A Daddy for Damian by Joe Satoria


We had an office space in Deansgate, an area of Manchester. The building was a twelve-storey block made of glass and red brick. I liked the look of it, very industrial.

I rarely spent any time there. We had two office spaces beside each other. It was a serviced office building with everything we could need from a place. There was a reception area at the front, and several meeting room you could book. We rarely used those; people didn’t come to us for meetings. We went to them, there was much more of a presence when we did that.

On the eleventh floor, our two large offices. We paid for the space, and the view. Even if I rarely used it, it was a nice place for storage. Each of my assistants had been here, and each one of them had tried to do something with the space. They usually started out by looking through the filing cabinets filled with documents, before growing bored by not understanding a single word from the contracts.

I didn’t care. They’d signed those NDAs, they could’ve looked through them, taken pictures, and stored them on their personal computers. But I knew they wouldn’t break those contracts, and I knew my boys were loyal to me. While my reputation was as someone who would give you money with one hand, I could take your business with the other, my assistants went on to bigger and better things thanks to my word and my connections.

That’s probably why Theo told me not to get involved with them. The last thing he needed was for me to get in trouble by sleeping with an employee.

Damian clutched his tattered messenger bag close to himself as we stood in the elevator.

“I’ll get you the key card and codes,” I told him. “It’ll be nice for you to familiarise yourself with things here. I might ask you to have things scanned, or maybe printed, and they have all that here.”

He nodded. “But you’re never here, right?”

“I’m not an office person,” I told him. I had an office in Germany too. My family were all businesspeople too. Owned and operating an insurance and investment company. I had to go back, once a month to keep up appearances, and partake in the family pissing contest to see who was doing better than who.

“Ok. It’s a nice place.”

“You haven’t even seen the office yet.”

I watched his facial expression as we stepped off the lift into the hallway. The windows were frosted glass, except for the doors, they were completely glass, and you could see straight through, except for the blinds.

“It’s been about a week since I was here,” I told him as I pushed the key card into the handle of the door. A light blinked as a mechanical click opened.

Inside, it was a little messy. We had a nice view of the city out of the window. Mostly other tall buildings. There was a desk, cluttered with paper, and behind it, on the wall, there were a couple of articles from various newspapers. When I visited, I liked to be reminded of my success. It helped me remember that here, in this country, I was considered a success.

“It’s big,” he said.

“You haven’t seen it hard yet,” I blurted.

It didn’t faze me, although the way he blushed as he looked me over. I noticed his eyeline stop at my crotch. He was wondering about it. And I was trying not to say things like that.

I guess I was failing.

“The office is big,” he added.

Sitting in the chair behind the desk, I’d forgotten how comfortable this thing was. A year ago, Theo had bought two of them, him, thinking if there was something as comfortable as this here, I might spend more time in the office.

“You’ll need this,” I said. I placed a new unboxed phone still in the wrapper on the desk. “And this.” I added a prepaid SIM in the packet. “You can get this set up in your own time.”

“Oh. You weren’t kidding about that.” He looked at the phone.

It was probably six months old. I’d bought a handful of them since assistants were coming and going like I operated on a revolving door.

“I never joke,” I said with a smirk. “So, I didn’t ask, how was the food?”

“Good, yeah. It was good.”

Standing, I walked around the desk to him. “So, this is where you can be,” I said. “I’m not sure what any of these papers are. But maybe Monday, or Tuesday, since we have the meeting on Monday, you can come here and sort these out.”

He nodded, looking up at me. He had wide eyes. So innocent. It started like this, and before I knew it, I was making another notch on the desk. “Ok.”

“You’re making it hard,” I mumbled. “I want to kiss you.”

He wet his lips. People who weren’t expecting a kiss didn’t went their lips at the word.

Placing my hand around the back of his head, resting on his shoulder and neck. I kissed him. A gentle peck on his lips as he closed his eyes.

I kissed him again.

Another. His hand at my chest. His fingers pining to get into my shirt. He kissed me back, harder.

He dropped his messenger bag as I guided him to sit on the desk. Pushing both his legs apart as I stood between them, continuing to kiss him. I pulled at his tie, tugging it free from around his neck.

His hand at my tie. “Can I?”


I stood, my chest out and my shoulders broad. He tugged my tie free, flicking out from around my shirt collar.

A sharp clean knock came at the door.

Turning, I already knew who it was. Theo stood with a judgmental stare on his face, and beside him, Nina. Cocking her eyebrow at me.

I turned back to Damian, sitting on my desk in shock. His face, a gorgeous picture, painted in the type of expression you feared. Rosy pink cheeks and wet lips.

“Take the rest of the day to get the phone sorted,” I said. “Make sure to text me when it’s done. And make sure the phone stays on. And this—” I gestured with a hand over the situation. “This stays here. I’m not trying to get a reputation.”

He nodded with understanding.

His tie dangled, untied. I pulled it together, knotting it for him.

Damian left and I turned to see Theo behind me, shaking his head. Thankfully, his assistant wasn’t there, but I was sure she’d be in the office next door with a glass to the wall, listening in.

“I thought you said it would be different,” he said.

“It is,” I chuckled.

“You know, first day,” he continued. “I knew you couldn’t help yourself. The curse of your oh-so strange hiring routine.”

I scoffed. “You can’t blame me; did you see him?” My teeth sank into my bottom lip, recalling the gentle touch of his lips and the way his tongue had prodded at my tongue. He was curious but cautious. “And I think you’ll find; I’m trying my best.”

“I’d disagree,” he chuckled. “What would you be doing in here if I didn’t knock?”

“Probably giving this desk a well-deserved clean,” I said, gesturing to all the papers. “And I’m not sure what I’d call that, but I think you’re a bit of a pervert.”


“You were watching.”

“I knocked.”

I sucked on my teeth. “But how long before knocking were you stood watching?” I asked. “You’ve spilled your guts to me on your fantasies before. I mean, you invested in that peep hole place.”

“Peep hole,” he snickered. “It was a production company, and they make excellent porn. It’s scripted, but—”

“Right,” I said. “So, should I get a camera installed there?” Pointing to a corner. “Or there? I don’t want you to miss out.”

“There won’t be any missing out,” he said, “because I thought you weren’t going to fuck this one.”

I shrugged. “Maybe the next one, I won’t.”

“Or maybe you can actually keep him on, train him, and get this place into shape.”

That was another option, but it would mean not fucking him. And we’d already got so far on my desk already, it would be cruel to him if I left it at kissing.