The Ex Project by Nia Arthurs

Chapter Thirty-One

Zaka ducked behind a column,her heart pounding as she held perfectly still. Rhythmic bass boomed from one of the private rooms, masking Yolanda’s steps.

Did she see me?

Balancing her tray of drinks in one hand, Zaka used the other to find her balance against the wall. Sweat careened down her face.

She couldn’t breathe.

What would she do if Yolanda ran up and demanded to know what she was doing here? Imagining her friend’s stormy brown eyes filled with disapproval made her head swim.

Yolanda didn’t see me. She didn’t see me.

Still panicked, Zaka counted backward from ten.

By the time she got to five, a voice rang out. “Are you hiding?”

Zaka yelped and whirled around.

Her friend, Heavenly, narrowed obsidian-colored eyes and frowned. She was a tall, buxom girl with reddish-brown skin, courtesy of her Mayan mother and Creole father.

Heavenly wore stilettos and heavy perfume. She tapped the carpet in impatience, drawing the eye to her shoes. “What’s taking so long?”

“Nothing. I just… thought I saw someone I knew.”

Heavenly laughed. “So you ran?”

Zaka didn’t laugh with her. Her blood was still pounding from almost being discovered.

Heavenly grabbed her shoulder and squeezed. “Honey, whoever you saw, they were back here too. That means they’re no better than you.”

Zaka pulled her lips into her mouth. Heavenly was wrong. If her friends were back here, it was for a good reason. They didn’t exist in the shadows. Giselle, Latoya and Yolanda were the sunshine, blasting through the clouds and bringing warmth to everything they touched. But Zaka didn’t live in the light. She was born in the dark. Her world consisted of chaos with only brief flashes of relief.

It was why she ducked when she saw Yolanda. Getting dragged into the sunshine would make crawling back where she belonged more painful.

“The client is wondering why the drinks are taking so long.” Heavenly tugged on the tray Zaka carried, causing the premium beer bottles to shake.

“I’m coming.”

“Hurry, girl.”

“I’m right behind you.”

“And smile.” Heavenly tossed her a look of censure. Her long, silky black hair shimmered in annoyance. “You’re gorgeous, but scowling doesn’t look good on anyone.”

“I’m smiling.”

Heavenly adjusted her bosom so more cleavage spilled out of her low V-neck dress. She flashed a brilliant smile. “Like this.”

Zaka bared her teeth in something similar and Heavenly seemed satisfied.

As they headed down the long, dim corridor, a door opened and a man stumbled out. He had a chubby face and eyes that gleamed as he spoke into his phone.

“I don’t care what time it is. Remove the ban immediately and get all the paperwork signed before midnight!” He scurried out of view, yelling instructions. “I’ll make it worth your while…”

“This way,” Heavenly said, pushing the door and holding it open for her.

Zaka’s breath hitched, but she forced her feet to move forward.

The private room was large yet so dimly lit it felt small and suffocating. Long velvet chairs ran the length of the wall and formed an L-shape.

Five men were seated on the settee, each with a girl on either side. The man in the center was the client, a tall, thin, oil tycoon with a sharp nose and eyes that looked at a woman like she was meat.

“Here she is,” Heavenly announced, giggling like a school girl.

Zaka shrank back.

Heavenly nudged her in the side, using her bony elbow to prod her along.

“W-would you like a drink?” Zaka asked, returning to the man she’d been assigned to entertain.

He blinked and gave her a sleepy once-over. “Yes, I would.”

“Could you excuse me?” She gestured to where the drinks were set on the other side of him.

He remained in place.

Zaka hesitated and glanced across the room. Heavenly made a subtle gesture. Do it. Forcing herself to relax, Zaka stretched over the man to pour the drink. He stared at her body, taking in the swath of dark brown skin revealed by the two-piece crop top and mini skirt.

Zaka poured the drink quickly and sat back down. He smiled at her and she couldn’t help wondering what this man was doing here.

He seemed… normal. Like he had a home, a mortgage and a wife. What exactly was he back here looking for? Excitement? A fantasy fulfilled? Her eyes swerved to the client. Was he here for the power he thought this man could give him?

