Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




“Sarah, can you take care of Doris and Phillip while I clean the tables?”

Sarah’s already standing behind the counter while I’m heading over to the three tables with dirty dishes to clean. “Yeah, I’m on it.”

The door of Elle’s Café opens, and I look up to smile at the customer. Oh shit. Elise walks through the door, oversized sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, dressed in skinny jeans and a flowery white blouse. She takes her glasses off and looks around the café. The moment she sees me, her face erupts in a huge smile. “Dani!” She wraps her arms around me, squeezing and kissing my cheek.

“Hi, Elise,” I say with a shaky voice.

“You know, I haven’t been here since it was renovated. Wow, Elle’s doing well for herself.” Elise’s happiness pours out of her. “So, how are you?” She looks down at my tummy.

Ah, right. She found out. “I’m okay,” I reply honestly while I continue to clean the tables.

“Are you working at the restaurant after here?” she asks, but I have a gut feeling she knows I don’t have a shift there today.

“Not today.” I take a deep breath, nervous for what’s to come. “How are you?” I stack the dirty dishes on top of each other, put them in the tub and wipe the table before moving to the next one.

“Can we talk, please?”

Elise has been nothing but kind to me. The very least I can do is speak with her. The dark circles beneath her eyes, tell me she’s had sleep-disturbed nights and is desperate for this chat. “Of course, can you give me five minutes so I can finish cleaning?”

“How about if I help you?” She hooks her bag on the crook of her elbow, and carries the wide tub we use to stack several tables’ worth of dirty dishes.

“You don’t have to do this, Elise. I can do it.”

“Please, Dani, let me help.” I have a feeling her eager plea represents more than carrying the dish tub.

“Sure.” I straighten my shoulders, somewhat uncomfortable at the prospect of our difficult conversation. “Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I wipe the tables, and when I’m done, Elise follows me out to the kitchen and places the tray beside the dishwasher. “Would you have a coffee with me?”

“It’s nearly closing time. If you can hang around for about half an hour, Walter and Sarah will be gone, and we can have that coffee with a side of privacy.”

“Thank you, Dani.” She reaches out and places her hand over mine. “Really, thank you.”

I give her a nod, and continue with what needs to be done before we close.

I pour two coffees and place two blueberry muffins on a plate. I take the coffees over to where Elise is sitting, then return with the muffins. Sitting opposite her, my heart is trembling and I feel a straining bubble of nausea sitting in my throat. Elise picks up her coffee and takes a sip. “My son is an ass,” she says when she lowers the mug.

I damn near spit the coffee out. Simultaneously, I laugh and cough. “I wasn’t expecting you to be so blunt.”

“Well, he is.”

“We’re talking about Rhett, right?” I ask as I break a piece of muffin off and nibble on it.

“Yes, he’s the one who acted like an ass when you told him you’re pregnant. Although, the other two have been grade A asses in their relationships, too.” She reaches for a napkin and slides her muffin off the plate, then pushes the plate over to me. “What he said to you...”

“He told you?” I ask.

“He told me he said some incredibly hurtful and horrible things.” My shoulders sink as I lower my chin and gaze. Jesus, what must she think of me?

“I don’t know the right thing to say here, Elise. If I say yes, Rhett was being insensitive and an asshole, then it appears like I’m complaining to his mother. If I say I’m fine with what he said, then I have no reason to be upset with him.”

“Dani, I really like you, and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive that buffoon son of mine. Because, at the end of the day, he loves you more than he’s ever loved anyone else. But if you decide to walk away from him, I want you to know I want to be in my grandbaby’s life. I’m hoping and praying you don’t cut me out.”

“I don’t know what to do, Elise.”

“Do you love Rhett?”

“I’ve loved him for so long,” I honestly reply. “But he tore my heart out and stomped all over it.”

“I know, I was furious when I found out what happened, for so many reasons, but mostly because of how disrespectful he was. Tell me this. In all the time you’ve known him, have you ever heard or seen him to be so crass with anyone? Has he given you any reason to believe those vile words would be repeated?” Before I respond, she holds her hand to stop me. “I know you’ve only been together less than a minute, but you also went to school together.”

I pluck a juicy blueberry out of the muffin and pop it into my mouth. “Rhett is protective, and caring, and a beautiful person,” I reply without lifting my gaze to meet her eyes. “I’m scared that if life gets hard for us, his natural reaction will be to blame me. I did nothing wrong here, Elise.”

“I know,” she quickly responds. “Neither Rhett nor I believe you became pregnant intentionally. But now we all have a baby to think about, unless you’re considering...” she pauses and sucks in a deep breath.

“I was,” I say knowing what she’s asking. “But I don’t think I can.” I place my hand possessively over my stomach. “I mean, if I had to I would, but I don’t think I can. May’s kind enough to let me live there.”

“I think now,” Elise says, her voice rising. “You’ll move in with me, Dani.”

I narrow my eyes and shake my head. “That’s not a good idea.”

“No one is going to look after this little baby better than its own family will. Me, Dean, Alec, and Rhett.”

