The Ex Project by Nia Arthurs

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Yolanda curledagainst Duane’s chest as they reclined in the private jet. The ride back to Belize was a gift from his old team, who’d sent a check to the CFA along with the jet as a token of their support for Duane’s new journey.

She appreciated the gesture, only because it allowed her to do some very indecent things to Duane that she would not have been able to do on a commercial flight.

His heartbeat thumped against her palm and she smiled. “Your heart’s beating so fast.”

“After what you just did to me, you think it would be any different?”

Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, still enjoying the taste of him. “Should I buy a private jet?”

“The gas prices are astronomical.”

“True.” She tilted her head.

“We can do this,” he gestured to her body, “on the ground as well as we can in the air.”

She stretched over him like a cat. “Yes, but there’s something about knowing you’re in the sky that makes it… daring.”

“You wild thing.” He kissed her back and shoulder. “Now that my brain is working again…”

“Was it not before?”

He kissed her to shush her. “We need to talk.”

She straightened. “You’re wearing your serious face…” Her eyes slid over him. “And nothing else. And you expect me to concentrate?”

“It’s about what you did with Azueta and the money.”

She sat up, immediately going serious too.

He grabbed her and pulled her back on top of him. “A healthy conversation does not require you sitting up and getting ready for a fight.” His lips skated against the top of her forehead and he spoke softly, “Yolanda, I’m still trying to understand why you paid Azueta off.”

“I wanted to help,” she squeaked, her chest tightening.

“But by intervening in that way, you’re basically saying you don’t trust me to deal with anything. To deal with what needs to be done.”

“That’s not true, Duane. I do trust you.”

“I’m going to need some evidence then.” He caressed her hair.

“What kind of evidence?”

“In the future, I don’t want you running around fixing my problems with money. If you don’t trust me, this relationship can’t work. And I need to be able to trust you too.”

She nodded, falling a little more in love with him for how maturely and respectfully he was bringing the topic up. “I recognize that I did wrong. I’m sorry. I won’t use my influence or money to… meddle with any problems you face.” She leaned in. “But I want you to know that I’m here for you and if you ever need help, just say the word. I will bring an army.”

“Is that a promise?”

“On Ong Sung-hoon’s honor.” She lifted a hand.

He scowled. “That’s the fifth time you’ve mentioned him randomly today. I’m starting to get jealous.”

“You should be jealous. He’s my ultimate bias.”

“And that means?”

“It means I will always love Ong Sung-hoon, no matter what new groups pop up.”

Duane scrunched his nose and it reminded her of Tay-Tay after eating a vegetable he despised. “Should I fly to Korea and duke it out with this guy?”

“If you fly to Korea and meet Ong Sung-hoon without me, I will never forgive you.”

“That’s the seventh time you’ve mentioned him.”

“You’re counting obsessively.”

“You’re the one who’s obsessive.”

She pushed herself up so she was straddling him and ran her hands down his chest. Giving him a hot look, she whispered. “Let me make it up to you.”

“Mm.” He ran his hands down her back.

“I love you.” She kissed his temple and his eyes fluttered closed as if he were completely at peace. Yolanda pressed her lips to his ear. “I love you.” His other ear. “I love you.” She moved to his jaw. “I love you.” Kissing her way down his face, she kept repeating it until he was smiling and caressing her softly.

“That was eight.”

“Have I mentioned you count obsessively?”

“Little kids have a habit of lying when they’re supposed to be doing twenty push-ups. It’s an occupational hazard.”

“Hm.” She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed.

“You haven’t told me why you gave me one more,” he murmured.

“I gave you one more because I love you,” she pushed her thumb and forefinger apart, “a little more than I love Ong Sung-hoon.”

“I’m honored.”

“You should be. That man is so talented he makes my head spin.”

Duane tickled her side. “I hope you talk so highly about me when I’m not around.”

“Why would I do that?” she sassed.

He tickled her and made her laugh, then he kissed her and made her moan until they touched down in Belize.

* * *

Everyone was thereto greet them at the airport, including his family and her friends. Her mother was holding Tay-Tay’s hand, but her son charged forward when he saw them.

Yolanda’s heart burst with pride as her son collided with her. She hugged him tightly and kissed his sweet head.

“I missed you so much,” she cooed.

“Coach!” Tay-Tay threw himself just as enthusiastically at Duane.