As Heavenly’s laughter rang in the room, Zaka tried to look more sensual and flirty than she felt. “Having a good time?”

“A great time.” He touched her hand.

Her smile trembled at the corners, but she hoped it was convincing enough.

“You must know this already, but you’re very beautiful,” Married Man crooned. His voice was as low as the jazzy music.

“Thank you.” She ducked her head. Perhaps he would assume she was shy and not disgusted.

“You have such an interesting face. Are you from Belize?” He leaned a little too close. Brushed his hand a little too far up her thigh.

Zaka stiffened. “Yes, I am.” She tried to back away without making it too obvious. “Would you like a strawberry?”

“Yes, I would.”

She brought the tray up.

He leaned back in the sofa, spread his legs and pointed to his open mouth.

Zaka shot a look at her co-worker. Names had been exchanged, but Zaka had been so nervous, she didn’t remember any of them.

The other girl looked annoyed by the attention Zaka was getting. Leaning forward, she pressed her hand to Married Man’s chest and crooned, “I’ll feed you.”

“No.” Married Man jutted his chin at Zaka. “I want her to do it.”

The other girl huffed.

Trembling slightly, Zaka gripped a strawberry between her fingers and dangled it over the man’s mouth. He reached out and chomped it, then grabbed her hip and pushed her down for a kiss.

Enraged, Zaka braced her hands on his chest before their lips could collide.

He looked surprised by the force of her rejection.

“Relax,” he said, sliding his hand over the curve of her bottom. “I’ll pay you extra if you behave.”

She didn’t think. She didn’t breathe. She just raised her hand and slapped him.

The smack reverberated through the room, causing everyone to freeze.

Chest heaving, she hissed. “Does it look like I gave you permission to kiss me?”

“That dress you’re wearing is permission!” The man shot to his feet. One of his hands cupped his flaming cheek.

“Zaka!” Heavenly screeched.

Zaka heard her friend’s voice from somewhere in the distance. The world was becoming one big, angry blur and she felt like she was coming apart at the seams.

“You’re disgusting,” she spat.

He flung a derogatory name at her under his breath. “We all know what you’re here for.” He spun around and tossed an accusing finger at Heavenly. “Is this the kind of service you guys provide?”

“No, no, sir.” Heavenly hurried to Zaka and grabbed her elbow. “Let’s go.” Steering Zaka out of the room, she pulled her along until they were in the hallway. There, she tossed her hand down and yelled, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Zaka firmed her lips. Tears stung her eyes, but she would rather die than let them loose.

“Go home. You’ve done enough damage for one night.”

“He’s the jerk,” Zaka argued, fighting feelings of shame and frustration. Heavenly was staring at her like she was the one in the wrong. “He’s—”

“The client,” Heavenly hissed.

“Does that give him the right to touch me?”?

“I told you to take it. I told you you’d get more tips if you just shut up.”

Zaka hurled angry eyes at the ceiling.

“You know what? I knew you weren’t cut out for this, but you begged and begged saying you’d do anything. Does your desperation have a limit, Zaka? Were you only spouting what you thought I wanted to hear?”


“Go. Home.” Heavenly glared at her. “I need to salvage this.”

Her heart tugged painfully, but Zaka nodded and headed out of the restaurant.

The wind howled, blowing through the trees like a monster ravenous for blood. String lights danced back and forth, chanting a song in a language she couldn’t recognize.

Haughty men and women sat on the deck, wearing casual clothes that, for all their simple designs, screamed elegance and sophistication.

She stared at them and lifted a hand, reaching for a world that would never belong to her because she would never fit in there. Heart dropping like a stone, Zaka plugged in her headphones and listened to JEN-TEN’s new album as she walked home.

After letting herself into Heavenly’s apartment, she sat on the couch and released a deep breath.

Her phone rang.

It was Casey.

She cleared her throat and practiced chirping ‘hi’ a couple times. When she was confident she had the right tone, Zaka picked up her brother’s call. “Hey, Casey. You’re calling late today.”