I shake my head while pursing my lips into a tight frown. The corners of my lips tremble as I try to keep in the sob. My soul is screaming with hurt. “I don’t want Rhett to do anything he doesn’t want to, Elise. Including being around me or the baby. I’ll stay at May’s.”

“No!” Elise adamantly counters. “No, your home is not there.”

“It wouldn’t be fair to Rhett, or to you and your family to have me hanging around with a baby when it’s family dinner night.”

“You and the baby are both Morgans.”

“No, we’re not. And I’m not giving this baby the Morgan name, considering the father doesn’t want anything to do with either of us. I’m sorry, but giving my baby its father’s surname is reserved for a man who wants to be a father.” Elise picks the mug up and sips the coffee. Her hands are trembling. “I appreciate how you want to be part of the baby’s life, and I thank you for reaching out to me.” I swallow and sit on my hands to stop the shaking. “If you want to be part of this baby’s world, then I’m grateful and happy to keep you updated on everything.”

Elise’s forehead crinkles as she thinks about my words. “I’d love to be part of everything. If you have a doctor’s appointment, please let me know so I can be there with you. Anything at all, I want to be part of it.”

“If you want to know when everything is, I’m happy to let you know.”

She breaks another part of the muffin off, and starts chewing on it. “Dani, I don’t want you to do this alone.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “It’s the way I’ve done a lot of things in my life. The family I once had didn’t love me enough to stick around. Maybe I’m just not cut out to have a family.”

“I’m your family, Dani.” She hesitantly reaches across for my hand but quickly retracts it when I don’t reciprocate.

“You’ve always shown me such kindness, Elise, and for that I’m incredibly grateful. Thank you.”

Slowly, a pained smile stretches her mouth. “You and my son, you’re a perfect match. You both need each other. He’s miserable without you, and I can see, you’re trying not to be miserable without him.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“You’re hurting, and trust me when I tell you, I know. His mouth ran before his brain had a chance to catch up. But he’s a good man who’ll do right by you both.” She glances at my stomach. “You’re a good woman, Dani. You need to learn to trust him again. Your walls have been so high for so long, that he needs to work extra hard to break them down. Neither of you deserve to go through life without the other.”

I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away, and stare out the window. My entire body weeps at the painful thought of going through life without Rhett. “I woke at about two and saw Rhett’s car at the bottom of the driveway, so I went and knocked on the window. He was asleep.” I half smile. “I asked him why he was sleeping in his car, and he said he didn’t want to be too far in case I needed him.”

“I told you, he loves you. He’s just an idiot.” Elise chuckles.

“I let him sleep on the sofa.”

“Did you?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Then he’s lucky, because if it was me, I would’ve left him to sleep in the car.” Elise laughs a little louder. The mood between us lightens. “And by the way, he has no idea I was coming today.”

“He doesn’t know?” I ask, genuinely shocked. The thought of him sending her here was in the back of my mind.

“Nope. But, that’s what family does, Dani; we stick together. It won’t surprise me if the other two buffoons don’t reach out shortly.”

“I don’t know where this journey is going to take us, Elise. I feel like I’m barely making my way through the darkness, guided only by a flicker of a light. My heart beats for Rhett. I just need time.”

She snorts with laughter. “My boy has no idea about time and boundaries. He’s going to be a thorn in your side.”

“He already is.”

Elise finishes her coffee, and pushes out from the bench she’s sitting on. “Thank you for talking to me, Dani. As far as Rhett is concerned, make him grovel, but not too much.” I walk her to the door, where she turns and hugs me. “I’m glad he picked you.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek, and another hug before she leaves and I lock the door.

My head begins to pound with a stew of emotions. I had no idea what was going to happen when I saw Elise enter the café. As it turns out, I feel at ease and dare I say, happy that I got to speak to her.

Now I need to figure out if I want to move forward in my journey with or without Rhett.

My heart knows what it wants.

My soul craves the connection.

But if he hurts me again, I don’t think I’d be able to cope.

I don’t know what to do.

I open the slider to find May sitting on the porch of her house. “Hi, Gran.” I wave.

“Ah, I thought you were home. Come up and join me for an iced tea,” she calls from where she’s sitting. I slip on a pair of shoes, and head up to meet her. “Go get yourself a glass.” She gestures behind her toward the kitchen. When I return, she picks the pitcher up and pours me a glass of her iced tea. “Best iced tea in Hope River. My own recipe.” She holds her glass up, and we clink together.

Taking a sip, I love the strong lemon taste. “It’s delicious.”

“The lemons are from my own tree.”

“It’s nice.”

“How are things going with you, Dani?” she asks.

“Um...” I shrug. “You know.”

“Did Elise come to see you yet?”

I crane my neck to stare at May. “You called her and told her?”

“Of course,” she says with passion. “She’s a good woman, and she needed to know her son was being a jackass. She also deserved to know where you were.”

I’m not sure how I feel about May calling Elise. “She came to see me today at the café.”

“And?” May pushes.

“She wants to be a part of the baby’s life.”

“Just the baby’s? That woman doesn’t strike me as someone who’d abandon you.”

“She’s not. She wants me to move in with her.”

“Excellent!” May smacks her thigh with enthusiasm.

