the tension coursing through my body.

Every time I looked at Melissa, seeing the evidence of what the asshole had done to her, anger bubbled within.

My fists clenched hard, and I wanted to rearrange something with them. Preferably the asshole’s face.


At the sound of Bridget’s voice, I stopped the treadmill, stepped off, and wiped my face with a towel.

“Is Melissa okay?” I was instantly on alert.

“Yes. She’s been whimpering a little in her sleep but hasn’t woken. I’ve left dinner in the oven for you both, and there’s apple pie in the refrigerator. A new tub of ice cream is in the freezer. Will you still be taking the kids tomorrow?”

“Yes, I don’t want to disappoint them. I’ll organize a nurse from the service to come in and watch over her.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. She seems relaxed around me, and I’m more than happy to take care of her. I’d bet this isn’t the first time she has suffered abuse, and she’s probably uncomfortable with strangers. She probably trusts you because you’re colleagues, and I imagine Kendall has mentioned that you’re a good man. She probably sees me as a mother figure—non threatening.”

“I can’t ask you to come in on your day off; I’ll figure something out.”

“You aren’t asking, I’m offering, and I won’t be working. I’ll keep Melissa company.”

I nodded, grateful Melissa would be with someone she knew, if only a little. “I wish she would talk to us. Like you, I have a feeling this isn’t the first time she has suffered at this man’s hands. She’s terrified of him and insists he’s dangerous.”

Bridget laid a hand on my arm. “Give her time, honey. Be there for her. Sooner or later, she will need you. Remember, she doesn’t know you very well, and it’s likely she is aware of your reputation, so it’s only natural she would be hesitant.”

My face heated, although what Bridget said about my reputation was true. I felt rather ashamed of myself for some reason. “I don’t know what it is about her, but she’s different. I find myself wanting to protect her. Having her as a one-night stand is the furthest thing from my mind. I’m so damn confused about my feelings toward her.”

Bridget gave me a knowing smile. “You’ll figure it out but be careful with her. I suspect this is only one of many times she’s been through hell. I’m off home and will be back around eight in the morning.”

Leaning forward, I planted a kiss on her cheek, thanked her, and walked her from the apartment. Turning back from the elevator, intending to head to my suite for a shower, I found Melissa awake and watching me. I crossed to the couch and crouched before her.

“Hi, are you okay?”

“Yes, just weary and hurting a little.”

“Mrs. Pearson has left and will be back early in the morning to keep you company while I’m out with the kids.”

“Oh, it’s the flight with the children. I’m so disappointed I can’t come but wouldn’t want to frighten them with my face looking this way.”

“Next time.”


I nodded.

“I would love that.”

“I’m going to shower, and then we’ll eat. Mrs. Pearson has left something in the oven along with apple pie and ice cream.”

“Sounds great, I am hungry.”

When Melissa attempted to sit up, I placed my hands beneath her arms to help.

“I’ll freshen up while you have a shower and then set the table.”

“Open and close cupboards until you find everything; it’s what I do when I’m home.”

Melissa’s laugh followed me from the room, causing a funny feeling in my heart.