“I was checking in. Coach said he tried to contact you but didn’t get through.”

“Did he?”

“Yeah, he said his girlfriend was looking for you. What happened? Why’d you move out of gran’s place?”

“That old shack was about to come crashing down.”

“Where are you staying now?”

“A friend. She lent me her extra room.” Zaka thumbed the edges of the couch pillow she slept on every night. “I’m having so much fun over here.” Her voice cracked and she hoped he didn’t notice. “It’s like a permanent sleepover.”

“I’m glad. You sound happy.”

“How are you? Those thugs didn’t come back, did they?”

“No, they didn’t.”

“If they do, you have to tell me.”

“I will.”

There was nothing left to say, so she bid her brother goodnight and hung up.

The hours ticked by. Too restless to watch TV while she waited for Heavenly, Zaka got up and cleaned the house.

Heavenly lived in a nice space with air conditioning and a fancy bathtub. She said the house was a gift from a client and Zaka hadn’t asked any questions about who that client was or why he’d gifted her an apartment.

It felt like Heavenly existed between two worlds, the darkness and the light. Not quite fitting into either. She wondered if that was who she had to become to survive.

The door creaked.

Zaka glanced at the clock and saw that it was two a.m.

“I’m back,” Heavenly grumbled. Her heels clicked tiredly against the floor.

“You want something to drink?” Zaka hustled to the fridge.

Heavenly set her purse on the counter and stared at her. “Zaka, what exactly do you want?”

Zaka’s fingers went still.

“You rejected the clients I set you up with. You punked out of the virginity auction—”

Zaka cringed.

“… And now you almost mess up my side hustle just because someone tried to touch you.”

Her nostrils flared. “Heavenly.”

“I’m going to give you one last shot.” She lifted a finger and then tossed down a brown envelope.

“What is it?” Zaka asked without looking down.

“It’s both a job and a favor to me.” Heavenly cocked her head to the side. “One of my clients needs a date to a fundraiser. He’s willing to pay, but I’m already booked for that evening.”

Zaka’s eyes bulged. “So you want me to go?”

“That’s exactly right. I’d ask someone else, but I don’t trust anyone in this business. With you, I know I’m safe. You won’t try to poach him behind my back.”


“The gig follows all your little rules. You don’t have to get naked with him unless you want to. You don’t have to be touched beyond the usual. Just smile and be his arm candy for the night. He’s a decent guy.”

“A decent guy who hires his dates?”

“Yes, Zaka.” Heavenly rolled her eyes. “Stop being such a prude.” She pulled out her phone and flashed a number. “I’ll be considerate of your situation and split the profits with you. You’ll get this much.”

Zaka’s eyes bulged. That would make a serious dent in paying back her debt.

“Well?” Heavenly asked.

“I’ll do it.”

Heavenly grinned. “Perfect. It’s a black-tie event. You can borrow one of my dresses.”

Zaka undid the envelope flap.

Heavenly plodded away. “What are you looking at?”

“I want to see what they’re raising funds for. Do some research.”

“Research?” Heavenly poured herself a glass of water.

“You said I was arm candy. Won’t I be more impressive if I open my mouth and something intelligent comes out of it?”

Heavenly crooked a finger at her. “Don’t get carried away. You have to find your own clients.”

Zaka shuddered. She didn’t want any clients, but she wouldn’t say that out loud. Heavenly was doing her a huge favor by helping her find work and providing a place to live.

“Belize City Hospital,” Zaka murmured, her eyes skipping over the bold fonts. A picture of a man caught her eye and she gasped.

“What?” Heavenly arched an eyebrow.

Zaka couldn’t speak. All she could do was stare at the picture on the invitation.

“Oh,” Heavenly said calmly, looking over her shoulder. “My bad. It’s not a fundraiser. Guess you don’t have to do any research.”

“Guess not.”

It was a party to welcome the new director of Belize City Hospital.

And the man of the hour?

The handsome stranger who’d helped her into a taxi and disappeared.