He whipped Tay-Tay up and gave him a bone-crushing hug. “It’s good to see you.”

“Coach, I was working on that move you taught me. I can do it now.”

“He’s been working on it day and night,” Jada said, walking up to them with a smile. “Welcome home, baby.”

“Thanks, mom.” Yolanda accepted her kiss.

“You too, young man.” Jada gave Duane the stink eye. “I’m trusting my daughter won’t need to go hopping on any more planes to hunt you down?”

“No, ma’am.” Duane gave her a soft look and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “I plan on staying right here until we’re old and grey.”

“Good.” Jada smirked.

Claire hurried to them next. “Oh, my sweet babies.” She pulled Duane, Yolanda and Tay-Tay close.

“Mom,” Tay-Tay rasped, peering at Yolanda, “I’m choking.”

“Oh, sorry.” Claire laughed, tears in her eyes.

“Mom, what are you crying for?” Gio asked, shaking his head.

“I’m just so happy.” She wiped at the tears that fell. “After Duane got hurt, I was so scared for him. I kept hoping and praying that he would find a new path. And that day is finally here. It’s a little overwhelming.”

“Sweetie, don’t cry. It’s a good day.” Duane’s father collected his wife and patted her back patiently. Watching how gentle he was with her always made Yolanda soft inside. She knew Duane had gotten many of his qualities from his father and that made her feel even safer with him.

Manny approached them next and held out his hand. “Congratulations, you two. I hear your little video confession went viral.”

“It’ll die down in a few days,” Yolanda said.

“I hope not.” Giselle bounded up to them next, dragging West with her. “My smoothie truck is getting a ton of new followers because Duane’s fans are looking into you. I’m so happy we made you the face of our new campaign.”

West slanted her a charming grin. He was a tall, handsome man with thick brown hair and eyes that looked only at Giselle. “You’re good for business, Yollie.”

She laughed.

Cole did a fist-bump with Duane, who was still holding Tay-Tay. “I’m a fan, man. Nice to finally meet you in person.”

“You know how we act when we talk about K-pop?” Latoya tattled. “Cole did the man version when he heard Yolanda was dating Duane Marden.”

“She over-exaggerates,” Cole said with a ghost of a grin.

“Ong Sung-hoon’s honor. He was so excited.”

Cole shook his head and gave his girlfriend a sweet kiss on the cheek. “I was excited because I got to wake up to you.”

Cries of ‘aw’ and ‘get a room’ fluttered around the parking lot.

Claire smacked her hands together. “Everyone must come to our house for lunch.”

“Tamales!” Tay-Tay squealed.

Duane laughed and looked at her son like he would jump in front of a train for him.

Claire smiled, completely charmed. “Yes, sweetheart. Lots of tamales!”

“Yes!” Tay-Tay threw his hands high.

“Are we invited?” Giselle asked. “Because I love tamales.”

“Cole does too.”

Claire glanced at Cole with her eyebrows hiked, but she didn’t say anything to tease him. Bobbing her head, she squealed, “Of course. Of course. Any friend of my daughter-in-law is a friend of mine.”

Yolanda’s jaw dropped.

West frowned and stepped forward. “Yo, Marden. We need to have a talk. If anyone’s getting engaged first, it’s me and Giselle.”

Giselle smacked him. “Stop talking nonsense.”

“Snooze you lose, bro,” Duane said, ever the competitive athlete.

Cole folded his brawny arms over his chest and opened his mouth.

Latoya shushed her giant boyfriend with a look. “Don’t you even start, Cole. If you dare to turn proposing to me into some sort of game, I will hold it against you forever.”

Cole swallowed hard. “We were talking about tamales?”

“Yollie,” Gio whispered in her ear, “I think your friends are crazier than we are.”

“Oh, I’m Yollie now?” She arched an eyebrow.

He smiled sheepishly and stuck out his hand. “Want to start over?”

“Let me think about it.” She tapped her chin and let him stew for a bit. Finally, she accepted his hand. “Okay.”

“Mom, let’s go,” Tay-Tay said when the adults made no moves to get to the parking lot. “I want tamales.”

Everyone chuckled.

Manny dropped a set of keys in Duane’s hand. “Bro, I brought your car in case you wanted to drive Yolanda and Tay-Tay back.”

“Thank you,” Duane said, staring into his brother’s eyes.

