A Blessed Song for Their Love by Olivia Haywood

Chapter Eighteen

The doors of the Three-Guns Saloon gently swung on their hinges as Deidrick Voss pushed his way into the dimly lit room, his dark riding coat swaying behind him. The saloon was empty as he walked over to the only other patron in the establishment. The rest of the town was hard at work, ensuring absolute privacy.


Diedrick never did anything without first making sure of all the details. The saloon was their best bet for absolute privacy at ten in the morning.


A tall, bespectacled man with grey streaked hair was sitting in the corner waiting, his boney hands clasped in front of him. His long face was kind as he watched Diedrick cross the room. “Afternoon, Diedrick,” he said in a warm tone.


“Afternoon, Elroy.” Diedrick removed his top hat and placed it on the table, scraping the chair back as he sat.


Elroy Higgs had long been a business associate of Diedrick Voss, but the term ‘friend’ was not a term he used to refer to anyone.


“Has your morning proven to be fruitful?” Elroy Higgs's eyes were a warm brown that twinkled when he spoke, and his thin lips curved at the edges in a permanent smile. He had the kind of face that could set anyone at ease.


"Quite. You will be bumping into Arthur Stratton this afternoon.”


Elroy raised a questioning brow. “Oh? So you have a plan in mind then?”


“My sources tell me that the Stratton Ranch is in grave financial difficulties. He waved the barmaid away before she could speak. “I've gathered from the town's folk that the Stratton's will be more than willing to jump at any opportunity that comes their way.,”


“So I will swoop in as their kindly savior?” The corner of his eyes crinkled as he smiled.


“You will be the answer to all their prayers. The kindly businessman looking to expand his horizons and by doing so help a family in need.”


“And where, pray tell, did I come to hear of this family?”


“The local sheriff is a sap, a bleeding heart if ever there was one. I've already made the acquaintance of the dearly beloved Sheriff. You will bump into him before you see Arthur and thus solidify your alibi should anyone grow suspicious.”


Elroy nodded. “I see, I see. And your part in this venture?”


“Nobody is to know of my presence in town until the time is right. I will remain behind the scenes making sure that everything goes as planned.”


Elroy Higgs sat back in his chair. “And should your plan fail?”


“It won't,” Diedrick snapped. “But should anything go awry, I have a backup plan.”


“I was surprised to get your letter, Diedrick,” Elroy said gently. “I would have thought that a man of your means wouldn't need any help with a matter like this. Of course I am more than happy to assist.”


“I need you to get as much information about Stratton's gambling debts as you can. The usurers around these parts keep a tight ship. I haven't been able to make them talk. They don't trust me yet and I don't have enough time to convince them.”


Elroy nodded. “Is there anything I need to know about Arthur before I meet him?”


“Not that you will need it, but Arthur Stratton is a man of God. His faith is more important to him than anything else. He leant back in his chair and eyed the man over his long, hooked nose. “You do know a thing or two about faith?” he inquired.


“My mother was a woman of the church.” He looked down at his hands on the table. “We went to church every Sunday and read passages from the Bible in the evenings.”


Dedrick's mouth curled into a nasty smile that showed his teeth. “Indeed. I do believe we will be successful Elroy. I admit that I had my doubts about whether or not you would be able to pull this off. But I've planned this out carefully, and I believe I have made the right decision in asking for your help.”


“Of course, I would expect nothing less from you, Diedrick,” He paused and leant forward again, clasping his hands once more. “Tell me, Diedrick, what is so special about this woman that she has you high-tailing across the country to fetch her back? I heard tell of her beauty, but is that the real reason? And why do you think that I would be of use in your plan?”


“She's a good business investment.” Diedrick looked at his partner and smirked. “Don't be coy Higgs, you and I both know that you could talk a Vicar into believing he was the worst sinner alive.”


A dark sneer fell over the man's face, the corners of his mouth fell into a nasty sneer. “I see,” he hissed, his voice losing all the warmth that it had held just moments before.