“You want me gone?” I’m so confused.

“God, no. But family always comes first. If Elise wants you to move in with her, that means she sees you as family.” I sigh and bring the glass to my lips. “That boy is here,” she adds as she looks down the long dirt driveway to see Rhett’s car pulling up and turning off on the other side of her property line.

“Yes, he is.” I sigh and look toward the car and take in another deep breath. I rub my lips with my fingertips, trying to process everything.

“What’s going through your mind?”

“Too many things,” I reply honestly. “My life has never been easy, but now...”

“Now? You can leave it as it is and keep fighting an uphill battle, or you can let that boy in to love you.”

“That’s not fair. It wasn’t me who accused him of cheating.”

“I didn’t say for you to let him in straight away. You can’t let him off the hook so quickly. He has to grovel, and he has to earn your trust again. Besides, he has to know that what he did was unacceptable, so he never does it again. But in saying that, are you prepared to lose him over this?”

My immediate reaction is to firmly spit, “No.”

“Then let him beg and grovel.” She purposely glances down at his car. “By looks of things, he’s spending every available moment here.”

“He finished work early this morning. I take it he went home, had a shower and slept.”

“And now he’s back,” May says with a smile.

“I should go see what he wants.”

“Or you can invite him in for dinner. There’s a pie baking, and it’s way too big for me to have on my own.”

Did she do this on purpose? There’s a knowing glint sparkling in her eye. “You think I should?”

“I think you should do what you think is right.”

I pick my drink up and finish it, then stand and walk into May’s to rinse the glass out. When I return, I see May’s made her way down the porch, and is signaling for Rhett to come up the driveway. Yeah, she did it on purpose alright. She knew he’d be driving out here and staying at the end of the driveway, just the way he has been since he found out I was staying here.

May turns and heads back when he acknowledges her signal and makes his way up to park his car next to mine. “You knew he’d be here,” I say to May as she opens the door to her house.

“What? Me?” She dramatically places her hand to her heart. “I had no idea,” she says in a rehearsed and staged voice.

“No idea, my ass,” I mumble.

“I need to go to the bathroom.” She’s so damn cheeky. Rhett approaches the porch and May smiles at him. “I shouldn’t be too long. You two kids should sit and talk.” She closes the door, and locks us out! Played by an old lady!

Rhett sits in May’s chair. His knee is bouncing, and he wipes his hands several times down the front of his jeans. “Mom told me she came to see you today.”

“Did she?” I ask.

“She did. She told me she asked you to move in with her.” I purse my lips together and nod. “I want you to come home, Dani.” I chew on the inside of my cheek, not wanting to speak. “I miss you.” He stares down at his shoes. “I’m sorry for being a dick.” I still remain quiet. “Please, say something.”

“Um, May’s made a pie and asked us to stay for dinner.”

Rhett’s forehead crinkles as he glances backward to the front door. “I’ll only stay if you want me to. If not, I’ll be down there.” He points to where he’s been sleeping in his car.

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?” he asks, confused.

“Why are you staying in your car? You’ve got a perfectly good bed, but you choose to sleep in your car.”

“I told you. The only place for me is where you are. If that means I have to sleep in my car, then so be it. I’m not above pleading to get you back.”

I sit back in the chair and look out to see the chickens heading toward their pen. The afternoon sun is dropping, and there are so many pretty colors beginning to form in the sky. “I’m terrified, Rhett.”

“About what?”

“That I’m easily disposable to you, and this baby will grow up not having you in his or her life, because you’ll always think the worst of me.”

Rhett flies out of his chair, and kneels before me. “You’re not disposable to me. I was an idiot who said things I shouldn’t have said. I’m sorry.”

“You’ve apologized enough. That’s not my point. My parents left me, and I’m their daughter. If they can so easily leave me, then what says you can’t too?”

He leans in and cups my cheeks. “I can’t predict what’ll happen in the future, Dani. No one can. Look at my dad. He woke up one day, kissed Mom goodbye and never returned. What I can tell you, is as long as I live my heart will be dead without you in my life. Everything around me is nothing without you.”

My eyes well with tears, and a few spill over. He wipes at my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I don’t know,” I say softly.

“I know.” He wraps me in a tight hug. “I understand.”

“Just, give me some time, Rhett.”

“As long as you don’t mind me hanging around, and going full-on stalker. I’ll give you as much time as you need.” He pulls back, softly cups my cheeks again, and places a tender kiss to my forehead. I grip his arms, loving the feel of his muscled forearms beneath my touch.

“Full-on stalker, huh?”

“Yeah. Red-zone stalker.” He chuckles. Thing is, I know he actually means it too. “Come home,” he whispers.

“I’m not ready for that, Rhett.”

He closes his eyes and leans his forehead on mine. “Please don’t stay away for too long. I’m not me without you.”

The back door unlocks, and May calls, “Dinner.”

Damn she’s a cheeky old woman. I bet she was listening the whole time.

“Come, my queen. Dinner.” Rhett pushes up and holds his hand out to me. I reach out and place my hand in his. He lifts it, and kisses my skin. I’d be lying if I said I don’t love him.