Yolanda saw them exchange a heartfelt look and sighed. What would it be like if Tay-Tay had a brother he could look out for and who would look out for him in return?

She caught herself and blinked rapidly. You’re going way ahead of yourself, girl.

Duane, ever observant, leaned down. “What put that smile on your face?”

“I’m never going to tell you.”

“Now I’m curious,” he said, setting Tay-Tay down. Her son walked happily beside his coach, carefree and at ease.

Yolanda gave Duane a sly look. When he opened the door for her, he stole a kiss.

She glanced at Tay-Tay before narrowing her eyes at Duane. “Getting bolder, are we?”

“I love you.” He smirked.

“I love you.”

Turning to Tay-Tay, Duane yelled, “Hey.”

“Yes, coach.”

“I love your mom.”

Tay-Tay gave him a bored look. “I know, coach.”

Yolanda burst out laughing.

Duane’s lips tugged up in amusement. “Glad that’s clear.”

“Yes, coach.” Yolanda saluted.

They got into the car and drove to the Marden home. Despite hosting way less people this time around, the music was just as loud, and the guests were just as rowdy.

The noise got even worse when she showed Latoya and Giselle the video of Ong Sung-hoon’s confession.

“He did not!” Giselle screeched, flying out of West’s arms to grab her phone. “Is that my precious baby?”

“Who’s your baby?” West frowned.

“He’s my baby,” Latoya yelled, tugging the phone.

Cole scrunched his nose.

Yolanda grinned and watched them fight with an evil grin on her face. In the background, she heard Duane ask Cole and West, “Do we stand a chance against that guy?”

“Not a chance in hell.”

“Not one.”

Yolanda smirked when she heard the men’s reply and plucked the phone from her friends. “As you can see, Ong Sung-hoon knows my name. So from here on out, I would like a screenshot of this video to be memorialized in Giselle’s apartment.”


Latoya sighed. “I wish Zaka were here to see this.”

“She would flip. The baby Ong Sung-hoon stans are in that obsessive-infatuation stage.”

“You’re saying you ladies are the mature version?” West’s eyes popped.

“Only people who get personalized Ong Sung-hoon messages can judge me,” Giselle said with a flip of her curly hair.

“I guess taking you to Korea next year means nothing.”

Yolanda watched her friend flip on a dime. Bouncing back into West’s lap, she cooed, “Have I told you how much I love you?”

West pretended to be angry, but he melted as soon as Giselle kissed his cheek.

Latoya pranced into the sofa beside Cole and cuddled up to him. “Babe, can you get me a message from Yenta?”

“Anything you want, babe.”

“Really?” Her eyes glistened.

“Of course. I can color my hair and put on that little mole Yenta has.” He gestured to his cheek. “And I can say whatever you want me to say.”

Latoya scowled and smacked his chest. “Evil.”

Duane pulled Yolanda to him and cradled her to his chest, similar to the way he had on the plane. “Your friends are fun.”

“We’re serious about K-pop.”

He brushed her hair away from her face. “I wanted to mention. I called Zaka’s brother. Casey said she was staying with a friend, but I couldn’t get any more information.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I have someone looking into her. We’ll find her soon.”

He arched an eyebrow.

Yolanda just shrugged. Her eyes tracked to the backyard where Tay-Tay was playing with the Marden’s five dogs. They were wagging their tails and sniffing him. He laughed joyously. Yolanda knew he’d be begging for them to get a dog after this.

“Hey,” Duane whispered, “I wanted to know something.”


“One of these days, can we invite Devon over to my parents for dinner?”

“What?” She almost burst up, but Duane had a good hold on her and kept her locked in his arms. She stared into his silver eyes, sure that she’d heard wrong.

“I don’t want Tay-Tay to grow up feeling guilty for having me in his life. And I don’t want him to think he has to choose. No matter what disagreements I have with Devon, I respect his place as Tay-Tay’s father and I want us to get along for his sake. It’s the best thing for him.”

Yolanda looked at Duane in awe. “How did I get a man as wonderful as you?”

“You started by asking him to fake a relationship…”

“Best decision I ever made.”

He nuzzled her nose with his own. “Best project I ever agreed to.”

Amidst the laughter of family and friends, Yolanda stole a kiss from her son’s football coach and let the warmth of Duane’s love consume her.